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- Sep 2021
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Education is an important tool utilized to equip, capacitate, develop and empower every learner to create and/or sustain development and attain the future we want. The closure of schools and institutions of higher learning due to the pandemic, hashad anunparalleled devastating impact to millions of learners. This has been more pronounced in the developing world, mainly because many of these countries are not adequately equipped to pursue their education virtually. Theimpact of students being out of schoolfor an extended period of time was enormous and a nightmare in many developing countries. The lack of access to digital learning resources was a setback tostudents’ learning opportunities.Upon resumption of classesin the Kingdom of Eswatini, schools had to stagger attendance in order to prevent the snowballing of infections and the spread of the virus,as it evolvesand changesphases
Effect on COVID-19 on education in Eswatini. SInce schools are not tech-ready, children have missed out
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
During the pandemic, information technology was the main engineof sociallife and has proved firmly its role and positionin the life of the 21stcentury. Prior to the COVID-19, the use of information technology was deeply ingrained in economic, business and financial relations, but during the pandemic, remote diagnosticsandtreatment, e-learning, and home-based working were expanding andbringingnew forms of labor organization.
Use of information technology