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  1. Sep 2021
    1. Nous savons que nous devons agir de maniére conjointe et proactive, que nous devons relever de nouveaux défis fels que la coopération numérique, afin de ne laisser personne de cété, ou l’intégration des jeunes, vecteurs du changement.

      new challenges such as digital cooperation and not to leave person behind + integration of youth

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    1. I have only touched on some of the issues we need to look at. There are other important issues outlined in the Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. The Common Agenda also lays out a way forward, on a global “digital technology track”.
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    1. MonsieurlePrésident,lemondededemainseraunmondetoujoursplusconnecté.LapandémiedelaCOVID-19aprouvéàquelpointlatechnologiepeutserévélerindispensable.Elleamodifiélesstratégiesdesentreprises,leshabitudesdesconsommateursetlesaccèsàcertainsservicespublicscommelasantéoul’enseignementscolaire.Ainsilaréductiondelafracturenumériqueapparaitcommeuneprioritéalorsque3milliardsdepersonnesn’ontpasaccèsàl’internet.MonsieurleSecrétairegénéral,votre«feuillederoutepourlacoopérationnumérique»pointedudoigtlesdéfisessentielsàreleverdanscedomaine.

      Mr. President, the world of tomorrow will be an increasingly connected world. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven just how essential technology can be. It has changed business strategies, consumer habits and access to certain public services such as health and school education. Thus, reducing the digital divide appears to be a priority when 3 billion people do not have access to the internet. Mr. Secretary-General, your “Roadmap for Digital Cooperation” points to the essential challenges to be taken up in this area.

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    1. The process of strengtheningmultilateral approachshould come together with our work on the strengthening of cooperation in the digital sphere, particularly

      Digital policy: need to strengthen cooperation

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    1. Atthe recentTallinn Digital Summit we discussed how to utilise trust, transparency, and the free flow of data to make large-scale, cross-border infrastructure investments trustworthy. Collective concern of governments and international organizations demonstrated the need for a shared framework to underpin our cooperation —Trusted Connectivity. This framework articulates the common vocabulary, interest, values, principles, and standards necessary for us to safeguard democracy and to ensure democratic countries respond to the global demand for physical and digital infrastructure by offering a higher-quality, higher-standard alternative to thoseconnectivity providers who do not share our love of free societies

      digital summit

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    1. 45Telle est la vision de mon Plan d’action de coopération numérique: saisir les promesses du numérique tout en se prémunissant contre ses dangers.

      This is the vision of my Digital Cooperation Action Plan: seize the promises of digital technology while guarding against its dangers.

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