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  1. Sep 2021
    1. itispertinentthatinternationalcooperationaddressesthesocioeconomicimpactofCOVID-19andfocusedonthemostdisadvantagedandvulnerablepeopleandcountries,especiallytheLeastDevelopingCountries(LDCs),SmallIslandsDevelopingStates(SIDS),LandlockedDevelopingStates(LLDCs)andcountriesinconflictandthoseemergingfromconflict,inordertoalleviatetheirstructuralchallengesthatarefurtherexacerbatedbythepandemic
    1. I want to believe that the achievements made by the DPRK in dealing with global health crisis and disastrous climate change will make a positive contribution to the efforts of the international community to recover from COVID-19 and build sustainablesocio-economic resilience.
    2. At the present time, it is the core policy of the DPRK government to cope with the global health crisis andclimate change with a foresighted plan
    3. It is no exaggeration to say that the international community is faced with the most serious crisis sincethe founding of the UN.This reality urgently requires all the UN member states to find a proper solution to the problems, while remaining more faithful than ever before to the UN Charter, international law and fundamental principles of international relations, pooling their political willand efforts and strengthening mutual cooperation
    1. The covid crisis has exacerbated pre-existing and perennial challenges such as poverty, hunger, unemployment, inequalities, and climate change. This has exposed systemic weaknesses, vulnerabilities,and inadequacies in health system around the world. Nowhereis this distinctly visible than in the most weak and vulnerable countries where people remain deprived of access to even basic civic amenities.
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    1. the heavy death toll has created new and complex social issues in our societies that require intervention by governments. We are of the firm belief that multilateralism is the only vehicle by which we can jointly save humanity, safeguard livelihoods, and reenergize our economies.
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    1. n recoveringfrom the pandemic, we cannot revert to business as usual. We need to do better, andbuild a greener, bluer,and more equitable and sustainable future.

      The goal: build a greener, bluer, more equitable and sustainable future

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    1. Мы в полной мере поддерживаем проходящий в рамках Всемирной организации здравоохранения процесс ее укрепления вреагировании на чрезвычайные ситуации в области здравоохранения. При этом отмечаем абсолютную важность недопущения политизацииэтой тематики, включаяизучение причинпроисхождения коронавируса.

      We fully support the World Health Organization's process to strengthen its response to health emergencies. At the same time, we note the absolute importance of preventing the politicization of this topic, including the study of the causes of the origin of the coronavirus.

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    1. Education is an important tool utilized to equip, capacitate, develop and empower every learner to create and/or sustain development and attain the future we want. The closure of schools and institutions of higher learning due to the pandemic, hashad anunparalleled devastating impact to millions of learners. This has been more pronounced in the developing world, mainly because many of these countries are not adequately equipped to pursue their education virtually. Theimpact of students being out of schoolfor an extended period of time was enormous and a nightmare in many developing countries. The lack of access to digital learning resources was a setback tostudents’ learning opportunities.Upon resumption of classesin the Kingdom of Eswatini, schools had to stagger attendance in order to prevent the snowballing of infections and the spread of the virus,as it evolvesand changesphases

      Effect on COVID-19 on education in Eswatini. SInce schools are not tech-ready, children have missed out

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    1. We all know that we can only be successful if we work together solidarity is simply also a matter of self-interest, yet the pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities both within and among societies. Women and children and those in economically weak positions have been hit hardest
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    1. Can we find ways to address the pandemic of misinformation, which has sometimes been arguably worse than the pandemic itself?
    2. The digital revolution was well underway before COVID-19. But the pandemic has accelerated the pace and scaleof this revolution. 35. Digital technologies have empowered millions of people. But the gulf of opportunities between digital haves and digital have-nots has also widened.36. Today, 3.8 billion people remain digitally disconnected.
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    1. In addition, the economic devastation in developing countries from the pandemic is yet to be addressed bymeaningful economic and financial measures
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    1. The negative impacts of the COVID-19pandemic on our economy hadbeen significant. By mid-2021our balance of trade deficit was around $96 million; $24 million higher than the previous month. This is a substantialamount for our small economy.
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    1. Inourview,buildingbackbetterinitiativesshouldfocusonjobcreation,digitalization,increasedSDGfinancing,strengthenedhealthsystems,scientificresearch,andincreasedutilizationoflocalexpertsinprogrammeandprojectinterventionsinthecontinent.

      Only one mention of digitalisation

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    1. Another barrier to development that we face is the criteria employed to determineaid and financial support. The singular benchmark formeasuringdevelopment-GDP per capita -is criticalbut sadly, due to bias and the omission of factors, issimplistic and flawed
    2. heeconomic impact of the pandemic will be felt for years to come. When it began, tourism ourbiggest economic driver groundto a halt, causing significant unemployment and underemployment. Businesses suffered as a result of lockdowns
    3. am pleased to say that St. Kitts and Nevis is just one of the many countries to have benefitted from the COVAX facilityestablished by the World Health Organisation at the start of the pandemic
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    1. Mr President, the immediate global response was slow and inadequate to the scale and depth of the health crisis. Disruption of supplychains made access to the much-needed COVID-19 therapeutics, diagnostics and PPEs beyond the reach of many developing countries. Vaccine hoarding has reduced access to COVID-19 vaccines for developing countries, undermining COVAX and leading to deep and threatening inequalities.
    2. And now Mr. President, our capacity to survive is being tested by the unrelenting COVID-19 pandemic. COVID brought the Belizean economy to its knees.
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    1. we will require adequate fiscal space and funding to achieve the SDGsand to be ableto respond and recover from the health, social and economic implications of the pandemic,in light of high debt-servicing requirements
    2. Today, we see some countries receiving a ‘digital dividend’ while others suffer the consequences of a ‘digital divide.’There is need to address urgently the latterin support of COVID-19 adaptationmeasures,response and recovery efforts. Accelerated digitalization, remote work and education, e-commerce and the virtual delivery of essential services, have
    3. At the core of building resilience is restoringthe health and well-beingof our people. The pandemic has exacerbated challenges in this area,especiallyfor Small Island Developing States,like Jamaica,which already facelimited resources in the health sector.
    1. he innovative advances we had made allowed usto diversify our capabilities when the virus hit–through e-Government, online education and digital textbooks, and acentral software system which drove a successful vaccination rollout.
    2. Despite the effects of the crisis, Serbia has managed to preserve financial and economic stability.
    3. Thepandemic questioned some of the basic tenets of the open and cooperative international order. Global exchanges, international communication, and cross-border trade have all seen a vast decrease.
    1. The continuation of the Corona p andemic, and its excessive p lundering of the gains achieved by states, to reach the sustainable develop ment goals, have shown the extent of intermeshing and interconnect between the various dimensions of sustainability, whereby the issue of climate change and the ecological systems associated with it, were not isolated from global imp act waves
    2. The p olitical, social, and economic fallouts from the outbreak of the p andemic, have p layed a role in the sp read of a state ofglobal self-retroversion, which terrorist and extremist groups has deliberately exp loited in areas afflicted by conflicts or suffer from security fragility,
    3. From this standpoint, theCovid-19 p andemic was tantamount to a mirror to the world, reflecting its weaknesses and revealing its flaws, manifested in several chronic aspects, among which is the increase in rates of hunger and p overty, p rolonged conflicts, uncontrolled p rogress of modern technology, and its ramifications on cyber security
    4. Thisis in addition to the exacerbation of the food insecurity crisis due to the disruption in supply lines, which came as an exp ected outcomeof the severe economic downturn and stagnation, which the world has not witnessed in over 90 years, also the decrease in the services p rovided by educational sectors, p articularly in develop ing and least developed countries, in sucha way that it has become more threatening than ever before, tocause regression in the gains achieved, and writing off the recorded achievementsof the sustainable development goals.
    1. En effet, la COVID-19 a révélé les faiblesseset vulnérabilitésde nos économies ainsi que de nos systèmes de santé, nous contraignant aujourd’hui à penser autrement nos modèles de développement afin de les rendre plus résilients.Certains pays développés entendent déjà relocaliser tout ou partie de leur tissu productif stratégique afin de réduire leur dépendance extérieure.L'Afrique devrait, également, s'inscrire dans ce changement de paradigmeafin de rompre avec les crises qui entravent son développement

      socio-economic consequences of covid-19

    2. Comme vous le savez, la crise sanitaire sans précédent générée par la pandémie de la COVID-19, qui demeure prégnante, a complètement déstructurénos sociétés,nos économieset notre vivre-ensemble.La mise au point de plusieurs vaccins par une collaboration internationale et les campagnes de vaccination en cours dans de nombreux pays constituent une lueur d’espoir pour l’humanité. La vaccination est le seul moyen réellement efficace pour freiner la propagation du virus.

