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  1. Sep 2021
    1. It is no exaggeration to say that the international community is faced with the most serious crisis sincethe founding of the UN.This reality urgently requires all the UN member states to find a proper solution to the problems, while remaining more faithful than ever before to the UN Charter, international law and fundamental principles of international relations, pooling their political willand efforts and strengthening mutual cooperation
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    1. Principles and purposes of the UN Charter, non-alignment, international law and norms of world peace form the basis of our foreign policy.
    2. Weurge all parties involved to ensure peace, security, and stability so that the Afghan people can live in dignity and enjoy their fundamental rights and freedom.We also urge Afghanistan to engage with the international community on the basis ofthe principles of the UN Charter and norms of international law.
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    1. Все мы уже несколько десятилетий пребываем в затяжной и беспрецедентной глобальной турбулентности и непредсказуемости.Это закономерный итог того, что наша планета функционирует во многом внесистемы и обязательств, закрепленных в универсальных принципах международного права Уставом ООН.

      For several decades, all of us have been in a protracted and unprecedented global turbulence and unpredictability. This is a natural result of the fact that our planet functions in many respects outside the system and obligations enshrined in the universal principles of international law by the UN Charter.

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    1. The ICCdeserves our full support and i am proud that Liechtensteinhas been a consistent advocate for the court since the very beginning. We will continue that important work for victims and survivors, for the rule of law and democracy, for the atrocities that the ICC's very existencehas deterred and will deter in the future
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    1. The 40th anniversary of the adoption of UNCLOS next year is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to UNCLOS as the primary legal instrument for oceans governance, and do more to ensure its effective implementation.
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    1. ecently we have been witnessing persistent attempts to diminish the un's role in resolving the key problems of today or to sideline it or to make it a malleable tool for promoting someone's selfish interests such attempts are clearly visible in the so-called rules-based order concept that the west is persistently introducing to political discourse as opposed to international law
    2. increasing the range of cross-border threats is expanding to numerous regional hot spots of tension have a substantial potential to destabilize the might is right approach isbeing applied instead of right is might instead of international law with increasing frequency there is no consensus amongst the leading powers to the principles of the world orde
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    1. It is my government’s unwavering position that once national maritime zones are deposited with the United Nations, theyshould never be challenged. Rights must be respected irrespective of sea level rise. Thisproposal preserves the principles of equity, fairnessand justice of the Convention and recognizes UNCLOS principles of legal stability, security, certainty,and predictability
    2. As an ocean locked state, Solomon Islands remainscommitted to negotiating a legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction underthe UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
    1. As the science and the research haveshown, wemustalso see the oceansasplayinga vital role as a climate mitigator. Wesupport the development of a legallybindinginternational instrument on the conservation and sustainable useof marine biological diversity
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    1. The Republic of Serbia, by defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity, at the same time defends international law, the UN Charter, the legally binding UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and the supreme authority of the Security Council when it comes to the preservation of international peace and security
    1. we call up on the Taliban movement and all p arties, for the need to exercise utmost self-restraint, in order to p revent bloodshed, p rovide full p rotection to civilians,adhere to international obligations and laws, and to p reserve the security and stability of the country, as well as the gains of the friendly Afghani p eople
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    1. The Czech Republic is a firmsupporter of the rules-based international orderwith the UN at its core, upholding international law and compliance with commitments rooted in the UN Charter. In this context let me reiterate the unwavering support of the Czech Republic to the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independenceof Ukraineand Georgiawithin their internationally recognised borders.
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    1. Ilya3ansjelançaisleprogrammeExtendedMonaco,pourbâtirleMonacodedemain,plusécologiqueetmieuxconnecté.Jenem’attendaispasàêtreconfortédansmadécisionaussirapidement.Mieuxpréparée,laPrincipautéasumaintenirl’activitééconomique,sesservicessociaux,éducatifsetculturels,mêmeauplusfortdelacrise.Pouryparvenir,nousnoussommesdotésd’uncadrelégislatifadéquat,d’infrastructuresperformantesetd’unehauteprotectiondesdonnées.Maislecyberespaceappelleàlavigilancedetous.Aveclacrisesanitaire,lescyber-attaquescontredesinfrastructurescivilessesontmultipliées,portantatteinteauxprincipesfondamentauxdudroitinternationalhumanitaire.

      Three years ago, I launched the Extended Monaco program, to build the Monaco of tomorrow, which is greener and better connected. I didn't expect to be comforted in my decision so quickly. Better prepared, the Principality has been able to maintain economic activity, its social, educational and cultural services, even at the height of the crisis. To achieve this, we have equipped ourselves with an adequate legislative framework, efficient infrastructures and high data protection. But cyberspace calls for everyone's vigilance. With the health crisis, cyber-attacks against civilian infrastructure have multiplied, undermining the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law.

    1. Meanwhile, Russia's military intimidation campaign against Ukrainecontinues. This confirmsthe need for the international community to support Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. 45.Latvia sees the newly established International Crimean Platformas a valuable format for keeping the issue of Crimean de-occupationon the international agenda. We call for the widest possible engagementof the international community in the Crimean Platform.Furthermore, the frozen conflicts in the Moldovan territory of Transnistria and the Georgian territories of Abkazia and South Ossetia, should be solved in accordance with international law, with full respect for the territorial integrity of Moldova and Georgia.
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    1. Internationallawissuchaframework:itisoneofthegreatestachievementsofmoderntimes.WecandebateatlengthaboutreformingtheUNsystem,buteachofsuchdebatescomesdowntoonething:howtopromotetheUnitedNations’roleinsecuringtheprimacyofinternationallaw.Becausewewanttoliveinaworldfoundedonlaw,notonforce.SecuringrespectforinternationallawwasoneofPoland'sprioritiesasamemberoftheSecurityCouncilin2018-2019.Todaywecontinueinthesamevein,insupportofinternationallaw,byservingintheHumanRightsCouncil
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    1. We’ll continue to uphold the longstanding rules and norms that have formed the guardrails of international engagement for decades that have been essential to the development of nations around the world — bedrock commitments like freedom of navigation, adherence to international laws and treaties, support for arms control measures that reduce the res- — the risk and enhance transparency.

      Veiled warning to China - specific of freedom of navigation referring to South China Sea.

    1. Croatia reaffirms its strong commitment to a rules-based international order and to uphold international law, two essential ingredients ofpeaceful coexistence and cooperation among states. Wesupport the role of the International Criminal Court and call upon those member states yetto ratify the Rome Statute, to do so.
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    1. Fifth, in a polarised world, it is more important than ever to return todialogue. Switzerland's International Geneva traditionally provides a neutral platform for discussion. Earlier this year, one of the events it hosted wasthe Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF), which resulted in the appointment of a Unified Executive Authority –a first for the country since 2014 –which is tasked with preparing national elections. Switzerland is very concerned about the plight of the Afghan population. It welcomes the humanitarian conference on Afghanistan convened by the Secretary-General last week in Geneva. Switzerlandis also working hardto promote international law, including humanitarian law, in order to avoid conflicts or reduce their effects. Switzerland is proud to have prepared its report on the implementation of international humanitarian law. I call on all UN member states to do the same. Such reports enable states to assesstheir good practices and the challenges to befaced
    2. Power rivalries are worseningand armed conflicts are raging on almost every continent. International humanitarian law and human rights are violated on a daily basis, and this sows the seeds of future conflicts
  2. Aug 2021
    1. to its adherence to international law, and not the “rules-based international order”,

      ||VladaR|| Interesting linguistical difference.

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