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  1. Mar 2022
    1. The centrality of agency in human security strategies in the Anthropocene context

      ||aldo.matteucciATgmail.com|| Aldo, following our telephone chat, here is a link to the section of the recent UNDP report which puts AGENCY in the center of the human security.

      It echoes concepts that you refer to from the book of Thomas Snyder 'The Road to Unfreedom'.

      Let us dive deeper on this interplay between human agency and security from different perspectives: political theory, human psychology, historical dynamics, etc. We can identify some crucial questions. I will annotate this report around the question of human agency and security.

    2. Examples of these institutional arrangements are open-source platforms for software applications (such as Apache Hadoop, Nginx and Github), accessi-ble by digital and nondigital firms at zero cost. Many firms and developers use Github, an open-source re-pository of tools, software and application programs.

      Importance of open source platform

    3. quantum com-puters have considerable computing power and can revolutionize whole fields that require such power. But they could also be used to crack encryption al-gorithms of internet sites

      Using word 'but' always with technologies.

    4. cited technological risks—such as digital inequality, cy-berattacks, data fraud and theft, and concentrated digital power—among the most imminent threats.

      We should include these elements into our risk analysis.


    5. can also affect agency directly

      here is an interesting aspect of 'agency'


    6. horizontal inequalities.

      what are horizontal inequalities?


    7. But efforts remain largely compartmentalized, dealing separately with climate change, biodiversity loss, conflicts, migration, refugees, pandemics and data protection.

      Need to overcome silos.


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    1. by the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security,

      What is happening with this Trust Fund?

    2. 3. Agrees that human security is an approach to assist Member States in identifying and addressing widespread and cross-cutting challenges to the survival, livelihood and dignity of their people. Based on this, a common understanding on the notion of human security includes the following: (a) The right of people to live in freedom and dignity, free from poverty and despair. All individuals, in particular vulnerable people, are entitled to freedom from fear and freedom from want, with an equal opportunity to enjoy all their rights and fully develop their human potential;

      Definition of human security

           3.         Agrees  that  human  security  is  an  approach  to  assist  Member  States  in  identifying  and  addressing  widespread  and  cross-cutting  challenges  to  the  survival,  livelihood  and  dignity  of  their  people.  Based  on  this,  a  common  understanding  on  the notion of human security includes the following:   (a)    The right of people to live in freedom and dignity, free from poverty and despair. All individuals, in particular vulnerable people, are entitled to freedom from fear and freedom from want, with an equal opportunity to enjoy all their rights and fully develop their human potential;
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  2. Sep 2021
    1. Timor-LesteappreciatestheeffortsinrevitalizingourOrganizationtoadjustwiththechallengesofourcurrentsituationandwereiterateourfullsupporttotheUnitedNationsSecurityCouncilreformtobetterreflectourcontemporaryworldandtoproperlyaddressglobalchallengesintheareasofPeace,SecurityandDevelopment.
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    1. In order to prevent the high-handedness and arbitrariness of the UNSC, representation ofdevelopingcountries, which take up majority in the UN, should be increased.It is also imperative that the rules and procedures of the UN should be revised so that the resolutions adopted at the UNSC could be rejected by the UNGA resolution containing the will of the overwhelmingmajority of member states, when necessary.
    2. What comes as an urgent task here is to make the United Nations Security Council(UNSC) an impartialand responsible body which substantially contributes to maintaining the international peace and security, as explicitly stipulated in the UN Charter
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    1. We want to see a more representative, inclusive, and transparent Security Council and a more revitalized General Assembly.Reforms must be inclusive and representative, accountable,and effective in its delivery.
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    1. he lack of meaningful progress on Security Council reform remains a matter of deep concern. Our commitment to instill new life into the intergovernmental negotiations should amount to more than mere rhetoric. It should serve as a clarion call to Member States to work collaboratively, in good faith, toward early reform of the Security Council to effectively respond to the urgent needs and challenges facing the diverse membership of the United Nations. A representative Council will add substantially to improving the effectiveness and credibility of our organization, as the leading international pillar for peace and security.
    2. However, the misuse of digital technology can pose serious threats to the economy, national security, governance, and social stability. Therefore, we must develop appropriate mechanisms to protect and secure the integrity of our economies and societies and to minimize its use as a disruptive tool.
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    1. Уже сегодня в мире голодаетоколо одного миллиардачеловек, а из-за недальновидности кучки государств, которые применяют односторонние экономические ограничения против целых секторов экономики, занятых в продовольствии, без еды могут остаться еще многие сотни миллионовлюдей.Практика произвольных финансовых и экономических санкций в качестве инструмента политического давления должна быть навсегда искоренена.И это также должно быть однойиз сфер деятельности ООН

      Already today, about one billion people are starving in the world, and the short-sightedness of a handful of states that apply unilateral economic restrictions against entire sectors of the economy engaged in food may leave many hundreds of millions of people without food. The practice of arbitrary financial and economic sanctions as a tool of political pressure must be eradicated forever, and it must also be one of the areas of UN activity.

    2. На протяжении последних лет Беларусь постоянно акцентирует внимание мирового сообщества на необходимости нового глобального диалога по безопасности. Этот вопрос не только созрел, он уже перезрел!Этот формат общения призван решитьглавное–создать новый эффективно функционирующий, действительно справедливый международныйпорядок. Мы призываем великие державыначать такой диалог, осознать свою ответственность за судьбу планетыи реализовать возлагаемую на них цивилизационную миссию

      Over the past years, Belarus has been constantly focusing the attention of the world community on the need for a new global dialogue on security. This issue is not only ripe, it is already overripe! This format of communication is designed to solve the main thing - to create a new effectively functioning, truly fair international order. We call on the great powers to start such a dialogue, to realize their responsibility for the fate of the planet and to fulfill the mission civilization entrusted them with.

    3. Негативная динамика в областиглобальной безопасности неослабно нарастает, в том числеза счет гибридных войн, злонамеренного и преступного использования современных информационных технологий, подпитывающих экстремизм и терроризм, и информационных фейков. Сегодняс помощью электронных гаджетов можно подорвать внутренний мир и спокойствие в любом государстве, а также отстранить от власти его руководство.

