- Sep 2021
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It is no exaggeration to say that the international community is faced with the most serious crisis sincethe founding of the UN.This reality urgently requires all the UN member states to find a proper solution to the problems, while remaining more faithful than ever before to the UN Charter, international law and fundamental principles of international relations, pooling their political willand efforts and strengthening mutual cooperation
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В последнее время под благовидным предлогом содействия повышению эффективности функционирования Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН наблюдаются деструктивные действия отдельных государств, направленные на произвольное толкование и пересмотр сложившегося уклада работы этого органа.Целенаправленная работа по так называемому«продвижению голосов гражданского общества» в Генеральной Ассамблеене является исключением. Рассматриваем эти действия как попытку придать неправительственным организациям (которые, к слову, созданы и выкормлены при поддержке отдельных заинтересованных стран) статус, идентичный суверенным государствам-членам ООН. Это категорически неприемлемо
Recently, under the plausible pretext of promoting the effectiveness of the functioning of the UN General Assembly, destructive actions of individual states have been observed, aimed at arbitrary interpretation and revision of the existing structure of the work of this body. Purposeful work on the so-called "promotion of the voices of civil society" in the General Assembly is not an exception. We regard these actions as an attempt to give non-governmental organizations (which, by the way, were created and nurtured with the support of individual interested countries) a status identical to sovereign UN member states. This is totally unacceptable.
ООН идет по путидальнейшейкоммерциализациисвоейповестки, все больше превращаясь в подобиезападной политики. ООН все больше думает,как Запад, попирая важные принципы солидарности и многосторонности.В контексте девизаООН «никого не оставить позади» Беларусь исходитиз императива соблюдения консенсуса и учета мнений каждого государства.
The UN is following the path of further commercialization of its agenda, increasingly turning into a semblance of Western policy. The UN increasingly thinks like the West, trampling on important principles of solidarity and multilateralism. In the context of the UN motto “leave no one behind”, Belarus proceeds from the imperative of observing consensus and taking into account the views of each state.
Уже сегодня в мире голодаетоколо одного миллиардачеловек, а из-за недальновидности кучки государств, которые применяют односторонние экономические ограничения против целых секторов экономики, занятых в продовольствии, без еды могут остаться еще многие сотни миллионовлюдей.Практика произвольных финансовых и экономических санкций в качестве инструмента политического давления должна быть навсегда искоренена.И это также должно быть однойиз сфер деятельности ООН
Already today, about one billion people are starving in the world, and the short-sightedness of a handful of states that apply unilateral economic restrictions against entire sectors of the economy engaged in food may leave many hundreds of millions of people without food. The practice of arbitrary financial and economic sanctions as a tool of political pressure must be eradicated forever, and it must also be one of the areas of UN activity.
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talk of europe's strategic autonomy that has intensified after the us's hasty withdrawal from afghanistan the chaotic nature of this withdrawal is further demonstration of the rules upon which the west is going to build its world order we are convinced that it is time to draw lessons from the dangerous repercussions of policy aimed at undermining the u.n centric architecture that was shaped in the aftermath of world war ii and has repeatedly proven a reliable insurance against disastrous scenarios in the face of global challenges the world
ermany and france haverecently announced the creation of the alliance for multilateralism even thoughwhat kind of structure could be more multilateral than the united nationsberlin and paris however have decided that there are many conservatives at the un hindering the efforts of the vanguard they have proclaimed that the european union to be the epitome of effective multilateralismand all others are supposed to emulate it this is a recent example too
ecently we have been witnessing persistent attempts to diminish the un's role in resolving the key problems of today or to sideline it or to make it a malleable tool for promoting someone's selfish interests such attempts are clearly visible in the so-called rules-based order concept that the west is persistently introducing to political discourse as opposed to international law
for russia it is obvious that one can only effectively counter threats and challenges through concerted efforts in strict compliance with the universally recognized norms of international law first and foremost the purposes and principles of the un charter this global organization should play a central coordinating role in world politics fully unleashing its potential of universal multilateralism and legitimacy r
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We welcome the establishment of the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent, which will serve as a consultation mechanism for people of African descent and other interested stakeholders, andas a platform for improving the quality of life and livelihoods of people of African descent.
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Belize exists today because of the multilateral system. The support of UN Member States for Belize’s territorial integrity and respect for our right to self-determination was critical to the achievement of Belize’s independence. For us the multilateral system is indispensable
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We reaffirm the importance of multilateral approaches to the issuesof peace and development, and the central role of the United Nationsin their treatment.
Jamaica supportsa globally coordinatedapproachto the scaling up of production and equitable distribution of vaccines, with the United Nations at the core.
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Denmark is committed to a strong and efficient UN. That protects the rule-based international order, promotes a more progressive world, and fights injustice.
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Stronger UN
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That is whyweseek to enhance the relationship between the UN and the African Union in maintaining peace, financing peacebuilding efforts, and advancing post-conflict reconstruction and development
Link between UN and African Union needs to be enhanced
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president the last time there was such anupheaval in the world was during the second world war which led to the establishment of anew world order this organization the united nations and the other bretton woods institutionswere created to maintain its international peace and security helped rebuild the shatteredpost-war economy and promote global economic cooperation
UN history and purpose
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Es importante la revitalización de las Naciones Unidas, para adaptarse a la realidad mundial, por lo que es imperativo que el mantenimiento de la paz y la seguridad internacionales, sigan siendo sus propósitos principales, por lo cual el Consejo de Seguridad debe honrar esa responsabilidad, sin sesgos ideológicos y los invito a que sean objetivos y equitativos. Guatemala se honra en tener una larga trayectoria como país contribuyente de tropas de esta Organización. Hoy, nuevamente, hacemos un llamado al Consejo de Seguridad, a actuar de manera consistente con sus funciones, incluyendo un uso responsable del derecho al veto, y evitar el agravamiento de crisis internacionales.
Revitalise the UN
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Les pierres angulaires d’une émergence solide sont la souveraineté et l’unité nationale Parmi les principaux enjeux de Madagascar sur ces sujets, il y a la question des Iles Éparses ou Nosy Malagasy. Uneblessure encore douloureusedans le cœur de mon pays et de mon peuple. Des engagements pour la décolonisation de Madagascar ont été pris par la France en 1945 à San-Francisco. Le retour de l’indépendance n’est acquis qu’en 1960, autrement dit 15 ans après. Une décolonisation pourtant inachevée jusqu’à ce jour car la problématique des Iles Éparses n’a toujours pas été solutionné et ce malgré deuxrésolutions de l’Assembléegénérale des Nations Unie. D’abord en 1979demandant à la France d’initier sans tarder les négociations avec Madagascar pour la réintégration des Iles qui ont été séparées de Madagascar de façon arbitraire.Puis en 1980, l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unie, a regrettéque les négociationsrecommandées dans la résolution 34/91 n’aient pas été initiées et demande que cela soit effectif defaçon urgente. Aujourd’hui, 42 ans après les résolutions des Nations Unies, avec mon homologue Français, le PrésidentEmmanuel Macron, nous œuvrons ensemble, à travers la tenue de travaux au sein d’une « Commission Mixte » entre nos deux pays. J’ai bonne foi en une issue positive, justeet apaisée de ces travaux. Et j’invite notre organisation, les Nations Unies, à endosser son rôle pour veiller à cela de façon bienveillante et cohérente.
Territorial dispute with France