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  1. Oct 2021
    1. According to John Ruggie, multilateralism refers to coordinating relations among three or more states in accordance with some principles or shared interests

      definition of multilateralism

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  2. Sep 2021
    1. AndIcallforthedefenseofinternationalcooperationandmultilateralismastheonly way forward to provide real solutions to the challenges that the world isfacingtoday.
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    1. This change is only possible from a global and multilateral effort that guarantees the rule of law, human rights and the well-being of all people,leaving no one behind
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    1. we commend global solidarity around the provision of covet 19 vaccines to our nation especially we thank the people's republic of china france the united states of americathe kovacs facility and other multilateral institutions we are ramping up vaccination rates and gaining greater vaccination coverage of our population
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    1. Multilateralism and international solidarity came under pressure.•It has unveiled weaknesses of the effectiveness of our international mechanisms, andglobal legal infrastructure.•Regretfully the principle of collective effort and responsibility, was replaced by a more individual approach. •One to protect the nation first.

      COVID-19 showed how the principle of collective responsibility was replaced by individualism (my country first).

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    1. Le thème denotre session« Miser sur l'espoir pour renforcer la résilience afin de - se relever de la COVID- 19, reconstruire durablement, répondre aux besoins de la planète, respecter les droits des personnes et revitaliser l'Organisation des Nations Unies» nous amène à agir conjointementpourbâtir le monde d’après crise à l’échelle multilatérale.

      The theme of the 76th General Debate encourages countries to to act together to build the post-crisis world at the multilateral level.

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    1. But no country can combat climate change on its own. And that is a powerful reminder of the need to develop new ways to respond as one world, one humanity, to allthe crises and challenges we face.
    2. Jordan has long supported a collective approach. Since our country was founded a hundred years ago, we have worked closely with regional and international partners to support peace, progress, and mutual respect worldwide. We know the hardships and difficulties,but we also see the tremendous opportunities to build a better world
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    1. Multilateralism seemed to have collapsed

      collapse of multilateralism due to Covid-19 crisis

    2. The COVID 19 pandemic was an important message and a lesson for us on how the existing international system can be easily shaken, butalso how important the endurance and the resilience of international institutions built on multilateralism is for them to be able to respond to crisis situations
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    1. as the central platform for countries to jointly safeguard universal security, share development achievements and chart the course for the future of the world. The UN should stay committed to ensuring a stable international order, increasing the representation and say of developing countries in international affairs, and taking the lead in advancing democracy and rule of law in international relations. The UN should advance, in ,a balanced manner, work in all the three areas of security, development and human rights. It should set common agenda, highlight pressing issues and focus on real actions, and see to it that commitments made by all parties to multilateralism are truly delivered,
    2. The UN should hold high the banner of true multilateralism and serve
    3. Fourth, we must improve global governance and practice true multilateralism. In the world, there is only one international system, i.e. the international system with the United Nations at its core. There is only one international order, i.e. the international order underpinned by international law. And there is only one set of rules, i.e. the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter
    4. The year 2021 is a truly remarkable one for the Chinese people. This year marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China. It is also the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the lawful seat of the. People's Republic of China in the United Nations, a. historic event which will be solemnly commemorated by China. We will continue our active efforts to take China's cooperation, with the United Nations to a new level and make new and greater contributions to advancing-the noble cause of the UN.
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    1. multilateralism is keywe are facing a great many challengesand difficulties however multilateralismremains our onlyrefugefrom escalating conflicts and disputesgiven the multiplicity of challengesfacing us today we must reflecton the best way to mobilize theresources needed to overcome thesechallenges and this is a priorityfor the benefit of all of humanity
    2. mr presidentladies and gentlemen egyptis closely linked to its african contextsomething that we are immensely proud ofthis is geographical continuity but alsoexistential continuityhence the importance of cooperationof countries on this continent butthis must be a two-way street it cannotbe unilateralbeing determined by one party to thedetriment of others egypt recognizes itsneighbors right to development but weare country that suffers fromdroughts and people live under the waterpoverty linethe nile is egypt's lifeline whichexplainsthe extreme anguish that egypt feel overthe renaissance dam you are probably allaware of the current state of thenegotiationsbetween egypt ethiopia and sudan whichhave lasted for 10 yearswe have come up against intransigenceand an unjustified refusal to engagepositively in negotiationsin consecutive steps this is aunilateral approach and a policy ofimpositions whichcould further destabilize the regionegypt does sought the help of the unitednations security councilto send un observers and bolster africanmediation efforts egypt remainscommitted to reachingas soon as possible a comprehensivebalanced and legally binding agreementon the filling and operation of theethiopian damthis aims at ensuring the survival of150 million people in egypt and sudanand to avoid causing irreparable damageto the peoples of both countriesthis is based not only on the values ofequityand logic but alsoon robust international legal groundswhich call for the fair and just useof joint water resourcesin international rivers

