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  1. Jul 2022
  2. Dec 2021
    1. In 2022, they want to test the use of a high-altitude balloon to release dust to dim sunlight—a technique that may, at this rate, be needed to buy the world more time to decarbonise.

      ||Jovan|| To test what is going on here.

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  3. Sep 2021
    1. Timor-LesteappreciatesthepreparatoryprocessundertakenandlooksforwardforaproductiveoutcomeofCOP26forgeneratinginternationalcooperationtoscaleupglobaleffortstofulfillingourobligationsundertheParisAgreementtoprotectourplanetforcurrentandfuturegenerationbasedoncommonbutdifferentiatedresponsibilities
    2. Timor-Lesteareoftenforcedtodealwithsevereclimateeventssuchasfloods,landslides,droughts,sealevelriseandglobalwarming,whicheventuallyundermineourexistenceandthreatenhumanityandhumanrights.
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    1. I want to believe that the achievements made by the DPRK in dealing with global health crisis and disastrous climate change will make a positive contribution to the efforts of the international community to recover from COVID-19 and build sustainablesocio-economic resilience.
    2. At the present time, it is the core policy of the DPRK government to cope with the global health crisis andclimate change with a foresighted plan
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    1. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, equity and respective capabilities should be at the center of the climate agenda to ensure climate justice.
    2. Nepal is at the sharp end of climate change despite its negligible share in greenhouse gas emissions. On our part, we reiterate our commitment to delivering climate-resilient development pathways by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050.
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    1. Our acute susceptibility to climate change stems from our inherently complex structural vulnerabilities as Small Island Developing States that trap us in a mire of compounding risks; sentencing us to a cyclical struggle of recovery, rebuilding and redevelopment.
    2. We hope that COP 26 will agree to complete the outstanding issues and to fully operationalise the Paris Agreement on a scale that will support cooperation on mitigation, adaptation and compliance.
    3. It is therefore Mr. President, our moral responsibility to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement through credible, concrete, enhanced commitments. The commitment made by developed countries to mobilize one hundred billion dollars annually to support mitigation and adaptation in developing countries must be met.
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    1. But Iceland’s main contribution in the fight against climate change will continue to be our knowledge and experience in the use of green energy solutions. This is a global crisis, and we must rely on each other’s expertise and knowledge.

      sharing expertise and knowledge on green energy solutions

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    1. Mr.president, climate action stands out among the sustainable development goals reflected in the 2030 Agenda, the biggest standard setting agreement of the United Nations in its recent history
    2. Theupcoming COP26 in Glasgow is the ultimate test for our collective resolve.I sincerely hope that we will be able to pass it together.
    3. We are heartened by the return to a comprehensive multilateralist approach evidenced by the enhanced support for the Paris climate agreement.
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    1. We are also committed to working with partners in new areas such as green finance and clean energy solutions.26. And we look forward to substantive outcomes at the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow
    2. For small island nations like Singapore, climate change remains a clear and present danger.
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    1. The targets under the environment and sustainable development agenda are overdue and can no more be overtaken by events
    2. Global-warmingis the most alarmingdriver of poverty.Agrarian and pastoralist communities and economies like ours with these livelihoodsface an existential challenge
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    1. As an ocean locked state, Solomon Islands remainscommitted to negotiating a legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction underthe UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
    2. The devastating impact ofplastic pollution onour fragile marine ecosystemsdemands a global binding agreementto reduce plastic pollution in our oceans. We support the establishment of such an Agreement
    3. COP26 in Glasgow to be held inNovember this year, presentsan opportunityfor the world tooperationalize the Paris Agreement, and concludenegotiationson the Paris Rulebook.
    4. Climate Change as the ‘single greatest threat’to our people and to the planet.It is a global issue that needs a global solution
    5. As a Small Islands Developing State,Solomon Islands continues to battle with the incremental effects of climate change and its negative impacts that threaten the livelihoods, security,and wellbeingof our people.
    1. Climate change and climate-related eventscontinue to threaten the existence of Small Island Development Statessuch as ours.
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    1. Belize, like other SIDS, is on the frontline of a climate crisis for which we are not responsible. Belize incurs annual losses of close to 4 percent of GDP due to natural disasters. Therefore, we felt an obligation to put forward an ambitious revised Nationally Determined Contribution.
    2. The Common Framework and Debt Service Suspension Initiative failed to offer forbearance to most middle-income SIDS, including Belize, who were ineligible despite our debt unsustainability. At the same time, most of our countries had no recourse to concessionary financing to fund the immediate health response.
    3. For a small island andlow-lying coastal State like Belize, which three days ago celebrated forty years of political Independence, the world today is hostile and precarious. No one can deny that the planet is getting hotter.
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    1. As the science and the research haveshown, wemustalso see the oceansasplayinga vital role as a climate mitigator. Wesupport the development of a legallybindinginternational instrument on the conservation and sustainable useof marine biological diversity
    2. In their effortstocombat these changes,SIDShave been unableto access climate finance at the pace and scale necessary.
    1. Denmark will respond to the call of the Secretary-General. And massively scale up Danish grant-based climate finance to at least 500 million USD a year by 2023. And we are dedicating 60 percent to adaptation in poor and vulnerable countries. In addition, we are strengthening our efforts to mobilize public and private finance from other sources.
    2. We must continue our path towards a green future. And we mustdo it faster.We need to keep the Paris Agreement goal alive. Limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. Climate change hits the world’s poorest and weakest communities hardest.
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    1. We are strongly committed to the implementation of the sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. We are committed to global efforts and will continue to work actively to meet our obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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    1. The continuation of the Corona p andemic, and its excessive p lundering of the gains achieved by states, to reach the sustainable develop ment goals, have shown the extent of intermeshing and interconnect between the various dimensions of sustainability, whereby the issue of climate change and the ecological systems associated with it, were not isolated from global imp act waves
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    1. wo, adequate financing must be made available to developing countries. This can be ensured through comprehensive debt restructuring; expanded ODA; redistribution of unutilized SDRs, and allotment of a greater proportion of SDRs to developing countries; and finally,provision of climate finance
    2. Pakistan’s contribution to global emissions is negligible. Yet we are among the 10 most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate changein the world.
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    1. Je pense notamment au transfert destechnologies «propres» et à l’amélioration de l’accès des peuples aux énergies renouvelables, afin d’accélérer leur passage à une industrie décarbonée, respectueuse de l’environnement.

      transfer of technologies, renewable energies.

    2. Le lien entre changement climatique et insécurité me parait ainsi évident. Comme vous le savez, le Gabon a toujours eu un engagementen faveur de la paixet de la sécurité climatique. Cet engagementrestera entier tout au long du mandat de mon paysen qualité de Membre non Permanent du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies,pour la période 2022-2023.En me réjouissant de la confiance de la Communauté internationale, je voudrais ici réitérerma ferme volonté d’œuvrer sans ménagement, dans la dynamique de faire taire les armes en tous lieux et d’inscrire résolument notre action dans la recherche permanente d’un consensus global, faisant prévaloir la sécurité, la dignitéet la prospéritédes peuples du monde

      link between climate change and insecurity

    3. Pour rappel, son objectif est de réduire de moitié les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et de préserver la biodiversité, tout en favorisant les investissementsdans les infrastructuresvertes des pays en développement afin de stimuler et décarboner leurs économies.En effet, les conséquences du dérèglement climatique, notamment la hausse du niveau de la mer, les tremblements de terre, les feux de forêts récurrents, mettent nos sociétéset nos communautés sous pressionet doivent nous interpeller sur l’urgence à agir collectivement

      climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonization

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    1. Dans cette perspective, Ie Tchad réitére l'appel maintes fois lancé par les pays membres du G—5 Sahel, relatif â I'annuIation de la dette de ces pays durement frappés par Ie terrorisme et Ie changement climatique, en sus de COVID—19 et de la pauvreté ambiante

      Chad is calling for debt relief especially for countries affected by poverty, terrorism and climate change

