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  1. Mar 2022
    1. After long negotiations, U.S. & EU agreed to establish Trans-Atlantic Data Security Framework. This framework is designed to facilitate data transfers across the Atlantic.

      This Framework addresses EU concerns about surveillance of EU citizens' data by

      • introducing principles of necessary and proportionate measures of surveillance.
      • companies will have to adhere to the Privacy Shield Principles including 'the requirement to self-certify their adherence to the Principles through the U.S. Department of Commerce.
      • oversight of signals intelligence activities (mainly NSA)
      • an independent Data Protection Review Court that 'would consist of individuals chosen from outside the U.S. Government who would have full authority to adjudicate claims and direct remedial measures as needed;'

      Next is the adoption of the Framework via legal mechanisms in U.S.A. or EU of the Framework. It will be done in the U.S. through an Executive Order.

  2. Feb 2022
    1. Switzerland intends to further raise its profile by facilitating the creation of secure, reliable data storage and through the Humani-tarian Data and Trust Initiative aimed at data responsibility in humanitarian action.

      Protection of data raised in relevance with the latest breach of ICRC data. Next step is to protect data from technical and legal perspectives.

    2. Cross-border data flows and digital trade

      Data is central for negotiations of e-commerce rules at WTO. One can expect tensions between various uses and regulations of data from public to commercial and personal data.

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  3. Jan 2022
    1. It’s a booming market. OneTrust, a leader in the field, has been valued by investors at $5.3 billion. BigID, a competitor, raised $30 million in April at a $1.25 billion valuation. Another company that targets privacy regulations, TrustArc, raised $70 million in 2019. Yoti, a start-up that provides the kind of age-verification services that regulators are increasingly turning to to shield children from harmful content, has raised millions of dollars since it was founded in 2014.

      There is industry for making regulatory compliance (data protection and privacy).

      It is a potential link to our work with start-ups and businesses (especially small ones).


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  4. Dec 2021
    1. China is strengthening digital regulation via new Data Security Law (DSL) and Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL). Cybersecurity Administration of China also announced new regulation for predictive algorithms.

      It remains to be seen if new regulation will affect big Chinese tech companies as it has been already done via anti-monooly regulation.

      The main question is how data and AI regulation will impact China's ambitious plans for AI developments.

      You can find more information here.

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    1. As the boundary between financial firms and tech companies blurs further, and the value of amassing customer data increases, protecting privacy and security will be paramount.

      Privacy protection is gaining new relevance. ||Jovan||

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  5. Sep 2021
    1. Ilya3ansjelançaisleprogrammeExtendedMonaco,pourbâtirleMonacodedemain,plusécologiqueetmieuxconnecté.Jenem’attendaispasàêtreconfortédansmadécisionaussirapidement.Mieuxpréparée,laPrincipautéasumaintenirl’activitééconomique,sesservicessociaux,éducatifsetculturels,mêmeauplusfortdelacrise.Pouryparvenir,nousnoussommesdotésd’uncadrelégislatifadéquat,d’infrastructuresperformantesetd’unehauteprotectiondesdonnées.Maislecyberespaceappelleàlavigilancedetous.Aveclacrisesanitaire,lescyber-attaquescontredesinfrastructurescivilessesontmultipliées,portantatteinteauxprincipesfondamentauxdudroitinternationalhumanitaire.

      Three years ago, I launched the Extended Monaco program, to build the Monaco of tomorrow, which is greener and better connected. I didn't expect to be comforted in my decision so quickly. Better prepared, the Principality has been able to maintain economic activity, its social, educational and cultural services, even at the height of the crisis. To achieve this, we have equipped ourselves with an adequate legislative framework, efficient infrastructures and high data protection. But cyberspace calls for everyone's vigilance. With the health crisis, cyber-attacks against civilian infrastructure have multiplied, undermining the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law.

    1. But on the other hand, the world has felt the effects of the misuse of cyberspace, including breaching private domains of individuals and international piracy and the serious threat it poses to the security and stability of the international community. From this standpoint, we reiterate the call for the United Nations to lead the process of unifying the efforts to prevent the misuse of the scientific progress in cybersecurity and regularize these vital aspects according to the rules of international law.

      on the misuse of cyberspace; UN to lead the efforts to prevent the misuse of cyberspace

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    1. Combating such disinformation that creates serious harm to society, while protecting and strengthening freedom of expressionand data privacy in the digital world, is an extremely complex challenge.The lines between freedom of speech, accountability and censorship are thin and fragile
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    1. The new "Your Data, Your Rules" section on ProtonMail's front page directly links to a landing page aggregating information about using Tor to access ProtonMail.

      ||StephanieBP||||Pavlina|| It will be legally challenged because it provides support in breaching the law.

      Not a boring time ahead of us.

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  6. Aug 2021
    1. where our personal devices become a radical new tool for invasive surveillance

      Could this happen? Possibly, if we don't control the LEA which tag sexual abuse content. But with global cooperation against sexual abuse, there are commonly shared databases across countries, and it might be harder to LEA of a single country to insert some political content within. Thus, there is some risk, but I think it is overstretched.

    2. Another notifies a child's parents if iMessage is used to send or receive photos that a machine learning algorithm considers to contain nudity

      I understood this is an option that parents can switch on. Anyhow, from Apple's description it is not really an AI that reads the photos, but rather only crypto-signature which is matched with a known database of sexual abuse photos. This is quite different.

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