4 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2022
this is report on social media by hootsuite 'We are social'
- Sep 2021
www.diplomacy.edu www.diplomacy.edu
Humanity is currently plagued by the following scourges: - climate change, - multiple conflicts the world over, - growing terrorism, - cybercrime, - sea and ocean pollution, - non-peaceful uses of space, including outer space, - social media misuse, - forest ecosystems degradation, - biodiversity damage, - maritime piracy, and - migrant tragedy.
Listed the 'plagues' upon humanity
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Les fausses informations //véhiculées çà et là, par les réseaux sociaux et à travers des canaux fiables et non officiels, //n’ont d’autre objectif que de nuire à un climat serein au sein de nos iles //et saper les efforts engagés pour l’émergence de l’Union des Comores
social media, disinformation and fake news
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Democracy is threatened by several factors. One of them is the spread of disinformation.While new social media platforms have been an important tool to mobilize and spreaddemocratic practices in many regions of the world, they are also enhancing disinformation,which, in worst case scenarios, may seriously disrupt key democratic processes such aselections. We need a global conversation and to jointly look for concrete solutions to thedangers that disinformation poses to the rules-based international order
Issue #4 is erosion of democracy and trust in public institutions, especially in Moldova. Several reasons for this erosion... Reason (a): spread of disinformation. Social media are enhancing it, and in worst case scenarios, seriously disrupting key democratic processes