      covid19, vaccination and cooperation on vaccination

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    1. ce jour, la seconde étape de vaccinationest terminée.La troisième cohorte de la vaccination qui commence bientôt,//nous permettra d’atteindre l’objectif des 80%de la population cible, //que nous nous sommes fixé.D’autre part, //les efforts considérables sont déployés par mon Gouvernement //pour accompagner la population, dans la vie au quotidien, //surtout pour être à l’abri de la crise alimentaire mondiale qui se profile, //comme l’une des conséquences de la conjoncture sanitaire générée par le Covid-19.

      covid-19 and vaccination in comoros...objectives on how many ppl to vaccinate

    2. La pandémiea également révélé//l’ampleur de l’écart technologique entre les pays, //et nous a montré l’importance des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication //et la nécessité d’agir en urgence, //pour réduire cefossé

      importance of tech during covid-19 and brought into spotlight the digital divide.

    3. La pandémie du Covid-19 a dévasté les économies du monde //et renversé les équilibres posés depuis des siècles, //par les Etats, les Nations et les Peuples. Elle nous a forcés et nous a appris //à vivre autrement, différemment. Nous vivons, depuis Novembre 2019, //date de son apparition dans le monde, //une crisesans précédent, //une véritable guerre mondiale.Lapandémie a ralenti le cours de la vie, //creusé davantage le fossé entre riches et pauvres, //accéléré les inégalités, perturbé les équilibres de nos économies nationales. Aucune nation n’a été épargnée

      Covid-19 pandemic and it's impact on states.

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    1. Cette pandémie a traumatisé I'humanité par I'ampIeur de ses conséquences multiformes et multidimensionnelles â travers la planéte. EIIe continue de faire des ravages, mettant â rude épreuve nos systémes de santé, nos économies, nos finances publiques, nos services sociaux de hase, wire ie fonctionnement et la sécurité mémes de nos Etats, pour ne citer que ceux—lâ.Avec plus de 4 millions et demi de morts, de 220 millions de personnes infectées et des économies totalement ruinées â travers ie monde, les pays en développement en général et ceux d'Afrique en particulier, sont profondement impactés, en raison de leurs vulnérabilités structurelles

      Covid-19, it's impact on the word, economy and developing countries in Africa

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    1. ompared to the Covid-19 pandemic, which burst into our lives like an explosion, it is like a slow burning, smouldering fire, creeping up on us. | am talking about climate change.
    2. The pandemic has brought home to us the simple truth of how interconnected and interdependent we all are. We all learned the hard way that we cannot overcome a challenge like this on our own. Despite forcing us into social distancing, it brought us closer as a human family.
    3. Covid-19 added fuel to the fire of existing geopolitical tensions. A ring of crises and conflicts spans the globe
    4. However, an enormous task still lies anead of us. We have to massively accelerate the international vaccine distribution. It is perfectly clear and we all know it: in this pandemic no one is safe until everyone is safe
    5. And we will lose even more if we cannot ensure that everyone has access to the vaccine as soon as possible. This is our only exit ticket out of the pandemic! That is why COVAX is probably one of the most important initiatives of our time.
    6. The virus destroyed our illusion that human progress is a one-way street.
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    1. Similarly, striving to improve the rights of women and girls must be at the heart of our response to the pandemic.
    2. Unfortunately the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated negative trends in the protection of human rightsworldwide. More than ever, we need to ensure respect for civic participation, the independent media and civil society
    3. The World Health Organisationhas a special role in strengthening health systems and preparedness for pandemics. It has a unique mandate in the field of global public health. It must be able to work effectively, efficiently and independently of any political or other influence.
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    1. Italy intends to continue to ensure its support forthe African continent, which is increasingly central forsecurity andeconomic growthglobally.We must increase investment, to enableAfrica’s youthto participate fully in its social, economic and political development
    2. Italy hasalsotaken specific action on food security. Together with the FAO, we have created the “Food Coalition”to combat malnutrition caused by the Covid-19 pandemic andwe havehostedin Romethe Pre-Summit on Food Systems.
    3. Economic divergencerisks erasing years of progress in the fight against poverty,making it even more difficult to achieve sustainable developmentgoals.
    4. he pandemic has had a negative social and economic effect on everyone, but the consequences for lower-income countries have been particularly severe
    5. We need to increase the availability of vaccines for poor countries and overcome logisticalhurdles to distribute themwhere they are most needed.Furthermore, we mustpreserveat the global levelthe free circulation of vaccinesand of the raw materials needed to produce them.Italy givesitsfull political and financial support to the COVAX Facility.We intend to triple our donations from 15 to 45 milliondosesby the end of 2021
    1. The situation now has been exacerbated by the devastating impacts of the pandemic on sustainable development, with the most vulnerable countries, particularly the landlocked least developed countries such as Lesotho being the hardest hit. These countries therefore require sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 agenda.
    2. n this auspicious occasion, my delegation expresses sincere appreciation for all initiatives recently taken through COVAX to address the needs of developing countries, especially in the development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines.
    3. The World Health Organization recently promulgated an unpleasant warning that unless nations act urgently to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the world could log another 100 million infections by 2021
    4. We recall COVID-19 Omnibus Resolution entitled: “Comprehensive and Coordinated Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly last year in September 2020, underscored the need to tackle health inequities and inequalities within and among countries through political commitment, policies and international cooperation.
    5. This Session of the General Assembly comes at a critical time and momentous conjuncture in human history; indeed, this is the time when circumstances compel us to reiterate our plea to the international community to adopt an expanded and comprehensive response to the COVID 19 pandemic.
    1. he application of the Vulnerability Index, therefore, remains for us, the only coherent andviable approach and strategy to resolving our current predicament.
    2. Our efforts should also tackle economic imbalances and inequalities. In this regard, Seychelles urges the international community to assist the world’s most vulnerable economies in enhancing their resilience to future shocks
    3. There is a virus far more terrible, far more harrowing than COVID19.It is the virus of inequality! And while the pandemic rages on and the debate continues unabated, and travel advisories of all shades and hues are being issued, humanity is the first casualty
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    1. But such recovery will be painfully elongated and slow unless there is international support in the form of debt rescheduling, debt service moratoriums, provision of soft resources to reboot economies

      Covid-19 has stalled progress on SDGs. Countries need debt rescheduling, debt service moratoriums, and soft resources to reboot their economies

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    1. At the same time, in response to the requests received and guided by itsprofound fraternal and humanistic vocation, Cuba has sent more than 4 900 cooperation workers, organized into 57 medical brigades, to 40 countries and territories affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.Our dedicated health workers have not had a minute of rest in the struggle against the pandemicinside and outside Cuba.
    2. More than 4.5 million people have diedbecause of the pandemic, which has worsened the living conditions in this planet. Its sequels andimpact on societies today areincalculable, but it is already known that they will not be ephemeral.It has been so pointed out by the “2021 Sustainable Development Goals Report”, while according to the International Labor Organization forecasts, there will be 205 million people unemployed in the world by 2022.
    1. economists are still reeling from the economic impact of the pandemic african governmentshave already spent scarce reserves fighting the pandemic and providing social protection tomillions of affected households ghana has been advocating that innovative financing mustalso address structural challenges beyond responding to immediate fiscal needs byproviding mechanisms to facilitate investments in health infrastructure technology theenvironment and people that will bolster resilience and equitable recovery the imf'sunprecedented 650 billion dollar
    2. african economies which contracted by 2.1percent in 2020 are yet to return to pre-pandemic levels more than 30 million africans fellinto extreme poverty in 2020 and nearly 40 million could do so in 2021. the social impact hasbeen devastating over 103 million african jobs have been lost women who account for 40percent of total employment have been most hard hit
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    1. Certes, le monde en 2020 a dû faire face à un ralentissement des activités économiques et commerciales sans précédent comme en témoignent les chiffres de Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement (UNCTAD). A ce sujet, permettez-moi d'en souligner certains d'entre eux : •Chute de 42% des investissements direct étrangers •Contraction de 20% du commerce mondiale •Quadruplement du prix du transport de conteneur

      slow down of global economy in 2020

    2. En raison des confinements imposes à la suite de la pandémie du COVID19 dans le monde entier, les perturbations dans la chaine d'approvisionnement, la forte contraction de l'économie, le creusement des déficits publics et les conséquences économiques dévastatrices. Nous sommes confrontés à l'urgence de mobiliser des solutions visant à

      socio-economic challenges of covid-19. public deficit, supply chain...

