1. Jan 2022
    1. to protecting kids and teens online.
    2. Democrats want laws that force tech companies to take down more harmful content. Republicans say the platforms censor conservative views, despite evidence showing that right-wing content and figures thrive on social media.
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    1. We won’t tell you what to think about the future, but how to think about it.

      good for our course

    2. critical but not cynical;
    3. shouldn’t shy away from pushing the envelope either
    4. this or that invention would “change everything.”
    5. But whatever the story, you should find something to learn from it—and, ideally, the inspiration to make a positive difference yourself.
    6. You cannot explain the impacts of technology on the world without deeply understanding the motives, incentives, and limitations of the people who build and use it.
    7. What would it take to build a better future?
    8. a false dichotomy
    9. This tug-of-war between optimism and pessimism is the reason why I said this feels like an inflection point in the history of tech
    10. Blockchain is either the most radical invention of the century or a worthless shell game. The metaverse is either the next incarnation of the internet or just an ingeniously vague label for a bunch of overhyped things that will mostly fail. Personalized medicine will revolutionize health care or just widen its inequalities. Facebook has either destroyed democracy or revolutionized society. Every issue is divisive and tribal. And it’s generally framed as a judgment on the tech itself—“this tech is bad” vs. “this tech is good”—instead of looking at the underlying economic, social, and personal forces that actually determine what that tech will do.

      Exampels of binary logic

    11. Yet debates about tech, like those about politics or social issues, still seem to always collapse into either/or.
    12. an intelligent person should be able to hold opposed ideas in their mind simultaneously and still function.
    13. to think tech itself was the solution—and that we’d now be equally wrong to treat tech as the problem.
    14. with rejecting the binary
    15. What does it mean to be WIRED, a publication born to celebrate technology, in an age when tech is often demonized?
    16. Today, a great deal of media coverage focuses on the damage wrought by a tech industry run amok.
    17. how to think about the issue intelligently and with nuance instead of always falling into the binary trap.

      Our course should help thinking about issues with nuance avoidng binary traps.

    18. More likely, you—like me—are at neither of these extremes.
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    1. is "called to be truly inclusive, not canceling but cherishing the differences and sensibilities that have historically marked various peoples."
    2. The pope slammed those who operate under the "guise of defending diversity" and in the process eliminate "all sense of identity," which he said risks "silencing positions that defend a respectful and balanced understanding of various sensibilities."
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    1. Recently, the issue of child safety in virtual reality was raised by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). The campaign group looked at a popular third-party app called VRChat.

      ||StephanieBP|| This could be of an interest for UNICEF project.