      Nile dam negotiations

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    1. Por eso, apoyamos también la idea de impulsar un acuerdo multilateral inclusivo, capaz de abordar de manera acabada las cuestiones referidas a la reestructuración de las deudas soberanas.Entendemos que la prórroga de la Iniciativa de Suspensión de Servicios de Deudaproducidapor el G20, aunque valiosa, es una medida provisoriae insuficiente,que no aborda a fondo la cuestión sobre el alivio y la reestructuración de la insostenibilidad de las deudas.De la misma manera, la falta de un marco multilateral para la reestructuración de la deuda de los países de renta media sigue siendo un vacío importante dentro de la gobernanza financiera internacional. Por eso,alentamosla ampliación del nuevo Marco Común para el Tratamiento de la Deuda del G20 a países de ingresos medios con vulnerabilidades. Proponemos también que la calificación del riesgo crediticio de los países, hoy en manos de pocas agencias privadas, sea parte de la agenda de la reforma de la Arquitectura Financiera Internacional.

      Restructuring foreign debt through a multilateral agreement

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    1. Mr President I am a teacher who is convinced that if we do not use the governments of all the world to help children move forward we will not have accomplished anything. The present is fragile for world diplomacy particularly for multilateralism but I believe that our collective determination will always be stronger and I stand convinced that with the initiative of a new global agenda we can build together a world of peace, a world of friendship, of cooperation and well-being for one and all.
    2. Vaccines have opened the way and faith for humanity to assume the conviction that we will win this battle but combating the pandemic has shown and demonstrated the international system in capacity to cooperate under principles of solidarity and efficiency. We need agreements in place that will ensure equitable access to vaccines and their application. Multilateral cooperation is still very much absent in fighting COVID-19. The initiative of a new global agenda should include vigorous and urgent multilateral action to combat the pandemic and allow access for all countries, especially the poorest, to vaccines and health coverage.
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    1. We need more than ever an effective multilateralism.
    2. Portugal, and the European Union, stand with multilateralism; with the United Nations; with a rules-based international order; with human rights. Portugal is committed to the reform of the World Health Organization, to supporting an International Treaty on Pandemics, to guaranteeing that vaccines are a global public good. Portugal is also committed to the 2030 Agenda; to the relief of external debt of the most vulnerable countries; to the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration as a "Champion Country

      Portugal's commitment to multilateralism

    3. multilateralism, faced with challenges that go beyond borders and require joint responses, must be based on International Law, on the values of the Charter, and on the strengthening of International Organisations, starting with the United Nations and its specialised agencies.

      multilateralism based on international law

    4. he governance of a multipolar world requires commitment and agreement between nations, and that means multilateralism.

      need for multilateralism

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    1. Qatar's bet on international institutions and multilateral cooperation is a strategic one. In this context, we affirm pursuing our contributions to supporting the United Nations entities and fulfilling our commitments to the issues identified by the international community as priorities at this stage

