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ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu
AI Foundation
Follow-up ||MariliaM||
European AI Champions Initiative
Follow-up ||MariliaM||
Industries will be able to collaborate and federate their data
Follow-up ||MariliaM||
CERN laboratory in Geneva
Reference to Geneva and CERN as a model ||JovanK|| and ||sorina||
with AI Gigafactories. Very large data and computing infrastructure, to train very large models.
Seems to be captured by the idea that size is what matters in AI. ||JovanK|| ||sorina||
12 AI factories
Link to page on AI factories: https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/ai-factories
European AI embraces the power of open source
Endorsement of open source AI
European AI is cooperative. It brings talents together from different countries, sectors and backgrounds.
From within Europe, or beyond?
Because the AI race is far from over. Truth is, we are only at the beginning. The frontier is constantly moving. And global leadership is still up for grabs.
A total embrace of the metaphor of the race, in which the situation is understood in terms of winners and losers of the race.
AI can help us boost our competitiveness, protect our security, shore up public health, and make access to knowledge and information more democratic.
If developed with the public interest in mind.
And this means embracing a way of life where AI is everywhere.
Really? Pervasiveness of AI is the key? What about mitigating risks by preventing systemic failures?
We want Europe to be one of the leading AI continents
Confirmation of US-China benchmark for Europe.
Accelerate appears not only here a few times, but I counted 5 mentions (maybe more) in Macron's 15 min speech. Accelerate seems to be one of the big mottos of the Summit.
||JovanK|| ||sorina||
- Jan 2025
www.mckinsey.com www.mckinsey.com
How can companies demonstrate a multipolar mindset on people? Here are a few practices CEOs should consider:
Some good suggestions for engaging with the emotional aspect of geopolitical considerations.
EcoDip #EcoSec #courses
Geopolitics is not only personal—it’s emotional.
Very important and often overlooked perspective.
www.mckinsey.com www.mckinsey.com
a culture of geopolitical resilience
Good moto as well.
using advanced technologies to anticipate and prepare for future geopolitical disruptions.
AI as help to foresee the need to introduce changes in supply chains.
One private equity fund, for instance, identified portfolio companies in regions where profits were likely to shrink because of regional conflicts and redirected them to more stable geographies. Additionally, fund executives identified products that could be considered “dual use”—that is, products that could have both commercial and military applications—and would be especially vulnerable to cross-border trade scrutiny. They relocated the manufacturing of these products to areas that would be less exposed to dual-use regulations if those regulations were to increase in scope.
Examples of how predictions could play out for businesses
It will be critical for business leaders to monitor where this funding lands.
Where is the investment leaving China going? Is there some research on that?
They are finding opportunities in three areas in particular—accelerating growth, optimizing business operations, and developing capabilities and strategies to address global disruption.
Three areas in which a company can operate to maximize opportunities.
proactive approach to geopolitics
Good motto.
Exhibit 1
Good image. Add missing elements and adjust for use in our courses. #EcoDip ##EcoSec #courses
These include tariffs, the provision of subsidies in support of national industrial policies, and governments’ bias toward investing in geopolitical allies across supply chains, talent, technology and data, capital deployment, and other business domains.
Elements that companies and economic diplomats should consider. #EcoDip #course #EcoSec
Business leaders should be asking themselves questions such as, will our competitors’ products be more or less expensive than ours because of new tariffs and taxes? When and how can we align our business with trade flows into new corridors? What new economic and security alliances could also create opportunities for us to grow or to change our cost structure? What industrial policy incentives might present significant growth potential for us? How is our risk-adjusted cost of capital changing across geographies and how might we optimize our capital deployment?
This kind of question should also be part of the toolkit of the economic diplomat #EcoDip #courses #EcoSec
- May 2024
www.state.gov www.state.gov
differing regulatory approaches to a range of policy issues
Regulatory fragmentation.
Yet the PRC government distorts markets to advantage PRC-based hardware, software, and services suppliers that compromise the security of the customer. By contrast, the United States seeks to provide the emerging and developing world with financially sound alternatives to unsustainable initiatives
This sounds like those complicated films in which someone (usually the bad guy) explains his malign plan and actions at the end of the film, just in case the distracted audience got lost in the plot. In a nutshell: developing countries, do business with us, not China :)
digital sovereignty and protectionism by blocking access to their markets, unduly preventing cross-border data flows, and preferencing domestic manufacturers and service providers, we continue international engagement to enhance interoperability, security, and market access.
Again, how does it fit with TikTiok's potential ban?
. Left unaddressed, the digital divide not only imperils efforts to build a strong digital ecosystem, but also threatens to increase income inequality and instability in emerging economies.