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    1. "Diplomacy is called to be truly inclusive, not canceling but cherishing the differences and sensibilities that have historically marked various peoples," he added.
    2. Speaking on Monday, the head of the Catholic Church blasted “one-track thinking” in which individuals express a “mindset that rejects the natural foundations of humanity.”
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    1. During his address to the diplomats, Pope Francis welcomed the forthcoming opening of the 88th permanent embassy in the Eternal City, that of Switzerland, until now located in Slovenia.
    2. The Holy See has either a local nunciature (106) or a delocalized nunciature (77). In comparison, China has an ambassador in 169 countries, the United States in 168 countries and France in 161 countries.
    3. The Holy See has either a local nunciature (106) or a delocalized nunciature (77). In comparison, China has an ambassador in 169 countries, the United States in 168 countries and France in 161 countries.
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    1. In the past, malicious spam focused more on using techniques such as viruses. Now that computers are better at auto-updating to patch security holes, spammers are targeting people with social attacks, using techniques like impersonating real companies or people. They’re exploiting human weaknesses more than computer weaknesses.
    2. there has been a 30 percent increase in the volume of spam this past year across services.
    3. particularly in the past six months — many people using free-email services have noticed a surge of unwanted scam emails
    4. hanks to improvements in automatic filters from email providers and third-party services, the early 2000′s onslaught of sketchy Viagra offers and promised contest winnings were mostly kept out of sight.
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    1. she believes that local residents are right in arguing that they don’t get much in return for hosting data centers.
    2. One of the most common arguments against the facility is its huge demand for green energy that was destined for Dutch homes. The data center “uses an enormous amount of electricity, of which a big part is green electricity, which we don't have much of in the Netherlands anyway,” says de Roos. The new Dutch government echoed this sentiment in its December coalition agreement, saying that "hyperscale data centers place an unreasonably large demand on the available renewable energy in relation to their societal or economic value.”
    3. Like Schaap, other residents of Zeewolde are outraged that Meta has chosen their town for its first gigantic data center in the Netherlands. They claim the company will be allowed to syphon off a large percentage of the country’s renewable energy supply to power porn, conspiracy theories, and likes on Meta’s social platforms.
    4. Like Schaap, other residents of Zeewolde are outraged that Meta has chosen their town for its first gigantic data center in the Netherlands. They claim the company will be allowed to syphon off a large percentage of the country’s renewable energy supply to power porn, conspiracy theories, and likes on Meta’s social platforms.
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    1. despite China controlling approximately 60 percent of rare earth ore, producing 85 percent of the oxides, and accounting for more than 95 percent of the rare earth manufacturing, there is no comparable response.
    2. Rare earths have become a fundamental part of modern life. Cell phones, computers, televisions, and cars are among the indispensable products powered by the strong internal magnets manufactured from rare earths. Modern medical devices, communication systems, and a sustainable, “green” energy transition are entirely dependent on successful exploitation of this non-renewable resource and, as can be easily inferred, rare earths are vital for the development of military technology.
    3. Rare earth metals, or simply “rare earths,” are the essential, irreplaceable materials powering most of modern technology and, since 1985, China has systematically gained near complete control over the global supply chain.
    4. Rare earth metals, or simply “rare earths,” are the essential, irreplaceable materials powering most of modern technology and, since 1985, China has systematically gained near complete control over the global supply chain.
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    1. Iran demonstrated they are not working. Iran’s economy might suffer, but not its scientific progress.
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    1. Amid all this, we remain perplexed and vexed by the anomalous health incidents, or Havana syndrome, that have stricken some 200 U.S. officials and family members in multiple countries. The cause and source still unknown, one strong theory is targeted microwaves.

      Is Havana syndrom caused by microwaves?

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    1. Here is an improtant article of brain-mind interplay

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    1. ||nikolabATdiplomacy.edu||||VladaR|| This text provides a good summary of space diplomacy including the major initatives and positions of the key actors

    2. By establishing agreed-upon norms of behavior in space and generating binding restrictions on ASAT testing, the international community can ensure that space is stable, secure and accessible to all for generations to come.
    3. a verification regime needs to be developed that will enable all countries to monitor whether or not the conditions of any agreement are being followed
    4. what incentives are driving the testing of ASAT weapons and how those can be shifted.
    5. no agreed-upon space arms control lexicon; one is needed to overcome the existing cultural, language, and geopolitical differences amongst the major space powers.
    6. In October 2021, the U.N. First Committee voted to hold a new Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on space threats (and formalized it in the UNGA with a vote in December 2021). The OEWG would be open to all countries and would meet in 2022 and 2023 to develop concrete proposals for addressing space threats.
    7. The other main multilateral body where one might expect to see negotiations on space arms control, the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, has been bogged down in disagreement over what the real threat to space is. Russia, China and their allies argue that the focus should be on banning the placement of space-to-Earth weapons in orbit. The United States and its allies instead argue that threatening behavior in space—such as uncoordinated close approaches to another country’s satellite, or the deliberate creation of large amounts of debris—is what is destabilizing. Furthermore, the two sides are split over whether the steps taken should be a legally binding treaty or voluntary guidelines and political norms of behavior.

      Position of the main actors on space diplomacy.

    8. The international community has been trying for decades to limit the development or use of space weapons, such as ASATs, through discussions of what has been called the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
    9. And it happened at an altitude of approximately 480 kilometers; both the International Space Station and China’s Tiangong space station orbit at an altitude of around 400 kilometers.
    10. And some of this orbital debris is long-lived, meaning that it could pose a future risk to anything that might launch into the same altitude for years to come.
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    1. Cryptocurrencies are developing slowly in Africa. Nigerian ban on cryptocurrencies raised a lot of attention. One area where cryptocurrencies may play an important role is transfer of remittances of a hug African diaspora transferring USD 42 billion annually. However, given volatility of cybercurrencies this posses the major risk.

