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  1. Jan 2022
    1. But for the structured thought it demands, and the ease with which it can be shared and edited, the written word is made for remote work.

      Even in time of video and brief message, writing gains in relevance because it forces us to think with clarity and clear structure.

      “The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen,” reckoned Lee Iacocca.

      Writing also preserve the history of projects and activities.

      Centrality of writing for our management (long documents), research and courses (Textus) seems to be the right choice (although at some points counter-intuitive).


    2. “In my experience, discussion expands the space of possibilities while writing reduces it to its most essential components.”

      Why writing is important for 'closure' in discussions and actoinable points.

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  2. Dec 2021
    1. Golden Ration Typography

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    1. Let us make words dance

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  3. Nov 2021
    1. After you have the headings down, make sure to also use shorter paragraphs. This isn’t high school English, where paragraphs had to be a minimum of five sentences. This is blogging, where paragraphs above five sentences could sometimes get ignored.

      use shorter paragraphs

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  4. Oct 2021
    1. 1. Let Your Writing Shine with Typology

      the best typology websites.

    2. They found that adding an image every 75-100 words gets the most shares. Placing images every 125-150 words leads closely behind.

      We need many images.

    3. Long-form writing has become quite a trend largely in thanks to sites like Medium.com, the blogging platform started by Twitter co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams. And while that site didn’t invent long-form content, it did put long-form articles on the map as it relates to the digital space and how that translates into greater engagement.

      Medium helped revitalise long-form articles

    4. In this guide, we’ll talk about what long-form articles are, why you should be writing them, and the tools you can use to make the most of your website’s first impression.

      Use this form to start our blog posts.

    5. Most web pages have just under one minute to make their case for visitors to either stay or bounce.

      This is time-frame that we must use

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