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  1. Sep 2021
    1. Internationallawissuchaframework:itisoneofthegreatestachievementsofmoderntimes.WecandebateatlengthaboutreformingtheUNsystem,buteachofsuchdebatescomesdowntoonething:howtopromotetheUnitedNations’roleinsecuringtheprimacyofinternationallaw.Becausewewanttoliveinaworldfoundedonlaw,notonforce.SecuringrespectforinternationallawwasoneofPoland'sprioritiesasamemberoftheSecurityCouncilin2018-2019.Todaywecontinueinthesamevein,insupportofinternationallaw,byservingintheHumanRightsCouncil
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    1. Will we affirm and uphold the human dignity and human rights under which nations in common cause, more than seven decades ago, formed this institution?

      linking human rights aspects to global challenges and UN purpose

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    1. 2 марта 2022 года мы также будем праздновать 30-летие вступления Кыргызстана в Организацию Объеденных Наций. На протяжении этого периода республика является активным государством-членом ООН, полностью приверженным целям и принципам Устава Организации Объеденных Наций и постоянно выступающим за укрепление авторитета и роли ООН в международных делах, которые, к сожалению, в последние десятилетия характеризуются напряженностью и конфликтностью.

      On March 2, 2022, we will also celebrate the 30th anniversary of Kyrgyzstan's accession to the United Nations. During this period, the republic has been an active UN member state, fully committed to the goals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and constantly advocating strengthening the authority and role of the UN in international affairs, which, unfortunately, have been characterized by tension and conflict in recent decades.

    2. On March 2, 2022, we will also celebrate the 30th anniversary of Kyrgyzstan's accession to the United Nations. During this period, the republic has been an active UN member state, fully committed to the goals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and constantly advocating strengthening the authority and role of the UN in international affairs, which, unfortunately, have been characterized by tension and conflict in recent decades.

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