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    1. ompared to the Covid-19 pandemic, which burst into our lives like an explosion, it is like a slow burning, smouldering fire, creeping up on us. | am talking about climate change.
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    1. The impacts of climate change on peace and securityare becoming increasingly apparent. A systematic integration of these risks into the UN Security Council’s work is necessary
    2. As regards the global climate action, the COP 26 in Glasgow will be crucial and our nationally determined contributions need to be ambitious. We also need all major emitters on board.
    3. he 2030 Agendafor Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreementon Climate Change constitute the centrepiece of our joint efforts. The nexus of humanitarian, development and peace activities has proved efficient.
    1. e hope that the “Roundtable on Climate” promoted last Monday by Secretary-General Guterres and Prime Minister Johnson will give further impetus to the negotiations that will takeus to the G20 Summit in Rome and to the COP26 in Glasgow
    2. The fight againstclimate change requires multilateral engagement and pragmatic cooperation among all major global players -both rich and emerging economies.We must act in an effective, coordinated and simultaneousmanner, whilst alwaysrespectingnational specificities.We intend to reacha global agreement to stop the use of coal as soon as possible, and, consistently with this objective, block the financing of newprojectsof this kind.We want to eliminate subsidiesfor fossil fuels and promote the use ofrenewable sources
    3. As Presidency of the G20 and COP26 co-chair together with the United Kingdom, Italy intends toreachambitious goals on the three pillars of the Paris agreement:mitigation, adaptation and finance
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    1. Lesotho intends to unconditionally lower her net greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by 2030 and to further push for an additional 25% greenhouse gas emission reduction, provided that external support including capacity building is made available to us to cover the full cost of implementing the adaptation and mitigation actions.
    2. ndeed, this greatest challenge of our time which has a pronounced severe negative impact on African least developed countries manifested through droughts, excessive rainfall, desertification, hurricanes, land degradation and soforth thus diminishing our capability to eradicate poverty and improve livelihoods.
    1. In the light of the upcoming COP26, Seychelles calls on the international community, particularly the larger emitters and economies of the G20, to increase their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to a level that meets, if not surpasses the requirements of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report and averts the global catastrophe that threatens all of us
    2. We are morally obligated to those who have lost their lives to the calamitous climate and biodiversity crises. We are accountable to those who face constant existential threats. And we owe it to future generations to find lasting solutions to protect this planet
    3. Furthermore, SIDS continue to be disproportionatelyaffected by what can be best termed as environmental injustice as a result of climate change. We are the least responsible for it, yet we pay the heaviest tribute
    1. WeneedtorecommitourselvestoourobligationsundertheParisAgreement,byputtingtheneedsofourpeoplesfirst,andremainguidedbywhatisbestforourpeople.Globalissuesofbiodiversityandclimatechangearecloselylinked,andwecannotad-dressonewithouttheother.Kiribatiiscommittedtoraisingambitionsforthepost-2020globalbiodiversityandclimatechangetargetsandIcalluponleaderstojoinKiribatitoenhancecollectiveeffortsonthisimportantglobalissue.
    2. Inrecognitionofourcommitmentsonbiodiversityandsustainablefisheries,Kiribatiwasappointedthe2019CommonwealthBlueCharterchampionforsustainablecoastalfish-eries.
    3. Ofvitalimportanceissecuringthelimitsofourmaritimeboundariesagainstthethreatsofsea-levelriseandclimatechange.Kiribatibelievesthatoncedelimitationofourmaritimeboundaryiscom-pletedandsubmittedtotheUNSecretary-GeneralinaccordancewithUNCLOS,maritimeboundarieswouldremainpermanentandshallnotbeaffectedbyclimatechangeandsea-levelrise
    1. Givenourrenewableresourcessuchassolar,windaswellastheocean,Namibiahasdecidedtoprioritizethedevelopmentofgreenandblueeconomies.Furthermore,wearealsowellpositionedthroughourrecentmembershiptotheHigh-LevelPanelonOceanSustainability,todesignandchampionasustainable“blueeconomy”,whichwillgrowoureconomicbaseandcreatethemuch-neededjobs,whilealsotacklingclimatechange

      Focus on green and blue economies

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    1. We are witnessing the growingclimate and environmental crisis. Recently in Geneva, the High Commissioner for Human Rights presented very concerning findings about global human rights situation in the context of the environment. Climate change, pollution and loss of biodiversity will constitute by far the most serious challenge for human rights in our era, said the High Commissionaire. In that,she clearly recognized human activity as one of the factorsand the lack of proper activitiesas another. Full implementation of 2030 Agenda and Paris Climate Agreement are crucial for better recovery from the pandemic and preparation of the world for future systemic shocks. That is why it is particularly important that in preparations for the Summit and Conference in Glasgow in November this year, all countries mobilise an additional level of ambition for achieving long-term goals for reducing global warming. Although its share in the global emissions is tiny, in December 2020 Montenegro additionally increased its climate ambition,confirming thus the strong and persistent commitment to adequate treatment of climate challenges. We expect that further activitieson the national level will open the space for new and more ambitious breakthroughs. That is why it is exceptionally important to integrate the components of action thatwill be based on human rights, both when new climate ambitions are set, and when new global biodiversity framework is defined

      Climate change: Montenegro has tiny global emissions, but contributing to tackling climate change

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    1. Botswanacallsforanaggressivedialogueonclimatechangeandforaction-orientedsolutionsincludingeffective,efficientearlywarningsystemsanddisasterriskmanagementstrategiesandstrengthenedcollaborativeeffortsbetweentheUnitedNationsandregionalandSub-regionalentitiestoalsoenhancepredictiveanalyticsanddata

      On climate change: call for efficient early warning systems and risk management strategies

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    1. Yet, our countries are among the lowest emitters of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing the least to the harmful and destructive effects of Climate Change.This is not only unfair; it is unjust

      Unjust for small countries to bear the brunt of climate change, when they are the lowest emitters of emissions

    2. Mr President, we hold out similar hope that the world’s worst emitters of greenhouse gases that are threatening the welfare of all mankind, will also come to the realization that in the end it will profit them little to emerge king over a world of dust

      Again, heavy language (king over a world of dust) for rich countries

    3. Belatedly, the rich have come to the realization thaton our one Earth,they need the cooperation of the poor to save themselves

      Strong criticism towards developed countries

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    1. COP26must therefore launch a formal programme of work on the implementation of the Global Goal on Adaptation

      South Africa calls for a formal programme on implementation of the Global Goal on Adaptation during COP 26

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    1. It was the UK government that set the strike price for the private sector to come in and transform our country into the Saudi Arabia of wind,and only yesterday the UK’s first sovereign green bond raised £10 billion on the markets,from hard-headed investors who want to make money.And these investments will not only help the countries of the world to tackle climate change:they will produce millions and millions of high wage, high skill jobs,and today’s workforce and the next generation will have the extra satisfaction of knowing that they are not only doing something useful-such as providing clean energy -but helping to save the planet at the same time.And every day green start-ups are producing new ideas,from feeding seaweed to cows to restrain their traditional signs of digestive approval

      Private-public partnership

    2. And that’s why two years ago I committed that the UK would provide £11.6 billion to help the rest of the world to tackle climate changeand in spite of all the pressures on finances caused by Covid, we have kept that promise to the letter.And I am so pleased and encouraged by some of the pledges we have heard here at UNGA,including from Denmark, and now a very substantial commitment from the US that brings us within touching distance of the $100 billion pledge.

      Climate and development assistance

    3. we need to restore the natural balance,we need to halt and reverse the loss of trees and biodiversity by 2030,and that is why we in the UK are committed to beautifying the landscape,

      Relevance of nature

    4. But the market in EVs in the UK is now growing at an extraordinary pace -maybe two thirds every year -and Nissan is sufficiently confident to invest £1 billion in a new EV factory and a gigafactory for the batteries. And that is because we have set a hard deadline for the sale of new hydrocarbon ICEs of 2030and again we call on the world to come together to drive this market so that by 2040there are only zero emission vehicles on sale anywhere in the world.And you can make these cuts in pollution while driving jobs and growth:

      linking economy and climate change

    5. When I was a kid we produced almost 80 per cent of our electricity from coal;that is now down to two per cent or lessand will be gone altogether by 2024.We have put in great forests of beautiful wind turbines on the drowned prairies of Doggerland beneath the North Sea.In factwe produce so much offshore wind that I am thinking of changing my name to Boreas Johnson in honour of the North Wind.And I know that we are ambitious in asking the developing world to end the use of coal power by 2040and for the developed world to do so by 2030,but the experience of the UK shows that it can be doneand I thank President Xi for what he has done to end China’s international financing of coal and I hope China will now go further and phase out the domestic use of coal as well
    6. 6adding to the budget of carbon in the atmosphere,no longer thickening that invisible quilt that is warming the planet,and it is fantastic that we now have countries representing 70 per cent of the world’s GDP committed to this objective.But if we are to stave off these hikes in temperature we must go further and faster –we need all countries to step up andcommit to very substantial reductions by 2030 -and I passionately believe that we can do it by making commitments in four areas –coal, cars, cash and trees.I am not one of those environmentalists who takes a moral pleasure in excoriating humanity for its excess.I don’t see the green movement as a pretext for a wholesale assault on capitalism.
    7. And we are not talking about stopping the rise in temperatures -it is alas too late for that -but to restrain that growth, as I say, to 1.5 degrees.And that means we need to pledge collectively to achieve carbon neutrality –net zero –by the middle of the century.And that will be an amazing momentif we can do itbecause it will mean that for the first time in centuries humanity is no longer
    8. And if we keep on the current track then the temperatures will go up by 2.7 degrees or more by the end of the century.And never mind what that will do to the ice floes:we will see desertification, drought, crop failure, and mass movements of humanity on a scale not seen before,not because of some unforeseen natural event or disasterbut because of us,because of what we are doing now.
    9. We must limit the rise in temperatures –whose appalling effects were visible even this summer –to 1.5 degrees.We must come together in a collective coming of age. We must show we have the maturity and wisdom to act. And we can.Even in this feckless youth we have harnessed clean energy from wind and wave and sun.We have released energy from within the atom itselfand from hydrogen, and we have found ways to store that energy in increasingly capacious batteries and even in molten salt.We have the tools for a green industrial revolution


