22 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
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As we reflect on the twentieth anniversary of the tragic events of September 11th in New York, we are reminded of our commitments to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
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The p olitical, social, and economic fallouts from the outbreak of the p andemic, have p layed a role in the sp read of a state ofglobal self-retroversion, which terrorist and extremist groups has deliberately exp loited in areas afflicted by conflicts or suffer from security fragility,
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We may be a small nation, but we have made outsized contributions to international security, fighting alongside our allies against terrorism and organized crime around the globe. We did so in Afghanistan where 32 brave soldiers gave their lives, and numerous others were injured, for the cause of peace and freedom
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Adestabilized,chaotic Afghanistanwillagain becomea safe haven for internationalterrorists-the reason why the US came to Afghanistan in the first place.
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sécuritaire dans Ie Sahel et son voisinage. Celle—ci demeure marquée par I’expansion du terrorisme, ie crime organisé et les trafics illicites des armes, de drogues et d'étres humains.La multiplication des attaques terroristes contre les Armées des pays du G—5 et du bassin du Lac—Tchad, ainsi que les populations civiles au Burkina, Mali et Niger, illustrent la résilience et la capacité de nuisance des groupes terroristes, qui menacent gravement I'existence de nos Etats et hypothéquent leur développement.Les sacrifices consentis par la Force du 6—5 Sahel et la Force multinationale mixte contre Boko Haram, dans Ie bassin du Lac—Tchad, sont énormes, mais ie péril persiste et continue de faire des ravages, plongeant les populations civiles innocentes dans la désolation et ie désespoir
situation in the Sahel (security, terrorism)
Dans cette perspective, Ie Tchad réitére l'appel maintes fois lancé par les pays membres du G—5 Sahel, relatif â I'annuIation de la dette de ces pays durement frappés par Ie terrorisme et Ie changement climatique, en sus de COVID—19 et de la pauvreté ambiante
Chad is calling for debt relief especially for countries affected by poverty, terrorism and climate change
www.diplomacy.edu www.diplomacy.edu
here can be no blank checks for the Taliban! Fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular for women and girls, are simply non-negotiable! We have to do everything to prevent Afghanistan from turning into a black hole with the capacity to destabilise the whole region. And we have to drive home the message to the Taliban that the world’s eyes are on them. We don’t want Afghanistan to turn into an incubator or a safe haven for international terrorism and extremism.
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The turbulent situation in Afghanistanposes a major challenge. It is now important to join forces to avert a humanitarian catastrophe; to continue our fight against terrorism and organized crime; and to prevent forced displacement and illegal migration.
Thethreat of international terrorismhas unfortunately not diminished. Terrorist and violent extremist groups have demonstrated their ability to adjust to the new circumstances, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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errorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to non-State actors, the existence of nuclear weapons, and armed conflict top the list of global security issues
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As regards Afghanistan, we will have to learn to work within this new situation—andespecially with its neighboring countries—to address the humanitarian crisis andprevent greater destabilization in the region. We must not lower our guard before thethreat of terrorism, which already struck a harsh blow during the evacuation missions. Afghanistan cannotbe allowedtobecome anew refuge for terrorists
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Afghanistan must continue to adhere to its international obligations and ensure its territory is free of terrorists, drugs, and human traffickers
www.diplomacy.edu www.diplomacy.edu
The silencing of guns therefore goes beyond addressing conventional warfare but also in addressing new emerging threats of our century which includes challenges of extremism and international terrorism cyber crime asymmetric warfare prorification of non-conventional weapons and organized crime as an international community we need to continue to work towards or to work together to address the root cause of these global threat through various national regional and global mechanisms
www.diplomacy.edu www.diplomacy.edu
mr presidentterrorism remains one of the largestchallenges facing humanity todayin addingin addition to violating people's mostfundamental rights especially the rightto life this phenomenon also distractsgovernments from fulfillingtheir socioeconomic and cultural dutiestowards their peopleegypt thus emphasizesthat terrorism can only be eliminatedby counteringthe taqfiri and extremist ideologiesthat lead to such a heinous phenomenonwe need a comprehensive approachthat would go beyondsecurity and military confrontation ofterrorists and terrorist groups but thatwould also includesocial economic development andideological factors as wellwe must focus on the sources ofterrorism and tackle those factors thatpush individuals towards this phenomenonand this approach should be rooted bothin national actions and internationalcooperationinthis regard all countries must upholdtheir obligationsunder international law and relevantsocial securityexcuse me security council resolutionscorrects the interpreter i stress theneed to hold accountable those countriesthat sponsor and harbor terroristsincluding foreign terrorist fightersby offering them shelter and support andfacilitating their transit throughterritories which threatensinternational peace and security
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La Argentina destaca el trabajo de la Oficina de Naciones Unidas contra el Terrorismo para apoyar a los Estados en la aplicación de la Estrategia Global, con irrestricto respeto del derecho internacional, el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos, el derecho internacional humanitario y el derecho internacional de los refugiados.A 27 años del atentado a la Sede de la Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina,se continúa la política iniciada en este ámbito en el año 2003, y continuada posteriormente, de requerir a las autoridades de la República Islámica de Irán que cooperen con las autoridades judiciales argentinas para avanzar en la investigación de dicho atentado.Reiteramos la solicitud a la comunidad internacional de cumplimentar losrequerimientos contenidos en las células rojas, en la Interpol, ante la eventual presencia de un imputado en sus territorios, algo que la Argentina jamás dejó de reclamar.