    3. La pandémie du COVID19 continue à avoir un impact dévastateur sur les populations, au premier chef les pauvres et les personnes vulnérables. Elle a fortement affecté les indicateurs sociaux, remis en cause les progrès vers l'atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable et aggravé l'extrême pauvreté.

      sdgs, covid-19 and socio-economic implications, inequalities and poverty

    1. L’axe de travail Covaxde cette Coalition permet aujourd’hui d’accélérer la mise au point et la fabrication de vaccins contre la Covid-19. Si cette initiative acontribué à faciliter l’accès aux vaccins des populations les plus défavorisées,la fracture vaccinale reste encore très prononcéeet lesrésultats, largement en-deçàdes attentes de ce programme. En effet, pendant que dans les pays du Nord, plus de 50% de la population ontété déjà vaccinés, en Afrique par exemple, environ 1% a reçu le vaccin

      vaccination divide between North and South

    2. 4Touten saluant la décision du G20 d’approuver, depuis l’an dernier, l’Initiative de Suspension du Service de la Dette (DSSI), je voudrais réitérer l’appel lancé par l’Union Africaine ainsi que les institutions onusiennes de voir le poids de la dette de nos pays annulé, ou à tout le moins,allégé.Il importe donc que la communauté internationale s’efforcede répondre aux conclusions du Sommet de Paris sur le financement des économies africaines pour permettre à nos paysde surmonter les effets de la pandémie et d’assurer une reprise économique durable post Covid-19.

      debt and covid-19

    3. Selon la Banque mondiale, la pandémie a déclenché la première récession en Afrique subsaharienne depuis 25 ans. La situation est particulièrement préoccupante dans les pays aux économies fragiles, en particulier les Pays les Moins Avancés (PMA).

      economic consequences for Sub-Saharan Africa

    4. En effet, la pandémie a induit un important rebond de lamisèreet contribué à creuser davantageles inégalités socialeset l’écart entre les pays développés et ceux en voie de développement.

      inequalities as a result of covid

    5. Il nous invite, de façon pressante, à agir immédiatement dans le domaine de la santé, pour arrêter l’hécatombe et mettre fin à la pandémiedu coronavirusqui n’a que tropduré. Il nous appelle à nous attaquer frontalement aux nombreuses dimensions sociales et économiques de la crisesanitaire

      covid-19, to confront the pandemic and the socio-economic challenges

    1. we havebeen playing equality we have beenplaying unitywhereone thing is to share objectives andquite another is toshare vaccinesvaccines that give lifeit transpired that the provisions aboutequality just as in an uh advertisementthere is a footnote in fine printumstating the following we are allpeople we are all in one boat but accessto life boatsis given first to first class passengersukraine was not waiting for others tohelpshe hasbeen helping otherswithoutawaiting gratitudewe dispatched to italy our medicswe dispatched uh ppe's ukraine has beenhelping everyone who's needed our help

      uneven distribution of vaccines

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    1. Domestic resource mobilisation is crucial to build back better and to reach the SDGs. Fairand effective tax systems are needed–not only to generate revenue, but also to build trust in government.The agreement reached in the OECD on a new framework for international tax reform is an important step forward.
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    1. Firstly, we are committed to Latin America and the Caribbean, a region with which we have very close ties. This year is the 30thanniversary of the firstIbero-American Summit, an anniversary in which we must consider both the immensechallenges caused bythe pandemic, and the internal displacement of hundreds ofthousands of people.
    2. I call for the defense of robust States, with resources able to guarantee thewellbeing of their citizens according to the values of justice, progress, andequality. We must promote a just recovery,that is capable of closing the vast gap ofinequality
    3. But the truth is that, in spite ofappearances, the coronavirus also reinforced inequalities. The poorest regions lacked thehealth infrastructure necessary to stop the spread of the disease, as well as the resources tocreate a social safety netto protect their citizensfroman economic crisi
    4. During the last year and a half, we believed that the whole world was united aroundthese same realities: on the one hand, our fragility in the face of a virus that does notrespect borders, ideologies or social condition; on the other, a spirit of unity andconfidence in science that has led us, among other things, to develop effective vaccinesagainst COVID-19 in an astonishingly short time frame
    1. n many ways, the pandemic has exposed our vulnerability and underscored the critical importance of multilateralism and international solidarity. We must “build back”a more equitable, sustainable, and humane world.We must begin with universal and fair access to vaccines.This matter must beresolved as a matter of global ethics and solidarity. The unjust “vaccine gap” is a “gap multiplier”
    2. I will focus today first and foremost on the triple threatwe face together: COVID-19 recovery; the Climate crisis; and the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.
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    1. | would like to reaffirm our country’s commitment to work with our development partners and the international community in general to find innovative, inclusive, and feasible solutions for the current challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    1. n the interest of maintaining social peace, we are urged to find a solution to the enormous indebtedness that middle-income countries have been forced into to deal with the economic and social ravages generated by the pandemic.There is currently no mechanism for access to concessional financing that allows these countries to solve this liquidity crisis. To overcome this challenge, we are forced to look for new and urgent solutions
    2. ndeed, in the face of the pandemic, the climate emergency, the technological revolution and the need to articulate a new paradigm for the welfare state, it is necessary to strengthen unity and cooperation among all nations.
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    1. the coffee 19 pandemic has disrupted lives and economies constrained development due to repurposing of development finance and the withholding of private capital escalated the threat of climate change food insecurity broaden the inequality inequalities and justice and increased fragilities nations risk not meeting the sustainable development goals and building resilience against future shocks
    2. call among other equally important global matters for prioritizing covet 19 response vaccine access equity tackling poverty and inequality the impact of climate change and promoting gender equality human rights protection and promotion
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    1. marcha acciones prioritarias para atender las necesidades más urgentes.


    2. A pesar de las condiciones adversas que la humanidad vive, todos hemos demostrado resiliencia. La pandemia ha puesto de manifesto la enorme capacidad del ser humano para sobreponerse a condiciones hostiles y lograr su supervivencia. Recién asumida mi administración, nos enfrentamos a la pandemia de la COVID-19, que ha afectado y sigue afectando a miles de guatemaltecos, causando un fuerte impacto en la economía, y modificando las dinámicas sociales y culturales, para lo cual fue preciso dar una respuesta acorde a nuestras posibilidades y poner en


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    1. There is also another important aspect of the digitalisation we can never forget -digital as an equaliser. In order to prevent the emergence of the digital inequality and division, last year Estonia and Singapore were co-sponsoring a Global Declaration on the Digital Response to COVID-19, “ClosetheDigitalDivides:theDigitalResponsetoCOVID-19”

      Digital as equaliser

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    1. governments needed to protect theirpeople that was the first thing we hadto do was protect our compatriots butalso we needed to be aware or alert tothe fact that that protectionshould not then become protectionismwe needed freedom to tradefreedom to competefor excellency and competition foraccess to markets

      The three elements that are impacting people's freedom during the pandemic:

      1. Governments' need to protect their citizens. This should not become protectionism, though. There needs to be open access to markets.
    2. humanity showed its capacityto adaptand survive a crisis of such dimensionsand let me saythat that's the best version that we'reliving

      Shows hope for humanity's future

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    1. we are thelargestdonor statein terms of humanitarian and developmentassistance at the arab and islamic leve

      Largest donor state in covid recovery in Arab region

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    1. Over the past two years, we learned that isolationfrom society and loneliness are more fearfulthan the coronavirus itself, at a time when humanity is increasingly in need of socialization.We also witnessed that aparting from live communications between family members, friends, children, colleagues and between states and nations negativelyimpacts businesses, education, social behavior and relations, and mental health.