    2. A new solution to Africa’s remittances problem

      It is interesting to follow since remittances are major problem. Fees are very high. Are cryptocurrencies solution for this problem?

    3. With Nigeria’s crypto ban dominating headlines throughout 2021,

      ||ArvinKamberi|| Is there any website which follows current situaton with banning/using cryptocurrency?

      How up-to-date is this map https://dig.watch/cryptocurrency-and-crypto-assets-mapping-regulation/

      Do we update it regularly?


    4. As we’ve witnessed from China, blanket bans do little in terms of limiting trading activity and protecting consumers but engaging experts who understand the nuances of new and complex technology like cryptocurrencies can provide a huge amount of value on how to protect consumers from its risks.

      ||ArvinKamberi|| Is it true that ban in China does not work. I am not sure. Any research or source?

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    1. ||StephanieBP|| ||DylanF|| In ordert to strenghten visibility of our Namibia project we can submit link to our blog and press release from Namibia. They may republish it.

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    1. Games are important artefacts of human creativity. They are like books and music. But, it is not easy to preserve them as a part of cultural heritage due to legal, technical and other limitations.

    2. Gibson wrote in 2012 that “video games represent one of the most difficult challenges for digital preservationists,” noting they are made for a “diverse array of hardware and software platforms, rife with rights issues.” He also wrote that they are “expressive creative works objects which one hopes to attend to the highest levels of artifactual qualities.”
    3. Game history is part of general culture as well as intellectual and media history. It’s not possible to include a full history of any of those topics without including games from the 1970s forward.
    4. “Game history is part of general culture as well as intellectual and media history,” said Henry Lowood, curator for film and media collections as well as science and technology collections in the Stanford University Libraries. Lowood is one of the academics pushing for increased access to games for the purposes of study. “It’s not possible to include a full history of any of those topics without including games from the 1970s forward.”

      gaming history as part of our cultural history

    5. the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), a trade organization that lobbies on behalf of game publishers.

      We should follow their work.

      ||AndrijanaG||||StephanieBP||||sorina|| We need to strenghten coverage of gaiming industry in all governance and policy aspects. Here is the name of association of gaming industry.

    6. have touted gaming’s cultural impact as the equal of literature, film and music.
    7. have touted gaming’s cultural impact as the equal of literature, film and music.
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    1. Every year I follow CES in order to see a few things:

      • what are the latest consumer technology
      • what is hype vs reality since at CES they have to present practical devices that can be used.

      This year, CES focused on metaverse and wearable technology.


    2. air purifier that goes around your neck.
    3. Just take the Ameca robot from Engineered Arts, a true-to-scale, metal-and-plastic robot person who blinks, shrugs and grimaces just like you and me — if you and me were stilted human facsimiles.
    4. People still don’t have legal protections for the personal data they generate in normal old smartphone apps, yet consumer tech is marching forward into virtual reality.

      Real challenge for data proteciton.

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    1. ||sorina|| Matter is becoming connectivity standard for IoT. They aim to solve a problem that, in particular, IoT devices cannot communciate to each other due to the lack of connectivity.

      We may follow-up on this standard development.

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    1. Some door locks, for example, worked only with Apple phones and not Androids; some thermostats were controlled by talking to Google Assistant and not to Siri.
    2. The metaverse could still turn out to be a fad, depending on what products emerge and who buys them.
    3. But throughout Year 2 of the pandemic, a critical mass of factors came together to make the metaverse more realistic,
    4. “The next phase takes that visual representation and dimensionalizes it. You go into an environment and express yourself through an avatar.”
    5. Many of the same “trends” appear again and again because, to put it simply, technology takes a long time to mature before most of us actually want to buy it.
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    1. Latin American countries are also fortifying their “Active Non-Alignment” stance, using stronger relations with China as leverage to achieve relative state autonomy from the U.S. and to extract benefits from both the U.S. and China.

      Latin America is developing 'Active Non-Alignment'. It is a new concept.


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    1. on an Oculus headset from Facebook parent company Meta or clicking into a desktop application.
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    1. This article shows limits of the use of AI in health mainly related to low quality of data.


