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  1. Feb 2022
    1. “In the history of the Mongol diplomacy, Mongolia now has the highest number of female ambassadors, six out of 31 ambassadors.”

      Mongolia has been culturally and historically male-dominated society. It started changing in public sphere.

      Even in military field, Mongolia has more and more women including parts of U.N. peacekeeping missions.

      There are more and more women in diplomacy. With the latest appointments 6 or 31 Mongolian ambassadors are women.

      Mongolian government declared gender equality as high national priority.

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  2. Sep 2021
    1. Timor-Leste wishes to emphasize its commitment to the promotion and protection of women's rights. Timor-Leste has made extensive efforts to achieve gender equality, through Policies, Legislation and Programs that contribute to achieving this objective. Although we still face cases of gender-based violence and difficulties in accessing justice, Timor-Lesteis strongly committed to removing these obstacles from our path in order to achieve gender equality.
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    1. Some UN member states try to unilaterally impose the western values and "rules based international order" upon sovereign states behind the signboard of "defending democracy" and "protecting human rights". Such an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs is a gross violation of the principle of sovereign equality.
    2. Next, for the UN to be a fair organization with practical ability, we should revitalize the work of the UN based on the principles of sovereign equality and respect for equalrights and self-determination of the people
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    1. , in building back better, women’s participation in all sectors of society must be at the heart of creating more inclusive, resilient and sustainable communities and societies; with enhanced preparedness to respond to future emergencies
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    1. Wecommend the declaration of return and renewal of commitment to multilateralism. At the same time, we see aglaring need to reiterate the fundamental values of sovereign-equality, non-interference, and cooperation based on mutual benefit and respect
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    1. the most outstanding and urgent step , lies in finding thep ace for a fair and secure distribution of vaccines, to reach universal immunization levels
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    1. They are the ones which give individuals freedom and the capacity to live up to their potential: Rationalism, rule of law, equality, human rights and liberal democracy.
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    1. he UNremains a key actoron the ground. The Taliban must ensure an unhindered and safe access to the entire territoryofthe country for all humanitarian and UN staff, including all female staff.
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    1. It is our view that the conflict must be ended through negotiations that are based on the respect of sovereign equality and the recognition of the rights and legitimate concerns of all Parties involved.
    2. n today’s globalized world, it is indefensible and incomprehensible that decisions which bind us all are left in the hands of few Member States. Reform of the Security Council, which takes into account the aspirations of Africa, as espoused in the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration cannot be postponed any longer. Transparency, inclusivity and democracy must inform the work ofthe entire United Nations System.
    3. Lesotho would therefore like to echo other Member States in calling for an inclusive UN system which encompasses equal representation of all regions in all the major organs of this august body.
    1. Let us restore hope and belief in the UN, by restoring hope and belief in ourselves and in international solidarity. Let us rebuild trust in one another by bridging the inequality gaps within and between nations, reducing marginalisation, eradicating racism, xenophobia and all other forms of discrimination, and instilling tolerance among our peoples
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    1. Concurrent with achieving equitable geographical representation in the UN we must also address the question of gender parity.Yesterday,we marked the 20thanniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action at the World Conference against Racism in South Africa.Thisremains the international community’s blueprint for action to fight racism and other forms of intolerance.We are bound by a common responsibility to fight both the legacy of past racism and the manifestation in the present

