8 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
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The mechanisms of disarmament as well as the measures of non-proliferation and confidence building have been stalled. Nepal calls for general and complete disarmament of all weapons of mass destruction in a time-bound and verifiable manner.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
We will work with all our partners to enhance thecapacity of member states to address issues related to arms control and disarmament,by preventing the diversion of conventional arms to the illicit market.
www.diplomacy.edu www.diplomacy.edu
Austria will continue to be a driving force for disarmament and arms control.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Due to the obvious deterioration of the overall international security atmosphere, modernization of armedsystems, as well as due to the collapse of some of the most important strategic instruments in this field, international architecture for disarmament, non-proliferation and control of arms are under a significant pressure. That is something that Montenegro, as a responsible UNand NATO member,wants to drawyourattention to. Support to implementation and strengthening and to further development of multilateral agreements in the field of disarmament, non-proliferation and control of arms mustbe imperativesfor all of us
Concerned with disarmament efforts
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
We need to protect and promote the framework for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation–first and foremost, the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Great power rivalry can threatenstrategic stability. Dialogue and cooperation are essential. The extension of the New START Treaty is a welcome step forward.The international norm against the use of weapons of mass destruction must be upheld. The increased threat from chemical weapons must be countered
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Kazakhstan again urges the nuclear-weapon States to commit themselves to the complete elimination of nuclear weapons by 2045, the Centennial of the United Nations
www.diplomacy.edu www.diplomacy.edu
Guatemala, como un país de vocación pacífica, reitera ante esta Asamblea la necesidad del desarme completo, irreversible y transparente y condenamos cualquier ensayo nuclear o amenaza del uso de la fuerza con este tipo de armas, que ponen en verdadero riesgo y peligro la continuidad de la vida en nuestro planeta
www.diplomacy.edu www.diplomacy.edu
Mr president in the quest for promoting global peace and stability security Zambianotes with satisfaction the entry into force of the treaty on prohibition of nuclear weapons tpnw which became operative on the 22nd January2021. the entry into force of the p of the tpnw is a tangible fit towards advancing the cause of nuclear disarmament on the international stage Zambiaencourages other states that are yet to ratify the tpnw to come on board so that we can continue making advances towards achieving our situations of eradication or eradicating nuclear weapons on our continent