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  1. Oct 2023
  2. Apr 2022
    1. United Nations Charter

      The Charter of the United Nations is the founding document of the United Nations. It was signed on 26 June 1945, in San Francisco, at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on International Organization, and came into force on 24 October 1945.

      The United Nations can take action on a wide variety of issues due to its unique international character and the powers vested in its Charter, which is considered an international treaty. As such, the UN Charter is an instrument of international law, and UN Member States are bound by it. The UN Charter codifies the major principles of international relations, from sovereign equality of States to the prohibition of the use of force in international relations.

      Since the UN's founding in 1945, the mission and work of the Organization have been guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter, which has been amended three times in 1963, 1965, and 1973.

      24 October 1945

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  3. Oct 2021
    1. Beyond the grand declarations and predictable to-do lists, UNGA 76 has included visions of the “international order” and its future. Those visions fall into five categories: Standard Bearers, Ambivalent Actors, Smooth Operators, Disruptive Strategists, and Renewers.

      The main type of statements in the UN GA.


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    1. Yet, for many politicians, pundits, and the public, the UN is an afterthought, if a thought at all.

      Why the UN is afterthought?

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  4. Sep 2021
    1. Timor-LesteappreciatestheeffortsinrevitalizingourOrganizationtoadjustwiththechallengesofourcurrentsituationandwereiterateourfullsupporttotheUnitedNationsSecurityCouncilreformtobetterreflectourcontemporaryworldandtoproperlyaddressglobalchallengesintheareasofPeace,SecurityandDevelopment.
    2. NationsConventionontheLawoftheSeaCompulsoryConciliationCommitteetoresolveitsmaritimeboundarydisputewithAustralia.


    3. Timor-LesteisfullycommittedtotheprincipleofmultilateralismenshrinedintheCharteroftheUnitedNations,suchasrespectforsovereignty,politicalindependence,territorialintegrityandnon-interferenceintheinternalaffairsofotherStates
    1. Next, for the UN to be a fair organization with practical ability, we should revitalize the work of the UN based on the principles of sovereign equality and respect for equalrights and self-determination of the people
    2. In order to prevent the high-handedness and arbitrariness of the UNSC, representation ofdevelopingcountries, which take up majority in the UN, should be increased.It is also imperative that the rules and procedures of the UN should be revised so that the resolutions adopted at the UNSC could be rejected by the UNGA resolution containing the will of the overwhelmingmajority of member states, when necessary.
    3. What comes as an urgent task here is to make the United Nations Security Council(UNSC) an impartialand responsible body which substantially contributes to maintaining the international peace and security, as explicitly stipulated in the UN Charter
    4. It is no exaggeration to say that the international community is faced with the most serious crisis sincethe founding of the UN.This reality urgently requires all the UN member states to find a proper solution to the problems, while remaining more faithful than ever before to the UN Charter, international law and fundamental principles of international relations, pooling their political willand efforts and strengthening mutual cooperation
    1. We want to see a more representative, inclusive, and transparent Security Council and a more revitalized General Assembly.Reforms must be inclusive and representative, accountable,and effective in its delivery.
    2. Principles and purposes of the UN Charter, non-alignment, international law and norms of world peace form the basis of our foreign policy.
    3. As a member elected for the second term in UN Human Rights Council, we continue to add value through apolitical and impartial approach to human rights
    4. We attach high importance to the safety and security of UN peacekeepers and the need for adequate training, resources, and modern technologies. It is in this spirit that we endorsed the Declaration of Shared Commitments in support of the ‘Action for Peacekeeping’ initiative
    5. There is a need of robust global cooperation to effectively implement the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, to combat and controlfinancing of terrorism, and to fight the organized trans-border crimes. This underlines the urgency for conclusion of a comprehensive convention against terrorism.
    6. Weurge all parties involved to ensure peace, security, and stability so that the Afghan people can live in dignity and enjoy their fundamental rights and freedom.We also urge Afghanistan to engage with the international community on the basis ofthe principles of the UN Charter and norms of international law.
    1. he lack of meaningful progress on Security Council reform remains a matter of deep concern. Our commitment to instill new life into the intergovernmental negotiations should amount to more than mere rhetoric. It should serve as a clarion call to Member States to work collaboratively, in good faith, toward early reform of the Security Council to effectively respond to the urgent needs and challenges facing the diverse membership of the United Nations. A representative Council will add substantially to improving the effectiveness and credibility of our organization, as the leading international pillar for peace and security.
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    1. В последнее время под благовидным предлогом содействия повышению эффективности функционирования Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН наблюдаются деструктивные действия отдельных государств, направленные на произвольное толкование и пересмотр сложившегося уклада работы этого органа.Целенаправленная работа по так называемому«продвижению голосов гражданского общества» в Генеральной Ассамблеене является исключением. Рассматриваем эти действия как попытку придать неправительственным организациям (которые, к слову, созданы и выкормлены при поддержке отдельных заинтересованных стран) статус, идентичный суверенным государствам-членам ООН. Это категорически неприемлемо