    10. And that is why the Glasgow COP26 summit is the turning point for humanity.

      Turning to the UK's priority

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    1. l'élévation du niveau de la mer, les températures extrêmes, les inondations et même l'invasion des criquets pèlerins pour ne citer que ceux-là, nous avons l'impérieuse obligation de repenser nos actions. Bien que l'Accord de Paris eût constitué une réalisation historique, nous nous devons de reconnaitre que les efforts consentis ne sont pas à la hauteur des espoirs nés à la suite de la COP21. En raison de leur vulnérabilité climatique, la communauté internationale doit accompagner les pays en voie de développement afin qu'il puisse bénéficier du transfert de technologie, de l'expertise mais également des financements appropriés.

      climate change, need to step up efforts

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    1. Nous devons agir et le fairemaintenant. C’est pourquoi mon pays encourage les Gouvernements, les entreprises, les villes et toutes les institutions financièresà adhérer à la coalition mondiale pour parvenir à la neutralitécarbone. Nous nous réjouissons également que dans la perspective de la COP26 à Glasgow,en Ecosse, les pays représentant plus de 65 % des émissions mondiales de carbone aient pris des engagements ambitieux en la matièreet appelons les autresà les rejoindre.

      cop26 and climate change

    2. L’urgence du moment n’est pas que sanitaire, elle est aussi environnementale. Le climat présente actuellement des symptômes alarmants.Le changement climatique représente le plus grand défi auquel l’humanité est confrontée depuis ces dernières décennies. La menace que fait peser le réchauffement global sur les sociétés humaines et les écosystèmes est croissante. Les effets désastreux du changement climatique sur tous les continentssont prégnants, notamment la fonte des glaciers, les ouragans, l’élévation du niveau de la mer et les sécheressesqui favorisent des feux sur des régionsentières, plongeant nos populations dans une vulnérabilité profonde

      climate changes and global warming

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    1. We have anopportunity to dothings right: We must align our efforts with our roadmap, the 2030 Agenda. We must invest in the green transition. We mustinvest in people, women and girls in particular. And we must fulfil the promiseofthe SDGs, to leave no one behind
    2. The Ocean Panel members have made a commitmentto sustainably manage all of their ocean areas by 2025. That isone third of the world ́s exclusive economic zones.This is a bold target. But our ambition is even bolder:We call on all ocean and coastal states to make a similar commitment by2030.
    3. Together, we will work to limit temperature increase to 1.5 degrees, in line with the goal of the Paris Agreement.
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    1. Because ecological transition entails radical changes that will have a very directimpact on people,on their jobs, andon consumer habits. This is why we are not only leading a Just Recovery project to overcome the economic crisis. We are also committed to a just transition. This commitment stems from our absolute conviction that this is the most effective way of achieving new levels ofprogress and wellbeing.
    2. By 2030, 74% of the electricity we generate,and 42% of the total energy we consume, will come from renewable sources. And we have just recently approvedan ambitious ClimateChangeand Energy Transition Act
    3. It is also the time for us to agree on a new world framework for the protection ofbiodiversity that goes beyond the goals set for 2020. In this regard, I would like tomention that this year is the 30thanniversary of the Madrid Protocol on Environmental Protection of the Antarctic Treaty. This Protocol represented a major step forward in protecting the Antarcticenvironment and its dependent ecosystems.
    4. One of the main challenges of COP26 is to step up our ambition in terms of climatefinancing and, in particular, in terms of adaptation. We must honour the commitments adopted on the basis of the Paris Agreement and significantly raise the bar for futurecommitments. Spain will contribute to this goal by allocating 30 million euros tothe Adaptation Fund in 2022, and we will work to ensure the success of the GlasgowCOP26.
    5. I am proud to saythat Spain and the European Union are leading by example, and represent the bloc of countries with the most ambitious Nationally DeterminedContributions.
    1. We place great hope in the regional “C5+” dialogue frameworks with major extra-regional actors. In such partnerships, we emphasize Central Asia’s water-related challenges, including water scarcity, degrading quality and inefficient use. Our region’s water security is inextricably linked with energy, food and environment
    2. In response, Kazakhstan intends to achievecarbon neutrality by 2060.We are launching a national 2050 low carbon development strategynext month to reduce GDP energy intensity by 50% from 2008 levels
    3. I will focus today first and foremost on the triple threatwe face together: COVID-19 recovery; the Climate crisis; and the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.
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    1. he problem of climate change is an irrefutable reality. While it is felt more frequently and with greater impact in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which include Guinea-Bissau, itisa permanent challenge for all nations. Therefore, our country has developed Climate Change Adaptation plans for the medium and long term and extended our national land and marine protected area system to cover more than 26% of our national territory.
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    1. The Dominican Republic, as a Small Island Developing State, is one of the countries that emits the least greenhouse gases but is most affected by climate change.Now is the time to promote a global transformation of the economy in line with the levels of development so that the required standards do not impose excessive burdens that result in additional costs detrimental to competitiveness and the production of our goods and services
    2. We have a historical responsibility to leave a better world than the one we find, but this is only possible if we take seriously the global transition towards a new ecological, sustainable, inclusive and equitable production model, in line with the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda.
    3. ndeed, in the face of the pandemic, the climate emergency, the technological revolution and the need to articulate a new paradigm for the welfare state, it is necessary to strengthen unity and cooperation among all nations.
    1. he climate financing gap remains a key challenge to implementing our mitigation and adaptation measures accordingly syrian joins other least developing countries developed countries in calling for a green climate fund to meet the 100 billion dollars target to support the mitigation and adaptation plans of developing countries
    2. syrian is committed to all global climate action commitments and looks forward to participating in the upcoming un climate change conference in glasgow and in the 15th meeting of the conference of parties of the united nations convention on biological diversity
    3. call among other equally important global matters for prioritizing covet 19 response vaccine access equity tackling poverty and inequality the impact of climate change and promoting gender equality human rights protection and promotion
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    1. climate changehas become crucial than ever before. Harsh weather conditions, sea level rise, environmental pollution, and biodiversity degradation are the cumulativeconsequencesof decades of mankind’s reckless quest for development. Those challenges are pushing us into acting promptly to safeguard our planet and realizethe internationally agreed threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius.As weareheading toward the COP-26 Summit, we need to make every effortto cut greenhouse gas emissions, in which developed countriesshould take the lead. Moreover, developing countries should receive further assistance in financing, technologies and capacity-building so as to reduce emissions,and enhance disaster prevention and mitigationin ways that fostertransition towards green and circular economy. This is a shared opportunity for us to ensure the harmony between man and green nature.

      Financial assistance for developing countries

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      Proposed the creation of a Centre for prevention of climate change

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    1. Guatemala, ha sido golpeada por los efectos del cambio climático, ante esta dura realidad en el seno de esta Asamblea, solicito que el área Centro Americana sea reconocida como una Región altamente vulnerable al impacto de pérdidas y daños que imponen los desastres naturales y la necesidad de optar a financiamiento climático ágil y de calidad, así como también, en el otorgamiento de los accesos a seguros paramétricos que nos ayuden a la recontrucción de la infraestructura a la que nos vemos obligados ario con ario. Este es un llamado a la comprensión y solidaridad de los países industrializados, que son los grandes responsables del cambio climático y cuyas consecuencias repercuten negativamente en la


    2. región, a pesar de ser nosotros una fuente importante de contribución a la absorción de las descargas de carbono gracias a la capacidad de nuestras masas forestales. Los efectos desastrosos pueden mitigarse si contáramos con su colaboración y aportes, que se traducirían en un compensador social, reflejándose indudablemente, en el mejoramiento de los indices de • desarrollo humano. Tengan la seguridad que visibilizaremos esta vulnerabilidad con acciones concretas durante la VIGÉSIMO SEXTA (26a) Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas Sobre Cambio Climático.


    3. Sumado a ello, somos testigos de los embates del cambio climático en el mundo, que han exacerbado los fenómenos meteorológicos, cuyos efectos desastrosos, se tradujeron en pérdidas humanas, así como daños en la agricultura e infraestructura de grandes dimensiones.
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    1. Well, it’s time to show that leadership. Fulfil Your Pledge. Mind you, this is not a donation. This is a cleaning fee, because if you pollute the planet we all call home, it is only right that you should pay to clean it up. So Fulfil Your Pledge. No ifs, no buts, no ands.

