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  1. Aug 2022
    1. Agree to and adopt a shared policy on digital privacy that is interopera-ble with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).• Resolve outstanding issues on U.S.-European Union (EU) data transfers.

      US would need to find a way to agree on privacy, data, big tech issues with EU

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    1. Title: Data centres need more space in Frankfurt

      Frankfurt is the major European data hub, with more than 60 data centres covering 64 hectares.

      One of the main reasons for this high concentration of data centres is the proximity of the main Internet exchange hub in Frankfurt, which processes most of the European internet traffic.

      Fast expansion of data hubs triggered reaction of local authorities. In the new urbanist plan, they would like to restrict space for data centres. As you can see from the enclosed article, this proposal triggered a reaction from the German Datacenter Association arguing, among others, that the restriction for the growth of data centres could endanger digitalisation processes in Germany.

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  2. Jun 2022
    1. Alphabet is the fifth-highest-ranking business in the Nature Index, which measures the impact of scientific papers, in the area of life sciences, behind four giant drugmakers and 20 spots ahead of Microsoft, the only other tech giant in the running.

      What is the Nature Index

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  3. May 2022
    1. Data Poisoning is an adversarial attack that tries to manipulate the training dataset in order to control the prediction behavior of a trained model such that the model will label malicious examples into a desired classes (e.g., labeling spam e-mails as safe).

      What is data poisoning?

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    1. Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules Declaration aims to extend the current APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) system worldwide.

      It is also an attempt to address the need for a regulatory framework for the cross-border flow of data. The current CBPR system used by APEC countries has been developed over the last 10 years with an international certification system, standard development, etc.

      The declaration is signed by Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, and the United States of America.

    2. Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules Declaration aims to extend the current APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) system worldwide.

      It is also an attempt to address the need for a regulatory framework for the cross-border flow of data. The current CBPR system used by APEC countries has been developed over the last 10 years with an international certification system, standard development, etc.

      The declaration is signed by Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, and the United States of America.

    3. not just for big, multinational technology companies, but for companies across all sectors of the economy, and for micro, small- and medium-sized businesses, workers, and consumers as well;

      this is an implicit reference to the concern that U.S. is pushing free data flows only for the interest of big tech. These lines refer to the whole of the economy.

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    1. Good visualisation for Diplo's data engine

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  4. Apr 2022
    1. The recently enacted Data Security Law (DSL) and Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) reinforce these risks. Articles 4 and 5 of the DSL state that the effort to guarantee data security must adhere to the party-state’s “comprehensive state security outlook,” and that the “central state security leading mechanism” is “responsible for decision-making and overall coordination on data security work, and researching, drafting, and guiding the implementation of national data security strategies and relevant major guidelines and policies.”1

      need to be analysed in more details.

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  5. Mar 2022
    1. After long negotiations, U.S. & EU agreed to establish Trans-Atlantic Data Security Framework. This framework is designed to facilitate data transfers across the Atlantic.

      This Framework addresses EU concerns about surveillance of EU citizens' data by

      • introducing principles of necessary and proportionate measures of surveillance.
      • companies will have to adhere to the Privacy Shield Principles including 'the requirement to self-certify their adherence to the Principles through the U.S. Department of Commerce.
      • oversight of signals intelligence activities (mainly NSA)
      • an independent Data Protection Review Court that 'would consist of individuals chosen from outside the U.S. Government who would have full authority to adjudicate claims and direct remedial measures as needed;'

      Next is the adoption of the Framework via legal mechanisms in U.S.A. or EU of the Framework. It will be done in the U.S. through an Executive Order.

    2. signals intelligence activities are necessary and proportionate in the pursuit of defined national security objectives

      three elements for surveilance:

      • necessary
      • proportionate
      • in the pursuit of defined national security objectives
  6. Feb 2022
    1. Switzerland intends to further raise its profile by facilitating the creation of secure, reliable data storage and through the Humani-tarian Data and Trust Initiative aimed at data responsibility in humanitarian action.

      Protection of data raised in relevance with the latest breach of ICRC data. Next step is to protect data from technical and legal perspectives.

    2. Cross-border data flows and digital trade

      Data is central for negotiations of e-commerce rules at WTO. One can expect tensions between various uses and regulations of data from public to commercial and personal data.