      The negative dynamics in the field of global security is growing steadily, including due to hybrid wars, malicious and criminal use of modern information technologies that fuel extremism and terrorism, and information fakes. Today, with the help of electronic gadgets, one can undermine the inner peace and tranquility in any state, as well as remove its leadership from power.

    1. this Assembly must take responsibility and step forward in such situations, as it has done in the past. At times the General Assembly should also convene as a matter of course in each and every case when the security council action has been blocked by a veto.Liechtensteinwill pursue this idea with interested states as one concrete contribution to enhance accountability in the institutions of the United Nations. There are of course many more areas in urgentneed of reform,in particular the Security Council and Liechtensteinwill continue to make its independent voice heard where needed
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    1. We can do much more to improve international data governance, to promote inter-operability, trust, and security when we transact in the digital environment
    2. There are many questions related to digital transformation. 43. How can we provide fair and secure access to digital data, so that data is not monopolised by the few, leaving the vast majority digitally disenfranchised? 44. How can we encourage a freer flow of data across the world, to promote innovation and inclusive sustainable development?
    3. In the longer term, we need to take forward the recommendations of the G20 High Level Independent Panel to address major gaps in preparedness for future pandemics, strengthen multilateral support for the WHO and UN, and mobilise resources for our collective security –because no one is safe until everyone is safe
    1. this is the objective of the updated russian concept of collective security in the persian gulf that has been recently circulated as a security council and general assembly document in the context of searching for ways to overcome regional crises we are ready to share russia's unique experience of peaceful coexistence of different civilizations religions and cultures
    2. first and foremost this is the u.n and its security council that needs to be adapted to the reality of a poly central polycentric world order by enlarging it with increased representation of asia africa and latin america the un security council permanent members that according to the un charter bear a special responsibility before the organization can and must encourage genuine collective action
    3. biden has recently announced the rejection of military methods used to as he put it remake other countries we expect the us to take one step further and reject any other methods of imposing their development model on others not only military ones the rules based order is founded on double standards when it serves the west's interests people's right to self-determination is an absolute in such cases an artificial created entity of kosovo earlier forcefully seized from a european country serbia is recognized as an independent state in violation of security council resolution without any referendums it doesn't without any referendums
    1. The political and security landscape in Africa is on a path of adversity.
    2. It shall be noted, thechallenge we are facing is not limited to the boundaries of Ethiopia. The entire region is facing the destructive path paved for it bythisgroup.Supporting Ethiopia overcome this criminal group is helping sustain regional peace
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    1. The UN Security Council will needto adapt to today’s realities and support an expanded Council with a SIDS-dedicated seat. It has been sixteen years since world leaders called for early reform of the Council, we hope negotiations could shift into text-basednegotiations at this session.
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    1. We therefore, call on the UN to galvanize action of the Member States and its development system to support the development of a Haitian led solution restoring its stability and security
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    1. The Republic of Serbia, by defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity, at the same time defends international law, the UN Charter, the legally binding UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and the supreme authority of the Security Council when it comes to the preservation of international peace and security
    2. Ofallthechallengesweface,themostworrisomeforSerbiaisthemaintenanceofpeaceandstabilityinthesouthernSerbianprovinceofKosovoandMetohija
    1. we call up on the Taliban movement and all p arties, for the need to exercise utmost self-restraint, in order to p revent bloodshed, p rovide full p rotection to civilians,adhere to international obligations and laws, and to p reserve the security and stability of the country, as well as the gains of the friendly Afghani p eople
    2. The p olitical, social, and economic fallouts from the outbreak of the p andemic, have p layed a role in the sp read of a state ofglobal self-retroversion, which terrorist and extremist groups has deliberately exp loited in areas afflicted by conflicts or suffer from security fragility,
    3. We renew our call to the Libyan brothers on the necessity to attach p riority to the highinterests of the country, as well as to the p eaceful solutions based on the rejection of violence, and the need to adhere to the outputs of international conferences and relevant Security Council resolutions,
    4. he continuing crisis in brotherly Yemen, and the growing and dangerous threats it posesto regional peace and stability, has been linked to the observed reality of how to deal with relevant Security Council resolutions and outputs.
    5. Thisis in addition to the exacerbation of the food insecurity crisis due to the disruption in supply lines, which came as an exp ected outcomeof the severe economic downturn and stagnation, which the world has not witnessed in over 90 years, also the decrease in the services p rovided by educational sectors, p articularly in develop ing and least developed countries, in sucha way that it has become more threatening than ever before, tocause regression in the gains achieved, and writing off the recorded achievementsof the sustainable development goals.
    1. We may be a small nation, but we have made outsized contributions to international security, fighting alongside our allies against terrorism and organized crime around the globe. We did so in Afghanistan where 32 brave soldiers gave their lives, and numerous others were injured, for the cause of peace and freedom
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    1. From this platform, Iwant them all to know,the country that suffered the most, apart from Afghanistan, was Pakistan, when we joined the US War on Terror after 9/11.
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    1. The investigation, which remains confidential, still needs to unveil where the explosive materials came from, why they entered our port, which is really behind them, and if the satellites captured anything at the moment of the blast.We therefore repeat our request to the States, which possess information and data that help the investigation to share them as needed

      not explicitly digital but is related to Beirut port blast, satellite imagery and data gathered by other states.

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    1. La réforme du secteur de la sécuritédevrait être soutenueen Centrafrique, afin de lui permettrede se doter de Forces de Défense et de Sécuritérépublicaines, disposant de moyens humains, matériels et logistiques appropriés.L’objectif étant de permettreleur déploiement stratégiquesur toute l’étendue du territoire afin de restaurer l’autorité de l’Etat,d’assurer la sécurité des personnes et des biens,de favoriser le retour des personnes déplacées et des réfugiés

      reform of the security sector

    2. Le lien entre changement climatique et insécurité me parait ainsi évident. Comme vous le savez, le Gabon a toujours eu un engagementen faveur de la paixet de la sécurité climatique. Cet engagementrestera entier tout au long du mandat de mon paysen qualité de Membre non Permanent du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies,pour la période 2022-2023.En me réjouissant de la confiance de la Communauté internationale, je voudrais ici réitérerma ferme volonté d’œuvrer sans ménagement, dans la dynamique de faire taire les armes en tous lieux et d’inscrire résolument notre action dans la recherche permanente d’un consensus global, faisant prévaloir la sécurité, la dignitéet la prospéritédes peuples du monde

      link between climate change and insecurity

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    1. Dans le même chapitre//relatif à lasouveraineté, l’Union des Comores, réitère sa position àla nécessité//pour la République Populaire de Chine//de recouvrer son intégrité sur la province Chinoise de Taiwan.