Nice recognition of the facts, albeit being about 10 years late.
trusted cross-border data flows
Interesting use of the expression. Although the US has supported DFFT, the notion of DFFT itself has been a compromise between a very liberal approach (US) and more sovereign and/or digital industralization approaches. Now the US itself seems to have moved to the center.
The United States is mobilizing these resources
I wonder if the US gov would be so at ease in referring to private companies as a resource to be mobilised by the State some years ago.
lack of U.S. leadership in international fora may allow adversaries to fill the void and shape the future of technology to the detriment of U.S. interests and values.
The lesson learned the hard way with the 'New IP' case, for example.
international partner digital and cyber capacity
The carrot to developing countries.
digital and data governance
Again, data governance framed as a strategic/security issue
comprehensive policy approach that uses the appropriate tools of diplomacy and international statecraft across the entire digital ecosystem
I am not sure I am reading this correctly, but this sounds like strong presence from the State (at least at the level of strategic thinking) across all Internet layers and in sectors that have been private sector-led or technical. The US WSIS 2005 position has radically changed. This is very interesting as we move into WSIS+20 ||JovanK|| ||sorina||
data security
Securitization of data. ||MariliaM||
use digital technologies safely to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas online as they participate in free, open, and informed societies
This does not sound consistent with an imposed ban on TikTok.
open, safe, and secure, that promotes inclusive growth, that fosters resilient and democratic societies, and that empowers all people.
Some elements of this list give room to very subjective reasoning.
shape the digital revolution at every level of the technology “stack”
Does it mean to counter the presence of non-like-minded countries as main providers in layers of the stack? What does it mean in terms of value chains, technological interoperability? With regards to China, does it confirm continued move towards de-coupling despite the change in rhetoric?
- Mar 2024
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery
The State of the Union is deep rooted in the context of American elections. References to domestic and foreign policy seek to highlight the difference between Biden and Trump, on issues such as women's reproductive rights, and NATO and Ukraine. Domestic policy is the core, and Biden speaks to sectors of American society - middle class, workers, women, transgender. The references to technology are few. Importance of CHIPS Act for R&D and jobs, two sentences on AI (harness the promise, protect from peril, ban impersonation). Protecting advanced technologies from China.
||AndrijanaG|| not sure that there is enough 'digital' meat to analyse for DW. Pinging you just so you know that we screened the digital issues in it ;) ||JovanK|| No big focus on foreign policy. Most attention in this area given to Israel-Gaza, which is a topic that also speaks to domestic audience. Highligthing as well that Trump's victory is a security threat to Europe.
Thanks to my Chips and Science Act the United States is investing more in research and development than ever before.
Importance of Chips Act for R&D and jobs.
And our trade deficit with China
Foreign policy-China. Brief and light. The point of the speech is really domestic policy.
Harness the promise of A.I. and protect us from its peril. Ban A.I. voice impersonation and more!
Two sentences on AI.
I’ve made sure that the most advanced American technologies can’t be used in China’s weapons.
Protecting critical and emerging technologies.
Creating stability in the Middle East also means containing the threat posed by Iran.
Foreign policy -Iran
As we manage challenges at home, we’re also managing crises abroad including in the Middle East.
Foreign policy. Gaza. Hamas is to blame, Israel should do a better job protecting civilians. Cease-fire.
new emergency authority to temporarily shut down the border
Another "emergency". The US is now governed under emergency situations and executive orders. Not so democratic...
Look, I’m a capitalist. If you want to make a million bucks – great! Just pay your fair share in taxes. A fair tax code is how we invest in the things – that make a country great, health care, education, defense, and more. But here’s the deal. The last administration enacted a $2 Trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefits the very wealthy and the biggest corporations and exploded the federal deficit.
Taxation of large companies.
the wealthy and biggest corporations no longer get all the breaks.
Workers vs. capital. Indirectly also tech companies?
Wall Street didn’t build this country! The middle class built this country! And unions built the middle class!
White collar vs. blur collar again. Quite strong in his speech.
Well instead of having to import semiconductor chips, which America invented I might add, private companies are now investing billions of dollars to build new chip factories here in America! Creating tens of thousands of jobs many of them paying over $100,000 a year and don’t require a college degree.
Technology does not only create white collar jobs - speaks to American workers
my purpose tonight is to both wake up this Congress, and alert the American people that this is no ordinary moment either.
Comparison between the present moment and the Nazi advances in Europe leading to WW2. Message to the Europeans. Further down below, it is clearly stated that if the US walks aways (following Trump's victory) Europe is at risk.
www.euractiv.com www.euractiv.com
The model to be used by the Albanian government will translate into Albanian and provide a detailed overview of what and where changes need to be made to local legislation to align with EU rules. It will also provide an analysis of the impact of all measures and changes, which usually require many experts and a lot of time.
