2 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
The Czech Republic is a firmsupporter of the rules-based international orderwith the UN at its core, upholding international law and compliance with commitments rooted in the UN Charter. In this context let me reiterate the unwavering support of the Czech Republic to the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independenceof Ukraineand Georgiawithin their internationally recognised borders.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Meanwhile, Russia's military intimidation campaign against Ukrainecontinues. This confirmsthe need for the international community to support Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. 45.Latvia sees the newly established International Crimean Platformas a valuable format for keeping the issue of Crimean de-occupationon the international agenda. We call for the widest possible engagementof the international community in the Crimean Platform.Furthermore, the frozen conflicts in the Moldovan territory of Transnistria and the Georgian territories of Abkazia and South Ossetia, should be solved in accordance with international law, with full respect for the territorial integrity of Moldova and Georgia.