      support to multilateralism

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    1. n Somaliawe strongly believe in the enduring ability of the international multilateral system to deliver a better world for all. In today’sinterconnected, interdependent,and globalised world, cooperation, strategic collaboration,and good governance are a must. In this brave new world, it is almost impossible for any nation to strive for progress and prosperity alone. It is in this regard that all member states must work closely together to revitalise the United Nation so that it can effectively play its mandated role of connecting us all in navigating the serious global challenges that threaten our common development.
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    1. We share the grave concern over the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistanafter the Taliban takeover, threatening to jeopardize the political, economic, and social achievements by that country over the past 20 years. The risk to the stability andsecurity extends to the whole region and far beyond. Bulgaria condemned the attacks near the International Airport in Kabul on 26August2021. The attacks, claimed by Islamic State in Khorasan Province, resulted in the death and injuries of over 300 civilians, including women and children, and military personnel. Terrorismin all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.All States must combat terrorism through concerted multilateral efforts, and by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other obligations under international law
    2. Multilateralismis the key to our future and has no alternative. For Bulgaria,this is a high priority, and wesupport the deepening of EU’s strategic partnerships around the world, as well as its more active engagement with third countries and regional organizations
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    1. Fourth, we must improve global governance and practice true multilateralism. In the world, there is only one international system, i.e. the international system with the United Nations at its core. There is only one international order, i.e. the international order underpinned by international law. And there is only one set of rules, i.e. the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.
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    1. The COVID-19 pandemic is a historic testfor our generation. How we respondtoday, both individually and collectively, will greatly shape the world of generations to come.Croatia is pleased to have been able to co-coordinate,with Afghanistan, the resolutiononthe“Comprehensive and coordinated response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic”, which not only set the stagefor ourrecovery, but also for building back better.The resolution also recognizes the value of an integrated “One Health approach”.By better understanding the health relatedinterlinkages of humans, animalsand our ecosystem, we stand a better chance at tacklingantimicrobial resistance, as well as preventingand containinganother major zoonotic disease outbreak.I think we all share in the aspirationsofa comprehensive, multi-sectoral engagement instrengtheningnational, regional and global capacities, as well as society’s overall resilience to a future pandemic.

      Comprehensive and coordinated response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic with Afghanistan

    2. But we cannot, we must notgive in.It is our responsibility, as global leaders, to tackle these false narrativeshead on;to win back the people’s trust; to give them hope.Multilateralism, global solidarity and international cooperation have little, if any,alternatives.It is asound way forwardfor rational beings. The United Nations standsonly to benefit from its cooperation withregional multilateral actors like,in a European context,the EU, the Council of Europe, the OSCEandNATO.
    3. Perhaps more than ever, it is important we continue to strengthen multilateralism and the internationalrules-based order,withthe United Nations playinga central role.
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    1. Let us continue to defend rules-based multilateralism. Switzerland is committed to an effective and efficient United Nations and supports reforms aimed at improving conflict prevention, strengthening the UN development system and modernising management methods. Switzerland has much to contribute to the challenges facing the world. Twenty years after joining the United Nations, we are ready to contribute to the work of the UN Security Council for the 2023/24term.
    2. For most of my professional life, I have been a winegrower. Winemaking has taught me patience, perseverance and confidence. A vine takes years to grow and produce. Improvinggrape varieties is a subtle science to producethe best wines. You have to respect nature and work in tune withit. Why am I talking to you about this here in the sanctuary of the United Nations?The COVID-19 pandemic is a bit like hail or frost that can suddenly ravage vines: unexpected and destabilising. Good winegrowers live with this risk and know how to recover from such twistsof fate. The pandemic is a human, social and economic catastrophethatisalso affectinginternational peace and security. Our thoughts are with all the victims, direct and indirect

      Comparison of the resilience of the international order with vines, and comparing COVID-19 with hail or frost

    3. When hail or frost strikes, Swiss winegrowers help each other, and they call on the insurance funds which they have paid into. When a crisis affects entire regions, or even the planet, solidarity must be global and solutions common. The UnitedNations is the place where knowledge and resources are pooled. The organisation itself arose fromlessonslearned from past crises.

      Solidarity and the role of the UN

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    1. Nos unimos al mecanismo covax, asumiendo un liderazgo regional en coordinación con la Organización Mundial de la Salud y la Organización Panamericanade la Salud.Hoy convoco a la comunidad internacional a fortalecer el multilateralismo en materia de salud y avanzar en la equidad para la distribución de lasvacunas. ES nuestro deber moral.

      We join the covax mechanism, assuming regional leadership in coordination with the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization. Today I call on the international community to strengthen multilateralism in health matters and advance equity for the distribution of vaccines . IT IS our moral duty.

    2. Hemos observado fallas del multilateralismo para responder de manera equitativa y articulada a los momentos más agudos.

      We have observed failure of multilateralism to respond in an equitable and articulate way to the most acute moments.

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    1. From famine to pandemics to terrorism, the United Nations is the most important global platform for deliberation and decision-making to solve the world’s most important challenges.
    2. Namely, that in today’s world, we are bound together. We must work together, in solidarity, in unity, to achieve our ambitions together.

      on unity and togetherness

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    1. But let’s be frank. Today’s multilateral system is too limited in its instruments and capacities,in relation to what is needed for effective governance of managing global public goods.

      limitations of multilateral system

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