      Recently, under the plausible pretext of promoting the effectiveness of the functioning of the UN General Assembly, destructive actions of individual states have been observed, aimed at arbitrary interpretation and revision of the existing structure of the work of this body. Purposeful work on the so-called "promotion of the voices of civil society" in the General Assembly is not an exception. We regard these actions as an attempt to give non-governmental organizations (which, by the way, were created and nurtured with the support of individual interested countries) a status identical to sovereign UN member states. This is totally unacceptable.

    2. ООН идет по путидальнейшейкоммерциализациисвоейповестки, все больше превращаясь в подобиезападной политики. ООН все больше думает,как Запад, попирая важные принципы солидарности и многосторонности.В контексте девизаООН «никого не оставить позади» Беларусь исходитиз императива соблюдения консенсуса и учета мнений каждого государства.

      The UN is following the path of further commercialization of its agenda, increasingly turning into a semblance of Western policy. The UN increasingly thinks like the West, trampling on important principles of solidarity and multilateralism. In the context of the UN motto “leave no one behind”, Belarus proceeds from the imperative of observing consensus and taking into account the views of each state.

    3. Уже сегодня в мире голодаетоколо одного миллиардачеловек, а из-за недальновидности кучки государств, которые применяют односторонние экономические ограничения против целых секторов экономики, занятых в продовольствии, без еды могут остаться еще многие сотни миллионовлюдей.Практика произвольных финансовых и экономических санкций в качестве инструмента политического давления должна быть навсегда искоренена.И это также должно быть однойиз сфер деятельности ООН

      Already today, about one billion people are starving in the world, and the short-sightedness of a handful of states that apply unilateral economic restrictions against entire sectors of the economy engaged in food may leave many hundreds of millions of people without food. The practice of arbitrary financial and economic sanctions as a tool of political pressure must be eradicated forever, and it must also be one of the areas of UN activity.

    4. Беларусьвсегда былав авангардеусилий по борьбе с торговлей людьми,как на национальном, так и международном уровнях. В этом году Беларусь будет инициировать в Третьем комитете ГА ООН в широком соавторстве с государствами-единомышленниками традиционную резолюцию «Улучшение координации усилий по борьбе с торговлей людьми».Эта резолюция –ключевой элемент в спектре коллективных международных усилий, призванных содействовать стабильности в мире.

      Belarus has always been at the forefront of efforts to combat human trafficking, both nationally and internationally. This year Belarus will initiate in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly in broad co-authorship with like-minded states the traditional resolution “Improving the coordination of efforts to combat human trafficking.” This resolution is a key element in the spectrum of collective international efforts designed to promote stability in the world.

    5. Все мы уже несколько десятилетий пребываем в затяжной и беспрецедентной глобальной турбулентности и непредсказуемости.Это закономерный итог того, что наша планета функционирует во многом внесистемы и обязательств, закрепленных в универсальных принципах международного права Уставом ООН.

      For several decades, all of us have been in a protracted and unprecedented global turbulence and unpredictability. This is a natural result of the fact that our planet functions in many respects outside the system and obligations enshrined in the universal principles of international law by the UN Charter.

