30 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
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The U.S. has now twooptions. One is to contribute to the peace andstability of the Korean peninsula and the world by withdrawing the anachronistic hostile policy towards the DPRK in a bold and complete manner
On the earth, there is no country which is under constant threat of war like the DPRK, and so much strong is its people's desirefor peace. What we mean by the war deterrent is literally the righteous right to self-defense that can deter aggressive war and defend ourselves.As the whole world knows and as the U.S. is so much concerned, powerful offensive means are, of course, included in our war deterrent
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increasing the range of cross-border threats is expanding to numerous regional hot spots of tension have a substantial potential to destabilize the might is right approach isbeing applied instead of right is might instead of international law with increasing frequency there is no consensus amongst the leading powers to the principles of the world orde
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The Government of Ethiopia meeting-out its obligation to fulfil humanitarian needs, the declaration of humanitarian ceasefire,thecommissioning of investigations, and accountability measures have not mitigated the propaganda campaigns. At this stage, we are nearly convinced humanitarian assistanceis a pretext for advancing political considerations.
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The Monastery Visoki Dečaniwas recently listed, by Europa Nostra, as one of the 7 Most Endangered Heritage Sites in Europe in 2021.The Advisory Panel of Europa Nostra noted that Dečani is theonly monument in Europeunder robust military protection for a continuous period of 20 years, although it constitutes a monument of ultimatehistorical and cultural importance for Europe and the world
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we call up on the Taliban movement and all p arties, for the need to exercise utmost self-restraint, in order to p revent bloodshed, p rovide full p rotection to civilians,adhere to international obligations and laws, and to p reserve the security and stability of the country, as well as the gains of the friendly Afghani p eople
he continuation of the Syrian crisis, which has entered its 11th year, with all the humanitarian pain it bears for the Syrian citizen inside and outside the country, has remained as witness to the fact, that absence of consensusand international will, from one side, and external interventions from another side, were the main reasonsforp rolonging this bloody conflict.
From this standpoint, theCovid-19 p andemic was tantamount to a mirror to the world, reflecting its weaknesses and revealing its flaws, manifested in several chronic aspects, among which is the increase in rates of hunger and p overty, p rolonged conflicts, uncontrolled p rogress of modern technology, and its ramifications on cyber security
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Covid-19 added fuel to the fire of existing geopolitical tensions. A ring of crises and conflicts spans the globe
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In particular, we support, multilaterally, bilaterally and within the European Union, the transition process in Libya for a sustainable and inclusive solution to the crisis
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It remains a responsibility for all Member States, to pursue a common goal of ensuring the effectiveness and enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all. It is however, disturbing that in conflict-stricken regions, particularly inarmed conflict, civilians still endure inhumane treatment that is in violation of laws and regulations established to protect humankind.Lesotho condemns all forms of attacks to the civilian populations and urge parties involved in any form of conflict, to cease aggressions and engage in talks genuinely aimed at achieving a long-lasting solution and promoting human rights for all.
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We are particularly concerned with the changes in institutional order that are occurring frequently through the use of military force in African countries, as these unconstitutional acts have not spurred an appropriate and sufficient reaction from the international community in orderto discourage such acts, which are reprehensible in every aspect, as we have seen in Mali and, more recently, in Guinee
Calling for action (sanctions?) over situation in Mali and Guinea.
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We call for a just, comprehensive, all-encompassing and lasting solution to the Middle East conflict, which includes the end of the Israeli occupation of the usurped Palestinian territories and the exercise of the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to build its own State within the pre-1967 bordersand with East Jerusalemas its capital.
We also call for an end toforeigninterference in Syria and full respect for its sovereignty and territorial integrity, while we support the search for a peaceful and negotiated solution to the situation imposed on that sister nation.
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wearecommittedtotheMediterranean. We share a destiny adestinythat necessarily must be oneofopportunities,prosperity,regionalintegration,andsocial inclusion withits coastalcountries. To this end we must ensure peace and stability and resolveexisting conflicts
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y country provides leadership to the group of seven plus g7 plus conflict-affected and fragile countries we reiterate the nexus between peace and development and reaffirm our joint court for global ceasefires and the pursuit of peace through national dialogue and reconciliation only then can our nations walk out of fragility into sustainable development why the covet 19 pandemic is universal it has disproportionately affected countries such as ours
in spite of this progress our sub-region in africa are confronted with peace deficit arising from violent extremism piracy and other forces of instability the continental african union and sub-regional ecowas are fully engaged we urge greater collaboration and closer partnerships by the united nations with these bodies and governments to usher in a more success a peaceful sub-region
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On the basis of our own history and experience, we remain committed to ensuring thevoices of the most vulnerable are better heard. The international community should havelearned from far too many prior mistakes that politics must not cloud our judgement norbe a barrier to action. On Myanmar, the General Assembly has spoken loudly byadopting Resolution 75/287 earlier this year, with only one objection, urging the armedforces to halt lethal force and respect the free will of the people.In addition, the Marshall lslands is proud to have joined cross-regional joint statementsat the UN General Assembly and the Human Rights Council expressing strong concernregarding human rights issues in the Xianxing region of the People's Republic of Chinaas well as recent developments in Hong Kong. lf a truly independent visit by the UNHigh Commissioner for Human Rights still remains unscheduled, we would stronglyencourage all available options to be pursued to deepen the HRC's analysis andassessment.
