- Dec 2021
Digital Platforms and Global Value Chains
||MariliaM|| An interesting study on digital platforms and global value chains.
curator.diplomacy.edu curator.diplomacy.edu
Here is an interesting article that may help us shape linking our e-commerce, economic diplomacy and African activities.
||TerezaHorejsova|| ||MariliaM|| We can check with ITC (they focus on SMEs) and CUTS if such programme on economic and trade diplomacy with focus on digital economy would make sens.
||kat_hone|| Should we add this aspect to digital foreign policy project?
We may contact author of this text who is based in Paris for a potential event on this issue in 2022.
Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) employ 70-90% of the workforce. However, their export and integration in international economy is declining.
This paper argues that the solution is to strengthen Africa's Economic and Commercial Diplomacy through systemic and long-term efforts including:
- training of diplomats and officials
- building diplomatic services and other institutions
- strengthening regional cooperation via African Union.
Some African countries are already implementing ECD by mobilizing national public institutions and their diplomatic network to create opportunities
||kat_hone|| Anything coming on this aspect form digital foreign policy study?
Exports plunged 19 percent in 2020, versus a 12-, 7-, and 5-percent drop for North and Latin America, Europe, and Asia, respectively, while recovery in Africa has not been as strong as on other continents.
Huge drop in the export of African SMEs
African small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) employ 70 to 90 percent of the workforce and are called upon to play a major role in absorbing the hundreds of millions of young Africans who will arrive on the market by 2050.
High percentage of SMEs in African economy.
- Sep 2021
ustr.gov ustr.gov
recognize the importance of international standardisation activities underpinned by core WTO principles.
Close linkages between digital standards and trade policy (WTO)
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
At the national level, Singapore is already building partnerships with many countries. 57. We have concluded Digital Economy Agreements with several partners.58. We co-lead the WTO Joint Statement Initiative on e-commerce with Japan and Australia, which now includes more than 80 member economies and comprise 90% of global trade
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Today, we see some countries receiving a ‘digital dividend’ while others suffer the consequences of a ‘digital divide.’There is need to address urgently the latterin support of COVID-19 adaptationmeasures,response and recovery efforts. Accelerated digitalization, remote work and education, e-commerce and the virtual delivery of essential services, have
estatements.unmeetings.org estatements.unmeetings.org
Por otra parte, no puedo dejar de destacar que lastimosamente la brecha digital persiste y el rápido progreso de las tecnologías digitales y el comercio electrónico se ha convertido en un instrumento que puede ayudar en la recuperación económica. Sin embargo, la brecha digital impide que estos beneficios se compartan equitativamente. Y cuando sucede esto, las tecnologías digitales y el comercio electrónico se convierten en instrumentos para consolidar ese injusto orden mundial.
'On the other hand, I cannot fail to emphasize that unfortunately the digital divide persists and the rapid progress of digital technologies and electronic commerce has become an instrument that can help in economic recovery. However, the digital divide prevents these benefits from being shared equitably. And when this happens, digital technologies and electronic commerce become instruments to consolidate this unjust world order.'
www.docdroid.net www.docdroid.net
U.S.-EU Trade and Te chnology Council InauguralJoint State me ntSe pte mbe r 29, 2021Pitts burgh, Pe nns ylvania
Leaked draft of the TTC outlining cooperation steps in tech between US and EU. France wants to postpone the meeting for a month (submarine issue), Germany and others insist on 29 September. Touches on most of the issues, except for the data transfers, which was requested to be left out by the EU. ||Jovan|| ||StephanieBP|| ||Katarina_An|| ||NatasaPerucica||||AndrijanaG||||VladaR||
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
Instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past, we are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources to the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future: ending this pandemic; addressing the climate crisis; managing the shifts in global power dynamics; shaping the rules of the world on vital issues like trade, cyber, and emerging technologies; and facing the threat of terrorism as it stands today
Change in tone. Note the order of issues the resources are to be devoted to: pandemic, climate, global power dynamics (China). Call for change in global rules - trade, digital, terrorism in that order.