    1. this Assembly must take responsibility and step forward in such situations, as it has done in the past. At times the General Assembly should also convene as a matter of course in each and every case when the security council action has been blocked by a veto.Liechtensteinwill pursue this idea with interested states as one concrete contribution to enhance accountability in the institutions of the United Nations. There are of course many more areas in urgentneed of reform,in particular the Security Council and Liechtensteinwill continue to make its independent voice heard where needed
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    1. The 40th anniversary of the adoption of UNCLOS next year is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to UNCLOS as the primary legal instrument for oceans governance, and do more to ensure its effective implementation.
    2. As a tiny island state at the confluence of key global shipping routes, heavily dependent on maritime trade, Singapore is an ardent advocate for the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea or UNCLOS.
    3. In the longer term, we need to take forward the recommendations of the G20 High Level Independent Panel to address major gaps in preparedness for future pandemics, strengthen multilateral support for the WHO and UN, and mobilise resources for our collective security –because no one is safe until everyone is safe
    1. this is the objective of the updated russian concept of collective security in the persian gulf that has been recently circulated as a security council and general assembly document in the context of searching for ways to overcome regional crises we are ready to share russia's unique experience of peaceful coexistence of different civilizations religions and cultures
    2. mongst new challenges and threats we also see state's intention to militarize the internet and unleash a cyber arms race russia advocates for agreeing at the u.n upon ways to ensure international information security the process here should not be based on someone's special rules but rather on universal agreements allowing to examine any concerns in a transparent manner relying on facts this is the aim of our initiative to elaborate standard norms for states responsible behavior in the use of icts and are preparing universalconvention a universal convention on combating cyber crime along with this digital space
    3. first and foremost this is the u.n and its security council that needs to be adapted to the reality of a poly central polycentric world order by enlarging it with increased representation of asia africa and latin america the un security council permanent members that according to the un charter bear a special responsibility before the organization can and must encourage genuine collective action
    4. talk of europe's strategic autonomy that has intensified after the us's hasty withdrawal from afghanistan the chaotic nature of this withdrawal is further demonstration of the rules upon which the west is going to build its world order we are convinced that it is time to draw lessons from the dangerous repercussions of policy aimed at undermining the u.n centric architecture that was shaped in the aftermath of world war ii and has repeatedly proven a reliable insurance against disastrous scenarios in the face of global challenges the world
    5. in the same vein of a rules-based order the u.s preserves the obsolete obsolete trade embargo against cuba and strives to impose its will on the peoples of venezuela and nicaragua in flagon violation of the charter-based principles of non-interference into internal affairs of sovereign states
    6. biden has recently announced the rejection of military methods used to as he put it remake other countries we expect the us to take one step further and reject any other methods of imposing their development model on others not only military ones the rules based order is founded on double standards when it serves the west's interests people's right to self-determination is an absolute in such cases an artificial created entity of kosovo earlier forcefully seized from a european country serbia is recognized as an independent state in violation of security council resolution without any referendums it doesn't without any referendums
    7. ermany and france haverecently announced the creation of the alliance for multilateralism even thoughwhat kind of structure could be more multilateral than the united nationsberlin and paris however have decided that there are many conservatives at the un hindering the efforts of the vanguard they have proclaimed that the european union to be the epitome of effective multilateralismand all others are supposed to emulate it this is a recent example too
    8. ecently we have been witnessing persistent attempts to diminish the un's role in resolving the key problems of today or to sideline it or to make it a malleable tool for promoting someone's selfish interests such attempts are clearly visible in the so-called rules-based order concept that the west is persistently introducing to political discourse as opposed to international law