      china and taiwan

    2. ar ailleurs, et dans la perspective d’un règlementdurable dela question du Sahara marocain,//qui préoccupe au plus haut point mon gouvernement,//je tiens àexprimer ici,//nos encouragementsaux efforts engagéspar le Royaume du Maroc ;//nous espérons qu’ils aboutiront à la solution qui permettra,//à ce pays frère,de recouvrer son autonomie et son intégrité territoriale//sur cette province marocaine. Mon gouvernement saluetoute initiative//qui contribuera à assurer la paixdans cette région//et encourage fortement le dialogue entre nos deux pays frères//que sont le Royaume du Maroc et la République Algérienne Démocratique Populaire

      question of western sahara and morocco

    3. 6Je réitèreainsi, au nom de ma Délégation, //la nécessité impérieuse d’une solution rapide, juste et équitable //à la question de la Palestine//, une solution queconsacre le droit du peuple palestinien, //à disposer d’un Etat souverain, //avec Jérusalem Est comme capitale, //vivant en harmonie et en parfaite sécurité//avec l’Etat d’Israël. Je comprends la position de certains pays frères du monde arabe, //qui ont renoué des relations avec l’Etat d’Israël. Il appartient à ce dernier,//de prendre la mesure de ces initiatives audacieuseset d’en tenir compte, //dans l’intérêt de tous.

      the question of palestine and israel...palestine and right to a sovereign state

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    1. Le Tchad réaffirme sa position de principe concernant la réforme de I’0NU, en particulier du Conseil de sécurité. Cette réforme revendiquée par l'Afrique depuis plusieurs années ne fait que traduire une aspiration

      reform of the UNSC ...permanent seat for Africa, cannot be excluded

    2. sécuritaire dans Ie Sahel et son voisinage. Celle—ci demeure marquée par I’expansion du terrorisme, ie crime organisé et les trafics illicites des armes, de drogues et d'étres humains.La multiplication des attaques terroristes contre les Armées des pays du G—5 et du bassin du Lac—Tchad, ainsi que les populations civiles au Burkina, Mali et Niger, illustrent la résilience et la capacité de nuisance des groupes terroristes, qui menacent gravement I'existence de nos Etats et hypothéquent leur développement.Les sacrifices consentis par la Force du 6—5 Sahel et la Force multinationale mixte contre Boko Haram, dans Ie bassin du Lac—Tchad, sont énormes, mais ie péril persiste et continue de faire des ravages, plongeant les populations civiles innocentes dans la désolation et ie désespoir

      situation in the Sahel (security, terrorism)

    3. e Tchad qui partage avec la Libye plus de 1000 KM de frontiéres communes et lié â ce pays frére et voisin par l'histoire, la géographie et la culture, voire par des liens de sang, subit de plein fouet les conséquences de la crise libyenne, en termes d'attaques armées récurrentes lancées depuis ie sud de ce pays.La derniére agression dont Ie Tchad a été la cible, entre les 11 et 29 avril dernier, qui a

      situation in Libya and how it impacts Chad.

    4. ]e profite de I’occasion que m’offre les présentes as sises, pour vous entretenir de la situation politique et sécuritaire de mon pays Ie Tchad.Comme vous ie savez, suite â la disparation tragique de son Président, feu Maréchal IDRISS DEBY ITNO, tombé sur ie champ d'honneur, Ie 20 avril dernier, lors des combats contre des mercenaires en provenance de Libye, ie Tchad a entamé une période de transition politique.Un Conseil Militaire de Transition a été mis en place pour assurer la continuité de l'Etat et garantir la sécurité du pays, gravement mises en péril par des assaillants lourdement armés qui écument Ie sud de la Libye.Un Gouvernement de large ouverture, dirigé par un Premier Ministre Civil, a été mis en place Ie 2 mai 2021 et, travaille d'arrache—pied pour tenir les échéances devant boucler Ie

      security situation in Chad, Libya, political transition, etc.

