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  1. Jan 2022
    1. Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta and Microsoft—call them MAAMA.

      This is new acronym MAAMA ||sorina||||StephanieBP||||AndrijanaG||||VladaR||

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  2. Dec 2021
  3. Sep 2021
    1. illegal and harmful content and their algorithmic amplification, transparency, and access to platforms’ data for researchers as well as the democratic responsibility of online intermediaries.

      Key issues

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    1. we are sparing no effort to provide the necessary support and the enabling environment to fosterdiversification, through substantial transformation in the creative sector as well as in manufacturing, finance, medicine, security, commerce, agriculture and renewable energy. Our newly established Ministry of Digital Transformation is leading these efforts to create a competitive digitally - driven economy that will stimulategreater opportunities for all of our people.
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    1. Важно также думать и об экономическом компоненте нового порядка. К сожалению, экономическая глобализация не работает в интересах всех людей на планете. В связи с этим мы видим огромный потенциал региональных интеграционных процессов для глобальной экономики.Мы называем такойподход «интеграция интеграций».

      It is also important to think about the economic component of the new order. Unfortunately, economic globalization is not working in the best interests of all people on the planet. In this regard, we see a huge potential of regional integration processes for the global economy. We call this approach "integration of integrations"

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    1. We will look to accelerate investment trends, like increased digitization, that will modernize our economy and help it recover.
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    1. At the national level, Singapore is already building partnerships with many countries. 57. We have concluded Digital Economy Agreements with several partners.58. We co-lead the WTO Joint Statement Initiative on e-commerce with Japan and Australia, which now includes more than 80 member economies and comprise 90% of global trade
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    1. Over the past three decades, the U.N. General Assembly has consistently voted against unilateral coercive measures through economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba but to no avail.
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    1. But the market in EVs in the UK is now growing at an extraordinary pace -maybe two thirds every year -and Nissan is sufficiently confident to invest £1 billion in a new EV factory and a gigafactory for the batteries. And that is because we have set a hard deadline for the sale of new hydrocarbon ICEs of 2030and again we call on the world to come together to drive this market so that by 2040there are only zero emission vehicles on sale anywhere in the world.And you can make these cuts in pollution while driving jobs and growth:

      linking economy and climate change

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    1. Because ecological transition entails radical changes that will have a very directimpact on people,on their jobs, andon consumer habits. This is why we are not only leading a Just Recovery project to overcome the economic crisis. We are also committed to a just transition. This commitment stems from our absolute conviction that this is the most effective way of achieving new levels ofprogress and wellbeing.
    2. But the truth is that, in spite ofappearances, the coronavirus also reinforced inequalities. The poorest regions lacked thehealth infrastructure necessary to stop the spread of the disease, as well as the resources tocreate a social safety netto protect their citizensfroman economic crisi
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    1. mr president in sierra leone through our quick action economic response program we are building fiscal resilience by investing in agriculture human capital development and expanding productivity through economic diversification but we believe our post-covered recovery will be anchored in increased a private sector investments international trade and development financing
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    1. Mr President,the covid-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching social economic impact globally including disturbing trade flows,supply chains,and various economic activities on our continent in the world. In addition to loss of lives,the pandemic increased poverty levels through job losses,stressed health care systems,and we're still the delivery of education to learners. Disruption to the education systems,particularly in developing countries,was in part due to inadequate information communication and technology -ICTfacilities within our countries
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    1. The pandemic is also an opportunity to build a better worldandpromote economic and social recovery that generates sustainable, green, inclusive, and resilient societies adapted to technological and digital transformations.
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    1. Lithuania has earlier used its chances for early digital transformation, with advances in modern information and communication infrastructure jumpstarting a fast growth of digital economy. We intend to do the same with green transformation.

      Parallel between jumpstarting digital economy activities and green transformation

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    1. 45Telle est la vision de mon Plan d’action de coopération numérique: saisir les promesses du numérique tout en se prémunissant contre ses dangers.L’un des plus grands périls auxquels nous sommes confrontés, c’est le pouvoir croissantdes plateformes numériques et l’utilisation des données à des fins néfastes.

      This is the vision of my Digital Cooperation Action Plan: seize the promises of digital while guarding against its dangers.One of the greatest perils we face is the growing power of digital platforms and the use of data for harmful purposes.

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