      Effects of social isolation

    2. The pandemic haschallenged ruthlessly the world economies, their liquidity and resilience more than ever. Estimates indicate that in 2020, the virus reducedglobal economic growth by4.9percent,global trade fallen by 5.3 percent,however the global economy is projected to experience recovery in 2021.
    3. The outbreakof the pandemic hasalso alarmed the modern nation states that the health sector possessesan existential importance equal to the defense sector.

      Importance of the health sector

    4. As a so called “oasis of democracy” in the region, Mongolia has been closely observing human rights issues stemmed from the pandemic lockdown.The fact that Mongolia and many other Asian countries have been going through the COVID-19 crisis without substantial human rights conflicts disclosesthe advantage of communalisticculture of Asians over the individualistic one. I firmly believe that respecting each other’s culture and value,as well aslearning from each other’s successes and failures are of utmost importancein collectively overcoming the challenges that humanity may face in the future. The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has placed an enormous strain onthe global health, particularly inhuman resource, infrastructure and supply chain, andwith the lingering spread of COVID-19 infection, the reality of social injustice has been revealedvividly.
    5. Moreover, there were protests and insurgencies against lockdowns and home ordersin some countries
    6. Mr.President, As the pandemic has affectednot only global health, but alsoall spheres of economic, social and political life, it became evident that the human historywill be divided into pre-and post-COVID-19periods.We have learned a number oflessons from the pandemic. Mongolians say that“Disease never knocks on the door”, whichimpliesthatthe disease does not discriminatebyrace, age, gender, and wealth. This proverb alsodemonstratesthe Mongolian morality of taking care of ones in trouble and ensure notto maltreatthem. We shouldthink that rather thandiscriminating each other,weshould focus oncombiningour strengths and overcome this perilouspandemicthe humankindisfacing.
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    1. In achieving these objectives, we must allow countries, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, to develop sustainable economies, without obstacles. •Isolation and trade blockades, such as, in the case of Cuba, in my own region, undermine these principles and are counterproductive, to achieving these goals

      Post-covid economic recovery should also be obstacle-free. No isolation and trade blockades, such as in the case of Cuba

    2. Currently, we face unrealistic, unfair, and counterproductive classification instruments.•Suriname looks forward to new substantive methods of financial support, based on the socio-economic reality, of the countries concerned.• At the same time, the vulnerabilities of countries, should be taken into account. •I call on all, to support the multi-dimensional vulnerability index, as proposed by SIDS(Small Island Developing States) andremove bureaucracy in supporting these states.

      Post-covid recovery also means receiving financial support

    3. Mr. President, we must develop a post COVID-strategy, with a focus on:oDeveloping an effective strategy to improve vaccination levels in our societies.oRebuilding the economy;oAnd establishing a COVID 19 recovery fund, with support of the international financial institutions and the private sector;•We cannot go back, to what we were used to, but rather focus on:oHow we organize ourselves, for the “new normal”, with COVID-19 as part of our lives; oRemoving barriers, for ease of doing business and investments

      Post-covid strategy needs to focus on economic recovery

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    1. First, there is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic has been the biggest challenge of ourgeneration so far. Like most other states, the Republic of Moldova has been hit hard. But ourown experience of dealing with the crisis has been filled with hope and gratitude. Gratitudefor the tremendous global endeavor of solidarity that supported my country’s work tocontain the virus. And hope - that solidarity can make us all more resilient

      There are four challenges which the international community faces, in Moldova's opinion. Issue #1 is the COVID-19, and the need for continued vaccination efforts

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    1. However, I am pleased to report our own robust success towards the goal ofachieving vaccination of nearly every eligible person in our nation. ln particular, I wishto thank the United States of America for its strong and early outreach to ensure that theMarshall lslands was not left behind in vaccination efforts. We proudly remain Covid-free, even as future risks remain great.However, our borders remain largely closed, as we lack the full capacity to address thepotential of even small outbreaks. While our core economic driver of fisheries is onlystarting to recover, our nation remains forced to cut back effort in core developmentareas, at a time when we clearly should have been moving forward. lt is vital that theinternational system continue to strengthen efforts to social and economic impacts ofCovid measures in small and remote island nations.

      COVID-19 outlook: Marshall Islands is COVID-free (but its borders remain largely closed)

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    1. Les analyses publiées sur la situation Covid19, prédisaient un cataclysme sanitaire sur le continent Africain. Mais finalement l’Afrique et les pays dits « vulnérables », ont contredittoutes les prévisions. Ces pays, à l’instar de Madagascar, ont réussi à mieux encaisser l’impact de la Covid19 et à en tirer du positif. A Madagascar, pour nous relever de cette onde de choc, nous avons décidé d’adopter une attitudeoptimiste. A travers la concrétisation de notre vision de développement. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes en train d’écrire l’histoire d’une transformation profonde.
    2. Vous savez, ce qui laisse pensif, c’est que quand on parle d’un pays en voie de développement comme Madagascar, c’est toujours le côté négatif, et misérable qui est véhiculé et mis en avant sur la scène internationale. Quand on parle du continent Africain, on a toujours tendance à noircir la réalité. Il est temps que la perception change, il faut arrêter de véhiculer ces préjugés et aller au-delà de ces idées reçues.

      In the context of African countries dealing well with the pandemic: 'When we talk about the African continent we always tend to cast a shadow over reality. it's time for that perception to change'

    3. Ce qui a accentué la paupérisation et la dégradation des conditions de vies des populations. - Les classes moyennes tendent à disparaitre et trop de familles basculent dans la précarité. - L’économie mondiale est aujourd’hui dans une grave récession. Les prévisions font état d’une diminution de près de 5% des revenus par habitant, ce qui fera basculer des millions de personnes dans l'extrême pauvreté. - Les inégalités sanitaires dans le monde ont été exacerbées. Face à cette guerre, nous avons pu constater que nous n’étions pas tous égaux. Et certains pays comme Madagascar ont dû faire preuve d’audace et d’ingéniosité.Nous avons misé sur l’intelligence de nos scientifiques et notre pharmacopée traditionnelle. Nos solutions endogènes furent nos meilleures munitions.

      Economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic

    4. Durant les deux années passées, le monde entier a traversé une période de bouleversement profond qui a fragilisénos économies entrainant des impacts sociaux considérables. Dans cette guerre, ce n’est ni des armes, ni une bombe nucléaire qui s’abat mais un ennemi invisible, un virus, qui s’est propagé rapidement de pays en pays, de continent en continent. Beaucoup sont tombés, 4,5 millions personnes ont perdus la vie. C’est une douloureu se réalité, un bilan accablant. - L’impact sur le marché du travail est terrible. Les chiffres de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail sont éloquents, 255 millions de personnes ont perdu leur travail à cause de la pandémie. Les pays les plus touchés sont ceux dont l’économie est basée majoritairement sur l’informel.

      Economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic

    5. Je tiens avant tout à exprimer un message de solidarité du peuple Malagasy à toutes les nations et à toutes les familles qui ont été durement éprouvées par la pandémie de la Covid19. et nos Et en ces temps particulièrement difficiles, nous réitérons notre soutient encouragements au Secrétaire General Antonino Gutérres pour le leadership dont il a fait . preuve pour mener notre organisation face à cette pandémie Générale , toutes les nations sont réunies, ici au cœur des Nations Unies, pour réfléchir ensemble aux stratégies de la Covdi19. adéquates pour faire face aux effets Notre objectif est detrouver les voies et moyens pour relancer l’économie de l’après Coronavirus. Et le bien-être de nos populations doit être le pivot de toutes nos réflexions.
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    1. In collaboration with the WHO, Sri Lanka is establishing a Regional KnowledgeHub to facilitate exchange of lessons learnt from COVID19 and support countriestorecover better.

