8 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
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The negative impacts of the COVID-19pandemic on our economy hadbeen significant. By mid-2021our balance of trade deficit was around $96 million; $24 million higher than the previous month. This is a substantialamount for our small economy.
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heeconomic impact of the pandemic will be felt for years to come. When it began, tourism ourbiggest economic driver groundto a halt, causing significant unemployment and underemployment. Businesses suffered as a result of lockdowns
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Despite the effects of the crisis, Serbia has managed to preserve financial and economic stability.
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From this standpoint, theCovid-19 p andemic was tantamount to a mirror to the world, reflecting its weaknesses and revealing its flaws, manifested in several chronic aspects, among which is the increase in rates of hunger and p overty, p rolonged conflicts, uncontrolled p rogress of modern technology, and its ramifications on cyber security
Thisis in addition to the exacerbation of the food insecurity crisis due to the disruption in supply lines, which came as an exp ected outcomeof the severe economic downturn and stagnation, which the world has not witnessed in over 90 years, also the decrease in the services p rovided by educational sectors, p articularly in develop ing and least developed countries, in sucha way that it has become more threatening than ever before, tocause regression in the gains achieved, and writing off the recorded achievementsof the sustainable development goals.
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We are overcoming Covid, and have a long term plan in place to strengthen our democracy, economy and society
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Il nous invite, de façon pressante, à agir immédiatement dans le domaine de la santé, pour arrêter l’hécatombe et mettre fin à la pandémiedu coronavirusqui n’a que tropduré. Il nous appelle à nous attaquer frontalement aux nombreuses dimensions sociales et économiques de la crisesanitaire
covid-19, to confront the pandemic and the socio-economic challenges
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The pandemic haschallenged ruthlessly the world economies, their liquidity and resilience more than ever. Estimates indicate that in 2020, the virus reducedglobal economic growth by4.9percent,global trade fallen by 5.3 percent,however the global economy is projected to experience recovery in 2021.