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  1. Sep 2021
    1. n recoveringfrom the pandemic, we cannot revert to business as usual. We need to do better, andbuild a greener, bluer,and more equitable and sustainable future.

      The goal: build a greener, bluer, more equitable and sustainable future

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    1. In addition, the economic devastation in developing countries from the pandemic is yet to be addressed bymeaningful economic and financial measures
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    1. The negative impacts of the COVID-19pandemic on our economy hadbeen significant. By mid-2021our balance of trade deficit was around $96 million; $24 million higher than the previous month. This is a substantialamount for our small economy.
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    1. Inourview,buildingbackbetterinitiativesshouldfocusonjobcreation,digitalization,increasedSDGfinancing,strengthenedhealthsystems,scientificresearch,andincreasedutilizationoflocalexpertsinprogrammeandprojectinterventionsinthecontinent.

      Only one mention of digitalisation

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    1. Another barrier to development that we face is the criteria employed to determineaid and financial support. The singular benchmark formeasuringdevelopment-GDP per capita -is criticalbut sadly, due to bias and the omission of factors, issimplistic and flawed
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    1. Today, we see some countries receiving a ‘digital dividend’ while others suffer the consequences of a ‘digital divide.’There is need to address urgently the latterin support of COVID-19 adaptationmeasures,response and recovery efforts. Accelerated digitalization, remote work and education, e-commerce and the virtual delivery of essential services, have
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    1. Italy intends to continue to ensure its support forthe African continent, which is increasingly central forsecurity andeconomic growthglobally.We must increase investment, to enableAfrica’s youthto participate fully in its social, economic and political development
    2. Economic divergencerisks erasing years of progress in the fight against poverty,making it even more difficult to achieve sustainable developmentgoals.
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    1. he application of the Vulnerability Index, therefore, remains for us, the only coherent andviable approach and strategy to resolving our current predicament.
    2. Our efforts should also tackle economic imbalances and inequalities. In this regard, Seychelles urges the international community to assist the world’s most vulnerable economies in enhancing their resilience to future shocks
    3. Central to global recovery is the availability and distribution of vaccines. Central to the health and well-being of every human being is solidarity. Statements, good intentions and pledges are woefully inadequate.
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    1. Muchfocusleadinguptothe76thUNGAhasbeengeneratedonacceleratingprogressonUN2030sustainabledevelopmentagenda.Yetintheonsetofunprecedentedchallenges,arenewedfocusonachievingtheSDGshasbeencenteredaroundrecoveryandbuildingresilience,asreflectedinourthemethisyear.
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    1. But such recovery will be painfully elongated and slow unless there is international support in the form of debt rescheduling, debt service moratoriums, provision of soft resources to reboot economies

      Covid-19 has stalled progress on SDGs. Countries need debt rescheduling, debt service moratoriums, and soft resources to reboot their economies