      COVID-19 best practice: Setting up of a Regional Knowledge Hub to support post-pandemic recovery

    2. At the same time, we must recognise that the challenges surrounding production, distribution, deployment and acceptance of vaccines must be overcome urgently if the spread of dangerous new virus strains is to be prevented. Ensuring that everyone, everywhere, is vaccinated is the best way out of the pandemic

      Advocating for people to get vaccinated

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    1. thedeadly pandemic, climate change, violent conflicts exploited by global extremists, destabilising economic fault-lines, acontinuing, global refugee crisis.

      main issues discussed

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    1. The COVID 19 pandemic was an important message and a lesson for us on how the existing international system can be easily shaken, butalso how important the endurance and the resilience of international institutions built on multilateralism is for them to be able to respond to crisis situations
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    1. Zambiahas only managed to vaccinate a mere 3 percent of its population. This is again as the country's target of vaccinating 70 percent of the eligible population by the third quarter 2022. This clearly highlights the inequitable access to vaccines developing countries,especially that more than 2 billion vaccines have been administered worldwide
    2. Mr President,the covid-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching social economic impact globally including disturbing trade flows,supply chains,and various economic activities on our continent in the world. In addition to loss of lives,the pandemic increased poverty levels through job losses,stressed health care systems,and we're still the delivery of education to learners. Disruption to the education systems,particularly in developing countries,was in part due to inadequate information communication and technology -ICTfacilities within our countries
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    1. Monsieur le Président, Notre 76e Session se tient autour d'un thème de poignante actualité, qui est, je cite : «Construire la Résilience en espérant se remettre du Covicl-19, Reconstruire durablement, répondre aux besoins de la Planète, Respecter les droits des personnes et Revitaliser les Nations-Unies ». Cette crise qui continue de défier la communauté des Nations ne sera vaincue que par une solidarité internationale plus agissante. C'est le lieu pour moi de m'incliner pieusement devant la mémoire des victimes directes et indirectes de cette pandémie. Avec détermination, malgré des moyens limités, la République Centrafricaines s'emploie à contenir la situation épidémique dont l'impact désastreux sur tous les secteurs de l'économie nationale, a compromis les prévisions de croissance 2020 et 2021, mitigeant les acquis socio-économiques du Plan de Relèvement et de la Consolidation de la Paix en Centrafrique (RCPCA). Les estimations indiquent que si la crise est jugulée dans les (6) mois, l'économie nationale perdrait 5,8°k du PIB projeté. En revanche, si la crise perdure au-delà de six (06) mois, cette perte serait de 8,9% du PIB. Pour limiter les effets de la pandémie, mon Gouvernement veille à la sauvegarde des capacités de financement du développement.

      financial impact of covid-19 on CAR

    2. Cette crise qui continue de défier la communauté des Nations ne sera vaincue que par une solidarité internationale plus agissante. C'est le lieu pour moi de m'incliner pieusement devant la mémoire des victimes directes et indirectes de cette pandémie.

      covid-19 as a challenge for nations...can only be dealt with solidarity

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    1. One year on, our world is facing the combined impacts of changes unseen in a century and the COVID-19 pandemic. In all countries, people long for peace and development more than ever before, their call for equity and justice is growing stronger, and they are more determined in pursuing win-win cooperation.Right now, COVID-19 is still raging in the world, and profound changes are taking place in human society. The world has entered a period of new turbulence and transformation. It falls on each and every responsible statesman to answer the questions of our times and make a historical choice with confidence, courage and a sense of mission.First, we must beat COVID-19 and win this decisive light crucial to the future of humanity. The history of world civilization is also one of fighting pandemics. Rising to challenges, humanity has always emerged in triumph and achieved greater development and advancement. The current pandemic may appear overwhelming, but we humanity will surely overcome it and prevail,We should always put people and their lives first, and care about: the life, value and dignity of every individual. We, need to respect science, take a science-based approach, and follow the laws of science. We need to both follow routine, targeted CQVID-19 protocols and take emergency response measures, and both carry out epidemic control and promote economic and social development. We need to enhance coordinated global COVID-19 response and minimize the risk of cross-border virus transmission
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    1. onset of the global pandemic almosttwo years ago has shownthat there arecommon traits for humanitybut there are other aspects that can beshared such as challengesno matter our level of developmenthere it is appropriate to point out therelevance of this year's themereflecting the need to build ourresilience to covet 19 and our hope inrecoverythat is why we must remove all obstaclespreventingcountriesfrom accessingvaccines in a fairand equitable manneras a top priority
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    1. Llego a este magno foro en momentos únicos para la humanidad, donde enfrentamos una triple pandemiacon comunes raíces: la pandemia de la inequidad global, la pandemia del cambio climático, y la pandemia del COVID-19.

      Triple pandemic: pandemic of inequalities, of climate change and COVID-19

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    1. unfortunately we were reminded once again during this pandemicthat the entire world are a part of a big family but the solidarity test that we were put to failedus miserably especially the underdeveloped countries and poor segments of the societieswere literally left to their fate in the face of the pandemic

      lack of international solidarity, underdeveloped countries and societies more affected by the pandemic

    2. in the last two years we've really been through painful times wehave lost 4.6 million people including our friends relatives and loved ones during the covet19 pandemic which was labeled as the biggest health crisis of the last century despite all theefforts displayed and the progress was made in vaccination we still witness the continuationof the negative ramifications of the pandemic in such a climate that we are observing the76th session of the united nations general assembly and i do believe that the messages ofsolidarity and cooperation which we will be conveying here will not only support the fightagainst the pandemic but also increase the hopes of billions of people who are goingthrough very challenging times
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    1. We must attach greatest priority to strengthening international scientific cooperation to combat the pandemic. We must strengthen initiatives that have been developed with this view in mind, especially given that I want to state on behalf of Peru the signing of a world agreement between heads of state and the owners of patents to guarantee universal access to the vaccine of all inhabitants of the planet without any privileges or discrimination. This would be a serious demonstration of our commitment to life and health for all peoples.

      signing of a world agreement between heads of state and the owners of patents to guarantee universal access to the vaccine of all inhabitants of the planet

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    1. Loprimero.Hemoscumplidonuestromásapremiantecompromisodecampaña:alcanzarlacifrade9millonesdeecuatorianosconinmunizacióncompletaenlosprimeros100díasdeGobierno.Permítanmeponerloentérminosmásclaros:en100díaselEcuadorpasódeunporcentajedevacunadosquerepresentabaapenasel3%delapoblación,al52%.Esdecir,prácticamentelamitaddelpaís.Entrelasnacioneslatinoamericanas,pasamosdelosúltimoslugaresdelranking,aocupareltercerpuestoenporcentajedepoblaciónvacunada,superadostansóloporChileyUruguay.Enalgunosdíasdelmesdejulio,alcanzamosunritmodiariodeinyeccionessuministradasequivalenteal2.5%denuestrapoblacióntotal.Estonosconvirtióenlíderesmundialesenelritmodedosisaplicadasporcada100.000habitantes.
    2. SeguramentehayquienesaquírecuerdanlasescalofriantesimágenesquecircularondesdeelEcuadorhaciaelmundodurantelosprimerosdíasdelapandemia.Cuerposenlascalles.Hospitalesdesbordados.Fosascomunesimprovisadas.Aquellosdíasfuimosmodelodetodoloqueestabamalenelmanejodelacrisis.Esasimágenesfueronlarepresentacióngráficadelabismoquetocamosluegode14añosdepolíticasaislacionistas,aupadasenunadistorsionadaymezquinanocióndelasoberanía.Hoy,apenastresmesesyunoscuantosdíasdespuésdehaberasumidonuestromandato,quieroreportarlossiguientesdatosconcretos,paraqueseanustedesmismosquienessaquensusconclusiones
    3. LapandemiadelCovid-19hahechoqueaquellasideascobrenrenovadarelevancia.Noshaobligadoaponerlasaprueba.
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    1. La pandemia y la revolucióndigital se han retroalimentado. Sin duda los avances de la tecnología digital nos han permitido enfrentar mejor la pandemia. Por ejemplo, sería difícil imaginar cómo habríamos enfrentado esta pandemia sin avances recientes como el Hospital Digital, la Comisaría Virtual o Chile Atiende. Por otra parte, la pandemia ha acelerado la instalación de la sociedad digital, que ha cambiado nuestra forma de trabajar, educarnos, informarnos e interactuar en sociedad, cambios que llegaron para quedarse.

