3 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
The Least developed countries (LDCs) are the most vulnerable group of countrieseven at the first quarter of the 21stcentury. They should be freed from the dehumanizing conditions of poverty and under development.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Mr.President,SaintLuciaiscallingfortheadoptionofaglobalvulnerabilityindexbyinternational institutions.This index should include variables such as vulnerability to adverseweathersystemsandnaturaldisasters,historicaldisadvantagesarisingoutofplunder,colonialismandexploitation,andthevagariesoftheeconomicactivitieswhichsuchstatesdependforsurvival.Such a global vulnerability index would ensure that access to concessional development financeis granted based on criteria that consider the true contexts of our fragile economies, which areconstantlyunderthreatofregression,dueto natural, man-madeorpoliticaldisasters
Interesting proposal by St Lucia, for a global vulnerability index, on the basis of which, countries would have access to development finance.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Denmark will respond to the call of the Secretary-General. And massively scale up Danish grant-based climate finance to at least 500 million USD a year by 2023. And we are dedicating 60 percent to adaptation in poor and vulnerable countries. In addition, we are strengthening our efforts to mobilize public and private finance from other sources.