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    1. economists are still reeling from the economic impact of the pandemic african governmentshave already spent scarce reserves fighting the pandemic and providing social protection tomillions of affected households ghana has been advocating that innovative financing mustalso address structural challenges beyond responding to immediate fiscal needs byproviding mechanisms to facilitate investments in health infrastructure technology theenvironment and people that will bolster resilience and equitable recovery the imf'sunprecedented 650 billion dollar
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    1. Domestic resource mobilisation is crucial to build back better and to reach the SDGs. Fairand effective tax systems are needed–not only to generate revenue, but also to build trust in government.The agreement reached in the OECD on a new framework for international tax reform is an important step forward.
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    1. Because ecological transition entails radical changes that will have a very directimpact on people,on their jobs, andon consumer habits. This is why we are not only leading a Just Recovery project to overcome the economic crisis. We are also committed to a just transition. This commitment stems from our absolute conviction that this is the most effective way of achieving new levels ofprogress and wellbeing.
    2. I call for the defense of robust States, with resources able to guarantee thewellbeing of their citizens according to the values of justice, progress, andequality. We must promote a just recovery,that is capable of closing the vast gap ofinequality
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    1. The World Trade Organization is critical to ensuring supply chains for essential medical goods and equitable vaccine access.As the Chair of the 12th WTO Ministerial Conferencethis November, Kazakhstan calls on WTO Members to deliver a meaningful outcome on WTO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.We also need more focused cooperation between governments and the pharmaceutical industry on licenses, technology transfers and technical support
    2. n many ways, the pandemic has exposed our vulnerability and underscored the critical importance of multilateralism and international solidarity. We must “build back”a more equitable, sustainable, and humane world.We must begin with universal and fair access to vaccines.This matter must beresolved as a matter of global ethics and solidarity. The unjust “vaccine gap” is a “gap multiplier”
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    1. we are convinced that, at no cost to their governments, multilateral and bilateral financial institutions can grant credit facilities through transparent and accessible, concerted and non-discriminatory mechanisms that help countries in difficulty to quickly regain financial sustainability and access to international financial markets, with preferential rates that are not affected by the country risk index.
    2. industrialized countries should use these resources to create a mechanism to channel the quotas they have received to middle-and low-income countries, giving them access to concessionary funds.In such a mechanism, multilateral financial organizations would play a keyrole, thus ensuring that these resources reach the countries that really need them
    3. n the interest of maintaining social peace, we are urged to find a solution to the enormous indebtedness that middle-income countries have been forced into to deal with the economic and social ravages generated by the pandemic.There is currently no mechanism for access to concessional financing that allows these countries to solve this liquidity crisis. To overcome this challenge, we are forced to look for new and urgent solutions
    1. the coffee 19 pandemic has disrupted lives and economies constrained development due to repurposing of development finance and the withholding of private capital escalated the threat of climate change food insecurity broaden the inequality inequalities and justice and increased fragilities nations risk not meeting the sustainable development goals and building resilience against future shocks
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    1. governments needed to protect theirpeople that was the first thing we hadto do was protect our compatriots butalso we needed to be aware or alert tothe fact that that protectionshould not then become protectionismwe needed freedom to tradefreedom to competefor excellency and competition foraccess to markets

      The three elements that are impacting people's freedom during the pandemic:

      1. Governments' need to protect their citizens. This should not become protectionism, though. There needs to be open access to markets.
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    1. we are thelargestdonor statein terms of humanitarian and developmentassistance at the arab and islamic leve

      Largest donor state in covid recovery in Arab region

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    1. In achieving these objectives, we must allow countries, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, to develop sustainable economies, without obstacles. •Isolation and trade blockades, such as, in the case of Cuba, in my own region, undermine these principles and are counterproductive, to achieving these goals

      Post-covid economic recovery should also be obstacle-free. No isolation and trade blockades, such as in the case of Cuba

    2. Currently, we face unrealistic, unfair, and counterproductive classification instruments.•Suriname looks forward to new substantive methods of financial support, based on the socio-economic reality, of the countries concerned.• At the same time, the vulnerabilities of countries, should be taken into account. •I call on all, to support the multi-dimensional vulnerability index, as proposed by SIDS(Small Island Developing States) andremove bureaucracy in supporting these states.

      Post-covid recovery also means receiving financial support

    3. Mr. President, we must develop a post COVID-strategy, with a focus on:oDeveloping an effective strategy to improve vaccination levels in our societies.oRebuilding the economy;oAnd establishing a COVID 19 recovery fund, with support of the international financial institutions and the private sector;•We cannot go back, to what we were used to, but rather focus on:oHow we organize ourselves, for the “new normal”, with COVID-19 as part of our lives; oRemoving barriers, for ease of doing business and investments

      Post-covid strategy needs to focus on economic recovery

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    1. In collaboration with the WHO, Sri Lanka is establishing a Regional KnowledgeHub to facilitate exchange of lessons learnt from COVID19 and support countriestorecover better.