    9. for russia it is obvious that one can only effectively counter threats and challenges through concerted efforts in strict compliance with the universally recognized norms of international law first and foremost the purposes and principles of the un charter this global organization should play a central coordinating role in world politics fully unleashing its potential of universal multilateralism and legitimacy r
    1. The UN Security Council will needto adapt to today’s realities and support an expanded Council with a SIDS-dedicated seat. It has been sixteen years since world leaders called for early reform of the Council, we hope negotiations could shift into text-basednegotiations at this session.
    2. It is my government’s unwavering position that once national maritime zones are deposited with the United Nations, theyshould never be challenged. Rights must be respected irrespective of sea level rise. Thisproposal preserves the principles of equity, fairnessand justice of the Convention and recognizes UNCLOS principles of legal stability, security, certainty,and predictability
    3. As an ocean locked state, Solomon Islands remainscommitted to negotiating a legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction underthe UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
    4. Concerted collective action by all UN members using all forms of partnerships bilaterally and multilaterally is needed now,more than ever,to help us to collectively address the challenges all our countries are facing today
    1. We welcome the establishment of the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent, which will serve as a consultation mechanism for people of African descent and other interested stakeholders, andas a platform for improving the quality of life and livelihoods of people of African descent.
    2. St. Kitts and Nevis again renews its call for Taiwan’s inclusion in theinternational community. We strongly believe Taiwan has an important and continuing role to play in international development strategies given their great successin many areas.
    3. Thenewchallengesfacedasaresultoftechnologicaldevelopmentsmustalsobetakenintoconsiderationandconfronted.WewillalsocontinuetolendourvoiceandsupporttotheworkoftheUnitedNationswithaviewtobringingaboutanendtothemiserycausedbytheseweapons
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    1. Belize calls for Taiwan’s inclusion in the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, which will not only further enhance global cooperation and partnership, but also manifest the United Nation’s enshrined principle of universality
    2. Belize exists today because of the multilateral system. The support of UN Member States for Belize’s territorial integrity and respect for our right to self-determination was critical to the achievement of Belize’s independence. For us the multilateral system is indispensable
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    1. We reaffirm the importance of multilateral approaches to the issuesof peace and development, and the central role of the United Nationsin their treatment.
    2. Jamaica supportsa globally coordinatedapproachto the scaling up of production and equitable distribution of vaccines, with the United Nations at the core.
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    1. Denmark is committed to a strong and efficient UN. That protects the rule-based international order, promotes a more progressive world, and fights injustice.
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    1. The Republic of Serbia, by defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity, at the same time defends international law, the UN Charter, the legally binding UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and the supreme authority of the Security Council when it comes to the preservation of international peace and security
    1. cannot but renew our adherence to the international multilateral system, and to the p rinciples and aims of the United Nations Charter, in order to ensure thedevelopment and strengthening of international governance, to guaranteethe realization of its lofty mission, in p reserving international p eace and security, and to serve all mankind
    2. We renew our call to the Libyan brothers on the necessity to attach p riority to the highinterests of the country, as well as to the p eaceful solutions based on the rejection of violence, and the need to adhere to the outputs of international conferences and relevant Security Council resolutions,
    3. he continuing crisis in brotherly Yemen, and the growing and dangerous threats it posesto regional peace and stability, has been linked to the observed reality of how to deal with relevant Security Council resolutions and outputs.
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    1. Parallèlement à plus de solidarité internationale et à la réforme attendue du Conseil de Sécurité, la revitalisation des travaux de l’Assemblée Générale et de l’ECOSOC, doit également être menée en vue d’impulser une dynamique nouvelle au sein de notre Organisation.Ces réformes sont indispensablestant elles sont à même d’impacter considérablementla réalisation de plusieurs objectifs de développement durable à l’horizon 2030, y compris la réponse aux aspirationslégitimes des peuples africains contenues dans l’Agenda 2063