      digitalisation and covid-19...the role tech played during the pandemic

    2. La pandemia también ha generado una crisis social y económica sin precedentes, que ha causado una gran pérdida de ingresos y de empleos para las familias, la bancarrota de múltiples emprendimientos, especialmente pequeños y medianos, un aumento de la pobreza y de las carencias de las clases medias. La crisis también ha producido un aumento explosivo de los déficits fiscales y del endeudamiento público y privado, que amenazan la estabilidad macroeconómica. Estos males han golpeado con mayor fuerza a los países y sectores más vulnerables, y en especial, a las mujeres, incrementando las brechas de género. Algunas de las causas de esta situación ya se encontraban presentes antes de la pandemia: una guerra comercial entre las principales potencias; un incipiente auge del proteccionismo y un debilitamiento del libre comercio basado en reglas

      socio-economic consequences of covid-19

    3. La pandemia nos mostró que, cuando se desatan las fuerzas de la innovación, la tecnología y la creatividad, podemos alcanzar logros insospechados. En un lapso de tan solo 10 meses, pasamos de enfrentarnos a un virus del cual no teníamos información, a contar con una batería de vacunas seguras y eficaces para combatirlo. Se trata de un logro sin precedentes en la historia de la humanidad. Recordemos que la vacuna contra la fiebre tifoidea tardó más de 130 años en ser aprobada, la vacuna contra la tuberculosis y el dengue llegaron 45 y 110 años después de que apareciera la enfermedad. Sin duda hemos vivido un gran triunfo de la ciencia.

      scientific progress and research on vaccines

    4. A pesar de las reiteradas advertencias científicas de que las pandemias eran amenazaslatentes, la comunidad internacional y los Estados optaron por desoírlas. Así, la pandemia del coronavirus nos tomó por sorpresa, sin mecanismos de alerta temprana, sin sistemas para compartir información, con sistemas de salud frágiles, incluso en las naciones más desarrolladas, que no siempre pudieron dar respuestas a todos los enfermos. Y, lo más grave, sin vacunas ni medicamentos para combatir el COVID19. El personal médico de Chile y de todo el mundo salió, sin dudarlo, a trabajar sin descanso para enfrentar la emergencia, poniendo sus propias vidas en riesgo para proteger las nuestras.


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    1. This difficult test, which humanity is continuing to face, has revealed the flaws and vulnerabilities in our collective security system, meanwhile it has inspired us with many lessons, namely, the importance of balancing the concern for people's health and maintaining theeconomic cycle that secures at the same time their livelihoods, as well as the importance of integration between the indispensable role of the State within its borders, on the one hand, and its role in confronting cross-border issues and joint commitments to confront challenges, crises and disasters, on the other hand

      Covid-19 revealed the flaws of the collective security system

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    1. Sócióecónómic próblems built up óver the years were bróught tó the fóre by the pandemic. Póverty and hunger have deepened. Fróm incóme, jóbs tó educatión, gaps widened acróss gender,class, and cóuntries.

      inequalities and divides resulting from covid-19

    2. The Cóvid-19 pandemic will alsó be surmóunted by the lóve óf humanity and sólidarity, and at its heart, the UN shall stand. In óur fight against córónavirus, bórders were cróssed tó share genómic infórmatión; vaccines were successfully launched thróugh clóse cóllabóratión; and therapeutics are alsó being develóped at a rapid pace. A triumph óver córónavirus demands us tó break dówn barriers

      Coronavirus, how it transcends borders, sharing of info and collaboration

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    1. Vaccine egoism will only delay the pandemic’s end and lend time to new more lethal mutations. Solidarity should be our binding principle, not an option. Vaccines must be accessible to all and Slovakia will continue supporting the COVAX effort.

      vaccine egoism and vaccine nationalism

    2. More than 5 billion vaccine doses have been administered across the world – but nearly 75% of them are in just ten countries. Fifty countries have less than a 5% vaccination rate, with half of them just a 1% rate. This is a failure of politics projected onto the world stage in real-time.

      vaccination rates and gaps

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    1. Recovering from the global impact of COVID-19 is indeed our most crucial single collective priority. There is not one single nation, community or individual which has not been detrimentally impacted. However, we must all understand that this recovery must be anchored oninnovative and sustainable human centred policies and strategiesdelivered in partnership across continents.
    2. It is fundamental to recognise that responding to COVID-19 requires renewed commitment to vaccinations for all. Human safety is the cornerstone of any sustainable recovery from this disastrous health pandemic.
    3. Building resilience through hope, hard work and multi-faceted partnerships is a must for an equitable and holistic recovery from COVID-19.
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    1. AsanEU Member State Bulgaria supportsEU’s commitment to work with international partners on durable solutions for Afghan refugeesand address the needs of countries hosting large numbers of them.As a sign of solidarity,we took a decision to receive up to 70 Afghan citizens who have worked for Bulgaria, EU orNATO missions,and their families.Bulgaria shares the view that a continued humanitarian engagementin Afghanistan is essential to respond tothe unfolding humanitarian crisis fueled by the conflict, thesevere drought and COVID-19pandemic
    2. It is vital that we all stand in support and solidarity with the most vulnerable countries and people around the globe, under the guidance of the United Nationsand the World Health Organization. My country, Bulgaria,has joined the efforts to provide vaccines to thosein need by sharing its excess supplies through EU mechanisms and on a bilateral basis
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    1. Latvia was one of the first countries in the world to develop several digital solutionsimportant for a sustainable responseto the pandemic.
    2. This crisis has highlighted the need to continuously strengthen the resilience of countries and societies.COVID-19 highlighted the vulnerability of our societies to all kinds of disinformation. 7.Latvia's response to combating disinformation is based on strengthening public resilience-by raising awarenessof disinformation; strengthening independent and pluralistic media; the involvement of civil society; and teaching media literacy.
    3. Latviaprovidessupport to increase the availability of vaccines worldwide. Latvia has sent vaccines to its closest neighbours, as well as friends in Africa andAsia, and we plan to continue to share vaccines,including through the COVAX mechanism
    1. IamnotabletosaywhetherwedideverythingpossiblebutstillwetriedforinstancebysendingourmedicaldoctorstoourfriendsinTajikistan,KyrgyzstanaswellastheUSAandItaly.IamconvincedthatsomeofthecountriesoftherichNorthbehavedinthesamewayasPoland,whodonated6milliondosesofvaccinestointeraliaourpartnersfromtheSouth
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    1. In the context of its Pro-Tempore Presidency of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Costa Rica has proposed the creation of the Fund to Alleviate the COVID-19 Economy (FACE). This is an extraordinarysupport fund of nearly half a trillion dollars, funded by 0.7% of the Gross Domestic Product of the largest and most robust economies in the world -those representing80% of world GDP -, to be intermediated by multilateral development banks, as concessional loans to developing countries
    2. The inequality is abysmal and tragic. The solidary idea which resulted in COVAX has nothad the necessary impact, and the access to vaccines is absolutely unequal. 6.Costa Rica advocates for the COVID-19 vaccines to be available to all the world population as a global public good. The COVAX promise must be fulfilled anddeveloped countries can make it happen.
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    1. COVID-19

      First topic: Covid 19

    2. We must choose to do more than we think we can do alone so that we accomplish what we must, together: ending this pandemic and making sure we’re better prepared for the next one; staving off climactic climate change and increasing our resilience to the impacts we already are seeing; ensuring a future where technologies are a vital tool to solving human challenges and empowering human potential, not a source of greater strife and repression.

      Strong inspiring language at the end of the speech, again reiterating the three topics - covid, climate, emerging technology

    3. And for the future, we need to create a new mechanism to finance global health security that builds on our existing development assistance, and Global Health Thr- — and a Global Health Threat Counc- — Council that is armed with the tools we need to monitor and identify emerging pandemics so that we can take immediate action.

