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- Sep 2021
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There is already much work being done. But we need to give these efforts a stronger push, througheducation, training, and, improving digital skills and literacy across the board; investing in infrastructure, for universal and affordable internet connectivity; and expanding access to data and digital public goods, including open-source software and digital utilities.
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Jamaicais taking an inclusive approach to improvedigital literacy,through increased access to,and use of ICT,by 50% in public institutions, schools and key public areas in the country,over the next four years.We are engaging ourprivate sector to improvethe application of science, technology and innovation ineducational institutions,towardsnational development.
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Nous nous attelons maintenant à réformer le système éducatif pour en faire un enseignement technique et professionnel, ce qui permettra de créer une jeunesse techniquement capable d’être polyvalente dans l’exercice des activités économiques dans tous les secteurs
digitally literate pop
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At the global level, combating disinformation effectively requires even closer understanding and cooperation in international organizations. Latvia was one of the initiators of the UN General Assembly resolution on the promotion ofmedia and information literacy at the global level adopted this year
This crisis has highlighted the need to continuously strengthen the resilience of countries and societies.COVID-19 highlighted the vulnerability of our societies to all kinds of disinformation. 7.Latvia's response to combating disinformation is based on strengthening public resilience-by raising awarenessof disinformation; strengthening independent and pluralistic media; the involvement of civil society; and teaching media literacy.