Very interesting example mentioned by a course participant ||JovanK|| and ||sorina||
- Feb 2024
as the Federal Government, aim to coordinate our international digital policy even more closely with our partners
Continuation of block-thinking, divides and paralysis.
value-based technology partnerships
This says it all about partnerships. Either you are like-minded and democratic, or, partnerships will be limited.
same time, we are encouraging the commitment and representation of like-minded partner countries of the Global South in relevant Internet governance forums as well as the reciprocal capacity building and expansion
More participation and capacity building. BUT, for like-minded.
We use digitalization to tackle global challenges
Although the layout masks it a bit, much more attention and space were given to resilience than to sustainability.
The high complexity of global value and supply chains requires close collaboration and specialization at EU level and with partners and allies worldwide
EU to connect additional partners to existing infrastructures and make space-based data, services and products accessible to them.
EU Global Gateways?
We reject any political influence that runs counter to our values
I though standards were a technical-only area! Just being ironic...
We also take into account at all times the increasing security and defence policy dimensions of data policy
Securitization of data flows. ||MariliaM||
The deteriorating geopolitical environment increases the urgency of constantly considering also other dimensions, particularly security and defence policy, when dealing with regulatory issue
This creates the link to coordinate with EU Economic security strategy, and with EU and German China strategies.
- Dec 2023
www.ft.com www.ft.com
Andrew Ng: ‘Do we think the world is better off with more or less intelligence?’
A very lucid interview. He highlights the importance of open source AI, the danger of regulating LLM as opposed to applications, the negative lobby of most big tech, and the need to focus on good regulation targeting the problems of today, not speculating about extinction, etc. ||JovanK|| and ||sorina||
- Nov 2022
Broken link.
France in 2013.
Link does not lead where it was supposed to
- Mar 2022
www.pch.net www.pch.net
Annex: Technical Discussion of Internet Governance Sanction Measures
This is the best part of this document. Very good explanation and reasoning.
disallowance of sanctioned personnel from participation in Internet governance, policymaking, or standardization proceedings.
This is very interesting. For example, the CoE suspended Russia. However, the difference is that what russia is doing goes against the core mandate of CoE. I wonder how a discussion on suspending Russia/Russia sanctioned personel from the ITU or ISO would go. ||sorina||
What is open is not necessarily participatory as we know well.
Sounds like a very exclusive club :)
Not hooked to the UN?
call us to action in defense of society,
Which society? The society under attack? The society of humankind (in a Kantian sense) which does not exist yet? The society of states? The society composed by the actors that are part of this so called "Internet commuinity'?
self-interest of our community’s own direct constituents;
Is this a message to ICANN?
eliberate and make decisions in the face of humanitarian crises
Facilitate or make decisions? Is it the role of the Internet community to also decide that a crisis characterises a humanitarian crisis? Would they have the capacity to act ad hoc, or when provoked by other actors with the capacity to acknowledge a crisis as humanitarian?
nternet community
Who or what is this?
has not yet established a process dedicated to this task.
Let's name one multistakeholder decision-making process in a global scale. Net Mundial? ICANN (privately controled) multistakeholder model? If we do not have one active process to decide on simpler things in a MS way, how can we expect to create one to deal with such controversial and politically sensitive issues?
ransition from national to multistakeholder governance.
I could contest the narrative of this transition. It seems to me that Internet governance is making its way back. The first IG norms were not created by states. States adopted a hands-off approach. After years of enthusiam with multistakeholderism, there is a view that the state needs to play a much bigger role, not only on regulation (ex. platforms) but also asserting its sovereignty.
Would the mechanism faciliatte (in the sense of providing advice) or actually decide?
It really bothers me to associate 'multistakeholder' and 'sanctions'. I know that the word has been used largely lately, but originally sanctions imply authority. What is the source of authority? I am not yet even going on the mine field of asking what the legitimacy is...
The Hague
It would be interesting to know if an organization sponsored this initiative, bringing this actors together. Who had the convening power? Is this a spin-off from the GCSC? Certainly, the signatures would indicate so.
- Apr 2021
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
This is your brain on Zoom
Information we mostly know, but good to tackle stress and address issues such as gender. Useful to corroborate some of our practices (breaks, "relaxed" networking opportunities).
||JovanK||, ||Katarina_An|| ||ArvinKamberi||
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Much of the other work involves setting standards for datasets that are not uniform between different entities and provinces. This would allow them to be more easily used on new data exchanges such as the one recently launched in Beijing that aims to allow companies to trade anonymous proprietary data -- effectively a pilot for a national data trading system
Rules for the governance of data is a key motivation of the Chinese government crackdown on companies. While proposals to nationalise companies' datasets have met criticism, an idea that is gaining traction is the possibility to establish a trading system for data between companies. ||JovanK||