8 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2022
www.who.int www.who.int
Impact of onling gambling on health - WHO
- Feb 2022
www.eda.admin.ch www.eda.admin.ch
The global COVID-19 crisis has highlighted that while new digital technologies can help us better understand and contain the spread of a pandemic, for example through the use of digital contact tracing, and while they underscore the importance of issues relating to technical standardisation and cross-border cooperation, these technologies also raise a number of questions, for example about application security and data protection.
Balancing formulation: possibilities/chances vs risks/dangerous
It is more on side of possibilities
- Sep 2021
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Some other components are ICTisation of schools,Integrated Taxation System, and electronic Patient Information management.On the other hand, our Central Bank is also piloting a project on digital Ngultrum, Bhutan’s currency, using block chain technology. This is to adapt with the overall ICT transformation and harness technology for a 21st century Bhutan.
digitalised taxation system, use of ICTs in schools, digital currency using blockchain
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
The digital divide has prevented access to education, health care, and many other essential services to millions of people around the world.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
And we agreedonthe development of the EU Digital certificate. An innovative concept that Greece proposed, the implementation of which has been central to the restoration of our freedoms, the support of tourism and the rejuvenation of our economies.
EU digital certificate
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
During the pandemic, information technology was the main engineof sociallife and has proved firmly its role and positionin the life of the 21stcentury. Prior to the COVID-19, the use of information technology was deeply ingrained in economic, business and financial relations, but during the pandemic, remote diagnosticsandtreatment, e-learning, and home-based working were expanding andbringingnew forms of labor organization.
Use of information technology
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Mr. President, the exposed weaknesses of our health systems, must be addressed, with innovative measures, with the use of modern technology and international cooperation.•Allow me, as we go forward, to underscore the importance of using science andtechnology, for peaceful purposes
Modern tech can help address the exposed weakness in health systems, as long as they are used for peaceful purposes
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
La pandemia y la revolucióndigital se han retroalimentado. Sin duda los avances de la tecnología digital nos han permitido enfrentar mejor la pandemia. Por ejemplo, sería difícil imaginar cómo habríamos enfrentado esta pandemia sin avances recientes como el Hospital Digital, la Comisaría Virtual o Chile Atiende. Por otra parte, la pandemia ha acelerado la instalación de la sociedad digital, que ha cambiado nuestra forma de trabajar, educarnos, informarnos e interactuar en sociedad, cambios que llegaron para quedarse.
digitalisation and covid-19...the role tech played during the pandemic