    2. Smaller data sets make it easier for algorithms to cheat that way and create blind spots that cause poor results in the clinic.
    3. they use powerful algorithms on data sets that are too small.
    4. Accessing health data is harder because of privacy concerns and creaky IT systems.
    5. can be highly accurate at specific tasks, such as finding skin cancers or predicting patient outcomes.
    6. “Unfortunately we couldn’t find those shining stars; we found a lot of problems.”
    7. when the UK’s Alan Turing Institute looked for evidence of how artificial intelligence had helped with the crisis, it didn’t find much to celebrate.
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    1. to explain an idea clearly

      Precisely the aim of our newsletters. Clarity, brevity.

    2. Even in time of video and brief message, writing gains in relevance because it forces us to think with clarity and clear structure.

      “The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen,” reckoned Lee Iacocca.

      Writing also preserve the history of projects and activities.

      Centrality of writing for our management (long documents), research and courses (Textus) seems to be the right choice (although at some points counter-intuitive).


    3. But for the structured thought it demands, and the ease with which it can be shared and edited, the written word is made for remote work.

      Even in time of video and brief message, writing gains in relevance because it forces us to think with clarity and clear structure.

      “The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen,” reckoned Lee Iacocca.

      Writing also preserve the history of projects and activities.

      Centrality of writing for our management (long documents), research and courses (Textus) seems to be the right choice (although at some points counter-intuitive).


    4. But for the structured thought it demands, and the ease with which it can be shared and edited, the written word is made for remote work.
    5. But good prose and useful prose share the same essential qualities: brevity, structure, a clear theme.

      Key for a good writing!

    6. “Brainwriting” is a brainstorming technique, used by Slack among others, in which participants are given time to put down their ideas before discussion begins.

      Interesting concept of 'brainwriting'

    7. Gitlab’s answer is “textual communication”.
    8. teams with high-quality documentation deliver software faster and more reliably
    9. so is turning up to a meeting and not having the foggiest what was decided last time out.

      why our narrative GoogleDocs matter

    10. When veterans depart an organisation, they should leave knowledge behind.
    11. When new employees start work on something, they want the back story.
    12. “In my experience, discussion expands the space of possibilities while writing reduces it to its most essential components.”

      Why writing is important for 'closure' in discussions and actoinable points.

    13. “The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen,” reckoned Lee Iacocca
    14. slow, time-intensive writing
    15. an old form of communication—writing—is also flourishing.
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    1. Acknowledgements

      ||kat_hone|| Here is study on digital diplomacy and Africa. On the first glance, it looks serious. Let us annotate it together

      ||VladaR||||Katarina_An|| you may see if there is something useful for your projects with GFCE.

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    1. But however professional, a chargé d’affaires running an embassy often lacks the clout that comes with being the president’s chosen ambassador, endorsed by the Senate

      Why charge d' affairs is not enough for full diplomatic activity.

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    1. now

      Well, not technically 'now'. It's been doing this for a while.

    2. The NSD outline delves into the interaction between the process of developing technical standards and driving forward technological innovation.

      Clear in many other previous docs also...

    3. Why is the Chinese government pulling out all the stops on its standardization program in the current political climate?

      But the focus on standardisation is not new. For instance, every single year most ministries (if not all) issue their own standardisation priorities.

    4. ||sorina|| China's 'Standard 2035' as outlined in the National Standardization Development (NSD) document has a few interesting angle:

      • anchoring standardisation development into green/sustainable agenda
      • influence on internatoinal standar develoment

      Sorina, is this article objective in coverage?

    5. The timing of the project can be linked to China’s recent successes in the standards domain with Huawei dominating the 5G standards and with China exporting standards through Belt and Road projects in regions like Central Asia and Africa.
    6. to open standardization to the outside world.
    7. China has successfully captured the renewable energy market being the global leader in solar power and EV batteries.
    8. views technical standards through the lens of green and sustainable development.
    9. by acquiring the first-mover advantage in key sectors.
    10. The Chinese government believes that the strategic and geopolitical game is no longer limited to market domination and is inherently influenced by system design and rulemaking.
    11. better economic gains in the form of licenses and royalties
    12. the optimization of the industrial supply chains (production, distribution, circulation, and consumption),

      this is new aspect.

    13. to dictate the terms of technological innovation in certain critical technologies
    14. banking on technical standards to achieve technical competence and excellence in critical technologies
    15. China views standardization as a way to strengthen its research and development in critical and emerging technology areas like artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and biotechnology.
    16. the National Standardization Development (NSD) outline document
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    1. ||VladaR||||AndrijanaG|| Here is a good summary of action against Revil group.