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    1. into actionable insights to enhance effective governance and coordination.

      It is one platform that provides actionable insights from data https://datasandbox.diplomacy.edu/

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    1. In December America and Britain announced they plan, this spring, to launch a “grand challenge” prize around PET systems.

      Can UN make private and confidential data safe for public use? On 25 January, UN PET Lab was established with the aim to ‘anonymise’ health, private, commercial and other sensitive data to be used for public good purposes. Data will be anonymised and protected via use of so-called privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs). This approach can solve one of the main problems of data era of lack of access to data, in particular on health, for getting insight of interest for citizens, countries and companies worldwide.

      In the pre-launch phase UN Pet Lab experimented with two approaches

      First one is called secure multiparty computation (SMPC) in which data is kept at secure place where they are started anyway. Somebody who needs analysis of this data - e.g. private health data - sends request that is processed on the sidte where data is stored. Results of analysis are sent with the us eof special techniques, in particular, to avoid reverse-engineer that could discover private data.

      Second approach relies on so called “trusted execution environments” consisted of ‘data enclaves’ where confidential data will be executed with utmost privacy and security protection.

      UN Pet Lab will start experiments with trade data which are less controversial. also called “enclaves”, as a form of input privacy. The UN Pet Lab will run a ‘grand challenge’ prize aimed to develop new uses of PET systems.

      ||JovanNj||||aleksandarsATdiplomacy.edu||||anjadjATdiplomacy.edu||||VladaR|| Here are a few interesting developments which we will need to follow on 'data' aspect of our work. For time being I will annotate these types of inputs.


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    1. The Open Data Barometer

      Open data barometer

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  7. Jan 2022
    1. “data fusion”—combining different pieces of information to reveal things that one source cannot capture, including things no human would think to look for.

      Data fusion - a new concept that we may use in our 'lingo' (to sound 'cool')


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    1. Tereza sent me an interesting link on Canvas experiment with using spreadsheet. Our AI team will follow-up on it in order to see if we can use anything from it.

      I found one aspect intereting. Most business solutons, including Tableaux, are too complex. They also start form assumption that users are not intelligent.

      We used spreadsheet intensively in www.diplomacy.edu and dig.watch transition and found it close to basic logic in organising data for which you do not need specialised knowledge.

      Behind our data sandbox is also idea of spreadsheet in displaying and arranging data.

      There is more to be explored in this experiment on the following aspects:

      • what is basic human cognition in terms of identifying mainly causations - e.g. Is it alrady captured in the logic of spreadsheet (X/Y axis)?
      • how to transfer this basic cognition into usable systems used by Diplo and GIP?
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    1. It’s a booming market. OneTrust, a leader in the field, has been valued by investors at $5.3 billion. BigID, a competitor, raised $30 million in April at a $1.25 billion valuation. Another company that targets privacy regulations, TrustArc, raised $70 million in 2019. Yoti, a start-up that provides the kind of age-verification services that regulators are increasingly turning to to shield children from harmful content, has raised millions of dollars since it was founded in 2014.

      There is industry for making regulatory compliance (data protection and privacy).

      It is a potential link to our work with start-ups and businesses (especially small ones).


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  8. Dec 2021
    1. China is strengthening digital regulation via new Data Security Law (DSL) and Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL). Cybersecurity Administration of China also announced new regulation for predictive algorithms.

      It remains to be seen if new regulation will affect big Chinese tech companies as it has been already done via anti-monooly regulation.

      The main question is how data and AI regulation will impact China's ambitious plans for AI developments.

      You can find more information here.

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    1. As the boundary between financial firms and tech companies blurs further, and the value of amassing customer data increases, protecting privacy and security will be paramount.

      Privacy protection is gaining new relevance. ||Jovan||

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  9. Nov 2021
    1. 46

      This para shifts previous balancing formulation on data governance (proper balance between data sovereignty and free data flows) towards more data sovereignty

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  10. Oct 2021
    1. “In addition to upskilling employees, the department is taking steps to onboard new employees who already have the necessary data skills,

      Upskilling and Onboarding


    2. to culture change

      Change of professional culture is the key for use of data in diplomacy

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    1. scientific and data integrity.