      Fulfil Your Pledge

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    1. i need to emphasize that we needmechanisms for financingso that countries can have accessto and make progress with sustainabledevelopment and protection of theenvironment

      How to advance on climate change: financing for countries to make progress on sustainable development and environment protection

    2. health of the planetwe've heardstatements we've participated inconferences we've undertaken commitmentsnow it's timeto move toaction and practice

      The three elements that are impacting people's freedom during the pandemic:

      1. Climate change. We need to go beyond words, and take action
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    1. Hemos dicho en los organismos encargados del cambio climáticoque es urgente una respuesta práctica,verificable de la actuación contra los gases de efecto invernadero,contra el calentamiento global de mares,de ambiente, contra todos los fenómenos de distorsión y desastre del cambio climático. Hacenfalta medidas de acción,verificablesy eficaces que detengan la aceleración de los procesos de deterioro del equilibrio ecológico del planeta Tierra. Ya hemos visto estos años que han pasado,ya hemos visto recientemente en esta ciudad sede de la Naciones Unidas,New York,grandes inundaciones;hemos visto simultáneo incendios e inundaciones en la India,en China,en New York,en España,en Venezuela,grandes sequías en el sur de Suramérica, la sequía total del río Paraná nunca vista en la historia. Nos obligan a exigirde los gobiernos con poder en el mundo acciones eficaces,efectivas que reduzcan el calentamiento global,que reduzcan la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y que le den esperanza al mundo ante una situación verdaderamente preocupante y trágica para muchos en el planeta Tierra.
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    1. I urge you,myfellow leaders,to increaseand renewyourrespective contributionsand pledgeson fostering green development, reducing Greenhouse gas emissionsand developingenvironmentally friendly society and economy.


    2. butnottowardsthe mother naturewhichhas led to the current environmentaland ecological disasters.During the pandemic lockdown,we witnessed certain signs of natural self-recovery, at least for a short period of time, such asquickrecovery of the ozone layer, reduction of air pollution, purification of rivers and waters and revival of the fauna and flora. This is the showcase that we need to change the behaviorand attitudeof humanitytoward the nature and make tangible efforts to induce positive results.This also evidenced by the fact that the frequency and scopeof wildfires, hurricanes, floods, droughts and dzuds are increasing every year, causing devastating damages in all corners of the world.From ancient times, we, Mongolians, have honoredthe eternal blue sky as “father” and the land as “mother”,worshipped the surrounding mountainsand waters with deep love and respect and been recharged by their vitalenergy. Our ancestors thoroughly followed and delicately discovered thenature’s demeanor in a way that allowed them to process and use animal-derived productsand foodinbothenvironmentally-and human health-friendly ways. Weused the earth’s blessings such astrees, water, animal and other natural resources,only according to ourown orhousehold needs, and saving resources for thenext generations. The natural self-recoveryreminds me of the nomadic know-how of leaving the pastureland “fallow” or “leaving the pastureland for rest”. This is a Mongolian herders’wisdom to offer tothemotherland an opportunity to rest a while and to recover and revive itself. In our fight against climate change, let us draw lessons from the Mongolian traditional “nomadic civilization” to treatand regardthe nature respectfullyand combine itwith achievementsof modern science and technology as well as best practicesand traditional experiencesfrom all over the world. Desertificationthat isthreateningthe livelihoods of more than two billion people in the worldand the sandstorm originating from Mongolia are becoming major problemsfor us.Currently,a big portionof Mongolianterritory is affected by desertification or land degradation to certain degree. Main reasons are 2.2C increase of the mean temperatureand7 percent decline in annual precipitation level for the last 80 plus years.The most efficient wayto reverse desertification isplantingtrees. We, Mongolians, ponderthat planting trees, writing books and raising childrenare the three superior deeds. Hence, we have launched a campaign toplant billions of trees by 2030 from this podium of the General Assembly in order tocontribute to the global fight against climate change.Climate change and ecosystem degradationpose a real threat to the future of humankind irrespective of borders or ethnicity. Conscious of this critical turning point, the countries aroundthe globehave decided to gather in Glasgow in November for the COP26(Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change).


    3. Climate change is having a devastating effect for the past decades.Proper diagnosis of the causes is key to overcome its harmful effects. One of the causes of adverse climate change is oblivioushuman activity. It is the result of our own careless behavior toward the nature and environment. Humanshave been largely debating overethical conduct towardseach other,


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    1. thegreen middle east initiativethe cyclical carbon economy initiative

      The three Saudi initiatives to combating climate change:

      • Green Saudi initiative
      • Green Middle East initiative
      • Cyclical Carbon Economy initiative
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    1. Third, Indonesia’s commitment toward climate resilience, low carbon developmentand green technology is firm and clear.However, energy and technology transformation process must facilitate the participation of developing countries in development of industries and become technology producers

      green technology

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    1. Excellencies,manyleadershavenoted,onpreviousoccasions,theneedtodeliverconcurrentlyeconomicrecoverylinkedtoclimatechangeaction.AsCOP-26approaches,weshouldaimtomakeclearcommitmentsthatcontributetodevelopingcountryinvestmentsingreenmanufacturingandtheinfrastructureitrequires.12.A“GreenBuildingBackBetter”thatdeliversjobsandsharedprosperity,willwinthesupportoftheyounggenerationandintensifythedrivetowardsclimatechangeaction

      investments in green manufacturing

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    1. COP 26, therefore, should result in ambitious and actionable commitments.•Suriname calls on developed countries, to recommit to the 100 billion US dollars per year, to support developing countries, as agreed in the 2015 Paris Agreement.•In this regard, I stress the importance of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) and the need, to support its activities, aimed at protecting the Amazon rainforestand its biodiversity

      On climate change, Suriname calls for 3 things:

      1. That COP 26 results in actionable commitments
      2. That developed countries recommit to US$100 billion per year to support developing countries
      3. That ACTO activities (to protect the Amazon) are supported
    2. In the case of my country, Suriname, and the countries, with low-lying coastal areas, we are committed, to fighting climate change, because we are particularly vulnerable, even though, we have contributed, the least, to this problem. •Suriname is a High Forest, Low Deforestation country, with a forest coverage of approx. 93%. •Suriname significantly contributes, to the mitigation of the effects of climate change. •We are one, of the few carbons negative rating countries, in the world

      Climate change a major priority. Suriname, with low-lying coastal areas, and therefore among the most impacted, is one of the most significant contributor to mitigating climate change effects (a bit ironic for the country)

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    1. Second, climate change – another major challenge we are all faced with. We live through itsconsequences as we speak - extreme weather, record-high temperatures, floods affectingevery country.For the Republic of Moldova, climate change means severe droughts every few years, floods,ruined crops and livelihoods of people.The footprint of the Republic of Moldova for climate change has been low, and we arecommitted to keeping it this way. As we seek to modernize our economy, we pledge to do soin a sustainable way. Expanding our forests, transitioning to a green and circular economy,promoting clean energy, preserving water and land resources, promoting responsible andsustainable production and consumption is our way forward

      Issue #2 is climate change. Moldova's climate change footprint is low

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    1. Climate change remains the greatest threat to the seculity and well-being of our region- especially to low-l/ng atoll nations like my own. We simply have no higher ground tocede. The tireless leadership of small island developing states, and wider circles ofpartners, makes clear that an overwhelming global majority demands the ParisAgreement must be delivered in actions, not empty words. This year's Conference ofParties to the UNFCCC offers a vital opportunity for the world to make good on thepromises of the Paris Agreement to raise ambition. We remain in support of the UnitedKingdom's leadership as host, no matter the challenges posed by the global pandemic.We have put forward our own commitment for stronger action - both on our own nationalcommitments on emissions and adaptation, as well as expectations for meaningfulleadership by the international maritime sector for greater ambition - but we cannot actalone. This year is the moment to rebuild higher ambition, and the world, especially themost vulnerable, cannot afford failure to hold temperature rise to below 1.5 degreesCelsius. Earlier promises of stronger climate finance remain unfulfilled, and even ifdelivered, must be far more accessible to those most in need. As sea-levels continue torise unabated, there is now an immediate threshold between unfulfilled promises andmeaningful action. A Special Rapporteur on climate change is needed to strengthen thefocus and human rights lens on those most vulnerable, where there are often no easysolutions. The world simply cannot delay climate ambition any further.

