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  1. Sep 2021
    1. Mycountrycontinuestoendorsevaccineasaglobalpublicgood,thatneedstobeaccessibletoeveryone,includingdevelopingandloweconomiccountriesandcountriesinspecialsituation.Theinternationalcommunitymustaddressthevaccinationgapsatlowincomecountrieswhoonlyvaccinate1.1%oftheirpopulations.Withoutequalaccesstovaccines,manycountries,includingTimor-Lestewillnotbeabletoprotectitscitizensandpeoplefromthevirus.
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    1. We all know that we can only be successful if we work together solidarity is simply also a matter of self-interest, yet the pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities both within and among societies. Women and children and those in economically weak positions have been hit hardest
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    1. Mr President, the immediate global response was slow and inadequate to the scale and depth of the health crisis. Disruption of supplychains made access to the much-needed COVID-19 therapeutics, diagnostics and PPEs beyond the reach of many developing countries. Vaccine hoarding has reduced access to COVID-19 vaccines for developing countries, undermining COVAX and leading to deep and threatening inequalities.
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    1. We must continue our path towards a green future. And we mustdo it faster.We need to keep the Paris Agreement goal alive. Limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. Climate change hits the world’s poorest and weakest communities hardest.
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    1. Pakistan’s contribution to global emissions is negligible. Yet we are among the 10 most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate changein the world.
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    1. C’est toute la portée du programme politique pour l’égalité des chances, que j’ai impulsé en faveur d’un développement plus équitable mettant notamment l’accentsur la revalorisationdes femmes et des jeunes, tout en s’assurant que personne ne soit laissé de côté.

      more equitable development...role of women and youth

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    1. e même, //les inégalités observées dansl’accès au vaccin,//soulignent la nécessité d’agir //pour ancrer cet esprit de solidarité, //et rappellentle rôle primordial du multilatéralisme

      inequalities in terms of vaccination

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    1. Les pays riches ont atteint une couverture vaccinale â plus de S0%, tandis que la plupart des pays africains sont â moins de 2%.D'aprés I’0rganisation Mondiale de la Santé, sur plus de cinq milliards de doses administrées dans Ie monde, seuls 2 % sontallés en Afrique. Rien ne justifie ce déséquilibre au regard de l'interdépendance de notre monde et de la nécessité d'éradiquer Ie virus de la planéte toute entiére. Dans ce contexte, il est incompréhensible, voire inadmissible que certains pays stockent des surplus des vaccins et que d'autres en manquent cruellemen

      vaccination inequality between rich and poor countries

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    1. he pandemic has had a negative social and economic effect on everyone, but the consequences for lower-income countries have been particularly severe
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    1. We recall COVID-19 Omnibus Resolution entitled: “Comprehensive and Coordinated Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly last year in September 2020, underscored the need to tackle health inequities and inequalities within and among countries through political commitment, policies and international cooperation.
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    1. Furthermore, SIDS continue to be disproportionatelyaffected by what can be best termed as environmental injustice as a result of climate change. We are the least responsible for it, yet we pay the heaviest tribute
    2. Our efforts should also tackle economic imbalances and inequalities. In this regard, Seychelles urges the international community to assist the world’s most vulnerable economies in enhancing their resilience to future shocks
    3. There is a virus far more terrible, far more harrowing than COVID19.It is the virus of inequality! And while the pandemic rages on and the debate continues unabated, and travel advisories of all shades and hues are being issued, humanity is the first casualty
    1. ToensurethatsustainabledevelopmentinKiribati,isinclusive,transformative,anden-duresto“leavenoonebehind”,myGovernmentisworkingtirelesslytoreduceinequalitiesandmobilizetargetedsupporttomarginalizedcommunities.
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    1. La pandémie du COVID19 continue à avoir un impact dévastateur sur les populations, au premier chef les pauvres et les personnes vulnérables. Elle a fortement affecté les indicateurs sociaux, remis en cause les progrès vers l'atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable et aggravé l'extrême pauvreté.

      sdgs, covid-19 and socio-economic implications, inequalities and poverty

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    1. L’axe de travail Covaxde cette Coalition permet aujourd’hui d’accélérer la mise au point et la fabrication de vaccins contre la Covid-19. Si cette initiative acontribué à faciliter l’accès aux vaccins des populations les plus défavorisées,la fracture vaccinale reste encore très prononcéeet lesrésultats, largement en-deçàdes attentes de ce programme. En effet, pendant que dans les pays du Nord, plus de 50% de la population ontété déjà vaccinés, en Afrique par exemple, environ 1% a reçu le vaccin

      vaccination divide between North and South

    2. En effet, la pandémie a induit un important rebond de lamisèreet contribué à creuser davantageles inégalités socialeset l’écart entre les pays développés et ceux en voie de développement.

      inequalities as a result of covid

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    1. There is a glaringinequity in vaccine distribution. Some countries have vaccinated their populations, and are on the path to recovery. For others, the lack of vaccines and weak health systems pose a serious problem. In Africa, fewerthan 1 in20 people arefully vaccinated. In Europe, one intwo arefully vaccinated.This inequity is clearly unfair
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    1. Fulfilling the commitment that I announced during the Ibero-AmericanSummit earlier this year, Spain hasalready sent more than 7.5 million doses of vaccines, both throughCOVAXandbilaterally.Oftheremaining22.5milliondosesofvaccines that Spain will be donating in the coming months, I commit to send another 7.5milliondosesto Latin America andtheCaribbean.Because in tough times like these, Spain must stand shoulder to shoulder with the nations with which weshare so much.
    2. I call for the defense of robust States, with resources able to guarantee thewellbeing of their citizens according to the values of justice, progress, andequality. We must promote a just recovery,that is capable of closing the vast gap ofinequality
    3. Wearedoingthishand-in-handwithasuccessful vaccinationcampaign,whichhasnow enabled75%ofourpopulationtobefully vaccinated. This amount is in bitter contrast with countries where the percentage of those protected against COVID-19 barely reaches 1% of the population.
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    1. call among other equally important global matters for prioritizing covet 19 response vaccine access equity tackling poverty and inequality the impact of climate change and promoting gender equality human rights protection and promotion
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