- Feb 2022
www.eda.admin.ch www.eda.admin.ch
Promoting digital governance will play a key role. This represents an important area of digital foreign policy and will allow for the creation of common rules in the digital space and strengthen both institutions and cooperation mecha-nisms.
Useful clarity: Digital governance is about creating common rules for governing digital space (privacy, security).
Digital foreign policy is a way to develop digital governance.
curator.diplomacy.edu curator.diplomacy.edu
This article provides a good survey of the failure of Facebook's 'monetary' experiments starting with Libra and followed by Diem.
Facebook dropped the 'digital currency' project. Probably, they thought that this part of 'regulatory battle' could weaken them in other 'battles' around anti-trust, data, consumer protection.
In particular, it could weaken their chances for the success of Metaverse project which is Facebook's ultimate battle for survival.
Libra development was historical moment in Internet governance and digital policy since it was the first major occasion when tech platforms were not allowed to use 'ex post' approach (develop and regulate later on). This time regulators stopped them 'ex ante'.
- Sep 2021
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
We can do much more to improve international data governance, to promote inter-operability, trust, and security when we transact in the digital environment
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Quels cadres juridiques nous permettraient de faire face à une telle situation?
What legal frameworks would allow us to deal with such a situation?