      Calls for gender equality, and action to fight racism

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    1. Therearenoracial,cultural,historical,oranthropologicalgroundsformutilating freedom. And this is why democracy is the only way forward
    2. We must place the rights and freedoms of thousands of women and girls at the forefrontof our priorities, because no society that allows only half of its population to move forward,and purposelykeeps the other halfbehind, is sustainable.
    3. I will say it once again: there is no such thing as a purely national solution. If wechampion equality as the guarantee of progress in our societies, we must also do soin the international sphere, following the same principle I mentioned earlier: that offinding commonsolutions for global problems
    4. But the truth is that, in spite ofappearances, the coronavirus also reinforced inequalities. The poorest regions lacked thehealth infrastructure necessary to stop the spread of the disease, as well as the resources tocreate a social safety netto protect their citizensfroman economic crisi
    1. For example, I recently proposed applying the recent 30 percent quota for women and youth in electoral party liststo the final parliamentary composition.
    2. A consensus-based system must be put in place where groups of different values, or ethnic, religious and gender backgroundcan coexist in the same country.
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    1. his is the only way for us to work better toward the implementation of the Agenda 2030, the goal of which is to promote human development in all of its aspects, particularly gender equality and respect for Human Rights.
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    1. international efforts to protect the rights of women get more women workforce ready expand access to resources and promote gender empowerment and equity building resilience and inclusive post-coverage societies involves increasing access to justice in a safe and secure society
    2. hroughout the period of this pandemic our policy of radical inclusion grants tuition-free and safe access to quality education to all learners including pregnant guys parent learners children from poor and rare areas and children living with disabilities coupled with comprehensive school safety measures a revamped curriculum hybrid education technologies credible transition examinations school
    3. call among other equally important global matters for prioritizing covet 19 response vaccine access equity tackling poverty and inequality the impact of climate change and promoting gender equality human rights protection and promotion
    1. Zambiais implementing various initiatives designed to harmonize the development programming and indeed implementation of economic empowerment efforts targeting women and the youth across the country in doing all of this our aims to eliminate hunger and rural poverty as we know these vices are said to have a face of women and children further Zambiaemphasizes the importance of ensuring that communities have women at every level of decision making as doing so will translate into a discourse that will be inclusive representative and thus more holistic and insightful our government will focus on increasing support for women through a creation of employment opportunities and entrepreneurship programs amongst others we will also focus on increasing access to secondary education for adolescent girls from impoverished households through financial aid and grant schemes
    2. Mrpresident the call for gender equality is now a century-old struggle forwomen to participate equally with men in society as a whole despite realization that women's full and effective participation in all areas of life results in prosperity women are still however involved less in public life and decision making it is important that we continue to demand for the promotion of gender equality while paying particular attention to the rights of women children girls included Indiaand the rights of people living with disabilities for us in Zambiawe will remain committed to the advancement and promotion of women's rights and for the first time
    3. Mrpresident to complement these efforts Zambiahas embarked on an ambitious economic and social transformation agenda with a view to creating equitable opportunities and poverty reduction for the Zambianpeople especially the youth and the women who actually delivered our election victory in our country.
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    1. Este compromiso se refleja en el ámbito nacional y su máxima expresión es la creación del Ministerio de las Mujeres, Géneros y Diversidad.Con la sanción de la Ley de Legalización del Aborto, el Estado Argentino asumió la responsabilidad de legislar y proteger con políticas públicas, la salud y la vida de las mujeres y de personas con otras identidades de género con capacidad de gestar. A la par, hemos sancionado una Ley de Atención y Cuidado Integral de la Salud, durante el Embarazo y la Primera Infancia, que amplía beneficios y derechos, y garantiza la atención de la salud a las mujeres en la etapa del embarazo, y a los niños y niñas en los primeros años de vida.El Gobierno argentino decidió reforzar la atención a las mujeres víctimas de violencia, al tiempo que ha instrumentado un enfoque de género en las medidas de política social y laboral, y ha promovido la corresponsabilidad y una distribución más justa de las tareas de los cuidados.
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    1. Women and girls account for half of the world's population. They are a strong determining force with creative capacity, labor potential, economic and spiritual potential, would much be unlocked for our societies. The new global social pact must be a leap forward in the effective exercise of rights for women. These are human rights and they should go beyond recognition. They should be effectively enjoyed at all levels local, regional, national, and worldwide. We must establish specific and concrete gender equity. We must eliminate all legal social and economic obstacles that hinder the empowerment of women and girls. We must fully guarantee their rights and eliminate all social practices and norms which are discriminatory against women. My government will do so.
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    1. to respond to the pandemic, to seek international peace and security, to galvanise climate action, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in this Decade of Action, to ensure the centrality of human rights, to promote gender equality, and to deal with the challenges of digital transformation.


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    1. La sociedad afgana está enfrentando momentos muy difíciles. Pero las mujeres de Afganistán están en una situación particularmente peligrosa: Hoy, ahora, en estos precisos momentos, han vuelto al poder aquellos que en un pasado reciente quisieron prohibirles la educación, imponerles matrimonios forzados, garantizar la impunidad a los culpables de abusos sexuales en su contra y negarles sus libertades y derechos humanos. Aquellos que consideran que el mundo de las mujeres debe ser uno de sumisión y resignación. La agresión a las mujeres en Afganistán es una agresión a todas las mujeres del mundo. Y no podemos, las Naciones Unidas no pueden, sabiéndolo, quedarse de brazos cruzados, paralizadas por restricciones burocráticas o divisiones políticas en el Consejo de Seguridad. Debemos trabajar unidos para protegerlas y restituir sus plenas libertades y derechos. La causa de las mujeres de Afganistán es una causa de toda la humanidad.

