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  1. Sep 2021
    1. Timor-Leste wishes to emphasize its commitment to the promotion and protection of women's rights. Timor-Leste has made extensive efforts to achieve gender equality, through Policies, Legislation and Programs that contribute to achieving this objective. Although we still face cases of gender-based violence and difficulties in accessing justice, Timor-Lesteis strongly committed to removing these obstacles from our path in order to achieve gender equality.
    2. nthecaseofAfghanistan,Timor-Lestewouldalsoliketocallfortherespectoftherightsofwomen’srightandtherightsofAfghanpeopleandforeignerswhowishtoleavethecountry.
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    1. We all know that we can only be successful if we work together solidarity is simply also a matter of self-interest, yet the pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities both within and among societies. Women and children and those in economically weak positions have been hit hardest
    2. We pay tribute to all those who have worked bravely and with conviction towards a peaceful and safe future for the country, in particular the women and girls who have been fighting for the full enjoyment of whole human rights and fundamental freedoms. We call upon those who effectively exercise control to fully respect their rights and freedomsespecially therights to quality education and work,as well as freedom of movement.
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    1. Women and young people have a vital role to play. In peacebuilding and conflict prevention.Denmark remains committed to the agenda for Women, Peace and Security.
    2. The current situation is disturbing. For the long-suffering people of Afghanistan. For the women and children. And for the international community.
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    1. appareil judiciaire comorien //doit demeurer la perche que tend l’Etat aux plus faibles pour les défendre des plus forts, //aux plus démunis pour les protéger dans leurs droits, //face à une recrudescence et à une montée de la violence, //notamment à l’endroit des femmes, des enfants et de toutes les couches vulnérables. De tels actes doivent être réprimés sévèrement

      human rights, rights of vulnerable populations, women's rights

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    1. here can be no blank checks for the Taliban! Fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular for women and girls, are simply non-negotiable! We have to do everything to prevent Afghanistan from turning into a black hole with the capacity to destabilise the whole region. And we have to drive home the message to the Taliban that the world’s eyes are on them. We don’t want Afghanistan to turn into an incubator or a safe haven for international terrorism and extremism.
    2. e cannot turn our back on the people of Afghanistan! The consequences would be felt, above all, by the millions of women and girls, human rights defenders and minorities who face an uncertain future. We have to remain engaged and we have to offer the urgently needed humanitarian aid.
    1. Similarly, striving to improve the rights of women and girls must be at the heart of our response to the pandemic.
    2. he Czech Republic strongly condemns the use of violence and intimidationagainst protesters, journalists and human rights defenders. We are particularly concerned by actions of the Taliban directed against women and girls.
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    1. The international community must standunited in demanding that all Afghan citizens can live in dignity, peace and security; that the protection of vulnerable groups is ensured;that women preservetheir fundamental rights, first of all the right to education.
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    1. En matière de lutte en faveur de l’équité et de l’égalité de genre, de l’avancement des droits des femmes et des filles, mon pays a fait des progrès significatifs ces dernières années. Ainsi,la représentation des femmes dans les instances décisionnelles aévolué, passant de 23% en 2019 à 35% en 2021. C’est dans cette dynamique que le Togo a adhéré au mouvement de solidarité mondiale pour plus d’égalité et d’équité genre dénommé "HeForShe", lancé par ONU-femmeset dont la campagne nationale a été officiellement lancée à Lomé,le 23juillet2021

      women's rights and progress in this regard

    2. L’atteinte de nos objectifs passe par la réalisation d’actions concrètes qui garantissent, entre autres, l’accès à l’eau potable, l’accès à une éducation et à des soins de qualité, l’accès à l’énergie, l’entrepreneuriatrural et l’agrobusiness,la productivité et la création de richesses, l’emploi et l’autonomisation des femmes et des jeunes, la protection sociale

      objectives include access to water, education, healthcare, energy, agribusiness, creation of jobs and autonomy of women

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    1. And we are alarmed and saddened by recent developments in Afghanistan. In the past two decades, Afghans have seen a significant progress in the human rights situation. Health care systems have been improved and millions of children have received an education. These hard-won gainsmust be protected. We are now particularly concerned about the rights of women and girls, and peoplebelonging to religious, ethnic, sexual and gender minorities.
    2. We have anopportunity to dothings right: We must align our efforts with our roadmap, the 2030 Agenda. We must invest in the green transition. We mustinvest in people, women and girls in particular. And we must fulfil the promiseofthe SDGs, to leave no one behind
    1. We must place the rights and freedoms of thousands of women and girls at the forefrontof our priorities, because no society that allows only half of its population to move forward,and purposelykeeps the other halfbehind, is sustainable.
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    1. La sociedad afgana está enfrentando momentos muy difíciles. Pero las mujeres de Afganistán están en una situación particularmente peligrosa: Hoy, ahora, en estos precisos momentos, han vuelto al poder aquellos que en un pasado reciente quisieron prohibirles la educación, imponerles matrimonios forzados, garantizar la impunidad a los culpables de abusos sexuales en su contra y negarles sus libertades y derechos humanos. Aquellos que consideran que el mundo de las mujeres debe ser uno de sumisión y resignación. La agresión a las mujeres en Afganistán es una agresión a todas las mujeres del mundo. Y no podemos, las Naciones Unidas no pueden, sabiéndolo, quedarse de brazos cruzados, paralizadas por restricciones burocráticas o divisiones políticas en el Consejo de Seguridad. Debemos trabajar unidos para protegerlas y restituir sus plenas libertades y derechos. La causa de las mujeres de Afganistán es una causa de toda la humanidad.

      women's rights and Afghanistan

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