      COVID-19 best practice: Setting up of a Regional Knowledge Hub to support post-pandemic recovery

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    1. Building resilience through hope, hard work and multi-faceted partnerships is a must for an equitable and holistic recovery from COVID-19.
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    1. Toutefois, les 33 milliards de DTSalloués à l’Afrique dans ce cadre sont insuffisants au regard de l’immensité de sesbesoinsde relance économique. C’est pourquoi, il est nécessaire que les Nations Unies et ses États-membres appuient l’objectif du Sommet de Paris, d’atteindre 100 milliards de DTS pour l’Afrique, grâce àla réallocation aux pays pauvresde 25%de DTS alloués aux pays riches. Au demeurant, une partie de cette réallocation pourrait contribuer à l’augmentation du capital de la Banque Africaine de Développement et de la Banque Mondiale. Il est également souhaitable que ces ressources exceptionnelles concourent à promouvoir plus vigoureusement l’entreprenariat des jeunes en Afrique, l’accès aux capitaux pour les petites et moyennes entreprises ainsi que l’économie verte

      Financial aid for recovery from covid-19 insufficient to relaunch the economy in Africa. Calling for greater financial aid

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    1. DEBATE GENERAL –PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA (S.E. IVAN DUQUE MARQUEZ)09/21/21Estos adelantos que surgen del esfuerzo y de la responsabilidad fiscal, nos permiten defender los logros sociales. Logramos la más importante reforma social de este siglo en Colombiay la aprobación de la más importante reforma fiscal,en materia de recaudo, que llega al 1,8 por ciento de nuestro Producto Interno Bruto, fortaleciendo, con ello,la regla fiscal de endeudamiento y la reducción del déficit, estableciendo una senda para estabilizar las finanzas públicas y asegurar una amplia red de protección social. Este ha sido un esfuerzo alcanzado sin populismo y sin afectar la competitividad de nuestras empresas.Estos logros en materia de salud, atención social y estabilidad fiscal se integran al Compromiso por Colombia, nuestra agenda de reactivación.Coninversiones privadas, públicasy público-privadas, ya muestra resultados económicosque alcanzan los mejores índices en el segundo trimestre de este año, el mejor de este siglo, por lo que avanzamos hacia un crecimiento superior al siete por ciento enel presente año 2021. Este New Deal colombiano es la mejor forma de recuperar el rumbo que la pandemia trajo a la Agenda 2030 y, además, nos acerca y nos orienta al cumplimiento de los objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.Hoy hago un llamado global. Son muchos los países emergentes que frente a la amenaza del covid han aumentado su endeudamiento y su déficit fiscal. Muchos no han empezado a tramitar las reformas fiscales necesarias para pagar los gastos de emergencia, y hoy son evaluados por calificadoras de riesgo con ojos y criterios pre pandémicos. Frente a los altos niveles de endeudamiento y a las necesidades existentes, se requiere un consenso mundial liderado por el Fondo Monetario Internacional y los bancos multilaterales de desarrollo, que establezca nuevos criterios de riesgo mínimo fiscal durante la etapa de reactivación post covid.

      I am making a global call. There are many emerging countries that, in the face of the threat of covid, have increased their indebtedness and their fiscal deficit. Many have not begun to process the fiscal reforms necessary to pay for emergency expenses, and today they are evaluated by risk rating agencies with pre-pandemic eyes and criteria. Faced with the high levels of indebtedness and the existing needs, a global consensus led by the International Monetary Fund and the multilateral development banks is required, which establishes new criteria of minimum fiscal risk during the post-covid reactivation stage.

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    1. I welcome the issuance of $650 billion in Special Drawing Rights by the International Monetary Fund. But these SDRs are largely going to the countries that need them least. Advanced economies should reallocate their surplus SDRs to countries in need. SDRs are not a silver bullet. But they provide space for sustainable recovery and growth.
    2. And it plummets to 1.8 per centfor the least developed countries —a tiny percentage of a much smaller amount. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the International Monetary Fund projects that cumulative economic growth per capita over the next five years will be 75 percent less than the rest of the world. Many countries need an urgent injection of liquidity.
    3. Richer countries could reach pre-pandemic growth rates by the end of this year while the impacts may last for years in low-income countries. Is it any wonder?Advanced economies are investing nearly 28 per cent of their Gross Domestic Product into economic recovery. For middle-income countries, that number falls to 6.5 per cent.

      economic recovery

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