4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. Technology transfer: Developing and least developed countries (LDCs) may require technology transfer to build the capacity of local companies.

      Tech transfer has been long advocated by the global south, especially the LDCs. However, the LDCs have not received any remarkable and meaningful tech transfers as inscribed in the multilateral provisions. It is well said in the agreements, yet the proper effort of the developed countries remains insufficient.

    2. If source code is unlawfully copied, obtained, or used dishonestly for commercial gain, WTO members may pursue legal action against the offender in the courts of another member.

      Other than legal action at the national court procedure, are there any multilateral tracks or options that WTO Members can alternatively proceed?

    3. The source code of computer software is protected in the same way as a ‘literary work’, meaning it is under copyright protection from the moment the first line of code is created.

      It is a pressing challenge for developing countries and LDCs who are having insufficient IPR enforcement.

    4. Fostering trust among actors is also essential

      This is the most important cause of action for all actors to mutually respect each other and negotiate in a good faith manner. There is no win-win outcome of the negotiation without having trust building. Despite of the different levels of e-commerce regulatory regimes, collaboration and dialogue with trust is compulsory.

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