4 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2022
curator.diplomacy.edu curator.diplomacy.edu
We express our concerns on the risk, and ethical dilemma related to Artificial Intelligence, such as privacy, manipulation, bias, human-robot interaction, employment, effects and singularity among others. We encourage BRICS members to work together to deal with such concerns, sharing best practices, conduct comparative study on the subject toward developing a common governance approach which would guide BRICS members on Ethical and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence while facilitating the development of AI.
BRICS cooperation on AI. Nothing too specific (unlike in some other fields). Interesting that they spend space to address concerns ||JovanK|| ||sorina||
Digital BRICS Task Force (DBTF) and the decision to hold the Digital BRICS Forum in 2022. We encourage the BRICS Institute of Future Networks and the DBTF to make suitable working plans at an early date, and carry out cooperation on R&D and application of new and emerging technologies.
BRICS cooperation on emerging tech, including 'Institute for future networks' ||JovanK|| ||sorina||
38. We recognize the dynamism of the digital economy in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 and enabling global economic recovery.
BRICS Declaration - para. on digital trade ||MariliaM||
- Sep 2021
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the efficiency of the global governments should be tuned to searching for a balance of interests the capacity of such an inclusive association as the g20 which brings together the old and the new dynamically developing global centers such as bricks and the like-minded others should be used to its maximum too