      Call for countries to respect commitments to climate change

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    1. du Sud de la Grande Ile. La réalisation de ce projet d’envergure permettra une véritable renaissance dans cette région dans les domaines de l’agriculture et de l’élevage pour créer de l’emploi et promouvoir la résilience communautaire. La mise en place des infrastructures de base dans le domaine de la santé, de l’éducation, de l’énergie et de la sécurité́ est d’ailleurs déjà̀ effective, car il s’agit de droits fondamentaux à l’être humain. En tant que leader et dirigeant, il est de notre devoir de protéger nos populations. En matière de lutte climatique,Tous ces efforts seront vains si le laxisme dans l’application des mesures et sanctions pour la lutte contre le changement climatiquecontinuent. Cette crise nous force donc à changer de paradigme. Car si nous n’agissons pas, elleperdurera et s’amplifiera. Madagascar appelle ainsi chaque État à agir et ce, de façon équitable à la hauteur de ses actions polluantes.
    2. Pendant que le monde luttait contre la pandémie de la Covid-19, la crise climatique a aussi frappé de plein fouet. Les tragédies climatiques se sont enchainées. Les séries d’inondations et tempêtes meurtrières en Europe, en Afrique,en Amérique du Nord et en Asie du Sud Est.Mais également les feux deforêtset de brousse dévastateursen Amérique latine, sur la Côte Ouest Américaine, en Australie et sur le continent Africain. Parmi les drames causés par le dérèglement climatique il y a égalementla hausse du niveau des océansainsi que l’avancé de la déSertification. Madagascarse trouvevictime des conséquences du changement climatique. Les vagues de sècheressedans le sud se font récurrentes, les sources d’eaux se tarissentet toutes les activités de subsistances deviennent quasi-impossible. Mes compatriotes du Sud endurent le lourd tribut de la crise climatique à laquelle ils n’ont pas participée. Aujourd’hui, pour sauver les Malagasy dans cette partie du pays, nous misons sur les actions stratégiques pour apporter un changement radical et durable. Notamment par la construction d’un grand pipeline pour alimenter en eau la région du Sud afin d’irriguer les terres et ainsi permettre aux populations de cultiver et de vivre, enfin ! Ce grand projet de pipelinen’a jamais été réalisé. C’est un défi historique a la hauteur de l’engagement inédit de l’État Malagasy pour solutionner la situation
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    1. Sustainability is a cornerstone of Sri Lanka’s national policy framework. Because of its impacton soil fertility, biodiversity, waterways and health, my Government banned the use of chemical fertilisers, pesticides, and weedicides earlier this year.Production and adoption of organic fertiliser, as well as investments into organic agriculture, are being incentivised.I appreciate the encouragement received from many global institutions and nations for our efforts to create a more sustainable agriculture in Sri Lanka. The conservation of our environment is one of our key national priorities. We aim to increase forest cover significantly in the coming decades.We are also working to clean and restore over 100 rivers countrywide, and to combat river and maritime pollution. We have also banned single use plastics to support ecological conservation. Sri Lanka recognises the urgent need to reduce use of fossil fuels and support decarbonisation. Our energy policy seeks to increase the contribution of renewable sources such as solar, wind and hydropower to 70% of our national energy needs by 2030

      For Sri Lanka, sustainability and conservation of environment are a national priority.

      Sri Lanka's national efforts for a better environment:

      • Banning chemical fertilisers
      • Incentives for organic agriculture
      • Working to increase forest cover
      • Working to restore rivers
      • Combatting river and maritive pollution
      • Banning single use plastics
      • Aim to have 70% of energy from wenewable sources by 2030
    2. It is in these contexts that Sri Lanka is a Commonwealth Blue Charter Champion and leads the Action Group on Mangrove Restoration. Through the adoption of the Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management, which seeks to halve nitrogen waste by 2030, Sri Lanka has also contributed to global efforts to reduce environmental pollution.

      Sri Lanka's international efforts on climate change:

      • Commonwealth Blue Charter Champion
      • Leads the Action Group on Mangrove Restoration
      • Has adopted the Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management
    3. 3As emphasised in the recent report by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, the unprecedented effect of human activity on the health of the planet is deeply worrying.Addressing the grave threats posed by climate change and the loss of biodiversity requires decisive and urgent multilateral action.

      Sri Lanka (climate-vulnerable) is deeply concerned about climate change. How to address the threats: decisive and urgent multilateral action

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    1. If humanity faced no other threats at all, we would still need to unite to face the most existential of our time—theglobal climate crisis. As one of the water-poorest countries in the world, Jordan is painfully aware of the threat. Our National Green Growth Action Plan is designed to ensure energy efficiency and strengthen our resilience in water and agriculture
    2. thedeadly pandemic, climate change, violent conflicts exploited by global extremists, destabilising economic fault-lines, acontinuing, global refugee crisis.

      main issues discussed

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    1. groups of countries do not have sufficient capacity or resources to make a rapid and equitable transition to green energy sources. That will affect their ability to achieve sustainable development goals in the medium term.

      Countries that don't have capacity or resources to make rapid transition to green energy won't be able to achieve SDGs in the medium term.

    2. his necessary response will cost the lessdevelopedand developing countries the most -the countries which still rely on energy derived from fossil fuels.

      fighting climate change will expose the gap between developed and developing countries

    3. Climate change and global warming, both visible and scientifically proven through the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, are key issues that also limit the course of sustainable development

      Climate change limiting the course of sustainable development.

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    1. Like many other developing countries,Zambiacalls for closer cooperation and support for capacity to adopt better safer climate changes sensitive and modern methods of increased production and productivity.
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    1. Mon pays a fait sa modeste part en formulant une Stratégie Nationale de Développement Durable en parallèle à la définition de la Vision RCA 2050, qui s'inscrit dans la filiation de sa Lettre de Politique Environnementale, fondée sur un investissement pédagogique et l'instauration d'une justice environnementale équitable.

      car actions on climate change and sdgs

    2. menace de divers types d'émissions nocives de polluants climatiques et atmosphériques. 11 est aujourd'hui établi que l'activité humaine est la principale responsable des changements climatiques.

      climate change as a global challenge

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    1. —Staying committed to innovation-driven development. We need to seize the historic opportunities created by the latest round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, redouble efforts to harness technological achievements to boost productivity, and foster an open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory environment for the development of science and technology. We should foster new growth drivers in the post-COVID era and jointly achieve leapfrog development.—Staying committed to harmony between man and nature. We need to improve global environmental governance, actively respond to climate change and create a community of life for man and nature. We need to accelerate transition to a green and low-carbon economy and achieve green recovery and development China will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This requires tremendous hard work, and we will make every effort to meet these goals. China will step up support for other developing countries in developing green and low-carbon energy, and will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad.

      China's Global Development Initiative five points: Staying committed to development as a priority, a people-centered approach, benefits for all, innovation-driven development, harmony between man and nature, results oriented actions

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    1. environmental degradationposed to all aspects of our life andthat of future generations if not theirsurvival especially as a result ofclimate changeits adverse effects have become evidentto allas demonstrated by the many severeclimate events across the world inrecent months from floodsto heavy rainfall to unprecedentedspikes in temperature and wildfiresthese events have had human economic andsocial implicationswhich then add to the heavy burden ofstatesand governmentsstruggling to guarantee the prosperityand well-being of their peoplegiven our common moral responsibilitytowards future generation and in linewith our national vision andinternational commitmentsegyptspares no effort for greatercoordination on climate issues this isimportant if we are to avoid the pointof no returna pointat which climate change would havebecome so entrenched it would beimpossible to roll backas an active participant in the climatechange negotiationsegypt looks forward to hosting the 27thconference of state parties in 2022.
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    1. whoever has wildly exploited natural resources should also make thegreatest contribution to the fight against climate change unlike the past this time no one canafford the luxury to say i'm powerful so i will not pay the bill because climate change will treatmankind quite equally it will treat everyone exactly the same

      Every nation to contribute to fight against climate change, especially the most developed countries

    2. it may be possible to prevent the coronaviruspandemic with the vaccines which were developed however it's out of the question to findsuch a laboratory manufactured solution to climate change for this reason also for climatechange we repeat our appeal with the motto that we continuously repeat the world is biggerthan five
    3. on the other another area affected by the increasein temperature is our seas expanding water and melting glaciers have raised sea levels by20 centimeters over the past centuries this figure is the fastest increase during the last 3000years i

      Sea level rise

    4. another danger awaiting our world is thatforests being among the most important carbon sinks are now facing complete annihilationdue to land use on the one hand and fires


    5. among these topics climate change is one we should particularly focus on as beyondbeing an environmental problem it will lead to irreparable consequences and uncertainty
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    1. Naturalmente, se trata ahora de atender no sólolas consecuencias de esta pandemia en términos sanitarios, sino también a la reconstrucción de la situación económica y social, que va de la mano del cuidado de nuestra casa común,el planeta.Nuestro compromiso con el Acuerdo de Paríses pleno.Con una transición hacia las energías renovables;la adopción de tecnologías limpias para la reducción de emisiones de metano; la erradicación de la deforestación ilegal, yla restauración de nuestros ecosistemas. Todos estos compromisos son un paso más que da nuestro país hacia una trayectoria consistente con la meta de 1.5°C y con la neutralidad de carbono al 2050.
    2. Llego a este magno foro en momentos únicos para la humanidad, donde enfrentamos una triple pandemiacon comunes raíces: la pandemia de la inequidad global, la pandemia del cambio climático, y la pandemia del COVID-19.

      Triple pandemic: pandemic of inequalities, of climate change and COVID-19

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    1. Mr President human action without respect for nature has led us to question the viability of the planet. Fighting climate change calls into question our consciences. Limiting increases of the temperature between 1.5 and 2 degrees which is a goal that was set forth in the Paris Agreement is a commitment in its very viability. Meanwhile desertification continues to clear forests especially in the Amazon and the effectsof climate change are increasingly devastating. The time has come to rethink our activities to achieve social sustainable development in harmony with the planet, with the view to bequeathing a habitable world for future generations. Those countries that most pollute should imperatively meet their obligations. Peru has taken on the goal of becoming a country which is carbon neutral by 2050 and reducing greenhouse gases from 30 to 40 percent thereby respecting what was projected for 2030. As an expression ofits commitment to the health of the planet my government will declare the national climate emergency.