    2. The FSB arrests of alleged REvil gang members sent a message of the benefits of cooperation with Russia, while at the same time underscoring the potential costs to the United States if relations worsen.
    3. Although that attack was claimed by a different Russian-speaking hacker group, DarkSide, it is not uncommon for hackers to work for more than one group, and it is quite possible that the hacker shown worked for both REvil and DarkSide, analysts said.
    4. but Friday’s arrests are Russia’s first major operation to halt Russia-based ransomware attacks around the globe.
    5. marked a rare positive moment in U.S.-Russia relations after a flurry of diplomatic efforts in Europe this past week failed to deter Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine and persuade Moscow to de-escalate.
    6. Russia’s domestic security agency on Friday arrested 14 alleged members of the REvil ransomware gang and announced that it had eliminated the group at the request of Washington.
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    1. one of humanity’s longest-running cultural traditions, involving the expression of identity and relationships.
    2. the existence of a long-distance social network that stretched over thousands of miles, connecting people in far-flung regions.
    3. Careful analysis suggests that people who made the beads – which are still manufactured and worn by hunter-gatherers in Africa today – were exchanging them over vast distances, helping to share symbolic messages and to strengthen alliances.
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    1. Two of Tokayev’s decisive moves have been the replacement of Nazarbayev as the head of the National Security Council and the dismissal of the country’s powerful intelligence chief Karim Masimov (who has since been arrested along with other unidentified suspects as part of a probe into “high treason.”)
    2. Why is Kazakhstan a sought-after partner? Simply put, the country provides unique access to ethnic Russian and Chinese groups as “specimens” for conducting field research involving highly pathogenic potential biological-warfare agents. Kazakhstan has 13,364 kilometers of borders with its neighboring countries Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
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    1. The EU should respond to the challenge by focusing on four pillars of European Green Deal diplomacy: trade, bilateral financial agreements, multilateralism through the United Nations, and domestic implementation of its Fit for 55 climate package.

      EU is basing its green deal diplomacy on the 4 pillars:

      • trade,
      • bilateral financial agreements,
      • multilateralism through the United Nations, and
      • domestic implementation of EU Green Deal.
    2. Wealthy Western powers such as the US, the United Kingdom, and the EU still fail to see that climate justice and efficiency in dealing with the global climate crisis are two sides of the same coin.
    3. The European Commission has proposed a version of the CBAM that is designed to be compatible with the rules and principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO). But legality is not the real test of such a measure. The EU and its member states need to prepare to face trade retaliation for the CBAM.
    4. Most countries – rich and poor, large and small – view the CBAM as green trade protectionism.
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    1. However, lawyer Kian Bone claimed that Djokovic could only benefit from diplomatic immunity if he entered Australia on official state business. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade also state on their website that holding such a passport will not lead to special rights of privileges.

      Finally that somebody explains what diplomatic passport is about.

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    1. According to Li, the moon simulator could also be used to test whether new technology such as 3D printing could be used to build structures on the lunar surface. It could help assess whether a permanent human settlement could be built there, including issues like how well the surface traps heat, he said.

      3D printing on the moon

    2. According to Li, the moon simulator could also be used to test whether new technology such as 3D printing could be used to build structures on the lunar surface. It could help assess whether a permanent human settlement could be built there, including issues like how well the surface traps heat, he said.
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    1. This is serious analysis of consuption of electrical energy for bitcoin mining. ||ArvinKamberi|| Can we enrich our DW cryptocurrency page with some information frm this website

      We should also use it for our pages on enviornment and digitalisation.


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    1. The frenetic social media action follows an end-of-year announcement by Kosovo’s government of an immediate, albeit temporary, ban on all crypto mining activity as part of emergency measures to ease a crippling energy crisis.
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    1. That was because of the nations’ “soaring” negative perceptions towards each other, economic issues being politicised and affected by national security scrutiny, and both sides seeking support from allies “in a sustained geostrategic competition”, he said.
    2. a hot peace rather than a new Cold War.

      Hot peace or cold war?