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    1. e know that our security depends on the rule of law instead of the law of the jungle. The rule of law will be in the centre of our efforts when elected to the Security Council for the term 2027-28.
    2. e cannot increase our security by increasing our potential to destroy. And, most of all, by hanging on to the myth of nuclear deterrence. We need to eliminate these horrendous weapons of mass destruction. Their prohibition is a first step.
    3. the values that the Free World fought and stood for in Afghanistan and for which we stand and fight for in so many other places around the world continue to be the right ones
    4. here can be no blank checks for the Taliban! Fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular for women and girls, are simply non-negotiable! We have to do everything to prevent Afghanistan from turning into a black hole with the capacity to destabilise the whole region. And we have to drive home the message to the Taliban that the world’s eyes are on them. We don’t want Afghanistan to turn into an incubator or a safe haven for international terrorism and extremism.
    1. We are appalled by the increase of cyber-attacks against critical infrastructuredelivering essential services to our citizens, including hospitals, water treatment facilities, power plants, and even ourdemocratic institutions. Such acts can cause grave suffering to civilians, including the loss of lives.
    2. The increasing importance of cyberspaceto our everyday lives and our economic resilience cannot be overstated these days. Preserving a globally accessible, free, and secure cyberspace is essential. However,the pandemic has also exposed deep digital divides
    3. The impacts of climate change on peace and securityare becoming increasingly apparent. A systematic integration of these risks into the UN Security Council’s work is necessary
    4. he 2030 Agendafor Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreementon Climate Change constitute the centrepiece of our joint efforts. The nexus of humanitarian, development and peace activities has proved efficient.
    5. Africadeserves peace, prosperity and stability!
    1. Within the UN, the Security Council must be able to continue to fulfil its role in safeguarding international peace and security. We support the need for a consensualreform of the Security Council, tostrengthen regional representation and ensurea fairer geographical distribution of seats through an increase in the number of elected members.Our goal is to make the Council more representative, democratic, efficient, transparent and accountable
    2. international interventions remain an essential tool in supportingpeace and security.Italy reaffirmswith convictionitscommitmentwithin the United Nations.We are the largest contributor to theBlue Helmets among Western countries and the seventh largest contributor to the budget of UN peacekeeping operations.
    3. Italy is at the forefront in the responseto the humanitarian crisis, for the benefit of the most fragile groups in Afghanistan and of those Afghans who have left -or will leave -the country. Weare also ready to intervene in support of neighbouring countries affected by refugee outflows
    4. The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is certainlythe most pressing and shared concern, not least because of the approaching winter season.According to the World Food Programme, one inthree people in the country is exposed to food insecurity.
    5. AsG20Presidency, we have made available the G20 platform, which is broad and inclusive by nature. Wehavepromoted a meeting of MinistersofForeignAffairs, in preparation for the extraordinary summit, which will focus on issues of humanitarian aid, security and human rights
    6. In the past year, important issues affectingpeace and security have resurfaced.The main one is Afghanistan, wherewe facethe risk of a social and civil catastrophe.We must prevent the country from becomingonce again a threat for international security.I refer in particular to the presence of groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda and Daeshon Afghan territory
    7. Italy intends to continue to ensure its support forthe African continent, which is increasingly central forsecurity andeconomic growthglobally.We must increase investment, to enableAfrica’s youthto participate fully in its social, economic and political development
    8. Italy hasalsotaken specific action on food security. Together with the FAO, we have created the “Food Coalition”to combat malnutrition caused by the Covid-19 pandemic andwe havehostedin Romethe Pre-Summit on Food Systems.
    1. n today’s globalized world, it is indefensible and incomprehensible that decisions which bind us all are left in the hands of few Member States. Reform of the Security Council, which takes into account the aspirations of Africa, as espoused in the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration cannot be postponed any longer. Transparency, inclusivity and democracy must inform the work ofthe entire United Nations System.
    2. We regrettably note that some Member States have relegated to the back burner critical issues of development, giving priority instead to security issues. To move in unison, the international community should strive to advance theglobal development, human rights and security agendas simultaneously.
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    1. FoodSecurityisindeedasharedpriorityacrossallSIDS,andremainsapriorityundertheSAMOAPathway,aswellastheKiribatiVisionfor20YearsPlan
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    1. Ilya3ansjelançaisleprogrammeExtendedMonaco,pourbâtirleMonacodedemain,plusécologiqueetmieuxconnecté.Jenem’attendaispasàêtreconfortédansmadécisionaussirapidement.Mieuxpréparée,laPrincipautéasumaintenirl’activitééconomique,sesservicessociaux,éducatifsetculturels,mêmeauplusfortdelacrise.Pouryparvenir,nousnoussommesdotésd’uncadrelégislatifadéquat,d’infrastructuresperformantesetd’unehauteprotectiondesdonnées.Maislecyberespaceappelleàlavigilancedetous.Aveclacrisesanitaire,lescyber-attaquescontredesinfrastructurescivilessesontmultipliées,portantatteinteauxprincipesfondamentauxdudroitinternationalhumanitaire.

      Three years ago, I launched the Extended Monaco program, to build the Monaco of tomorrow, which is greener and better connected. I didn't expect to be comforted in my decision so quickly. Better prepared, the Principality has been able to maintain economic activity, its social, educational and cultural services, even at the height of the crisis. To achieve this, we have equipped ourselves with an adequate legislative framework, efficient infrastructures and high data protection. But cyberspace calls for everyone's vigilance. With the health crisis, cyber-attacks against civilian infrastructure have multiplied, undermining the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law.

    1. ButwemustequallynotwaiverinourdeterminationtodeliverthelongoutstandingreformoftheSecurityCouncil.Letusriseaboveourdifferencessothatwedonotleavethisunfinishedbusinessasaburdenofthefuturegeneration.Wemustachievethereformsduringourlifetime.

      UN SC reform

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    1. This year marks 12 years since the start of the Inter-Governmental Negotiations process and 16 years since the World Summit of 2005, where world leadersunanimously agreed on early reform of the Security Council

      South Africa calls for text-based negotiations on UNSC reform

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    1. Djibouti salue la nomination du nouvel Envoyé Spécial de l'ONU pour le Yémen, M. Hans Grundberg, et forme le voeu qu'elle donnera un nouvel élan aux efforts menés par la communauté internationale en vue de parvenir à une solution politique durable, en conformité avec les résolutions du Conseil de sécurité. Nous exhortons les Houthis à demeurer engagé de manière constructive dans le processus de paix et réitérons notre condamnation des attaques répétées visant l'Arabie saoudite.

      situation in Yemen and attacks against KSA

    2. S'agissant de la Somalie, Djibouti se déclare encouragée par les progrès accomplis par le pays. Elle partage néanmoins les préoccupations exprimées par les membres du Conseil de sécurité relatives aux désaccords politiques entre les membres du Gouvernement et sur leur possible impact négatif sur le respect du calendrier électoral somalien. La Somalie est à la croisée des chemins — tout doit être mis en oeuvre afin que la trajectoire positive que la Somalie a connue ne soit mis en péril ! Nous réaffirmons notre soutien à un règlement juste, durable du conflit Israélo-Palestinien et la création d'un Etat Indépendant et souverain sur la base des frontières de 1967 et avec Jérusalem Est pour Capitale. Nous condamnons l'expansion des colonies, les campagnes de démolitions et de saisie de biens dans la Cisjordanie occupée, y compris Jérusalem-Est ainsi que les actes de violence qui ciblent les civils palestiniens.