      Support for WHO, need for reform of pandemic response system

    4. We elevated the Quad partnership among Australia, India, Japan, and the United States to take on challenges ranging from health security to climate to emerging technologies.

      Reconfirming commitments again, order of issues is the same as when he spoke about global challenges - pandemic/health, climate, emerging tech

    5. Instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past, we are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources to the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future: ending this pandemic; addressing the climate crisis; managing the shifts in global power dynamics; shaping the rules of the world on vital issues like trade, cyber, and emerging technologies; and facing the threat of terrorism as it stands today

      Change in tone. Note the order of issues the resources are to be devoted to: pandemic, climate, global power dynamics (China). Call for change in global rules - trade, digital, terrorism in that order.

    6. Will we work together to save lives, defeat COVID-19 everywhere, and take the necessary steps to prepare ourselves for the next pandemic?  For there will be another one.  Or will we fail to harness the tools at our disposal as the more virulent and dangerous variants take hold? Will we meet the threat of challenging climate — the challenging climate we’re all feeling already ravaging every part of our world with extreme weather?  Or will we suffer the merciless march of ever-worsening droughts and floods, more intense fires and hurricanes, longer heatwaves and rising seas?

      Linking pandemic and climate change as global challenges

    7. We’re mourning more than 4.5 million people — people of every nation from every background.  Each death is an individual heartbreak.  But our shared grief is a poignant reminder that our collective future will hinge on our ability to recognize our common humanity and to act together. 

      Strong language on global uniting experience

    1. Vaccination is our powerful weapon against COVID-19. I have stressed on many occasions the need to make vaccines a global public good and ensure vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries. Of pressing priority is to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of vaccines globally. China will strive to provide a total of two billion doses of vaccines to the world by the end of this year. In addition to donating 100 million US dollars to COVAX, China will donate 100 million doses of vaccines to other developing countries in the course of this year. China will continue to support and engage in global science-based origins tracing, and stands firmly opposed to political maneuvering in whatever form.
    2. We should always put people and their lives first, and care about the life, value and dignity of every individual. We need to respect science, take a science-based approach, and follow the laws of science. We need to both follow routine, targeted COVID-19 protocols and take emergency response measures, and both carry out epidemic control and promote economic and social development. We need to enhance coordinated global COVID-19 response and minimize the risk of cross-border virus transmission
    3. First, we must beat COVID-19 and win this decisive fight crucial to the future of humanity. The history of world civilization is also one of fighting pandemics. Rising to challenges, humanity has always emerged in triumph and achieved greater development and advancement. The current pandemic may appear overwhelming, but we humanity will surely overcome it and prevail.
    4. Right now, COVID-19 is still raging in the world, and profound changes are taking place in human society. The world has entered a period of new turbulence and transformation. It falls on each and every responsible statesman to answer the questions of our times and make a historical choice with confidence, courage and a sense of mission.
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    1. First, we must beat COVID-19 and win this decisive fight crucial to the future of humanity. The history of world civilization is also one of fighting pandemics. Rising to challenges, humanity has always emerged in triumph and achieved greater development and advancement. The current pandemic may appear overwhelming, but we humanity will surely overcome it and prevail.
    2. to fight COVID-19 in solidarity
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    1. The pandemic also showed us that we need to find ways to build back better and greener. We must recommit to achieving sustainable economies, as well as resilient, fair and inclusive societies where „no one is left behind”. Indeed, the special needs of the vulnerable ones should be granted particular attention. In order to be effective inachieving this aim, solidarity in action is necessary. We also need an integrated and innovative approach to respond simultaneously to a whole range of inter-related challenges, such as health, demographic changes, migration, scarce resources, climate change and biodiversity loss, extreme poverty and hunger.We are indeed at an “inflection point” and Romania welcomes the newly issued report on Our Common Agenda, supports its main conclusions and encourages the Secretary General to continue efforts towardstheir implementation.Romania remains committed to contribute to the collective efforts meant to limit and recover the delays in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals.

      Building back better

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    1. Turkmenistan will continue to promote its previously echoed initiatives aimed at activating multilateral cooperation in science diplomacy. In particular, we propose to consider issues on instituting the following international and regional instruments during the 76th session.The World Health Organization Special Program for studying the genome of coronavirus; Multilateral mechanism of the World Health Organization to fight against pneumonia; Methodological center of the World Health Organization to treat and prevent acute infections; the Central Asian regional center for epidemiology, virology and bacteriology.

      multilateral cooperation in scence diplomacy

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    1. The COVID-19 pandemic is a historic testfor our generation. How we respondtoday, both individually and collectively, will greatly shape the world of generations to come.Croatia is pleased to have been able to co-coordinate,with Afghanistan, the resolutiononthe“Comprehensive and coordinated response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic”, which not only set the stagefor ourrecovery, but also for building back better.The resolution also recognizes the value of an integrated “One Health approach”.By better understanding the health relatedinterlinkages of humans, animalsand our ecosystem, we stand a better chance at tacklingantimicrobial resistance, as well as preventingand containinganother major zoonotic disease outbreak.I think we all share in the aspirationsofa comprehensive, multi-sectoral engagement instrengtheningnational, regional and global capacities, as well as society’s overall resilience to a future pandemic.

      Comprehensive and coordinated response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic with Afghanistan

    2. Establishing legal standards and assuring compliance is a fundamental part of an effective multilateral cooperative response. This is why Croatia activelyadvocatesthe“Pandemic Preparedness and Response Agreement”.

      Pandemic Preparedness and Response Agreement

    3. Let us maintain momentum and keep working towards amore robust architecture that will reinforce global health security. The World HealthOrganization playsa pivotal role,and therefore,its further development is essential

      Further development of WHO is essential

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    1. For most of my professional life, I have been a winegrower. Winemaking has taught me patience, perseverance and confidence. A vine takes years to grow and produce. Improvinggrape varieties is a subtle science to producethe best wines. You have to respect nature and work in tune withit. Why am I talking to you about this here in the sanctuary of the United Nations?The COVID-19 pandemic is a bit like hail or frost that can suddenly ravage vines: unexpected and destabilising. Good winegrowers live with this risk and know how to recover from such twistsof fate. The pandemic is a human, social and economic catastrophethatisalso affectinginternational peace and security. Our thoughts are with all the victims, direct and indirect

      Comparison of the resilience of the international order with vines, and comparing COVID-19 with hail or frost

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    1. Despite the factthatthe Islamic Republic of Iran was keen from the outset to purchase and import COVID-19 vaccines from reliable international sources, it faced inhumane medical sanctions. Therefore, from the very beginning, we started to sustainably produce vaccines domestically. In addition to peaceful nuclear and satellite technologies, Iran is the medical hub of the region and numerous Iranian physicians and scientists,such as Avicenna,shine in the history of humankind. Knowledge that is beneficial to humanity cannot be sanctioned. We ourselves have been able to produce fuel for the Tehran research reactor which makes radiopharmaceuticals for more than one million cancer patients in Iran. We have also made astonishing progress in the area of biotechnology and stem cellsin spite of all sanctions. And today despite all sanctions targeting human rights, we have become one of the manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines

      Iran as a result of sanctions produces its own vaccines.