    3. “Despite escalating political difficulties, Chinese and American businesses remain deeply integrated in terms of financial, intellectual and production networks,” Wang wrote. “The vast majority of Chinese and American companies are not embracing the idea of decoupling.”

      View from Chinese specialist

    4. Wang noted that Beijing was grappling with an economic slowdown and trying to contain the spread of Covid-19, while the pandemic and financial stability were also key issues for Washington.
    5. He said US President Joe Biden would be under fire at home if his administration moved away from confrontation with China before the 2022 midterm elections. And he also expected Beijing to show stronger resolve to resist US challenges to its legitimacy and authority in the run-up to the Communist Party national congress in autumn.

      China - USA relations

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    1. ||sorina|| Here are interesting standards. Let us include them into Dig.Watch.

    2. Standards for IOT are raising in relevance. They also cover two other areas of digital policy: helath and labour rights.

      IEEE has many relevant standards in this field.


      here is an interesting link of IOT sesnosr standards

    4. The devices have become key enablers for a host of new technologies essential to business and to everyday life, from turning on a light switch to managing one’s health.

      Link to health. ||VladaR|| related to your research on health and security.

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    1. tates, the progress enjoyed by the LGBTQI+ community rests on the shoulders of thousands of brave pioneers with the courage to live their lives openly a
    2. on Julian on Wednesda
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    1. the U.S. government passed a sweeping cybersecurity bill called the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020 at the very tail end of that year. The law is a more flexible and adaptable approach to cybersecurity than previous laws. Crucially, it requires the National Institute of Standards and Technology to establish best practices that other government agencies must then follow when purchasing IoT devices. The initial rules unveiled by NIST in 2021 include requiring an over-the-air update option for devices and unique device IDs. And while the law pertains only to devices purchased by the U.S. government, there’s little reason to suspect it won’t have ongoing and broad effects on the IoT industry. Companies will likely include NIST’s cybersecurity requirements in all of its devices, whether selling to the U.S. government or elsewhere.

      About US IoT cybersecurity improvement act 2020

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    1. Widening digital divide between high- and low-income households with greater long-run risks of human capital depreciation and intergenerational mobility for low-income households
    2. exacerbated the digital divide between the haves and the have-nots as telecommuting opportunities and remote education have not been equally accessible by low-income households, hurting their long-run income prospects, including intergenerational mobility. The pandemic will likely further fuel the digitalization and automation that had been underway before the pandemic and may disproportionately affect low-skilled workers. Policies fostering financial inclusion are also critical for reducing the inequality of opportunities. Policies that focus on greater accessibility of financial services to low-income households have been shown to be important for sustainable and inclusive economic growth and development
    3. olicies to foster equal access to technology and financial inclusion. The COVID-19 pandemic has
    4. The pandemic may accelerate a pre-existing global trend toward digitalization, automation and robotization, as firms increasingly seek to replace low-skilled workers with automated processe

      pandemic accelerating digitalisation trend

    5. The “digital divide” is exacerbated by less accessible high-speed internet and tele-commuting technologies for low-income households

      DD and access to work

    6. side from the benefits, however, this may contribute to rising income inequality and form a long-term setback for intergenerational mobility and human capital accumulation among low-income households

      digitalisation and inequalities

    7. the pandemic has exacerbated the digital divide as telecommuting opportunities and remote education have not been equally accessible by low-income households.

      growing DD

    8. Investing in digital infrastructure and technological diffusion is also key, as it enables better access to jobs, finance, and schooling during crises. To this end, policies need to be geared to ensuring that firms can leverage the COVID-19 digital dividend, including through the provision of training for small firms and policies that support e-commerce, fintech, and business-to-business digital technologies. Enhancing regula-tory frameworks that favor innovation and competition in the telecommunications market is also important
    9. To cement productivity gains related to the accelerated adoption of digital technologies, policy makers can foster competition among digital firms including by reducing barriers to entry.

      link between competition and faster adoption of digital tech

    10. rapid adoption of digital financial technologies could reduce financing costs and expand access to credit among small- and medium-sized firms

      financial tech

    11. faster pace of technological diffusion across firms and countrie

      acknowledging inequalities

    12. Global growth could also benefit from a prolonged period of accelerated technological change, which may, over time, become a positive side-effect of the pandemic. Many corporations were forced to innovate in order to survive the initial pandemic shock, rapidly adopting new digital technologies and shifting some of their business activities online. If sustained, the acceleration of digitalization brought on by the pandemic could contribute to faster productivity growth (Hallward-Driemeier et al. 2020; IMF 2021a; Mischke et al. 2021). The installation of new productive capital such as telecom-munications equipment could contribute to a rise in total factor productivity, in contrast to the declines experienced after some past global recession

      Again about how digital tech could drive productivity growth.