      reform of the UNSC which are also imp. for sdgs and 2030 agenda

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    1. Le thème de notre session touche à la réforme de notre Organisation//qui représente ce que nous avons tous de mieux à offrir au monde, //dans notre quête permanente pour une paix et une sécurité durable. Cette session nous offre ainsi //une opportunité pour une évaluation des performances de notre organisation, //en vuede garantir une meilleure représentation des pays en développement et //notamment //ceux du continent africain qui

      reform of the UN especially in terms of rep. of african countries

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    1. Le Tchad réaffirme sa position de principe concernant la réforme de I’0NU, en particulier du Conseil de sécurité. Cette réforme revendiquée par l'Afrique depuis plusieurs années ne fait que traduire une aspiration

      reform of the UNSC ...permanent seat for Africa, cannot be excluded

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    1. e know that our security depends on the rule of law instead of the law of the jungle. The rule of law will be in the centre of our efforts when elected to the Security Council for the term 2027-28.
    2. ustria strongly supports the vision of the Secretary General for a UN 2.0. Our multilateral system conceived in the 20th century needs to be made fit for the 21st.
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    1. we deplore any state-sponsored malign activities committed in Europe in recent years as simply unacceptable, illegal and in direct violation of everything the UN stands for. The Czech Republic has experienced it first-hand.
    2. The Czech Republic is a firmsupporter of the rules-based international orderwith the UN at its core, upholding international law and compliance with commitments rooted in the UN Charter. In this context let me reiterate the unwavering support of the Czech Republic to the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independenceof Ukraineand Georgiawithin their internationally recognised borders.
    3. We echothe Secretary General’s Call to Action for Human Rights and we agree that an adequate fundingof the UN human rights pillar from the UN regular budget must be secured
    4. The impacts of climate change on peace and securityare becoming increasingly apparent. A systematic integration of these risks into the UN Security Council’s work is necessary
    1. Within the UN, the Security Council must be able to continue to fulfil its role in safeguarding international peace and security. We support the need for a consensualreform of the Security Council, tostrengthen regional representation and ensurea fairer geographical distribution of seats through an increase in the number of elected members.Our goal is to make the Council more representative, democratic, efficient, transparent and accountable
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    1. n today’s globalized world, it is indefensible and incomprehensible that decisions which bind us all are left in the hands of few Member States. Reform of the Security Council, which takes into account the aspirations of Africa, as espoused in the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration cannot be postponed any longer. Transparency, inclusivity and democracy must inform the work ofthe entire United Nations System.
    2. We should recall that the lastreform of the United Nations was in 1963, over five decades ago. We are convinced that this is the opportune time to raise critical issues regarding the reform of this world body to enable it to meet the challenges and threats of the twenty-first century —a daunting task indeed.
    3. Lesotho would therefore like to echo other Member States in calling for an inclusive UN system which encompasses equal representation of all regions in all the major organs of this august body.
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    1. Let us restore hope and belief in the UN, by restoring hope and belief in ourselves and in international solidarity. Let us rebuild trust in one another by bridging the inequality gaps within and between nations, reducing marginalisation, eradicating racism, xenophobia and all other forms of discrimination, and instilling tolerance among our peoples
    2. We must more than ever renew our commitment to multilateralism and reinforce the functions of United Nations. Let us be guided by the UN Charter as we move together to rebuild a greener world, leaving no one, particularly the most vulnerable, behind.
    3. As we enterthe second year of the UN decade of action, it is imperative that we, as a community of nations, take deliberate, collaborative and decisive actions to guarantee a future that leaves no one behind
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    1. Therefore,asweembarkonthis76thSessionofourGeneralAssembly,Imustindulgeyou,Mr.President,torecallourcommitmentsunderourUNCharter,tobuildasafe,peacefulandsecurehomeforourpeoples,todayandinthefuture.
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    1. ButwemustequallynotwaiverinourdeterminationtodeliverthelongoutstandingreformoftheSecurityCouncil.Letusriseaboveourdifferencessothatwedonotleavethisunfinishedbusinessasaburdenofthefuturegeneration.Wemustachievethereformsduringourlifetime.

      UN SC reform

    2. Mr.President,AsIhavealreadyalluded,revitalizationandstrengtheningtheworkof,andcoordinationamongthePrincipalOrgansofUnitedNations(i.e.,GeneralAssembly,theEconomicandSocialCouncil,theSecurityCouncilandtheSecretariat)aswellasimprovingtheirworkingmethodsremainscrucial.Itisimportantthatweensurethatthischiefdeliberative,policymakingandrepresentativeOrganbecomestrue,universal"parliamentofnations"

      Stronger UN

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    1. This year marks 12 years since the start of the Inter-Governmental Negotiations process and 16 years since the World Summit of 2005, where world leadersunanimously agreed on early reform of the Security Council

      South Africa calls for text-based negotiations on UNSC reform

    2. That is whyweseek to enhance the relationship between the UN and the African Union in maintaining peace, financing peacebuilding efforts, and advancing post-conflict reconstruction and development