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This assembly once more will be debating the very serious problem of terrorism. Peru has suffered from violent terrorism and has been able to prevail. We're aware of, reject and condemn terrorism in all of its forms and we support any action to fight it. We are committed to the global strategy of the United Nations against terrorism. Terrorism can never be a means for social transformation violence only leads to destruction violations of human rights and victims who are the poorest and the most dispossessed, terrorism is violence against human dignity and it is not reconcilable with the values of democratic societies. At the regional level, Peru is committed to international peace and security, it is committed to the respective international law and an inclusive agenda
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We share the grave concern over the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistanafter the Taliban takeover, threatening to jeopardize the political, economic, and social achievements by that country over the past 20 years. The risk to the stability andsecurity extends to the whole region and far beyond. Bulgaria condemned the attacks near the International Airport in Kabul on 26August2021. The attacks, claimed by Islamic State in Khorasan Province, resulted in the death and injuries of over 300 civilians, including women and children, and military personnel. Terrorismin all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.All States must combat terrorism through concerted multilateral efforts, and by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other obligations under international law
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
We know how to build effective partnerships to dismantle terrorist networks by targeting their financing and support systems, countering their propaganda, preventing their travel, as well as disrupting imminent attacks. We’ll meet terrorist threats that arise today and in the future with a full range of tools available to us, including working in cooperation with local partners so that we need not be so reliant on large-scale military deployments.
Indirect reference on cyber capacities to fight terrorism, right under the paragraphs on 9/11, without explicitly mentioning Afghanistan
Instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past, we are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources to the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future: ending this pandemic; addressing the climate crisis; managing the shifts in global power dynamics; shaping the rules of the world on vital issues like trade, cyber, and emerging technologies; and facing the threat of terrorism as it stands today
Change in tone. Note the order of issues the resources are to be devoted to: pandemic, climate, global power dynamics (China). Call for change in global rules - trade, digital, terrorism in that order.
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It is impossiblenot to recall the horrific terrorist attacks of 9/11,twenty years ago. Terrorism continues to be our era’s formidablesecuritythreat. On the other hand, it has also ushered in unprecedented cooperation on, and unwavering resolve tocounterterrorism
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If not for the power and role of Iran alongside the governments and peoples of Syria and Iraq as well asall the selfless efforts of Martyrs Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and General Qassem Soleymani, today ISIS would be the Mediterranean neighbors of Europe. And,of course, ISIS will not be the last wave of extremism. The new drive to come up with Cold War-esque divisions will not help foster the security of humans by isolatingindependent countries. An arbitrary attitude is not the way to solve terrorism because terrorism has its roots in various crises such as identity and economy. The fact that modern lives have become devoid of meaning and spirituality as well as the spread of poverty, discrimination and oppression have helped the rise of terrorism. The increasing growth of indigenous terrorism in the West bears witness to this bitter truth. Even more bitteris the use of terrorism as an instrument for foreign policy because you cannot fight terrorism with double standards. You cannot make a terrorist group,such as ISIS,in a certain place and claim to fight it somewhere else.
On ISIS and terrorism, how to solve it...arbitrary attitude is ineffective.
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Cependant, le fléau de l’insécurité provoquée par les cohortes de terroristes, de groupes armés, de mercenaireset de criminels de tous bords met àmal la stabilité institutionnelle de nos jeunes démocraties et annihilent les efforts de nombreux dirigeants africains pour développer leurs pays.En effet, si la lutte contre DAESH a remporté au Moyen-Orient, plus précisément en Irak et en Syrie des victoires incontestables, en Afrique,par contre,l’AQMI et autres groupes affiliés àDAESH gagnent du terrain chaque jour davantage.Le Mali, le Niger, le Nigeria, le Cameroun, le Tchadetle Burkina-Faso subissent régulièrement les attaques meurtrières de DAESH et des djihadistes de Boko-Haram. Depuis 2017, le Nord-Est du Mozambique est victime des attaques armées récurrentes des salafistes djihadistes de Ansar al-Sunnah qui ont déjà causé au moins 2.600 morts.L’intégrisme islamiste a atteint l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congoqui en paie un lourd tributdans les provinces de l’Ituri, du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu et du Maniema. Des djihadistes qui y opèrentsous le couvert du FDLR et du mouvement Alied Democratic Forces/Madima at Tauheed wal Muwahedeen, en abrégé ADF/MTM,tuent mes compatriotes et pillent massivementles produits minierset agricoles de mon pays. Enavril dernier, des terroristes et des mercenaires venus de la Lybie ont plongé l’Afrique dans une profonde tristesse en lui arrachant brutalement, l’un de ses grands dirigeants, le Maréchal Idriss Deby ITNO, Président de la République du Tchad, lâchement abattu au front pour défendre la souveraineté de son pays et la vie de ses concitoyens. Du haut de cette tribune des Nations Unies, je salue, au nom du Peuple congolais, la bravoure et l’engagement de cette figure historique pour protégerl’Afrique contre le terrorisme.
on terrorism, DAESH and Djihadists in the region (Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Chad, etc.)