- Sep 2022
curator.diplomacy.edu curator.diplomacy.edu
Their disinformation is spreading from the internet to the halls of our universities.
Disinformation is fastly climbing the ladder of importance
- Aug 2022
The United States has historically separated cyber and information security, but American adversaries have traditionally not distinguished between the two. In their view, the confidentiality, integrity, and assurance of computer networks are integral—and in some sense subordinate—to the battle over information spaces, and cyberattacks enabled significant capabilities in information operations. Numerous Russian documents and strategies describe cyber operations as integral to information security. After the creation of U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM), at a meeting of Russian and U.S. defense officials, one Russian officer reportedly derided the lack of information warfare in Cyber Command’s mission. General Nikolai Makarov told his counterparts, “One uses information to destroy nations, not networks.”
A well presented crucial difference between the two paradigms. Yet, this gap is vanishing. In a way, Russians (to the extent they were behind disinformation campaigns) managed to change the US position to accept the same paradigm.
Could this close-to-common understanding that both networks and information are part of the dialogue change the course of future negotiations, and perhaps even allow for more space for comprimise as everyone discusses the same issues?
||Pavlina|| ||AndrijanaG|| ||JovanK||
The United States can no longer treat cyber and information opera-tions as two separate domains
Another merging area: information warfare and cyber conflict. For long, the US has been pushing back strongly not to bring discussions about content into cybersecurity discussions. It was the main difference between the US and Russia/China in understanding the scope. As content becomes weapon in full sense, this won't be possible any more. Likely, US will bring the two together in discussions with like-minded partners, but not (yet) in global negotiations where their 'adversaries' are present.
||AndrijanaG|| ||Pavlina|| ||asokemATdiplomacy.edu||
- Sep 2021
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
The complexity of modern conflicts and crises continues to grow with the marriage of emergingfactors, such as climate change, cyber threats anddisinformation,and the old foesof authoritarianism andtyranny.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Les fausses informations //véhiculées çà et là, par les réseaux sociaux et à travers des canaux fiables et non officiels, //n’ont d’autre objectif que de nuire à un climat serein au sein de nos iles //et saper les efforts engagés pour l’émergence de l’Union des Comores
social media, disinformation and fake news
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Deliberate spreading of disinformationhas a direct impact on health and safety of our citizens and their trust in institutions. Using disinformation as a means of aggression against other states is utterly unacceptable
Equals disinformation with aggression against other states
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
'Social networks have also been the scene of disinformation campaigns. A fine balance remains to be found between, on the one hand, disinformation, hate speech, conspiracy theories and, on the other hand, respect for fundamental freedoms. We must also look at the environmental impact of these new technologies, which consume a lot of energy.'
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Democracy is threatened by several factors. One of them is the spread of disinformation.While new social media platforms have been an important tool to mobilize and spreaddemocratic practices in many regions of the world, they are also enhancing disinformation,which, in worst case scenarios, may seriously disrupt key democratic processes such aselections. We need a global conversation and to jointly look for concrete solutions to thedangers that disinformation poses to the rules-based international order
Issue #4 is erosion of democracy and trust in public institutions, especially in Moldova. Several reasons for this erosion... Reason (a): spread of disinformation. Social media are enhancing it, and in worst case scenarios, seriously disrupting key democratic processes
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
At the global level, combating disinformation effectively requires even closer understanding and cooperation in international organizations. Latvia was one of the initiators of the UN General Assembly resolution on the promotion ofmedia and information literacy at the global level adopted this year
This crisis has highlighted the need to continuously strengthen the resilience of countries and societies.COVID-19 highlighted the vulnerability of our societies to all kinds of disinformation. 7.Latvia's response to combating disinformation is based on strengthening public resilience-by raising awarenessof disinformation; strengthening independent and pluralistic media; the involvement of civil society; and teaching media literacy.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Recently we have also witnessed the potential and the challenges of digital technologies. We must ensure meaningful and safe access to the Internet, strengthen cybersecurity and promote responsible behavior in the cyberspace, while addressing the digital spread of hatred and disinformation.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Right now,millions of people are also being overwhelmed by a dangerous infodemic. It toocausesmuch suffering and contributes to many untimely deaths.Therefore,I would like to congratulatethe efforts of the United Nations, especiallyby the Verified campaign, infighting misinformation and disinformation.They pose an evergreater threat to oursocieties.To counter variouskinds ofmanipulations, we needaholistic approach and concrete new ways to get better in detecting, analyzing,and exposing disinformation
Covid-19 and infodemic. Need to fight against these manipulations.
www.un.org www.un.org
for a global code of conduct that promotes integrity in public information
It will be probably one of the major challenges. How to promote integrity in public information without introducing any form of 'Ministry of Truth' as Orwell warned us in '1984' book.