- Oct 2021
how to add schema markup to subcategories
- Aug 2021
rich-snippets.io rich-snippets.io
The comparison: which is the best Structured Data Plugin for WordPress?
||Jovan|| Have a look at this comparative survey of WP plugins for scheme.
www.schemaapp.com www.schemaapp.com
Is SchemaApp solution that can convert our page into Schmea-compatible or we need to do it by adjusting our custom post fields to shcema.org (manually).
www.schemaapp.com www.schemaapp.com
“Semantics without the ability to connect to other data is almost as valueless as no semantics…[S]emantic data [is] only valuable in my opinion when it can be bridged to other data.”
The main ultimate challenge for us will be to provide value to links. For example, when we connect two piecies of informatoin we should give value why we connect them - to explain, to provide counter-information, etc...
Thanks to Schema.org’s vocabulary, strings of text could be understood as things containing unique properties and relationships with other things on the web.
||JovanNj|| We are advancing with logical structure of websites. We will use scheme.org which both provides semantics for SEO and creates 'bridge' towards knowledge graph that you work on. Could you explore this linkage between scheme and knowledge graph.
As Google themselves stated: “At its core, Search is about understanding language.” Following this statement, it only makes sense that the biggest challenge facing SEO today is one of semantics. At its most basic, semantics is a term for the study of language, how it expresses meaning, and the rules it must abide by in order to convey this meaning. It comes as no surprise that semantics have had a significant impact on search function and SEO strategy.
The key of SEO is about semantics and language.
How to apply Schema to WordPress - procedure and details.
validator.schema.org validator.schema.org
Here is web page for validation of schema.org
schema.org schema.org
EventSeries has been defined as a kind of Event to make it easy for publishers to use it in an Event context without worrying about which kinds of series are really event-like enough to call an Event. In general an EventSeries may seem more Event-like when the period of time is compact and when aspects such as location are fixed, but it may also sometimes prove useful to describe a longer-term series as an Event.
This could be a solution for covering events such as IGF where you have one entry for Event Series (IGF) and events (specific workshops).
||AndrijanaG|| Could you check the following aspects for dealing with series events - events? It is logical issue. Any logical solution could be implemented technically. First step would be to link these fields to our event fields (where is the latest version of fields).
support.schemaapp.com support.schemaapp.comSupport1
Schema Ap
Here is a good knowledge base of Schema, including basics, tools, etc.