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  1. Sep 2021
    1. Climate and Clean Tech:

      This part is related to interplay between climate and tech.

      ||TerezaHorejsova||||Pavlina|| It is potentially relevant for the next Slovenia event and KAS study

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    1. Lesréseauxsociauxontégalementétélethéâtredecampagnesdedésinformation.Unsubtiléquilibreresteàtrouverentre,d’unepart,ladésinformation,lediscoursdehaine,lesthéoriescomplotisteset,d’autrepart,lerespectdeslibertésfondamentales.Ilfautaussinouspenchersurl’impactenvironnementaldecesnouvellestechnologies,fortementconsommatricesd’énergie.

      'Social networks have also been the scene of disinformation campaigns. A fine balance remains to be found between, on the one hand, disinformation, hate speech, conspiracy theories and, on the other hand, respect for fundamental freedoms. We must also look at the environmental impact of these new technologies, which consume a lot of energy.'

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    1. U.S.-EU Trade and Te chnology Council InauguralJoint State me ntSe pte mbe r 29, 2021Pitts burgh, Pe nns ylvania

      Leaked draft of the TTC outlining cooperation steps in tech between US and EU. France wants to postpone the meeting for a month (submarine issue), Germany and others insist on 29 September. Touches on most of the issues, except for the data transfers, which was requested to be left out by the EU. ||Jovan|| ||StephanieBP|| ||Katarina_An|| ||NatasaPerucica||||AndrijanaG||||VladaR||

    2. Climate and Cle an Te ch: Give n the gre at importance of te chnology to addre s s e nvironme ntal challe nge s and conne cte d market opportunitie s , the Climate and Clean Tech working group is tasked to identify opportunities to support transatlantic trade and investment in low-and zero-carbon technologies, products and services, including collaboration in third countries , research and innovation and to engage in dialogue on the policies and framework conditions needed to promote wide deployment of these technologies and to jointly explore the methodologies, tools, and technologies for calculating embedded GHG emissions in global trade including methodologies for calculating the net environmental impact of digitally enabled solutions

      For KAS

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    1. There is a need to make greater use of innovative technologies for the prudent and sustainable use of natural resources. Latvia continues to expand its experience of sustainable forest management using digital technologies.
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