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    1. Toutefois, les 33 milliards de DTSalloués à l’Afrique dans ce cadre sont insuffisants au regard de l’immensité de sesbesoinsde relance économique. C’est pourquoi, il est nécessaire que les Nations Unies et ses États-membres appuient l’objectif du Sommet de Paris, d’atteindre 100 milliards de DTS pour l’Afrique, grâce àla réallocation aux pays pauvresde 25%de DTS alloués aux pays riches. Au demeurant, une partie de cette réallocation pourrait contribuer à l’augmentation du capital de la Banque Africaine de Développement et de la Banque Mondiale. Il est également souhaitable que ces ressources exceptionnelles concourent à promouvoir plus vigoureusement l’entreprenariat des jeunes en Afrique, l’accès aux capitaux pour les petites et moyennes entreprises ainsi que l’économie verte

      Financial aid for recovery from covid-19 insufficient to relaunch the economy in Africa. Calling for greater financial aid

    2. LaCovid-19 n’est pas seulementdestructricede vies humaines. Elle est aussi un virus de l’économie mondialequ’elle a plongéedans la récession, aggravant ainsi notamment la vulnérabilité et la dépendance des économies des pays pauvres dont beaucoup sont africains.De plus, l’impact de la baisse généralisée des activités économiques a été particulièrement ressenti, en Afrique, par les populations les plus vulnérables dont les femmes et les enfants notamment par la perte desemplois, la chute des revenus et les déperditions scolaires

      impact of covid on the economy, women, education of children

    3. continentale commune contre la COVID-19. Dans ce cadre, elle a créé un Fonds de réponse à la COVID-19 et lancé une plate-forme de fournitures médicales pour garantir à tous ses pays, l’accès aux équipements et fournitures nécessaires.L’Afrique a signé, le 28 mars 2021, par le canal de l’African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT), un accord pour l'achat de 220 millions de doses devaccinset certains pays africains ont initiéle projet de création de l’AGENCE AFRICAINE DES MÉDICAMENTS; d’autres produisent déjà des vaccins sous licence. D'ici janvier 2022, le nombre de vaccins à distribuer dépassera,dans notre continent, les 25 millions par mois.

      Measures on vaccines that the African continent adopted in order to ensure immunisation.

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    1. oday, the COVID-19 pandemic, which became a global disaster, and its not only social and economic, but also spiritual and political consequences are in the focus of our attention.We fully support the United Nations’approach that ensures equal and fair access to vaccinesbased on the principle of «no one should be left behind».I would like to take this opportunity to express my special gratitude to our foreign partners, who have provided usthe practical assistance in the framework of the COVAX global platform.We are committed to further strengthening the coordinating role of the World Health Organization in effectively combating pandemic in the international recognition of vaccination results

      Gratitude towards COVAX, Support and in favor of strengthening the role of WHO

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    1. Right now,millions of people are also being overwhelmed by a dangerous infodemic. It toocausesmuch suffering and contributes to many untimely deaths.Therefore,I would like to congratulatethe efforts of the United Nations, especiallyby the Verified campaign, infighting misinformation and disinformation.They pose an evergreater threat to oursocieties.To counter variouskinds ofmanipulations, we needaholistic approach and concrete new ways to get better in detecting, analyzing,and exposing disinformation

      Covid-19 and infodemic. Need to fight against these manipulations.

    2. 2The way forward goes through the widespread use of safe and effective vaccines. We need anactive global vaccine sharing mechanismthat would helptoprotect everyone, including those who are the most vulnerable.

      Need for a vaccine sharing mechanism

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    1. DEBATE GENERAL –PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA (S.E. IVAN DUQUE MARQUEZ)09/21/21Estos adelantos que surgen del esfuerzo y de la responsabilidad fiscal, nos permiten defender los logros sociales. Logramos la más importante reforma social de este siglo en Colombiay la aprobación de la más importante reforma fiscal,en materia de recaudo, que llega al 1,8 por ciento de nuestro Producto Interno Bruto, fortaleciendo, con ello,la regla fiscal de endeudamiento y la reducción del déficit, estableciendo una senda para estabilizar las finanzas públicas y asegurar una amplia red de protección social. Este ha sido un esfuerzo alcanzado sin populismo y sin afectar la competitividad de nuestras empresas.Estos logros en materia de salud, atención social y estabilidad fiscal se integran al Compromiso por Colombia, nuestra agenda de reactivación.Coninversiones privadas, públicasy público-privadas, ya muestra resultados económicosque alcanzan los mejores índices en el segundo trimestre de este año, el mejor de este siglo, por lo que avanzamos hacia un crecimiento superior al siete por ciento enel presente año 2021. Este New Deal colombiano es la mejor forma de recuperar el rumbo que la pandemia trajo a la Agenda 2030 y, además, nos acerca y nos orienta al cumplimiento de los objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.Hoy hago un llamado global. Son muchos los países emergentes que frente a la amenaza del covid han aumentado su endeudamiento y su déficit fiscal. Muchos no han empezado a tramitar las reformas fiscales necesarias para pagar los gastos de emergencia, y hoy son evaluados por calificadoras de riesgo con ojos y criterios pre pandémicos. Frente a los altos niveles de endeudamiento y a las necesidades existentes, se requiere un consenso mundial liderado por el Fondo Monetario Internacional y los bancos multilaterales de desarrollo, que establezca nuevos criterios de riesgo mínimo fiscal durante la etapa de reactivación post covid.

      I am making a global call. There are many emerging countries that, in the face of the threat of covid, have increased their indebtedness and their fiscal deficit. Many have not begun to process the fiscal reforms necessary to pay for emergency expenses, and today they are evaluated by risk rating agencies with pre-pandemic eyes and criteria. Faced with the high levels of indebtedness and the existing needs, a global consensus led by the International Monetary Fund and the multilateral development banks is required, which establishes new criteria of minimum fiscal risk during the post-covid reactivation stage.

    2. Este New Deal colombiano es la mejor forma de recuperar el rumbo que la pandemia trajo a la Agenda 2030 y, además, nos acerca y nos orienta al cumplimiento de los objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

      economic recovery

    3. El covid -19 irrumpió de manera abrupta en nuestras vidas. Cambió nuestra cotidianidad, nuestra interacción y nos arrebató seres queridos. Este virus letal ha puesto a prueba nuestras emociones para entender, HOY MÁS QUE NUNCA, cuánto vale el abrazo de un padre y el de una madre, cuánto significa compartir en familia, cuánto nos llena unencuentro amigable inesperado
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    1. We have vaccinated95% of all school children, and 85% of all residents in the Maldives. Schools have resumed. Businesses have restarted. Our borders have been reopened, opening the doors to our resorts.

      vaccination rate

    2. It set back years of schooling for our beloved children.

      COVID-19's impact on education

    3. Covid-19 pandemic was a challenge without precedent. Our economy relies on welcoming tourists to these shores. We import nearlyeverything from food to medicine to the materials we build our shelters with

      impact of COVID-19 economy

    4. Covid-19 pandemic has pushed our progress back years. The adverse impacts of climate change are increasing. The steady growth of the world’s population is also increasing the presence of famine. And the menace of terrorism remains one of the biggest challenges we face today.

      main issues, COVID-19, climate, poverty&hunger, terrorism

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    1. I welcome the issuance of $650 billion in Special Drawing Rights by the International Monetary Fund. But these SDRs are largely going to the countries that need them least. Advanced economies should reallocate their surplus SDRs to countries in need. SDRs are not a silver bullet. But they provide space for sustainable recovery and growth.
    2. Richer countries could reach pre-pandemic growth rates by the end of this year while the impacts may last for years in low-income countries. Is it any wonder?Advanced economies are investing nearly 28 per cent of their Gross Domestic Product into economic recovery. For middle-income countries, that number falls to 6.5 per cent.

      economic recovery

    3. This plan could be implemented by an emergency Task Force made up of present and potential vaccine producers, the World Health Organization, ACT-Accelerator partners, and international financial institutions, working with pharmaceutical companies.We have no time to lose. A lopsided recovery is deepening inequalities.
    4. Third, wemust bridge the gap between rich and poor, within and among countries. That starts by ending the pandemic for everyone, everywhere. We urgently need a global vaccination plan to at least double vaccine production and ensure that vaccines reach seventy percent of the world’s population in the first half of 2022.
    5. COVID-19 and the climate crisis have exposedprofound fragilitiesas societies and as a planet.

      linking COVID-19 and climate change

    6. On the one hand, we see the vaccines developed in record time —a victory of science and human ingenuity. On the other hand, we see that triumph undone by the tragedy of a lack of political will, selfishness and mistrust. A surplus in some countries. Empty shelves in others. A majority of the wealthier world vaccinated. Over 90 percent of Africansstill waitingfor their first dose.
    7. The picture we have seen from some parts of the world of COVID-19 vaccines ... in the garbage.
    8. The COVID-19 pandemic has supersized glaring inequalities.

      Linking COVID-19 and inequliteis

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  2. Mar 2021
    1. The current global health crisis

      How strong is link between pandemic crisis and cybersecurity in the OEWG report?

    2. The current global health crisis

      How strong is link between pandemic crisis and cybersecurity in the OEWG report?

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