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  1. Sep 2021
    1. Principles and purposes of the UN Charter, non-alignment, international law and norms of world peace form the basis of our foreign policy.
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    1. Все мы уже несколько десятилетий пребываем в затяжной и беспрецедентной глобальной турбулентности и непредсказуемости.Это закономерный итог того, что наша планета функционирует во многом внесистемы и обязательств, закрепленных в универсальных принципах международного права Уставом ООН.

      For several decades, all of us have been in a protracted and unprecedented global turbulence and unpredictability. This is a natural result of the fact that our planet functions in many respects outside the system and obligations enshrined in the universal principles of international law by the UN Charter.

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    1. in the same vein of a rules-based order the u.s preserves the obsolete obsolete trade embargo against cuba and strives to impose its will on the peoples of venezuela and nicaragua in flagon violation of the charter-based principles of non-interference into internal affairs of sovereign states
    2. for russia it is obvious that one can only effectively counter threats and challenges through concerted efforts in strict compliance with the universally recognized norms of international law first and foremost the purposes and principles of the un charter this global organization should play a central coordinating role in world politics fully unleashing its potential of universal multilateralism and legitimacy r
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    1. we deplore any state-sponsored malign activities committed in Europe in recent years as simply unacceptable, illegal and in direct violation of everything the UN stands for. The Czech Republic has experienced it first-hand.
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    1. At the same time, we must bearin mind that digital transformationand artificial intelligenceposes new risks.Also, security threats in cyberspace are increasing.16.Therefore, in parallel with technological developments, we must work actively to define new legal principles. 17.On the one hand these principles should help us make the best use of opportunitiesand, on the other, to avoid risksand damage to human rights and freedoms.
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    1. Will we apply and strengthen the core tenets of inter- — of the international system, including the U.N. Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as we seek to shape the emergence of new technologies and deter new threats?  Or will we allow these universal — those universal principles to be trampled and twisted in the pursuit of naked political power? 

      International system, incl UN needs strengthening. Makes connection between international system and emerging technologies, new threats (cyber) and the need to protect principles of UN Charter