    13. continued rapid adoption of digital technologies could help sustain a more robust global economic recovery than projected.

      digital tech and global economic recovery

    14. bor-saving digital technologies could spur the reallocation oflabor toward higher-growth sectors, provided it is accompanied by proper labor and social protection policies, helping to raise potential output and sustain the global recovery (Dieppe 2020).

      ||Jovan|| This is idea for the section on labour. My suggestion is to indicate

      How would such re-allocaiton affect lower-growth sectors.

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    1. Of the big three vendors, only Huawei is not a member, citing its belief that Open RAN systems cannot perform as well as the company's proprietary systems

      It will be important to follow China's attitude towards ORAN. Currently, it seems ORAN is not as efficient as proprietary - but this is likely to change. At some point, Huawei model may become less 'sellable' (ultimately, operators around the world decide on profit, especially when difference is big). Will Chinese industry ultimately turn to ORAN to some extent? Also, will China try to 'emphasise' some of the weaknesses of ORAN, eg. through cyberattacks against its virtualised elements? ||JovanK|| ||sorina|| ||AndrijanaG||

    2. Open RAN is here to stay.

      This is certain. It provides business advantages to operators, allows blooming new market, reduces dependencies, and has political impact. It will unbundle RAN dependencies and supply chain. Yet, it has drawbacks that we have to study.

    3. When an operator buys an end-to-end system from Nokia or Ericsson or Huawei, it also knows it can depend on that vendor to support the network when problems crop up. Not so with Open RAN deployments, where no single vendor is likely to claim responsibility for interoperability issues. Larger operators will likely be able to support their own Open RAN networks, but smaller operators may be reliant on companies like Mavenir, which have positioned themselves as system integrators.

      Another possible drawback of ORAN: ensuring interoperability of various vendors, in contrast to responsibility of big vendors (similar challenge to open source software). Open question: how can this impact security (similar to open source security issues)?

    4. Rakuten, in particular, faced some initial setbacks when its Open RAN network's performance didn't match the performance of a traditional end-to-end system

      (Current) Drawback of ORAN: Performance

    5. After a mandate from the British government to strip all Huawei components from wireless networks, England-based Vodafone is replacing those components in its own networks with Open RAN equivalents. Because of similar mandates, local operators in the United States, such as Idaho-based Inland Cellular, are doing the same.

      Politics influence uptake of ORAN as well: eg. Huawei ban

    6. RAN Intelligent Controller. The RIC collects data from the RAN components of dozens or hundreds of base stations at once and uses machine-learning techniques to reconfigure network operations in real time.

      Benefits of software-driven RAN: fine-tuning the performaces in real time, including though AI

    7. Every generation of our networks basically rely on special-purpose hardware with tightly coupled software. So every time we need to have an upgrade, or new release, or new fractional release, it takes years." In order to move away from a hardware-centric attitude, the O-RAN Alliance is also encouraging the wireless industry to incorporate more software into the RAN. Software-defined networks, which replace traditional hardware components with programmable software equivalents, are more flexible.

      Another benefit of ORAN for operators: moving away from hardware dependencies and lack of flexibility to update the network, towards software-driven RAN which are more flexible, updatable, and allow options for re-calibrating the network in realtime

    8. The goal in creating open standards for multiple kinds of splits is that operators can then purchase better-tailored components for the specific kind of network they're building. For example, an operator might opt for Split 8 for a large-scale deployment requiring a lot of radios. This split allows the radios to be as “dumb," and therefore cheap, as possible because all of the processing happens in the centralized unit.

