15 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
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The DPRK delegation avails itself of this opportunity to extend its full support and encouragement to the Cuban government and people who continue to move forward holding aloft the bannerof socialism in the face of the U.S. moves to impose illegal sanctions and blockade and to undermine Cuba from within.
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The unjust designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism along withthe economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed against that country, undermine its ability to cope with the pervasive impacts of the pandemic and its potential to achieve sustainable development.
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применение односторонних ограничений грубейшим образом нарушает международное право и наносит непоправимый вред всей системе международных отношений, наращивает конфликтный потенциал и враждебность в межгосударственных отношениях.Беларусь выражает солидарность с другими странами, которые подверглись гнету санкционной политики. Мы поддерживаембратский народ Кубы,который уже столько лет находится в несправедливой экономической блокаде по волюнтаристской воле одного государства.
... the use of unilateral restrictions grossly violates international law and causes irreparable harm to the entire system of international relations, increases the potential for conflict and hostility in interstate relations. Belarus expresses solidarity with other countries that have been subjected to the yoke of the sanctions policy. We support the brotherly nation of Cuba, who have been in an unjust economic blockade for so many years by the voluntarist will of one state.
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Cuba continues to punch above its weight with its humanitarian efforts, playing its part in theglobal Covid-19 response, despite its disadvantaged position in the International Community.Saint Lucia joins CARICOM and the global community in renewing calls to the United States tonormalizeitsrelationswithCuba,andfortheabolitionoftheexistingembargo,whichonlyservesas a hindrance to economic growth in Cuba, and an obstacle to realizing full regional economicintegrationintheCaribbean.GivenCuba’sroleinhealth,education,sports,andsocialdevelopment in our region, the normalisation of relations with Cuba, means the advancement ofdevelopment in our entire Caribbean region. As we make this annual call for the normalisation ofrelationswithCuba,SaintLuciawantsittobeknownthatwearespeakingtoourowndevelopmentinas muchas we arespeakingabout thebetterment ofthelives ofthe Cuban people
St Lucia in favour of normalisation of relations with Cuba
www.diplomacy.edu www.diplomacy.edu
in the same vein of a rules-based order the u.s preserves the obsolete obsolete trade embargo against cuba and strives to impose its will on the peoples of venezuela and nicaragua in flagon violation of the charter-based principles of non-interference into internal affairs of sovereign states
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We note with concern the 60-year-oldeconomic embargo imposed on Cuba remains in place and we reiterate the call for the lifting of the embargo within the spirit and purposes of the United Nations Charter
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I call forthe lifting ofthe economic, commercial,and financial embargo against Cuba,and I note theincalculabledamage it causes
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The Cuban people are forced to carve out their sustainable development under the burden of the illegal, unilateral economic, commercial and financial embargo.
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Over the past three decades, the U.N. General Assembly has consistently voted against unilateral coercive measures through economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba but to no avail.
our call for the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people and complete withdrawal from their occupied territories, as well as theindependence of the Saharawi people. We also renew our call for the lifting of the unilateral economic embargo against the people of Cuba.
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Call to end sanctions against Cuba
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Mr.President, the strained relations between the United States and Cubaare also a matter of deep concern to our region.We are convinced that normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States would have a beneficial impact onpeace in the hemisphere and greater prosperity for all
Guyana wants US' relations with Cuba to improve
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For more than 60 years, the US government has not ceased for a single minute in its attacks against Cuba. However, at this crucial and challenging moment for all nations, its aggressiveness exceeds all limits. The most cruel and longest-lasting economic, commercial and financial blockade ever applied against any nation, has been opportunistically and criminally tightened during thepandemic;and the current democratic administration maintains unchanged the 243 coercive measures adopted by the Donald Trump administration, including Cuba’s inclusion in the spurious and immoral list of countries allegedly sponsoring terrorismIt is inthis context that an Unconventional War is launched against our country,to which the US Government has allocated, in a public and notorious manner,millionsthrough manipulationcampaignsand lies, with the use of the new information technologies and other digital platforms, in order to portray, internally and externally,an absolutely false image of the Cuban reality, sowconfusion, destabilize and discredit the country and vindicate the ‘change of regime’doctrine.They have done everything to erase the Cuban Revolution from the political map to the world. They accept no alternatives to the model they conceive for their own backyard. Their plan is perverse and incompatible (as) withthe democracy and freedom they advocate.But our enemies must be clear that we will not give away theHomeland and the Revolution that several generations of patriots bequeathed to us by standing their ground. Today I would like to reiterate before the respectable and real community of nations that every year votes almost unanimously against the blockade, what Army General Raúl Castro expressed some years ago: “...Cuba is not afraid of lies, nor does it give in to pressures, conditions or impositions, wherever these may come from...”
Economic blockade of Cuba
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Aprovechola oportunidad para ratificar nuestra solidaridad y nuestro apoyo a la República de Cuba,al pueblo de Cuba en la exigencia apoyada durante 27 oportunidades por votación mayoritaria de Naciones Unidas,a que se levante de inmediato todas las medidas de bloqueo comercial y económico contra la República de Cuba,contra el pueblo de Cuba.Venezuela alza su voz también con justicia y por humanidad por Cuba,una República y un pueblo heroico.