      Situation in Somalia and solution to Israel-Palestine confilt...support the creation of an independent state according to the borders from 1967 and with east Jerusalem as capital

    3. Djibouti suit avec attention l'évolution de la situation en Ethiopie. Djibouti partage avec l'Ethiopie des liens historiques et a développé des relations bilatérales riches et

      situation in Ethiopia (regional relations)

    4. Djibouti demeure engagée à construire un avenir meilleur , une paix durable et une intégration économique régionale forte pour le bénéfice de nos populations. Elle déplore que les efforts que nous avions déployés en vue de la normalisation des relations avec l'Erythrée n'ait pu à ce jour donné les résultats escomptés. Comme le note le Secrétaire Général dans sa lettre, en date du 30 Juillet 2021, adressée au Président du Conseil de sécurité, nous déplorons, l'absence de progrès notable sur les questions en suspens, à savoir le différend frontalier et le sort des 13 prisonniers de guerre djiboutiens. Nous réitérons notre appel afin que l'Erythrée accepte de résoudre ces questions par le biais du dialogue bilatéral, la médiation ou un arbitrage international contraignan

      security issues in particular with neighbouring Eritrea

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    1. Afrique paie le plus lourd tribut.Une réponse mondiale est donc urgente pour soutenir les efforts des pays africains et des Organisations régionales pour lutter contre ce fléau qui menace de s’installer durablement sur le continent.Pour ce faire, les difficultés de financement du G5 Sahel et même de la MINUSMA doivent être surmontées diligemment. Il est en effet incompréhensible qu’à ce jour, près de 50% des contributions annoncées n’aient pas été décaissées et que la MINUSMA soit, elle aussi, confrontée à descontraintes budgétairespour assurer son soutien logistique au G5 Sahel.

      peace and security in the region. MINUSMA mission

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    1. Anotherchallenge is maritime securityand piracy. We need an integratedglobal responseto make the oceans safe. Some 90 %of piracy incidents take place in the Gulf of Guinea. Norway is seekingto advance this issue in the Security Council, in close cooperation with the countries in the region
    2. UN peace operations play a key rolethroughout the world. Norway is astrongsupporter of the Secretary-General’s Action for Peacekeeping initiative.This includes financial support to enhance the capacity of UN peace operationsto carry out their mandate. Especially their mandate to facilitate political processes, protect civilians and implement the women, peace, and security agenda.
    3. The adoption of the resolution extending the mandate for delivering cross-border humanitarian aid into Syria was encouraging. It offers hope of finding a political solution to the long-lasting conflict.
    4. Durable peace is crucial tolong-term security. In our work inthe Security Council,we promote dialogue, partnerships, and preventive diplomacy. To remain relevant, the Council must respond to threats to international peace and security. It must not shy away from challengingsituations.
    5. The decline in democracy and respect for human rights should be of concern to us all. We are seeinggrave human rights violations in many parts of the world. In Venezuela. The atrocities and conflict in Tigray. The deteriorating humanitarian and human rights situation in Myanmar, including for the Rohingyas. To mention a few. We count on the Security Council and regional organisations to play aproactive role.
    1. In this context, one of ever-shifting balances in a multipolar world, the European Union must take on its corresponding leadership role, and it must do so with strength and decisiveness. This has very specific implications, beginning with the need to develop greater strategicautonomy, and tostrengthen oursecurity and defense policy
    2. sestablishedintheSecurityCouncilresolutions,ajust,lasting,andmutuallyacceptable political solution must be found for Western Sahara. Spain continues to championthecentral roleoftheUnited NationsandwesupporttheSecretary-General’s efforts
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    1. in light of this situation, it is urgent to improve the efficiency of our Organization and to adopt the necessary reforms, in all of its entities, including the Security Council, in order to revitalize the United Nations System in its entirety.
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    1. To this solemn conclave, I declare that the Dominican Republic has shown and will continue to show its due solidarity and collaboration with the Haitian people, but I also reiterate that THERE IS NOT, NOR WILL THERE EVER BE, A DOMINICAN SOLUTION TO THE CRISIS IN HAITI

      Part of the text is in capital letters

    2. With the current division among the Haitian leadership, and the dangerous presence of criminal gangs that control a large part of their territory, Haitians alone will not be able to pacify their country, much less guarantee the conditions to establish a minimum of order
    3. Our third and final recommendation for action is on Haiti. Since this government assumed power, we have been making the possibility that the announced Haitian situation could go beyond the borders of that country, influencing as a factor of insecurity in the region. Hence the need for this community of nations to assume with urgency and once and for all, the Haitian crisisas one of the highest priority and permanent monitoring
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    1. in the acknowledgement of the wide recognition and broad support by member states for the legitimate aspiration of africa to play its rightful role on the global stage as asserted in the african common position articulated in the erzowini consensus and sad declaration redressing this historical injustice against africa is an urgent priority africa demands no less than two permanent seats with all the rights and prerogatives of permanent members including the rights of veto if retained and two additional assists in the non-permanent category of the security council
    2. we can start to redress these gross imbalances by reaffirming by reforming the security council to make it more broadly representative efficient and transparent and thus to enhance the legitimacy of its decisions syrian recognizes the demonstration of the commitment to instill new life in the discussion on the reform of the security council as the coordinator of the african union committee obtained on the reform of the security council sierra leone is pleased to note progress made
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    1. Third, international security. We see more and more security crises arising in differentparts of our planet. In an interdependent world, their aftershocks can be felt across theglobe. When referring to our region, we are seriously concerned with the deterioratingsecurity situation in the Black Sea area.Here I would like to stress once again that the Republic of Moldova is a state committed topeace. We remain firmly committed to identifying a peaceful, political solution to theconflict in the Transnistrian region of our country, based on Moldova’s sovereignty andterritorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. We will also continuepromoting confidence-building measures with a strong emphasis on protectingfundamental rights and freedoms in the Transnistrian region – a pressing issue for mycountry.In the spirit of Moldova’s Constitutional neutrality and international law, I would also like toreiterate that our position on the complete and unconditional withdrawal of Russian forcesremains unchanged. This includes the removal or destruction of ammunitions from theCobasna stockpiles which pose a security and environmental threat to the region as awhole. We count on the support of the international community in this endeavor.

      Issue #3 is international security, especially in the Black Sea area. Moldova calls again for the withdrawal of Russian troops

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    1. I support the firm commitment by the UN Secretary-General to advance UN systemreform discussions into clear management actions. I want to underscore the urgent needfor tangible and text-based efforts towards UN Security Council reform.