      women's rights and Afghanistan

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    1. The Somali Federal government isworking tirelessly to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals with, and for, our people. We are doing thisby successfully confronting international terrorism, investing in basic public services,tackling corruption, and promoting good governance and inclusive politics. We are currently finalising the process of holding free, fair,and inclusive elections with the largest number of Somali electoral participants since the civil war in Somalia. The elections are centred on respecting the rights and wishes of the Somali people including the rights of women and youth to represent themselves within the very political arena that governs them.
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    1. Inthecontextoftheongoingpandemic,weneedtoensuretherespectforhumanrights,sincetheyareofutmostimportanceforachievingsecurity,prosperityandpeace.Protectionofchildren'srightsisakeypriorityofmycountrywithregardtohumanrights,withastrongemphasisontheinclusiveeducationforchildrenwithdisabilitiesandtheprocessofdeinstitutionalization.Further,weinsistontheempowermentofwomenandgirls,thepromotionofrightsofpeoplewithdisabilities,aswellasthefightagainstantisemitism,islamophobiaandhatespeech
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    1. We must also ensure that the digital transformation is inclusive for all countries and all people, bridging the current digital divide. 23.Another important aspect for Latvia is the preservation of linguistic diversity and the use of small languages in the digital age. Latvian digital technology companies are developingahigh-quality machine translation program for small languages.This will help to safeguard linguistic diversity in the digital age.24.Latvia is alsoproud of the project "RigaTechGirls", which offers better digital skills and opportunities to women. We are happy to share this experiencewith others through the UN system.25.Latvia supportsthe UN Technology Facilitation Mechanismto identify how science, technology and innovation canbestcontribute to deliveringsustainable development goals.
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    1. We cannot fail to honor our international commitments to the women and girls of Afghanistan.We cannot remain silent when the new regime does not allow girls to have an education. Educating girls today isthe key to empowering the leaders of tomorrow.
    2. The inequality is abysmal and tragic. The solidary idea which resulted in COVAX has nothad the necessary impact, and the access to vaccines is absolutely unequal. 6.Costa Rica advocates for the COVID-19 vaccines to be available to all the world population as a global public good. The COVAX promise must be fulfilled anddeveloped countries can make it happen.
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    1. Inourhumanrightspolicy,wepayspecialattentiontotherightsofthoseinthemostvulnerablesituation,theonesmostexposedtodiscrimination.PromotingtherightsofpersonswithdisabilitiesisacrosscuttingpriorityforFinland.Anotherkeythemeforusaretherightsofallwomenandgirls.TherecentlylaunchedGenerationEqualitycampaign,inwhichFinlandco-leads//theActionCoalitiononTechnologyandInnovation,hasanimportantroleinmobilizingdifferentactorsforgenderequality.
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    1. Elles ont été les premières à perdre leur emploi et les premières à mettre leurs carrières en suspens pour s’occuper de leurs proches. Les fermetures d’écoles ont touché les filles de manière disproportionnée, freinant leurs parcours et augmentant les risques d'abus, de violence et de mariage d’enfants.Combler le fossé entre les femmes et les hommes n’est pas seulement une question de justice pour les femmes et les filles.

      Half of humanity has no access to the Internet. We need to get everyone connected by 2030

    2. Les plans de relance économique devraient accorder une place centrale aux femmes, notamment par des investissements à grande échelle dans l’économie des soins.Et nous devons adopter un plan d’urgence pour lutter contre la violence de genre dans chaque pays. Pour atteindre les Objectifs de développement durable et bâtir un monde meilleur, nous pouvons et nous devons combler le fossé entre les femmes et les hommes.
    3. A l’Organisation des Nations Unies, nous avons atteint cela au sein de l’équipe dirigeante et parmi les responsables de bureaux de pays. Nous continuerons jusqu’à ce que nous parvenions à la parité à tous les niveaux.Dans le même temps, nous devons nous opposer aux lois régressives qui institutionnalisent ladiscrimination de genre. Les droits des femmes sont des droits humains.
    4. Cela requiert plus de femmes dirigeantes dans les parlements, les cabinets ministériels et les conseils d’administration. Cela exige que les femmes soient pleinement représentées et puissent apporter leur pleine contribution partout. J’exhorte les gouvernements, les entreprises et les autres organisations à prendre des mesures audacieuses, y compris des critères de référence et des quotas, pour établir la parité hommes-femmes à tous les niveaux de la hiérarchie.
    5. Cela change la donne pour l’humanité tout entière.Les sociétés plus égalitaires sont aussi plus stables et plus pacifiques.Elles ont de meilleurs systèmes de santé et des économies plus dynamiques.L'égalité des femmes est essentiellement une question de pouvoir. Si nous voulons résoudre les problèmes les plus difficiles de notre époque, nous devons de toute urgence transformer notre monde dominé par les hommes et changer l'équilibre du pouvoir.
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