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  1. Sep 2021
    1. Mycountrycontinuestoendorsevaccineasaglobalpublicgood,thatneedstobeaccessibletoeveryone,includingdevelopingandloweconomiccountriesandcountriesinspecialsituation.Theinternationalcommunitymustaddressthevaccinationgapsatlowincomecountrieswhoonlyvaccinate1.1%oftheirpopulations.Withoutequalaccesstovaccines,manycountries,includingTimor-Lestewillnotbeabletoprotectitscitizensandpeoplefromthevirus.
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    1. We remain grateful to our immediate neighbours-India and China for their support in fighting the covid crisis. We also sincerely thank friendly countries, like United States, Britain, Japan and others for providing vaccines, critical medical equipment, and medicines in our fight against the pandemic
    2. Fairand equitable access to vaccines must be ensured for everyone, everywhere. People’s lives should come first.Vaccines must be declared as public goodsfor the benefitof people’s lives.
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    1. In the meantime, as a result of diplomatic initiatives taken at the bilateral level, Trinidad and Tobago and other members of the Caribbean Community received donations of WHO-approved vaccines from several Governments. We also received supplies via the COVAX facility and from the African Medical Supplies Platform
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    1. Governments cannot urge people toget inoculated on the basis that the best vaccine is the available vaccine, andyet discriminate against vaccines that were not manufactured directly in North America and Europe.This would not only be a form of vaccine apartheid, it would defeat the objective of inoculating 70 per cent of the world’s peopleby this time next year.This discrimination must ceasenow before it becomes a norm by some developed countries. It is wrong; unjust, and patently unfair

      Vaccine apartheid

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    1. The support for Covax,to which Liechtenstein has also made its contribution, has so farbeen not sufficientto bring about access to vaccine to all. This is not just an obligation vis-a-vis those who are in economically disadvantaged positions,but also in the investment we all need to make.
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    1. Singapore is a strong supporter of vaccine multilateralism. We will continue to support the COVAX Facility, and will donate our vaccines under the COVAX initiative to other countries withgreater needs
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    1. we support mutual recognition of vaccines that have been approved by national oversight bodie
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    1. Evidently,science can serve humanity only if good faith and rationality guides politics.Unfortunately, Africa,with negligible vaccination rate is left waitingfor the drips from the surplus of othersdue to vaccine nationalism.
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    1. I express my government’s sincere gratitude to our development partners that have assisted us in our response to the CVID-19 pandemic. I thank all donors andpartners to the COVAX Facility. I thank the governmentsof Australia, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, andthe People’s Republic of China. I also thankthe Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the United Nations agencies and in particular, United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fundandthe World Health Organization, andour regional institutions for theirkind assistance and support
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    1. am pleased to say that St. Kitts and Nevis is just one of the many countries to have benefitted from the COVAX facilityestablished by the World Health Organisation at the start of the pandemic
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    1. COVAX, the multilateral mechanism for vaccine distribution has been unable to truly respond to the needs of its subscribers.
    2. Mr President, the immediate global response was slow and inadequate to the scale and depth of the health crisis. Disruption of supplychains made access to the much-needed COVID-19 therapeutics, diagnostics and PPEs beyond the reach of many developing countries. Vaccine hoarding has reduced access to COVID-19 vaccines for developing countries, undermining COVAX and leading to deep and threatening inequalities.
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    1. COVAX was conceived as an expression of multilateralism, bringing widespread aspirations of hope in the collective approach.To date, however, it has not met expectations,
    2. Jamaica supportsa globally coordinatedapproachto the scaling up of production and equitable distribution of vaccines, with the United Nations at the core.
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    1. None of us can leave COVID behind until all of us can. Denmark is committed to vaccine solidarity and COVAX
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    1. the most outstanding and urgent step , lies in finding thep ace for a fair and secure distribution of vaccines, to reach universal immunization levels
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    1. One, vaccine equity: everyone, everywhere, must be vaccinated against Covid, and assoon as possible
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    1. 5Nous devons enfin, plus que jamais,accélérer la transition numérique et mobiliser les ressources internes en renforçant l’inclusivitéfinancière, notamment en faveur des femmes.Au total, il nous faut, tirer les leçons de cette pandémieet reconstruire nos sociétés de façon plus durable, plus juste et plus inclusive.J’appelle une fois de plus, les dirigeants du monde à plus de multilatéralismeafin de bâtir ensemble une économie mondialetenant compte des aspirations des peuples qui souhaiteraient un partage plus équitable des vaccins et des progrès technologiques.Dans cette phase charnièrede jonction des dynamiques, il est fondamental de satisfaireà ces justes exigences de la conscience universelle, y compris une répartition équitable des rentes des technologies ;au risque de voirse sédimenter un ordre international source de fragilités humaines, de défiance entre les nations et d’insécurité globa

      sharing of vaccines and sharing of tech.