Human rights issues in Myanmar and (Xianxing?) presumably Xinjiang
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of may 2021 egypt also calls uponthe international community to take thenecessary measures to improve the livingconditions of the palestinian peopleandto ensure humanitarian deliveries to thepalestinian peoplesdonors must be called upon to supportunrwathis would pave the wayforthe reconstruction of the gaza strip
mr presidentegypt has always reiteratedthatthere can be no stability in the middleeastwithout a justlasting and comprehensive solution tothe palestinian question which remainsthe central cause for the arab regionthis must happen in accordance withinternational resolutions to establish apalestinian statealong the june 4th 1967 border with eastjerusalem as its capital in this regardegypt stresses the need to consolidatethe ceasefire agreement reached on the20th
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Croatia is still searching for1,858 of itsowncitizens that arestill missing or unaccounted forfrom our 1991-1995Homeland War. It is alastingpainful burden forthe affected families, not to mention the toll on our society’s desire to move on.That the fate of the missing is unknown some thirty years later isespecially excruciating.Weurge other neighbouring states to cooperate in good faith and to respect their declared commitmentsand international agreements. I confess that I cannot understand the lack of information sharing and access to archival leads on the possible locations of individual and mass graves,so manyyears after the conflict.
Missing or unaccounted for citizens from 1991-1995 Homeland War.
Croatia also upholds the “Responsibility to Protect”, consensually adopted in the 2005 World Summit Outcome. Wewelcomedthe General Assembly’sresolution on the “Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and the prevention of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity”, adopted in this Assembly with overwhelming support. Together with Costa Rica, Denmarkand the Global Centre for “Responsibility to Protect”, Croatia organized yesterday’sspecial event on protectingwomen and girls, directlyaffected and often targeted in conflict andpost-conflict settings
Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
After over a decadeof instability, theLibyan crisiscould be winding down. Nevertheless, a lastingpeace will remain complicated. Isincerely hopethe planned elections will be held in December, as alegitimate leadership is an importantprecondition for a successful transition
term, the focus should be on developing a wider political horizon for meaningful negotiations and renewing thepeace process. Atwo state solution based on internationally agreed upon parametersremains viable
The Middle EastPeaceProcess remains crucial not just regionally but globally. We call on both sides to refrain from unilateral actionsthat could exacerbate tensions and reopen newcyclesof violence. In the long
The collapse of Afghanistan’sGovernment is a major setback. After 20 years of our engagement and investments, it is hard not to come away discouraged.We will certainlyassessthe lessons from ourAfghan experience.But the key question today is how should we deal with the Taliban? Maintaining a pragmatic approach will not be easy, as we rightfully call upon those in power to respect the most fundamental rightsof theirpeople.Security will remain fragile, as risksof aregional spillovercannot be ruled out. We arealso concerned Afghanistan may once again becomeabreeding ground for terrorism.Croatia has decided to financially supportUN OCHA’sefforts in providinghumanitarian support to the Afghan people
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Fifth, in a polarised world, it is more important than ever to return todialogue. Switzerland's International Geneva traditionally provides a neutral platform for discussion. Earlier this year, one of the events it hosted wasthe Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF), which resulted in the appointment of a Unified Executive Authority –a first for the country since 2014 –which is tasked with preparing national elections. Switzerland is very concerned about the plight of the Afghan population. It welcomes the humanitarian conference on Afghanistan convened by the Secretary-General last week in Geneva. Switzerlandis also working hardto promote international law, including humanitarian law, in order to avoid conflicts or reduce their effects. Switzerland is proud to have prepared its report on the implementation of international humanitarian law. I call on all UN member states to do the same. Such reports enable states to assesstheir good practices and the challenges to befaced
Power rivalries are worseningand armed conflicts are raging on almost every continent. International humanitarian law and human rights are violated on a daily basis, and this sows the seeds of future conflicts