      Peru will declare national climate emergency.

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    1. In 2022, Portugal will host in Lisbon, together with Kenya, the Second UN Ocean Conference, an essential dimension of climate action. And Portugal supports the international recognition of the Right to a Healthy Environment
    2. to respond to the pandemic, to seek international peace and security, to galvanise climate action, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in this Decade of Action, to ensure the centrality of human rights, to promote gender equality, and to deal with the challenges of digital transformation.


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    1. Encuantoacambioclimático,somoselprimerpaísenLatinoamérica,ycuartoenelmundo,enelevarlatransiciónecológicaarangodeMinisterio.Venimosdeunodelosterritoriosmásbiodiversosdetodoelplaneta.Esparanosotrosnaturalelinterésenlaimplementacióndepolíticasparalareduccióndeemisionesdecarbono,asícomotodomecanismoquehagafrentealaceleradodeteriorodelmedioambiente.Aprovechamosestaocasiónpararatificar-unavezmás-nuestrocompromisoconlaAgenda2030,ymantenemosgrandesexpectativasenlaConferenciadelasNacionesUnidassobreelCambioClimáticoquetendrálugarenGlasgowenoctubrepróximo.
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    1. n this respect, I want to indicate that the State of Qatar has placed climate change at the forefront of its priorities, and it continues to take the necessary measures to develop climate change-related technologies and clean energy, and we will present all that at that conference next November

      climate change as one of Qatar's priorities

    2. Climate change remains one of the most critical challenges of our time, as it brings with it disastrous impacts on all aspects of life for the current and future generations, which necessitates pursuing our joint efforts to confront these effects.
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    1. Primero: La electrificación de nuestro sistema de transporte público. Hoy Santiago es la ciudad fuera de China con mayor cantidad de buses eléctricos del mundo. Segundo: La protección de los océanos y su biodiversidad, incluyendo la primera área marina protegida en altamar y una zona marina protegida en la antártica. Tercero: La protección de los bosques, incluida la plantación de más de 230.000 hectáreas de bosques en 10 años, privilegiando las especies nativas. Y cuarto: La economía circular, la cual incluye la prohibición del uso de bolsas y otros elementos plásticos y el cambio desde una cultura de lo desechable hacia una cultura de lo reciclable.

      measures for energy efficiency including circular economy, electric public transport, protection of biodiversity...

    2. Chile es un país pequeño, que contribuye con menos del 0,25% del total de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Pero estamos resueltos a asumir nuestras responsabilidades y a hacer nuestro aporte en esta guerra contra la crisis climática. Para lograrlo hemos acelerado el proceso de descarbonización de nuestra matriz energética. El año 2025 habremos cerrado dos tercios de nuestras centrales a carbón y el 2040 el 100%. Adicionalmente, estamos trabajando para que el año 2030 el 70% de nuestra matriz energética se base en energías limpias y renovables, cifra que aumentará hasta llegar prácticamente a un 100%el año 2050. Como prueba de este compromiso quiero compartir con ustedes que este año 2021 habremos inaugurado en Chile más capacidad en energía del sol y del viento de la que habíamos construido en toda nuestra historia. Pero no basta con reducir nuestra huella de carbono. Debemos ser más ambiciosos y lograr que nuestros esfuerzos por producir energías limpias y renovables trasciendan nuestras fronteras y ayuden a otros países a cumplir sus propias metas de descarbonización. Para esto estamos desarrollando el Hidrógeno Verde, una energía limpia y renovable, en cuyo proceso de producción se aprovechan las bondades de nuestra geografía: la alta y constante radiación solar de nuestros desiertos. Y los fuertes y permanentes vientos de la Patagonia. Así, lanaturaleza nos entrega la potencialidad de producir más de 70 veces la energía que hoy necesitamos, evitando la liberación de millones y millones de toneladas de CO2 al año. El hidrógeno verde es la energía del mañana que en Chile estamos produciendo hoy

      how much Chile contributes to carbon emissions, what needs to be done to tackle climate change and energy efficiency

    3. Pero el cambio climático no ha estado en cuarentena.

      climate change challenges

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    1. Anóther pressing task fór the glóbal cómmunity tó undertake is respónding tó the climate crisis. Even as we speak, óur planet is getting hótter faster than anticipated. The cómmunity óf natións must jóin fórces in clóser cóncert with óne anóther tó push fórward carbón neutrality. Last year, Kórea cómmitted itself tó carbón neutrality by 2050 and legislated its visión and implementatión framewórk by enacting the Framewórk Act ón Carbón Neutrality. By next mónth, we will finalize óur 2050 carbón neutrality scenarió and unveil óur enhanced 2030 NDC at COP 26 in Nóvember. We have shut dówn cóal-fired pówer plants earlier than scheduled and ended public

      climate change, energy efficiency, COP26

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    1. Slovakia will reduce our emissions by 55% by 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050, along with the rest of the European Union. By 2023, coal will no longer be used to produce electricity and heat. In the coming years, we will spend almost 6% of our GDP on economic recovery: one-third of that will go into our green transition.

      Slovakia's green transition

    2. The findings of the recent IPCC report might be shocking. Yet, they are just stating facts. In less than six months, we were able to strike a deal on global fair taxation. We must equally strike a deal to prevent global carbon leakage. The upcoming COP26 in Glasgow must set the pace for a much swifter adaptation and radical emissions cuts.
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    1. One of our major issues in addressing the risks of climate change and the climate-ocean nexus is our inability and lack of capacity in accessing climate financing. This further exacerbates our vulnerabilities,andwe are not alone in this respect. Of the 20% of climate financing provided on adaption, ONLY 2% of that support went to SIDS countries. Further, of that 2%, at least half of those funds were not in the form of grants, but in the form of loans. We urge the UN to address this inequity and reduce the artificial barriers to allowing small countries to access climate finance, and for the UN to create systems that address its Charter to represent “We the peoples”-for all people.
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    1. The protection of the environment is an urgent global priority that the Somali government is committed to. Somalia has one of the longest coasts in the world, vast arable land for farming and huge blue economy potential
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    1. COVID-19pandemicandclimatechangecombinedresultedinwastinganentiredecadeofprogressintheimplementationoftheSustainableDevelopmentGoalsinmanypartsoftheworld.Thereisnodoubtthatthesustainabilitycannotbeachievedwithoutdealingwiththeeffectsofclimatechange,environmentaldegradation,andlossofbiodiversity.
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    1. There is an urgent need to reach our common goals on the environment, climate change and renewable energy.27.The COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow later this year will be an important milestone.
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    1. Indeed,duringourpresidencyofCOP24wemanagedtofinalizenegotiationsoftheKatowiceRulebook,anagreementthatstreamlinestheimplementationoftheParisAgreementsoastomakeittransparentandfairtoallparties.Itisalsofairtosaythatwesupportedthetransformationofourenergysectorwithduerespecttothesocio-economiccontext.Butatthesametime,werealizethatmoreeffortwillbeneeded.Therefore,inFebruarythisyear,thePolishgovernmentgaveasealofapprovaltothe"EnergyPolicyofPolanduntil2040",whichmapsoutthedirectionsofenergytransformation.Thedocumentisanimportantsteptowardslow-andzero-emissiontransitioninPolisheconomy.Itismyfirmbeliefthatinthenameofsolidaritythestrategywillbefurtherimplementedbythegovernmentofmysuccessor-in-office
    2. We,theleaders,mustrealizewhatittakestoprotectpeopleandtheplanetfromclimatechange.Thisproblemwillnotdisappeartogetherwiththepandemic.Itisalsopartofinternationalsolidarity
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    1. We also make a call to stop oil exploitation and exploration, and for this reason, together with Denmark, we are launching the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance, BOGAfor its acronym in English
    2. For this reason, the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, led by Costa Rica, France, and the United Kingdom as co-leader for the Ocean, is a nature-based solution that aims,by 2030, to protect 30% of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems of the planet. It also aims to avoid exceeding a global temperature increase of 1.5º Celsius and promote the protection of the Ocean. More than 70 countries have joined this initiative, and I invite other States to do soas well.
    3. We must be ambitious in the objectives to be achievedin the next COP,and it is imperative for the survival of Humankind.
    4. We must have positive ambition towardsthe planet ́s future. The three United Nations Conventionson Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Desertification are still one reality of a planet that must stop its warming, preserve life and ecosystems, and protect and restore the lands where food is grown
    5. The pandemic is also an opportunity to build a better worldandpromote economic and social recovery that generates sustainable, green, inclusive, and resilient societies adapted to technological and digital transformations.
    6. Ironically, the countries that have low-carbon emissions, such as the island states or myownregion, Central America, are most affected by climate emergencies. The extreme weather effects result in migrations andcause the developing countries to borrow so as to cope with adaptation and reconstruction
    7. We have reviewed the recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In the worst-case scenario, if noimmediateaction is taken, and emissions continue to grow at the current rate, by the end of this century, the planet's temperature would increase by 4.4 degrees Celsius, and consequently, the strength and frequency of extreme events
    1. We must choose to do more than we think we can do alone so that we accomplish what we must, together: ending this pandemic and making sure we’re better prepared for the next one; staving off climactic climate change and increasing our resilience to the impacts we already are seeing; ensuring a future where technologies are a vital tool to solving human challenges and empowering human potential, not a source of greater strife and repression.