      UN SC reform: call for text-based efforts

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    1. In 2019, Sri Lanka experienced the devastation wrought by extremist religious terrorists in the Easter Sunday attacks. Before that, until 2009, it had suffered from a separatist terrorist war for 30 years. Terrorism is a global challenge that requires international cooperation, especially on matters such as intelligence sharing, if it is to be overcome.Violence robbed Sri Lanka of thousands of lives and decades of prosperity in the past half century.My Government is committed to ensuring that such violence never takes place in Sri Lanka again. We are therefore acting to address the core issues behind it. Fostering greater accountability, restorative justice, and meaningful reconciliation through domestic institutions is essential to achieve lasting peace.So too is ensuring more equitable participation in the fruits of economic development.It is my Government’s firm intention to build a prosperous, stable and secure future for all Sri Lankans, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or gender.We are ready to engage with all domestic stakeholders, and to obtain the supportof our international partners and the United Nations, in this process.However, history has shown that lasting results can only be achieved through home-grown institutions reflecting the aspirations of the people.Sri Lanka’s Parliament, Judiciary and its range of independent statutory bodies should have unrestricted scope to exercise their functions and responsibilities.

      Sri Lanka's home affairs policy is to keep religious extremist terrorists at bay

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    1. Et pour preuve, dès que nous avons eu connaissance du rapport de la Division des Droits de l'Homme de la MINUSCA alléguant des cas d'exactions qu'auraient commises les Forces Armées Centrafricaines et leurs alliés lors des contre-offensives et

      armed conflict and violations committed by armed forces.

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    1. The recent situatión in Afghanistan serves as a stark reminder óf the crucial róle that the UN plays in advancing peace and human rights. Cóming December, the UN Peacekeeping Ministerial will be hósted in Kórea.Tó ensure safer and móre effective óperatión óf UN peacekeeping missións, Kórea will make use óf this óppórtunity tó encóurage clóser cóóperatión in the internatiónal cómmunity. Fór the UN’s initiatives in cónflict preventión and peacebuilding, Kórea tóó will increase its fair share óf cóntributión. Kórea will make a bid fór a seat as a nón-permanent member óf the UN Security Cóuncil fór the cóming 2024-2025 term, and tó build sustainable peace and thriving future generatións, it stands ready tó play an active part.I lóók fórward tó yóur cóóperatión and suppórt in this regard

      peacekeeping, conflict prevention, Afghanistan

    2. Envisióning a de-nuclearized, có-prósperóus Kórean Peninsula, the góvernment óf the Republic óf Kórea hassteadily carried fórward the Kórean Peninsula peace prócess, and amid the suppórt óf the internatiónal cómmunity, achieved históric milestónes –the Panmunjeóm Declaratión, Pyóngyang Jóint Declaratión óf September 2018 and military agreement resulting fróm the inter-Kórean Summit, as well as the Singapóre Declaratión fróm the US-Nórth Kórea Summit.

      Relations between DPR and ROK. De-nuclearization

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    1. We condemn the missile attacks on Israel and the unproportioneduse of force in retaliation whilewe fully recognize Israel’s right to self-defense. We are deeply concerned by the violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territorysince the deadly escalation between Israel and the militants in Gaza earlier this year,and the continued loss of life and serious injuriesas reported to the Security Council by the UN Special Coordinator on the Middle East Peace Process.The solution of the conflict between Israel and Palestine through the revival of the Middle East Peace Processhas no alternative. We call on both sides to use maximum restraint, refrain from unilateral acts and provocations,and give a chance to negotiations and dialogueas well as to confidence-building measures. Bulgaria has high appreciation for the work of the United Nations Agency on Palestinian Refugees on the ground,and will continue to support it both politically and financially.
    2. We share the grave concern over the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistanafter the Taliban takeover, threatening to jeopardize the political, economic, and social achievements by that country over the past 20 years. The risk to the stability andsecurity extends to the whole region and far beyond. Bulgaria condemned the attacks near the International Airport in Kabul on 26August2021. The attacks, claimed by Islamic State in Khorasan Province, resulted in the death and injuries of over 300 civilians, including women and children, and military personnel. Terrorismin all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.All States must combat terrorism through concerted multilateral efforts, and by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other obligations under international law
    3. To maximize our collective response, we must buildresilience. We have to enhance the security of our supply chains, the critical infrastructure, the energy networks, as well as our preparedness for pandemics and natural disasters.
    1. n order to meet the challenges of the modern age, the UN and its Security Council must show willingnessto changeand implement long overduereforms. As member of the Accountability, Cohesion, Transparency Group, Latvia advocates for greater openness of the UN Security Council.Latviawould stronglysupport the beginning oftext-based negotiationson Security Council reform. The reform should ensure more equitable representation from African, Latin Americanand Eastern Europeancountries
    2. Our experience in strengthening statehood, rule of lawand good governance lets us better understand similar efforts elsewhere. 49.Latvia has also madea practical contribution to global peace by sending 158 experts to participate in 8 international missions and operations around the world. We are determined to continue to contribute to peace-building processes by actively participating in the UN Peacebuilding Commission in 2022.50.Latvia has shown that it can effectively contribute to solving global security challenges. Therefore,Latvia aims to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in the term 2026-2027
    3. New tragedies in Afghanistan are now unfolding before our eyes.Taking into account the latest developments, we are especially concerned about the security of Afghan women and girls.38.The rights of women and girlswill be high on our agenda as Latvia serves as the Vice-Chair on theBureau oftheUN Commission on the Status of Women for the next two sessions.
    4. Morethan ever, human rightsneed to be a strategic priority for the UN.36.Over the past year, we have witnessed negative developments inregard tobasic human rights and security issues, for examplein Myanmarand Tigray
    1. Internationallawissuchaframework:itisoneofthegreatestachievementsofmoderntimes.WecandebateatlengthaboutreformingtheUNsystem,buteachofsuchdebatescomesdowntoonething:howtopromotetheUnitedNations’roleinsecuringtheprimacyofinternationallaw.Becausewewanttoliveinaworldfoundedonlaw,notonforce.SecuringrespectforinternationallawwasoneofPoland'sprioritiesasamemberoftheSecurityCouncilin2018-2019.Todaywecontinueinthesamevein,insupportofinternationallaw,byservingintheHumanRightsCouncil
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    1. One of the most important ways we can effectively enhance security and reduce violence is by seeking to improve the lives of the people all over the world who see that their governments are not serving their needs. Corruption fuels inequality, siphons off a nation’s resources, spreads across borders, and generates human suffering.  It is nothing less than a national security threat in the 21st century

      Corruption is equaled with national security threat, US will support people who are not satisfied with their governments. Possible Afghanistan reference without direct mention

    2. Make no mistake: The United States will continue to defend ourselves, our Allies, and our interests against attack, including terrorist threats, as we prepare to use force if any is necessary, but — to defend our vital U.S. national interests, including against ongoing and imminent threats.