      Link between UN and African Union needs to be enhanced

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    1. there is no question but that if the famous gathering in sanfrancisco was to take place today it would be a significantly different united nations charterthat would be written in much the same way a world bank or imf or who that is born todaywould be radically different institutions from those that were set up after the world war asmany of the countries in today's world especially in africa and the caribbean were notpresent in san francisco

      if written today, the UN Charter would be significantly different

    2. even before the pandemicoutbreak many have concluded that the current structure of global economic cooperationdesigned some 77 years ago has proven inadequate to finance infrastructure and economictransformation in developing countries given the incapacity of the global financial system toproduce the necessary outcomes to finance sustainable development
    3. president the last time there was such anupheaval in the world was during the second world war which led to the establishment of anew world order this organization the united nations and the other bretton woods institutionswere created to maintain its international peace and security helped rebuild the shatteredpost-war economy and promote global economic cooperation

      UN history and purpose

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    1. we want to reanimate the u.nyes we doto start we need to reanimate itscharter it is not a set ofrecommendations for voluntary complianceyou will not find the words each shallfend for themselvesthen the world would not have to admitthat it has faileda testofand look away in shamemarking the 20thanniversaryof thedurban declarationto liquidate all forms of racialdiscriminationwho could have imaginedthat one daymedicines would become an instrument of

      reform of the UN

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    1. Anotherchallenge is maritime securityand piracy. We need an integratedglobal responseto make the oceans safe. Some 90 %of piracy incidents take place in the Gulf of Guinea. Norway is seekingto advance this issue in the Security Council, in close cooperation with the countries in the region
    2. The adoption of the resolution extending the mandate for delivering cross-border humanitarian aid into Syria was encouraging. It offers hope of finding a political solution to the long-lasting conflict.
    3. Durable peace is crucial tolong-term security. In our work inthe Security Council,we promote dialogue, partnerships, and preventive diplomacy. To remain relevant, the Council must respond to threats to international peace and security. It must not shy away from challengingsituations.
    4. The decline in democracy and respect for human rights should be of concern to us all. We are seeinggrave human rights violations in many parts of the world. In Venezuela. The atrocities and conflict in Tigray. The deteriorating humanitarian and human rights situation in Myanmar, including for the Rohingyas. To mention a few. We count on the Security Council and regional organisations to play aproactive role.
    1. In close collaboration with our internationalpartners, we are working hard to eliminate human trafficking, which requires extraordinary globalcooperation.We are a candidate for membership on theUN Human Rights Council for 2022 -2024. If elected, Kazakhstan will strive to make a real contribution to the Council.
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    1. in light of this situation, it is urgent to improve the efficiency of our Organization and to adopt the necessary reforms, in all of its entities, including the Security Council, in order to revitalize the United Nations System in its entirety.
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    1. in the acknowledgement of the wide recognition and broad support by member states for the legitimate aspiration of africa to play its rightful role on the global stage as asserted in the african common position articulated in the erzowini consensus and sad declaration redressing this historical injustice against africa is an urgent priority africa demands no less than two permanent seats with all the rights and prerogatives of permanent members including the rights of veto if retained and two additional assists in the non-permanent category of the security council
    2. we can start to redress these gross imbalances by reaffirming by reforming the security council to make it more broadly representative efficient and transparent and thus to enhance the legitimacy of its decisions syrian recognizes the demonstration of the commitment to instill new life in the discussion on the reform of the security council as the coordinator of the african union committee obtained on the reform of the security council sierra leone is pleased to note progress made
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    1. lo que, reiteramos la necesidad de continuar con el apoyo a través de los fondos y programas de esta Organización orientada a la población más necesitada, e invertir específicamente en procesos tangibles para su desarrollo.