      Strong inspiring language at the end of the speech, again reiterating the three topics - covid, climate, emerging technology

    2. In April, I announced the United States will double our public international financing to help developing nations tackle the climate crisis.  And today, I’m proud to announce that we’ll work with the Congress to double that number again, including for adaptation efforts. This will make the United States a leader in public climate finance.  And with our added support, together with increased private capital and other — from other donors, we’ll be able to meet the goal of mobilizing $100 billion to support climate action in developing nations.

      Increased financial commitment to tackle climate change. Just three days ago, US was called out for not complying with its financial commitments related to climate change by Von der Leyen in the EU State of the Union address (“My message today is that Europe is ready to do more,” she said. “But we expect the United States and our partners to step up too.”)

    3. And my administration is working closely with our Congress to make the critical investments in green infrastructure and electric vehicles that will help us lock in progress at home toward our climate goals. And the best part is: Making these ambitious investments isn’t just good climate policy, it’s a chance for each of our countries to invest in ourselves and our own future.  It’s an enormous opportunity to create good-paying jobs for workers in each of our countries and to spur long-term economic growth that will improve the quality of life for all of our people.

      Reference to domestic issues - the Infrastructure and Jobs Bill is about to be passed/not passed by the US Congress on Monday, 27 September.

    4. In April, I announced the United States’ ambitious new goal under the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the United States by 50 to 52 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, as we work toward achieving a clean-energy economy with net-zero emissions by 2050.

      Referring to Leaders Summit on Climate Biden convened in April after rejoining the Paris Agreement

    5. To keep within our reach the vital goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, every nation needs to bring their highest-possible ambitions to the table when we meet in Glasgow for COP26 and then to have to keep raising our collective ambition over time.

      Reassuring US commitment to the Paris Agreement and its role at COP26.

    6. This year has also brought widespread death and devastation from the borderless climate crisis.  The extreme weather events that we have seen in every part of the world — and you all know it and feel it — represent what the Secretary-General has rightly called “code red for humanity.”  And the scientists and experts are telling us that we’re fast approaching a “point of no return,” in the literal sense.

      Start of the second topic - climate, again reflecting and citing the speech of UN Sec General from the morning

    7. We’re engaging with regional institutions — from ASEAN to the African Union to the Organization of American States — to focus on people’s urgent needs for better health and better economic outcomes.  We’re back at the table in international forums, especially the United Nations, to focus attention and to spur global action on shared challenges.  We are reengaged at the World Health Organization and working in close partnership with COVAX to deliver lifesaving vaccines around the world.  We rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, and we’re running to retake a seat on the Human Rights Council next year at the U.N.

      Reassuting US commitments on regional and global levels, 2 issues remain the same - health/vaccines, climate, added human rights and economy

    8. We elevated the Quad partnership among Australia, India, Japan, and the United States to take on challenges ranging from health security to climate to emerging technologies.

      Reconfirming commitments again, order of issues is the same as when he spoke about global challenges - pandemic/health, climate, emerging tech

    9. Instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past, we are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources to the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future: ending this pandemic; addressing the climate crisis; managing the shifts in global power dynamics; shaping the rules of the world on vital issues like trade, cyber, and emerging technologies; and facing the threat of terrorism as it stands today

      Change in tone. Note the order of issues the resources are to be devoted to: pandemic, climate, global power dynamics (China). Call for change in global rules - trade, digital, terrorism in that order.

    10. Will we work together to save lives, defeat COVID-19 everywhere, and take the necessary steps to prepare ourselves for the next pandemic?  For there will be another one.  Or will we fail to harness the tools at our disposal as the more virulent and dangerous variants take hold? Will we meet the threat of challenging climate — the challenging climate we’re all feeling already ravaging every part of our world with extreme weather?  Or will we suffer the merciless march of ever-worsening droughts and floods, more intense fires and hurricanes, longer heatwaves and rising seas?

      Linking pandemic and climate change as global challenges

    1. WiththeTwenty-thirtyAgenda,theParisClimateAgreementandtheConventiononBiologicalDiversity,wealreadyhaveplentyofdocumentsandroadmapstorelyon.Buttalkisnotenough.Weneedtoact,andthetimeforactionisnow.Therapidlyproceedinglossofbiodiversityaloneshouldbeacauseforimmediateglobalconcern.Inaddition,wenowknowthatclimatechangeisproceedingevenfasterthanwaspreviouslythought.AccordingtotheIPCC,wearelikelytoreachtheone-point-fivedegreestemperaturerisealreadyintheearlytwenty-thirties.Itisnotanexaggerationtosaythatwearefacingaglobalclimateemergency.Andyet,thaturgencyisstillnotreflectedinourdeeds.TheNationallyDeterminedContributionswe,thesignatoriesoftheParisAgreement,havemadesofar,maystillputusonatrackofatwo-point-sevendegreetemperaturerisebytheendofthiscentury.Theconsequencesfortheplanet,andforfuturegenerations,wouldbecatastrophic
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    1. Ahead of the 26thUN Climate Change Conference (COP 26)in Glasgow this November, it is vitalwe stay on track and promote thecontinuous implementation of the Paris Agreement.Even Pope Francis, who has dedicated his first Encyclical Laudato Si’to the common heritage of our Planet, is expected to attend.The necessary changes in our lives and in our economieswill certainlynot be easy. However, I am convinced that shiftingto green and sustainable technologies can go hand-in-hand with economic growth.Croatia is activelysetting up a legislative and strategic framework, which is a prerequisite for coordinated action on climate change. Our commitmentto reaching climate neutrality is visible through several key strategic achievements:the National Development Strategy 2030, the Strategy of Low-Carbon Development 2030 with a view to 2050, and the Five-Year Action Plan for the implementation of aStrategy of low-carbon development.

      Commitment to climate neutrality, necessary to shift to green and sustainable technologies

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    1. Fourth, let us take climate change seriously. As the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows, human activity can still determine the future course of climate. I will personally be present at COP26 in Glasgow to reaffirm Switzerland's commitment to the effective and consistentimplementation of the Paris climate agreement. At the national level, Switzerland is committedto achieveclimate neutrality by 2050. It is implementing concrete initiatives, such as infrastructure projects that promote the modal shiftfrom road to rail. I call on all countries to aim for climateneutrality by 2050 at the latest and to submit ambitious climate targets for 2030. Switzerland is also committed to the preservation of biodiversity.

      Committed to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and to preserve biodiversity

    2. As the adverseweather and fires of recent months around the world have painfully reminded us, it is clear thatthe climate is being disrupted as a result of human activity, and human actionisalso putting pressure on the biodiversity of our planet.
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    1. S’agissant particulièrement du réchauffement climatique, ilconvient de rappeler qu’il restemoins de six semaines avant la COP26 et 9 années avant 2030. Pour l’Afrique,l’année 2030 sera marquée par une baisse du PIB pouvant atteindre 15%, une réduction des rendements agricoles et une forte augmentation de risque d’inondation côtière et dans les pays insulaires. Pour faire face à ces impactsnégatifs, d’ici à cette échéance fatidique, le continent africain aura besoin de 30 milliards de dollars américains par anpour s’adapter. Ce montant devrait passer à environ 50 milliards de dollars d’ici 2040.C’est pourquoi, je lance un appel à la communauté internationale en général et aux amis de l’Afrique en particulier de soutenir le programme d’Accélération de l’Adaptation en Afrique (AAA) dirigé par la Global Center Adaptation (GCA) et la Banque Africainede Développement, programme qui entend mobiliser 25 milliards de dollars américainsen cinq ans pour aider l’Afrique à supporter les chocs des changements climatique

      climate change, COP26 and a programme run by Global Center Adaptation to fight climate change

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    1. would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to all Member States for the adoption of a Special Resolution of the UN General Assembly declaring the AralSea Region as a zone of environmental innovation and technology

      Resolution on environmental innovation and tech.

