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  1. Oct 2022
    1. Regions

      Interesting that North Africa scores as the least expensive region when it comes to the average costs of 1GB of mobile data. But the ranking is solely based on the costs, without measuring what that cost means relative to incomes within regions.


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  2. Sep 2021
    1. These can be building blocks in a larger global architecture.60. At the broader level, we need determined action to close the digital divide, not only within nations but also between nations.
    2. To put it differently, if we do not close the digital divide, we will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. That is why digitalisation poses a global challenge that requires a concerted global response.
    3. The digital divide has prevented access to education, health care, and many other essential services to millions of people around the world.
    4. The digital revolution was well underway before COVID-19. But the pandemic has accelerated the pace and scaleof this revolution. 35. Digital technologies have empowered millions of people. But the gulf of opportunities between digital haves and digital have-nots has also widened.36. Today, 3.8 billion people remain digitally disconnected.
    1. A less negative outcomeof the pandemic has been its effect in turbo-chargingthe digitization of our workplacesand societies. But not all countries –particularly Small Island Developing States -have the infrastructure, capacity and workforce skills to fully benefit from thisrevolution
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    1. Addressing thenegative consequences willrequire greater engagement of the public and private sectors in building foundations for long term development. Leaving no one behindtodaymeans leaving no one offline. That is why Jamaica has been working to ensure that the tools neededto adapt and thrive,are provided to our citizens
    2. allowedthe digitally connected to thrive while severely exacerbating the inequalities faced by the digitally disconnected.This is particularly evident in our rural areas, along gender lines and generally among the poorest and most vulnerable


    3. Today, we see some countries receiving a ‘digital dividend’ while others suffer the consequences of a ‘digital divide.’There is need to address urgently the latterin support of COVID-19 adaptationmeasures,response and recovery efforts. Accelerated digitalization, remote work and education, e-commerce and the virtual delivery of essential services, have
    1. we must adopt clear investment strategies which help alleviate poverty, promote job creation, build sustainable infrastructure, and of course bridge the digital divide.
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    1. La pandémiea également révélé//l’ampleur de l’écart technologique entre les pays, //et nous a montré l’importance des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication //et la nécessité d’agir en urgence, //pour réduire cefossé

      importance of tech during covid-19 and brought into spotlight the digital divide.

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    1. The increasing importance of cyberspaceto our everyday lives and our economic resilience cannot be overstated these days. Preserving a globally accessible, free, and secure cyberspace is essential. However,the pandemic has also exposed deep digital divides
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    1. MonsieurlePrésident,lemondededemainseraunmondetoujoursplusconnecté.LapandémiedelaCOVID-19aprouvéàquelpointlatechnologiepeutserévélerindispensable.Elleamodifiélesstratégiesdesentreprises,leshabitudesdesconsommateursetlesaccèsàcertainsservicespublicscommelasantéoul’enseignementscolaire.Ainsilaréductiondelafracturenumériqueapparaitcommeuneprioritéalorsque3milliardsdepersonnesn’ontpasaccèsàl’internet.MonsieurleSecrétairegénéral,votre«feuillederoutepourlacoopérationnumérique»pointedudoigtlesdéfisessentielsàreleverdanscedomaine.

      Mr. President, the world of tomorrow will be an increasingly connected world. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven just how essential technology can be. It has changed business strategies, consumer habits and access to certain public services such as health and school education. Thus, reducing the digital divide appears to be a priority when 3 billion people do not have access to the internet. Mr. Secretary-General, your “Roadmap for Digital Cooperation” points to the essential challenges to be taken up in this area.

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    1. Por otra parte, no puedo dejar de destacar que lastimosamente la brecha digital persiste y el rápido progreso de las tecnologías digitales y el comercio electrónico se ha convertido en un instrumento que puede ayudar en la recuperación económica. Sin embargo, la brecha digital impide que estos beneficios se compartan equitativamente. Y cuando sucede esto, las tecnologías digitales y el comercio electrónico se convierten en instrumentos para consolidar ese injusto orden mundial.

      'On the other hand, I cannot fail to emphasize that unfortunately the digital divide persists and the rapid progress of digital technologies and electronic commerce has become an instrument that can help in economic recovery. However, the digital divide prevents these benefits from being shared equitably. And when this happens, digital technologies and electronic commerce become instruments to consolidate this unjust world order.'

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    1. Pero debemos ver este acontecimiento como un parteaguas en la historia y asumir el reto de enfrentar décadas de rezagos que se ven reflejadas en un alto índice de pobreza, desnutrición, sistema de salud obsoleto y la urgente necesidad de una reforma educativa que disminuya la brecha digital y que asegure la excelencia en la educación pública.

      'urgent need for educational reform that bridges the digital divide'

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    1. digital connectivity divide the global population

      one challenges of covid-19

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    1. La moitié de l’humanité n’a pas accès à Internet. Nous devons faire en sorte que tout le monde soit connecté d’ici à 2030.
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