    2. Comme vous le savez, la crise sanitaire sans précédent générée par la pandémie de la COVID-19, qui demeure prégnante, a complètement déstructurénos sociétés,nos économieset notre vivre-ensemble.La mise au point de plusieurs vaccins par une collaboration internationale et les campagnes de vaccination en cours dans de nombreux pays constituent une lueur d’espoir pour l’humanité. La vaccination est le seul moyen réellement efficace pour freiner la propagation du virus.

      covid19, vaccination and cooperation on vaccination

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    1. ce jour, la seconde étape de vaccinationest terminée.La troisième cohorte de la vaccination qui commence bientôt,//nous permettra d’atteindre l’objectif des 80%de la population cible, //que nous nous sommes fixé.D’autre part, //les efforts considérables sont déployés par mon Gouvernement //pour accompagner la population, dans la vie au quotidien, //surtout pour être à l’abri de la crise alimentaire mondiale qui se profile, //comme l’une des conséquences de la conjoncture sanitaire générée par le Covid-19.

      covid-19 and vaccination in comoros...objectives on how many ppl to vaccinate

    2. e même, //les inégalités observées dansl’accès au vaccin,//soulignent la nécessité d’agir //pour ancrer cet esprit de solidarité, //et rappellentle rôle primordial du multilatéralisme

      inequalities in terms of vaccination

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    1. Les pays riches ont atteint une couverture vaccinale â plus de S0%, tandis que la plupart des pays africains sont â moins de 2%.D'aprés I’0rganisation Mondiale de la Santé, sur plus de cinq milliards de doses administrées dans Ie monde, seuls 2 % sontallés en Afrique. Rien ne justifie ce déséquilibre au regard de l'interdépendance de notre monde et de la nécessité d'éradiquer Ie virus de la planéte toute entiére. Dans ce contexte, il est incompréhensible, voire inadmissible que certains pays stockent des surplus des vaccins et que d'autres en manquent cruellemen

      vaccination inequality between rich and poor countries

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    1. However, an enormous task still lies anead of us. We have to massively accelerate the international vaccine distribution. It is perfectly clear and we all know it: in this pandemic no one is safe until everyone is safe
    2. And we will lose even more if we cannot ensure that everyone has access to the vaccine as soon as possible. This is our only exit ticket out of the pandemic! That is why COVAX is probably one of the most important initiatives of our time.
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    1. The World Health Organisationhas a special role in strengthening health systems and preparedness for pandemics. It has a unique mandate in the field of global public health. It must be able to work effectively, efficiently and independently of any political or other influence.
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    1. We need to increase the availability of vaccines for poor countries and overcome logisticalhurdles to distribute themwhere they are most needed.Furthermore, we mustpreserveat the global levelthe free circulation of vaccinesand of the raw materials needed to produce them.Italy givesitsfull political and financial support to the COVAX Facility.We intend to triple our donations from 15 to 45 milliondosesby the end of 2021
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    1. n this auspicious occasion, my delegation expresses sincere appreciation for all initiatives recently taken through COVAX to address the needs of developing countries, especially in the development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines.
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    1. Central to global recovery is the availability and distribution of vaccines. Central to the health and well-being of every human being is solidarity. Statements, good intentions and pledges are woefully inadequate.
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    1. IacknowledgethesupportreceivedfromtheUnitedNationsanditsagenciesandfromourdevelopmentpartnersduringthispandemicwhichhavebeentrulyinstrumentalinprovidingvitalnecessitiesintermsofmedication,foodandhealthequipmenttonamebutafew.
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    1. 5It is shocking to see the disparity between some nations and others with respect to availability of vaccines. These disparities allow for third doses to be given, in some cases, while, in other cases, as in Africa, the vast majority of the population has not even received the first dose

