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  1. Sep 2021
    1. We also recognize that the increasing incidence of violent crime domestically, bedevils our efforts toward achieving sustainable development and the maintenance of the rule of law. Much of this criminal activity derives from the operations of international criminal networks engaged in the illicit trafficking of small arms and increasingly sophisticated weaponry, illegal drugs, money laundering, human trafficking and piracy across our society.
    1. he 2030 Agendafor Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreementon Climate Change constitute the centrepiece of our joint efforts. The nexus of humanitarian, development and peace activities has proved efficient.
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    1. It is widely believed that the sustainable development goal of eradicating poverty by 2030, by which date the global poverty rate is projected to be 7 percent, or around 600 million people, is already seriously compromised.
    2. More than 4.5 million people have diedbecause of the pandemic, which has worsened the living conditions in this planet. Its sequels andimpact on societies today areincalculable, but it is already known that they will not be ephemeral.It has been so pointed out by the “2021 Sustainable Development Goals Report”, while according to the International Labor Organization forecasts, there will be 205 million people unemployed in the world by 2022.
    1. y country provides leadership to the group of seven plus g7 plus conflict-affected and fragile countries we reiterate the nexus between peace and development and reaffirm our joint court for global ceasefires and the pursuit of peace through national dialogue and reconciliation only then can our nations walk out of fragility into sustainable development why the covet 19 pandemic is universal it has disproportionately affected countries such as ours
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    1. Me es grato indicar que durante este primer año de la membresía de Guatemala en el Consejo Económico y Social (ECOSOC), se ha brindado un seguimiento a la agenda de desarrollo sostenible y logrado la articulación de esfuerzos comunes para hacer más efectivo el trabajo de este órgano, bajo nuestro lema: "Desarrollo inclusivo para todos", considerándolo el centro donde convergen los esfuerzos para implementar condiciones que generen el desarrollo que anhelamos.
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    1. In line with the global development trend and the SustainableDevelopment Agenda 2030,the State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia adopted the “Vision 2050”, Mongolia’s long-term development policy.
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