    2. Uzbekistan pays a specialattention to combatting the climate change, protecting the environment and biodiversity

      climate change, paris agreement, some of their concrete measures on ensuring energy efficiency

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    1. Кыргызстан к 2050 году постарается достичь углеродной нейтральности

      Kyrgyzstan will try to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

    2. Как отмечалось выше, под риском исчезновения также находятся многовековые ледники, реки и биоразнообразие горных экосистем Кыргызстана. В этом году в ЮНЕСКО мы инициируем резолюцию «О сохранении горных ледников» и одновременно продолжаем работу с международными партнерами по выполнению положений резолюции «Природа не знает границ», внесенной Кыргызстаном и недавно утвержденной Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН

      As noted above, centuries-old glaciers, rivers and biodiversity of mountain ecosystems in Kyrgyzstan are also at risk of extinction. This year, at UNESCO, we are initiating a resolution "On the preservation of mountain glaciers" and at the same time we continue to work with international partners to implement the provisions of the resolution "Nature knows no boundaries" introduced by Kyrgyzstan and recently approved by the UN General Assembly

    3. В последние несколько лет природа и население нашей страны довольно заметно стали ощущать негативные последствия изменения климата. Свои видение и позицию наша страна непременно озвучит на грядущей 26-й Конференции Сторон Рамочной Конвенции ООН по изменению климата в Глазго.Однако позвольте использовать эту высокую трибуну для нескольких ремарок. Для горного Кыргызстана одной из приоритетных и насущных проблем является адаптация к изменению климата. Мы придаем важное значение защите и преумножению площадей горных лесов, которые, наряду со своей природной функцией поглощения углекислого газа, также играют исключительно важную роль в сохранении водных ресурсов.В этой связи выступаем за разработку и принятие под эгидой ООН специальной целевой программы по горным лесам, их сохранению, восстановлению и облесению горных склонов.

      In the past few years, the nature and population of our country have begun to notice the negative consequences of climate change quite noticeably. Our country will certainly voice its vision and position at the upcoming 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow. However, let me use this high rostrum for a few remarks. For mountainous Kyrgyzstan, one of the priority and pressing problems is adaptation to climate change. We attach great importance to the protection and enhancement of mountain forest areas, which, along with their natural function of absorbing carbon dioxide, also play an extremely important role in the conservation of water resources. In this regard, we are in favor of the development and adoption under the auspices of the UN of a special targeted program on mountain forests, their preservation, restoration and afforestation of mountain slopes.

    4. На текущей сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН от«Группы друзей горных стран»мы инициируем, чтобы вновь объявить 2022 год -Международным годом гор, утвердить пятилетнюю программу по устойчивому развитию горных регионов и в 2027 году созвать Глобальный саммит«Бишкек+25»

      At the current session of the UN General Assembly from the Group of Friends of Mountain Countries, we initiate to re-declare 2022 as the International Year of Mountains, to approve a five-year program for sustainable development of mountain regions and to convene the Global Summit "Bishkek + 25" in 2027

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    1. Lithuania has earlier used its chances for early digital transformation, with advances in modern information and communication infrastructure jumpstarting a fast growth of digital economy. We intend to do the same with green transformation.

      Parallel between jumpstarting digital economy activities and green transformation

    2. The recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change1has clearly statedthat we have little time leftfor necessary decisions and real actions. Lithuaniafully supportsthe Secretary General of the United Nations in his call “for the urgent and bold steps to address the triple crisis of climate disruption, biodiversity loss and pollution destroying our planet.” Itis crucially important for every country to turn up atthe upcoming COP26 meeting in Glasgow with most ambitious proposals.Lithuania seeks a timely transition towards resilient and climate neutral economy and is committed to reachingrelatedEUtargets.The recently adopted National Climate Change Management Agenda sets goalsfor Lithuaniato reduce emissions by 70 percent compared to 1990 and to become climate neutral by 2050

      Climate change as a global challenges, IPCC's report and COP26 meeting in Glasgow

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    1. Somos un país que tan solo representa el 0,6 por ciento de las emisiones globales del CO2, pero que se encuentra entre los más amenazados por los efectos del cambio climático. Nuestra acción requiere compromiso, AUDACIA y ejercer un liderazgo con el ejemplo.Por esto, llegaremos a Glasgow, a la Cop26, con el compromiso de reducir nuestras emisiones de gases efecto invernadero en un 51 por ciento para el año 2030, y, también, alcanzar la carbono neutralidad en el año 2050.

      Somos un país que tan solo representa el 0,6 por ciento de las emisiones globales del CO2, pero que se encuentra entre los más amenazados por los efectos del cambio climático. Nuestra acción requiere compromiso, AUDACIA y ejercer un liderazgo con el ejemplo.Por esto, llegaremos a Glasgow, a la Cop26, con el compromiso de reducir nuestras emisiones de gases efecto invernadero en un 51 por ciento para el año 2030, y, también, 919 / 5000 Translation results We are a country that only represents 0.6 percent of global CO2 emissions, but is among the most threatened by the effects of climate change. Our action requires commitment, BOLDNESS and leading by example, which is why we will come to Glasgow, at Cop26, with a commitment to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 51 percent by 2030, and also achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.

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    1. We have put forward an ambitious plan to reach net-zero by 2030, whichwe hope to achieve withinternational support
    2. Addressing the climate emergency requires a break from the lacklustrebusiness as usual practices that currently dominate the global climate change regime. It requirescountries to adopt more stringent measures to halt their emissions. It needs the world’s wealthy nations to help smaller nations receive the support in the form of capacity building, technology transfers and financial resources to ramp up their defences in the climate fight. It also requires us to give up our addiction to fossil fuels and adopt cleaner,smarter technologies for our energy use.

      Measures to address climate changes

    3. I carry in my hand, the words of young Maldivian children who have written to me asking me to share their pleas for our world’s climate, with this assembly.18.These are pleas to protect the vulnerable environment that they call home. The home where they will grow up in. The home where they hope to achieve their dreams. This is the collective calling of generations to come. We must listen.

      Pleas to protect the environment

    4. he state of environmental ruin small island states endure now, will without a doubt catch up with bigger nations sooner than later. There is no guarantee of survival for any one nation in a world where the Maldivescease to exist.

      Domino effect; strong words

    5. Existential threat”, “cease to exist”, “climate vulnerable”, “risk of disappearing”, “loss of identity”, “ecological refugees” are all phrases commonly tossed around to describe the plight of Maldivians, and other island states like us would face if the current trends continue unabated.

      Phrases used to depict dreadful consequences of climate change

    6. That the past five years have been the hottest on record since records started in the mid-nineteenth century. Therate of sea-level rise has tripled in comparison to the period, 1901 to 1970. We have already caused a 1.1 degree Celsius increase in warming of the planet. The recommendations are alarming given their urgency -how global emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030, and reach net-zero by 2050, to limit warming to 1.5 degrees.

      Staggering data on climate change

    7. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that the climate emergency would be catastrophic to humanity. The report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published mere weeks ago was a shockingreiteration of what we have known for long.
    8. Covid-19 pandemic has pushed our progress back years. The adverse impacts of climate change are increasing. The steady growth of the world’s population is also increasing the presence of famine. And the menace of terrorism remains one of the biggest challenges we face today.

      main issues, COVID-19, climate, poverty&hunger, terrorism

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    1. It starts by doing all we can now to createthe conditions for success in Glasgow.

      Glasgow summit

    2. By committing to no new coal plants. If all planned coal power plants become operational, we will not only be clearly above 1.5 degrees —we will be well above 2degrees.The Paris targets willgo up in smoke.This is a planetary emergency. We need coalitions of solidarity –between countries that still depend heavily on coal, and countries that have the financial and technical resources to supporttheirtransition.
    3. Governments must also summon the full force of their fiscal policymaking powers to make the shift to green economies. By taxing carbon and pollution instead of people’s incometo more easily make the switch to sustainable green jobs.By ending subsidies to fossil fuels and freeing up resources to invest backinto health care, education, renewable energy, sustainable food systems, and social protections for their people.
    4. Some donor countries have followedtheir lead. All must do so. My message to every Member State is this: Don’t wait for others to make the first move. Do your part. Around the world, we see civil society —led by young people —fully mobilized to tackle the climate crisis.The private sector is increasingly stepping up.
    5. More ambition on adaptation—means developed countries living up to their promise of credible support to developing countries to build resilienceto save lives and livelihoods. This means 50 per cent of all climate finance provided by developed countries and multilateral development banks should be dedicated to adaptation. The African Development Bank set the bar in 2019 by allocating half of its climate finance to adaptation.
    6. More ambition on mitigation—means countries committing to carbon neutrality by mid-century —and to concrete 2030 emissions reductions targets that will get us there, backed up with credible actions now.More ambition on finance—means developing nations finally seeing the promised $100 billion dollars a year for climate action, fully mobilizing the resources of both international financial institutions and the private sector.
    7. Second, we must bridge the climate divide. This requires bridging trust between North and South.It starts by doing all we can now to createthe conditions for success in Glasgow. We need more ambition from all countries in three key areas —mitigation, finance and adaptation
    8. COVID-19 and the climate crisis have exposedprofound fragilitiesas societies and as a planet.

      linking COVID-19 and climate change

    9. We are weeks away from the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow, but seemingly light years away from reaching our targets.

      glasgow conference

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