    2. Además, creemos firmemente que la Reforma a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, continúa siendo una asignatura pendiente. Por


    3. Es importante la revitalización de las Naciones Unidas, para adaptarse a la realidad mundial, por lo que es imperativo que el mantenimiento de la paz y la seguridad internacionales, sigan siendo sus propósitos principales, por lo cual el Consejo de Seguridad debe honrar esa responsabilidad, sin sesgos ideológicos y los invito a que sean objetivos y equitativos. Guatemala se honra en tener una larga trayectoria como país contribuyente de tropas de esta Organización. Hoy, nuevamente, hacemos un llamado al Consejo de Seguridad, a actuar de manera consistente con sus funciones, incluyendo un uso responsable del derecho al veto, y evitar el agravamiento de crisis internacionales.

      Revitalise the UN

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    1. The desired effective performance of the United Nations requires regular and consistent reforms of its main bodies. We recognize the progress achieved so far with the reforms in its development pillar, making the UN System more efficient. Progressive and innovative has been the process of revitalizing the General Assembly, allowing it to be more pragmatic in its deliberations.We also understand that the revitalization of the UN goes through the need for a reform of the Security Council, which can give a greater range of Member States in decision making related to international peace and security. As a member of the African Union, Cabo Verde subscribes to the Ezulwini consensus

      Reform of the UN

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    1. This need to work together brings me to the fourth and final crisis confronting us:the UN Governance Crisis. In a world that needs multilateralism more than ever to tackle the global challenges we face, the United Nations is indispensable. As such, the UN must be the gold standard of democracy,

      reform of the UN

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    1. uriname supports the call for a stronger and more effective United Nations.•A restructured and revitalized United Nations must ensure, that the organization, remainsthe source of redress, for the international community, and home, to international justice and equitable decision-making

      Calling for a stronger UN (not saying how)

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    1. I support the firm commitment by the UN Secretary-General to advance UN systemreform discussions into clear management actions. I want to underscore the urgent needfor tangible and text-based efforts towards UN Security Council reform.

      UN SC reform: call for text-based efforts

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    1. Les pierres angulaires d’une émergence solide sont la souveraineté et l’unité nationale Parmi les principaux enjeux de Madagascar sur ces sujets, il y a la question des Iles Éparses ou Nosy Malagasy. Uneblessure encore douloureusedans le cœur de mon pays et de mon peuple. Des engagements pour la décolonisation de Madagascar ont été pris par la France en 1945 à San-Francisco. Le retour de l’indépendance n’est acquis qu’en 1960, autrement dit 15 ans après. Une décolonisation pourtant inachevée jusqu’à ce jour car la problématique des Iles Éparses n’a toujours pas été solutionné et ce malgré deuxrésolutions de l’Assembléegénérale des Nations Unie. D’abord en 1979demandant à la France d’initier sans tarder les négociations avec Madagascar pour la réintégration des Iles qui ont été séparées de Madagascar de façon arbitraire.Puis en 1980, l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unie, a regrettéque les négociationsrecommandées dans la résolution 34/91 n’aient pas été initiées et demande que cela soit effectif defaçon urgente. Aujourd’hui, 42 ans après les résolutions des Nations Unies, avec mon homologue Français, le PrésidentEmmanuel Macron, nous œuvrons ensemble, à travers la tenue de travaux au sein d’une « Commission Mixte » entre nos deux pays. J’ai bonne foi en une issue positive, justeet apaisée de ces travaux. Et j’invite notre organisation, les Nations Unies, à endosser son rôle pour veiller à cela de façon bienveillante et cohérente.

      Territorial dispute with France

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    1. It is the role of the United Nations to facilitate this by treating all sovereign states, irrespective of size or strength, equitably, and with due respect for their institutions and their heritage. I request the United Nations and the international community to ensure the protection of the Buddhist heritage of Afghanistan.

      Calls on the UN to treat every state with respect for their institutions and heritage, regardless of size or strength, and then specifically to protect the Buddhist heritage of Afghanistan

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    1. Pour y parvenir, une étape majeure reste celle de rompre avec l'inégalité historique qui a privé et continue de priver le Continent Africain de siège permanent au Conseil de Sécurité des Nations-Unies.

      seat for africa at UNSC

    2. Face aux nouveaux défis, des réformes profondes de nos organes sont indispensables pour que l'Organisation des Nations Unies reste le cadre par excellence du multilatéralisme.

      reform of multilateralism/of UN

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