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  1. Aug 2022
  2. Sep 2021
    1. WTO is not only about maintaining rules-based international trading order, it must also be a platform to enable the developing countries benefit from it with an enhanced level of international cooperation in the areas of aid for trade, technology transfer, and capacity building.
    2. The development potentials of South-South cooperation in terms of trade, investment and technology must be fully exploited.
    3. LDCs and LLDCs need reliable and sustainable financing, partnerships, and technology transfer to overcome their structural impedimentsto benefit from globalization.
    4. We attach high importance to the safety and security of UN peacekeepers and the need for adequate training, resources, and modern technologies. It is in this spirit that we endorsed the Declaration of Shared Commitments in support of the ‘Action for Peacekeeping’ initiative
    1. The world is witnessing new transformations as a result of scientific and technological progress, which calls on us, once more, to emphasize the importance of strengthening the global partnership in this field, so as to maximize the use of advanced technologies and keep pace with them, as part of the sustainable development goals, and face contemporary challenges, the most important of which are those that threaten the climate.

      Maximising the use of advanced technologies as part of the SDGs

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    1. I have only touched on some of the issues we need to look at. There are other important issues outlined in the Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. The Common Agenda also lays out a way forward, on a global “digital technology track”.
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    1. Jamaicais taking an inclusive approach to improvedigital literacy,through increased access to,and use of ICT,by 50% in public institutions, schools and key public areas in the country,over the next four years.We are engaging ourprivate sector to improvethe application of science, technology and innovation ineducational institutions,towardsnational development.
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    1. From this standpoint, theCovid-19 p andemic was tantamount to a mirror to the world, reflecting its weaknesses and revealing its flaws, manifested in several chronic aspects, among which is the increase in rates of hunger and p overty, p rolonged conflicts, uncontrolled p rogress of modern technology, and its ramifications on cyber security
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    1. As we maximize the use of the potential of digital space, new technologies must not be used to undermine our universal values.

      universal values not to be undermined by the use of new technologies

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    1. Nous mobiliserons les secteurs privés pour investir dans les infrastructures et les nouvelles technologies.

      We will mobilize the private sectors to invest in infrastructure and new technologies.

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    1. 5Nous devons enfin, plus que jamais,accélérer la transition numérique et mobiliser les ressources internes en renforçant l’inclusivitéfinancière, notamment en faveur des femmes.Au total, il nous faut, tirer les leçons de cette pandémieet reconstruire nos sociétés de façon plus durable, plus juste et plus inclusive.J’appelle une fois de plus, les dirigeants du monde à plus de multilatéralismeafin de bâtir ensemble une économie mondialetenant compte des aspirations des peuples qui souhaiteraient un partage plus équitable des vaccins et des progrès technologiques.Dans cette phase charnièrede jonction des dynamiques, il est fondamental de satisfaireà ces justes exigences de la conscience universelle, y compris une répartition équitable des rentes des technologies ;au risque de voirse sédimenter un ordre international source de fragilités humaines, de défiance entre les nations et d’insécurité globa

      sharing of vaccines and sharing of tech.

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    1. The geopolitics of technology continues to pose an ever-greater challenge to the established norms.
    2. We are appalled by the increase of cyber-attacks against critical infrastructuredelivering essential services to our citizens, including hospitals, water treatment facilities, power plants, and even ourdemocratic institutions. Such acts can cause grave suffering to civilians, including the loss of lives.
    1. Lesotho remains steadfast in calling on the international community to increase funding for sound health services, increased investment in physical infrastructure, scientific and technological development, research and agricultural extension services in least developed countries.
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    1. Vivimosenunmundointerconectado,globalizadoyconlatecnologíapararesolverfácilmentetodos estos problemas, pero sin la mínima voluntad para hacerlo.

      'We live in a world that is interconnected, globalized and with the technology to easily solve all these problems, but without the slightest will to do it.'

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    1. We must invest in renewables and new technology. We must put a price on carbon. Investors and businesses will rise to the challengeonce the right incentives are in place.
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    1. Such a scenario would severely constrain those states who want to trade globally and secure tech-related supplies. Eager to avoid taking sides, they could be forced to form a “Technological Non-Alignment Movement”to mitigate risks at the intersection of technologies and geopolitics
    2. In the meantime, economic recovery is subject to many other “known unknowns”, including technology tensions.
    3. The World Trade Organization is critical to ensuring supply chains for essential medical goods and equitable vaccine access.As the Chair of the 12th WTO Ministerial Conferencethis November, Kazakhstan calls on WTO Members to deliver a meaningful outcome on WTO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.We also need more focused cooperation between governments and the pharmaceutical industry on licenses, technology transfers and technical support
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    1. ndeed, in the face of the pandemic, the climate emergency, the technological revolution and the need to articulate a new paradigm for the welfare state, it is necessary to strengthen unity and cooperation among all nations.
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    1. urther expand these investments in education technical training higher education and entrepreneurship only then can our young person sees the opportunity to expand the economy innovate and take advantage of four ir technologies and create new possibilities for our nation
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      'intelligent agriculture with high technology in irrigation'

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