- Mar 2022
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AI strategy and Policy
For the benefit of everyone, South Africa's AI strategy encourages a coordinated and collaborative approach among African countries, rather than competing as countries, universities, research institutions, and ICT businesses. The idea is that 'no one should be left behind'
arely speaks about AI,
In South Africa the media does cover AI, but information is directed more to the business sector rather than actually educating ordinary citizens about AI.
unemployment and inequalities.
In South Africa even though there is a large percentage of companies that are actively piloting AI within their organizations, but there is a sense of fear from many workers who do not understand how AI works, they believe they will lose their jobs.
sectors in which the introduction of AI is more palpable?
A survey that was conducted in South Africa with regards to usage of AI. The companies using it reported that 83 percent is used in automation and 70 percent in prediction.