      Disparity in the distribution of vaccines

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    1. We also take pride in the Cuban scientific community which, despite huge scarcities,created three vaccines and two candidate vaccines against the COVID-19 pandemic. They represent the realization of the ideaexpressed by Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolutionin 1960, who asserted that the future of our homeland must necessarily be a future of men and women of science.
    2. In the midstof this bleak prospect, Covid-19 vaccines have emerged asa hope. In August of 2021, more than 5 billion doses had been administered globally; however, more than 80 per cent of them were appliedin middle or high income countries, even when they account for much less than one half of the world’s population. Hundreds of millions of persons in low-income countries are still waiting to receive their first dose and cannot even estimate when orif they will ever receive it.At the sametime, it is hard to believe thatthe world’s military budget in the year 2020 amounted to almost 2 trillion USD. How many lives would have been saved should those resources had been invested in health or the manufacturing and distribution of vaccines?
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    1. L’axe de travail Covaxde cette Coalition permet aujourd’hui d’accélérer la mise au point et la fabrication de vaccins contre la Covid-19. Si cette initiative acontribué à faciliter l’accès aux vaccins des populations les plus défavorisées,la fracture vaccinale reste encore très prononcéeet lesrésultats, largement en-deçàdes attentes de ce programme. En effet, pendant que dans les pays du Nord, plus de 50% de la population ontété déjà vaccinés, en Afrique par exemple, environ 1% a reçu le vaccin

      vaccination divide between North and South

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    1. in our collective fight against thepandemic in a continent suffering the worst brunt of vaccine nationalism

      vaccine nationalism

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    1. we havebeen playing equality we have beenplaying unitywhereone thing is to share objectives andquite another is toshare vaccinesvaccines that give lifeit transpired that the provisions aboutequality just as in an uh advertisementthere is a footnote in fine printumstating the following we are allpeople we are all in one boat but accessto life boatsis given first to first class passengersukraine was not waiting for others tohelpshe hasbeen helping otherswithoutawaiting gratitudewe dispatched to italy our medicswe dispatched uh ppe's ukraine has beenhelping everyone who's needed our help

      uneven distribution of vaccines

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    1. There is a glaringinequity in vaccine distribution. Some countries have vaccinated their populations, and are on the path to recovery. For others, the lack of vaccines and weak health systems pose a serious problem. In Africa, fewerthan 1 in20 people arefully vaccinated. In Europe, one intwo arefully vaccinated.This inequity is clearly unfair
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    1. I would like to underline that patent rights can never be an obstacle to addressing this global health emergency. Therefore, I reiterate my call to resolve bottlenecksinproductionanddistribution,includingapossibletemporarywaiveronvaccine patents and the elimination of obstacles throughout the valuechain
    2. I would also like to announce that we will contribute 2 million euros to UNITAID,responsible for the ACT-Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar, in addition to the 175 millioneuros that Spain has already devoted
    3. Furthermore, we are going to earmark 7.5 million doses of vaccines forSub-SaharanAfrica, and for the EuropeanUnion’s Southern Neighborhood.
    4. Fulfilling the commitment that I announced during the Ibero-AmericanSummit earlier this year, Spain hasalready sent more than 7.5 million doses of vaccines, both throughCOVAXandbilaterally.Oftheremaining22.5milliondosesofvaccines that Spain will be donating in the coming months, I commit to send another 7.5milliondosesto Latin America andtheCaribbean.Because in tough times like these, Spain must stand shoulder to shoulder with the nations with which weshare so much.
    5. I would now like to announcethat Spain will increase its donation ofvaccinations to third countries by 7.5 million doses: Instead of the 22.5 million we had previously pledged, we will donate 30 million, and we will continue to raise this amount as much aswe possibly can.
    6. Wearedoingthishand-in-handwithasuccessful vaccinationcampaign,whichhasnow enabled75%ofourpopulationtobefully vaccinated. This amount is in bitter contrast with countries where the percentage of those protected against COVID-19 barely reaches 1% of the population.
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    1. World countriesand internationalcommunityaredirecting theircollective efforts and mutual assistance to vaccination, asitis considered to bethe bestprotection fromCOVID-19.As of today, the COVAX program, which aims to ensure equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine, have delivered 190 million doses of vaccines to 138 countries, which is an invaluable support to low-and middle-income countries.In Mongolia, 65percentof the population has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19withthe support of other countriesand the Government procurement in addition to the COVAX supply. In Mongolia, there is a declining trend in virus spread though ithas been high in the last months; thus, the Government has started taking gradual steps to return to normal life by opening services, launching classroom training and increasing the number of international flights.
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