      Benefit of ORAN options for operators: they can fine-tune network architecture, vendors, dependencies, costs

    9. inevitably create more points in the network for cyberattacks

      Important issue to study. Argument that more open standards bring more risks is somewhat true: it is harder to create attacks against more closed and specialised networks (plus, an attack against Huawei's network couldn't be applied to Ericsson's, etc) - but obscurity is not really a cure for security (most experts don't believe in 'security by obscurity'). More important element is that much of the functionality of ORAN will be moved to software and cloud, much like other ordinary services. This makes core telecom networks more 'ordinary', and prone to common cyber-attacks and vulnerabilities related to common digital networks. It is important to further study those risks. ||AndrijanaG|| ||VladaR||

    10. Open RAN makes it easier to focus on developing new software without worrying about losing potential customers intimidated by the task of integrating the tech into their wider networks

      ORAN opens up advancement of software solutions for 5G networks - key to virtualisation

    11. A very good reading that explains technical details (in light language) of O-RAN and future of 5G/6G networks in terms of software virtualisation, supply chain diversification, pros and cons. Useful for DW on 5G, for ITP course, our work on standards, etc ||GingerP|| ||sorina|| ||JovanK|| ||VladaR||

    12. Proposed Open RAN Functional Splits

      Great visual of ORAN split options

    13. Open RAN is making it possible to pick and choose different RAN components from different vendors

      Result of fragmentation of the RAN technology into smaller functions

    14. New wireless generations maintain backward compatibility, so that, for example, a 5G phone can operate on a 4G network when it's not within range of any 5G cells. So as operators build out their 5G deployments, they're mostly sticking with a single vendor's proprietary tech to ensure a smooth transition.

      Another reason why telecom operators get bound to major 5G operators for longer - and they want to avoid this

    15. In current 5G systems, the baseband unit splits those tasks between a distributed unit and a centralized unit. Open RAN concepts hope to build on that split to create more flexible, thinly sliced RANs.

      The key of the technical aspect of ORAN: to break down the technical structure into smaller pieces, based on functions pieces perform. This can dummer (and cheaper) radio units vs smarter baseband units (which can also be more based on software), or vice-versa as described below in the text

    16. RAN is the most expensive part of an operator's deployment," says Sridhar Rajagopal, the vice president of technology and strategy at Mavenir, a Texas-based company that provides end-to-end network software. “It takes almost 60, 70 percent of the deployment costs."

      Important: RAN takes vast majority of costs.

    17. they see Open RAN as a necessary tightening of the specifications to prevent big vendors from tacking their proprietary techniques onto the interfaces, thereby locking wireless operators into single-vendor networks

      So it's not so much about ensuring interoperability, as it is to avoid big players to lock them up

    18. O-RAN Alliance members hope Open RAN can plug the gaps created by 3GPP's specifications

      ORAN opens the network to diversity, but it doesn't necessarily help interoperability?

    19. there is currently no guarantee that a radio manufactured by one vendor will be interoperable with a baseband unit manufactured by another vendor.

      In spite of existing standards, there is no one who can guarantee that standards make products of various vendors fully interoperable. Later in the text, it says that this remains sort of a challenge with ORAN as well - as network gets more diversified in terms of vendors, more vendors should be 'hold to account' for interoperability. ||sorina||

    20. The group formed in 2018, when five operators—AT&T, China Mobile, Deutsche Telekom, NTT Docomo, and Orange—joined to spearhead more industry development of Open RAN.

      ORAN emerged from the challenge of telecom operators which were bound to one of the three providers - and often remain locked for years.Politics didn't seem to play much at the time (though Huawei bans contributed, in UK and US, to the boost of ORAN) - but may capitalise from it.

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    1. Google did announce a partnership with Paratus to land the cable in Namibia but not much else made the news.
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    1. Smartphone users in China

      It's not only about China and US, but all the others that would have to choose 'binary'.

    2. concepts like privacy, security, or sustainability

      These concepts are very broad. Devil is in details, as examples below show. It will get increasingly complex to understand how each bit of technology (like examples below) impact values and principles!

    3. The European Union has previously passed laws protecting personal data and privacy such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

      Linked to above: should laws be embeded into standards? Or, rather, standards could enable implementation of law, but leaving it open whether this is used or not?

    4. personal liberty, data security, and privacy in Europe, and if we wish our new technologies to support those views, it needs to be baked into the technology

      This is important: attempts to enshrine various political/societal values into standards (be it by US, EU, or China). This seems to be new, and game-changing - it's not about market and efficiency of technology (only) any more. ||JovanK|| ||sorina||

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