      Strong language on defense and threat deterrence

    1. If not for the power and role of Iran alongside the governments and peoples of Syria and Iraq as well asall the selfless efforts of Martyrs Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and General Qassem Soleymani, today ISIS would be the Mediterranean neighbors of Europe. And,of course, ISIS will not be the last wave of extremism. The new drive to come up with Cold War-esque divisions will not help foster the security of humans by isolatingindependent countries. An arbitrary attitude is not the way to solve terrorism because terrorism has its roots in various crises such as identity and economy. The fact that modern lives have become devoid of meaning and spirituality as well as the spread of poverty, discrimination and oppression have helped the rise of terrorism. The increasing growth of indigenous terrorism in the West bears witness to this bitter truth. Even more bitteris the use of terrorism as an instrument for foreign policy because you cannot fight terrorism with double standards. You cannot make a terrorist group,such as ISIS,in a certain place and claim to fight it somewhere else.

      On ISIS and terrorism, how to solve it...arbitrary attitude is ineffective.

    2. It is the strategic policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to consider the production and stockpiling of atomic weapons as forbidden based on the religious decree by His Eminence, the Supreme Leader, and Nukes have no place in our defense doctrineanddeterrence policy. The Islamic Republic considers the useful talks whose ultimate outcome is the lifting of all oppressive sanctions.

      Nuclear weapons, nuclear programme and armament

    3. Today, an all-out blockade has turned Gaza to the biggest prison in the world. The so-called “deal of the century” failed just like any other deal forced on Palestinians. There is only one solution: holding a referendum with the participation of all Palestinians of all religions and ethnicities including Muslims, Christians and Jews. This solution was set forth by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran many years ago which is now registered as one of the official documents of the United Nations.

      On Palestine

    4. The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is very worrying and the world needs to break its silence towards crimes against humanity. The solution? The speedy and unconditional stop to the Yemeni aggression, opening of channels for providing humanitarian aid, and facilitation of constructive talks between Yemeni groups.

      Humanitarian and security crisis in Yemen

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    1. e gouvernement de mon pays souscrit au «Plan de transition pour le retrait échelonné, responsable et durable de la MONUSCO» élaboré par ce Comité conjoint en collaboration avec la société civile.Pendant la période de transition qui expire en 2024, la République Démocratique du Congo attend des Nations Unies et du Conseil de Sécuritéqu’ils donnent tous les moyens nécessaires à la MONUSCO et à sa Brigade d’Intervention Rapide afin qu’elles remplissent leurs mandats etmissionsrespectifsconformément à la résolution précitée. Il s’agit de s’assurer que les troupes y déployées aientles les capacités et les moyens requis y compris la formation nécessaire répondant aux exigences de la réalité sur terrain et de la guerre asymétrique que mènent actuellement les groupes arméset les terroristes islamistes dont l’existence en RDC ne peut pas être contestée

      Once MONUSCO mission retreats from DRC

    2. Cependant, une lourde hypothèque pèse sur ces acquis encourageants et risque d’entraverla marche victorieuse du Peuple congolais vers son bien-être: c’est l’insécuritéauNord-Estde la République Démocratique du Congo,en proie, depuis deux décennies,à des attaques meurtrières et aux razziasrécurrentesd’une multitude de groupes armés au sein desquels se trouvent des terroristes islamistes.Il n’est un secret pour personne que ces attaques ont causé des milliers de morts et de déplacés, des viols de femmes et des violations massives des droits de l’Homme.Face à la persistance de ce cancer qui mine le pays au Nord-Estet aux difficultés rencontrées par lestroupes de la Mission des Nations Unies pour la stabilité au Congo, MONUSCOsur le théâtre des opérations, j’ai décidé de proclamer, conformément àl’article 85 de la Constitution, l’état de siège pour mettre fin à l’insécuritédans unedes régionsstratégiques de la République Démocratique du Congo

      North-East DRC and MONUSCO mission in DRC.

    3. Cependant, le fléau de l’insécurité provoquée par les cohortes de terroristes, de groupes armés, de mercenaireset de criminels de tous bords met àmal la stabilité institutionnelle de nos jeunes démocraties et annihilent les efforts de nombreux dirigeants africains pour développer leurs pays.En effet, si la lutte contre DAESH a remporté au Moyen-Orient, plus précisément en Irak et en Syrie des victoires incontestables, en Afrique,par contre,l’AQMI et autres groupes affiliés àDAESH gagnent du terrain chaque jour davantage.Le Mali, le Niger, le Nigeria, le Cameroun, le Tchadetle Burkina-Faso subissent régulièrement les attaques meurtrières de DAESH et des djihadistes de Boko-Haram. Depuis 2017, le Nord-Est du Mozambique est victime des attaques armées récurrentes des salafistes djihadistes de Ansar al-Sunnah qui ont déjà causé au moins 2.600 morts.L’intégrisme islamiste a atteint l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congoqui en paie un lourd tributdans les provinces de l’Ituri, du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu et du Maniema. Des djihadistes qui y opèrentsous le couvert du FDLR et du mouvement Alied Democratic Forces/Madima at Tauheed wal Muwahedeen, en abrégé ADF/MTM,tuent mes compatriotes et pillent massivementles produits minierset agricoles de mon pays. Enavril dernier, des terroristes et des mercenaires venus de la Lybie ont plongé l’Afrique dans une profonde tristesse en lui arrachant brutalement, l’un de ses grands dirigeants, le Maréchal Idriss Deby ITNO, Président de la République du Tchad, lâchement abattu au front pour défendre la souveraineté de son pays et la vie de ses concitoyens. Du haut de cette tribune des Nations Unies, je salue, au nom du Peuple congolais, la bravoure et l’engagement de cette figure historique pour protégerl’Afrique contre le terrorisme.

      on terrorism, DAESH and Djihadists in the region (Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Chad, etc.)

