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  1. Sep 2021
    1. Негативная динамика в областиглобальной безопасности неослабно нарастает, в том числеза счет гибридных войн, злонамеренного и преступного использования современных информационных технологий, подпитывающих экстремизм и терроризм, и информационных фейков. Сегодняс помощью электронных гаджетов можно подорвать внутренний мир и спокойствие в любом государстве, а также отстранить от власти его руководство.

      The negative dynamics in the field of global security is growing steadily, including due to hybrid wars, malicious and criminal use of modern information technologies that fuel extremism and terrorism, and information fakes. Today, with the help of electronic gadgets, one can undermine the inner peace and tranquility in any state, as well as remove its leadership from power.

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    1. U.S.-EU Trade and Te chnology Council InauguralJoint State me ntSe pte mbe r 29, 2021Pitts burgh, Pe nns ylvania

      Leaked draft of the TTC outlining cooperation steps in tech between US and EU. France wants to postpone the meeting for a month (submarine issue), Germany and others insist on 29 September. Touches on most of the issues, except for the data transfers, which was requested to be left out by the EU. ||Jovan|| ||StephanieBP|| ||Katarina_An|| ||NatasaPerucica||||AndrijanaG||||VladaR||

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    1. Mr President,the covid-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching social economic impact globally including disturbing trade flows,supply chains,and various economic activities on our continent in the world. In addition to loss of lives,the pandemic increased poverty levels through job losses,stressed health care systems,and we're still the delivery of education to learners. Disruption to the education systems,particularly in developing countries,was in part due to inadequate information communication and technology -ICTfacilities within our countries
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    1. refer also to the world's increasing dependence on information technology and modern communication in all aspects of life, from education, to security and the economy.

      dependence on ICTs in all aspects of life

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