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    1. 4It is not only us and the neighboring states,but also the whole worldare interested in the establishment of peace and tranquility in this country.Therefore, we are always doing our best to help the Afghan people.We have recently opened the Uzbek-Afghan border and resumed the supply of basic-needs and oil products, as well as electricity to this country.During these challenging times, it is impossible to isolate Afghanistan and leave it within the range of its problems.As it is well known, last year, from this high rostrum, we proposed to establish a permanent UNCommittee on Afghanistan.The influence and voice of the United Nations on Afghanistan must be heard louder than ever

      On Afghanistan

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    1. Вместе с тем призываем активизировать международные усилия не только для борьбы с терроризмом и экстремизмом, но и против транснациональной организованной преступности, занимающейся незаконной деятельностью в сфере оборота наркотиков и оружия, торговли людьми, отмыванием преступных доходов, и в киберпространстве. Кыргызстан в рамках Шанхайской организации сотрудничествапрорабатывает вопрос создании Центра по противодействию международной организованной преступности в городе Бишкек

      At the same time, we urge to intensify international efforts not only to combat terrorism and extremism, but also against transnational organized crime engaged in illegal activities in the field of drug and arms trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering and cyberspace. Kyrgyzstan, within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, is working on the issue of creating a Center for Countering International Organized Crime in the city of Bishkek

    2. Кыргызстан проводит всестороннюю работу по борьбе с терроризмом и экстремизмом, добросовестно выполняет положения Глобальной контртеррористической стратегии ООН, резолюций Совета Безопасности ООН, рекомендаций Исполнительного директората Контртеррористического комитета Совета Безопасности ООН

      Kyrgyzstan carries out comprehensive work to combat terrorism and extremism, conscientiously implements the provisions of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, UN Security Council resolutions, recommendations of the Executive Directorate of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee

    3. Нельзя не отметить нашу озабоченность в связи с последними событиями в Афганистане. Мы можем предоставить пятистам молодым афганцам возможность обучения в наших университетах, а также оказать гуманитарную помощь нуждающимся гражданам, в первую очередь, этническим кыргызам Малого и Большого Памира Афганистана. Сучетом проходящей эвакуации учреждений ООН из Афганистана, Кыргызстан предлагает временно разместить их в Бишкеке.В этой связи обращаюсь к Генеральному секретарю ООН принять во внимание наше предложение.

      We cannot fail to note our concern over the recent events in Afghanistan. We can provide five hundred young Afghans with the opportunity to study at our universities, as well as provide humanitarian assistance to citizens in need, first of all, ethnic Kyrgyz of the Lesser and Greater Pamirs of Afghanistan. Taking into account the ongoing evacuation of UN agencies from Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan proposes to temporarily place them in Bishkek. In this regard, I appeal to the UN Secretary General to take into account our proposal.

    4. Исходя из этих соображений,Кыргызстан выдвинулся кандидатомв Совет ООН по правам человека на 2023-2025 годы и Непостоянные члены Совета Безопасности ООН на 2027-2028 годы.Призываю все государства-члены ООН оказать нам поддержку на выборах.

      Based on these considerations, Kyrgyzstan was nominated as a candidate for the UN Human Rights Council for 2023-2025 and Non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for 2027-2028. I call on all UN member states to support us in the elections.

    5. в 2022 году предлагаем провести саммит Центральная Азия –ООН, чтобы вместе подвести итоги взаимного сотрудничества и наметить совместные планы на перспективу в целях развития и безопасности Центральной Азии. Саммит предлагаем организовать в сроки проведения очередной Консультативной встречи глав государств Центральной Азии.

      in 2022, we propose to hold a Central Asia-UN summit in order to together summarize the results of mutual cooperation and outline joint plans for the future for the development and security of Central Asia. We propose to organize the Summit within the time frame of the next Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia.

    1. United Nations to remain relevant and strong, an efficientSecurity Council is required.

      UN Security Council and use of veto, what would be the priorities if they're elected for UNSC (human rights, access to information, rights of women and girls.

    2. Russia to exert pressure on Lithuanian judges and prosecutors who investigate the case of atrocities committedby the occupyingSoviet army in Lithuania in 1991. Lithuania calls on all states not to execute related international arrest warrants.It is alsowith deep sadness that I remember last year’s developments in Belarus. A genuine protest movement that sprang up after a rigged presidential election has been brutally suppressed.Independent civil society and media organizations are being silenced, hundreds of people –detained, severely beaten, tortured.The irresponsible actions by the Belarusian authoritiesmight also have a bigger impact on international security. We sawit in the hijacking and forced landing of the Ryanair flight on May 23. It was done in clear violation of international law. Such actionsshould be treatedas an act of state-sponsored terrorism.The Belarusian regimeis alsotesting new methods of hybrid actions. For severalmonthsnow, Lithuaniahas been dealing with an unprecedented hybrid attack. By artificially creating and directing flows of irregular migration, Belarus aims to put political pressure on the European Union.

      Peace and security in the region (mostly reflections on Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia)

    3. hybrid attacks

      new threats for peace and security = hybrid

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    1. In Ethiopia,where we call on all parties to immediately cease hostilities, ensure humanitarian access andcreatethe conditions for the start of an Ethiopian-led political dialogue.In Myanmar,where wereaffirm unwavering support to the people in their pursuit of democracy, peace, human rights and the rule of law.In the Sahel, where we are committed to mobilizinginternational assistance for regional security, development and governance.
    2. And we need a new comprehensive Agenda for Peace.

      concrete proposal of Agenda for Peace

    3. We are also seeing an explosion in seizures of power by force. Military coups are back. Thelack of unity among the international communitydoes not help.Geopolitical divisions are undermining international cooperation and limiting the capacity of the Security Council to take the necessary decisions.
    4. In places such as Yemen, Libyaand Syria, where we must overcome stalemates and push for peace.In Israel and Palestine, where weurge leaders to resume a meaningful dialogue,recognizing the two-State solution as the only pathway to a just and comprehensive peace.In Haitiand so many other places left behind,where we stand in solidarity through every step out of crisis.
    5. First, we must bridge the peacedivide. For far too many around the world, peace and stability remain a distant dream.In Afghanistan,where we must boost humanitarian assistance and defend human rights, especially of women and girls.
    6. Upheaval from Afghanistan to Ethiopia to Yemen and beyond has thwarted peace.
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