      New elements for diplomacy - scientific and data integrity. It will be inevetable tension between diplomacy as art and diplomacy as science.

    2. a holistic approach

      holistic is becoming popular

    3. our North Star t

      ncie use of metaphor

    4. evolving global landscape

      This is on changing geo-political enviornment (first pillar of our methodology)

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  11. Sep 2021
    1. We can do much more to improve international data governance, to promote inter-operability, trust, and security when we transact in the digital environment
    2. There is already much work being done. But we need to give these efforts a stronger push, througheducation, training, and, improving digital skills and literacy across the board; investing in infrastructure, for universal and affordable internet connectivity; and expanding access to data and digital public goods, including open-source software and digital utilities.
    3. There are many questions related to digital transformation. 43. How can we provide fair and secure access to digital data, so that data is not monopolised by the few, leaving the vast majority digitally disenfranchised? 44. How can we encourage a freer flow of data across the world, to promote innovation and inclusive sustainable development?
    1. In the area of digital technology, Japan will exercise its leadership in making rules to advance the Data Free Flow with Trust in order to counter protectionism and inward-looking tendencies.

      making rules to advance the Data Free Flow with Trust

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    1. Yes, and how much wealthier must tech firms get, [Pause]Before we worry about how so few have access to data and knowledge?
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    1. The investigation, which remains confidential, still needs to unveil where the explosive materials came from, why they entered our port, which is really behind them, and if the satellites captured anything at the moment of the blast.We therefore repeat our request to the States, which possess information and data that help the investigation to share them as needed

      not explicitly digital but is related to Beirut port blast, satellite imagery and data gathered by other states.

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    1. Ilya3ansjelançaisleprogrammeExtendedMonaco,pourbâtirleMonacodedemain,plusécologiqueetmieuxconnecté.Jenem’attendaispasàêtreconfortédansmadécisionaussirapidement.Mieuxpréparée,laPrincipautéasumaintenirl’activitééconomique,sesservicessociaux,éducatifsetculturels,mêmeauplusfortdelacrise.Pouryparvenir,nousnoussommesdotésd’uncadrelégislatifadéquat,d’infrastructuresperformantesetd’unehauteprotectiondesdonnées.Maislecyberespaceappelleàlavigilancedetous.Aveclacrisesanitaire,lescyber-attaquescontredesinfrastructurescivilessesontmultipliées,portantatteinteauxprincipesfondamentauxdudroitinternationalhumanitaire.

      Three years ago, I launched the Extended Monaco program, to build the Monaco of tomorrow, which is greener and better connected. I didn't expect to be comforted in my decision so quickly. Better prepared, the Principality has been able to maintain economic activity, its social, educational and cultural services, even at the height of the crisis. To achieve this, we have equipped ourselves with an adequate legislative framework, efficient infrastructures and high data protection. But cyberspace calls for everyone's vigilance. With the health crisis, cyber-attacks against civilian infrastructure have multiplied, undermining the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law.

    1. In March 2019, as the president of the 4th Session of the UN Environment Assembly Estonia led the adoption of a ministerial declaration whereby countries all over the world agreed to create a global environmental data strategy for 2025. The strategy foresees the development of common data standardsand increasing the quality of environmental data. It also aims to foster cross-border data sharing and interoperability, improve countries’ environmental monitoring capacities and improve data analysis methods
    2. To support this process, Estonia islaunchinga global alliance, Data for the Environment Alliance –or DEALfor short –that would bring together countries interested in improving the quality and accessibility of environmental data and developing digital solutions.Since environmental problems are crossingnational borders, we should do away with all borders when using environmental data. The DEAL will launch during the 5thUnited Nations Environment Assembly in February 2022.
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    1. But on the other hand, the world has felt the effects of the misuse of cyberspace, including breaching private domains of individuals and international piracy and the serious threat it poses to the security and stability of the international community. From this standpoint, we reiterate the call for the United Nations to lead the process of unifying the efforts to prevent the misuse of the scientific progress in cybersecurity and regularize these vital aspects according to the rules of international law.

      on the misuse of cyberspace; UN to lead the efforts to prevent the misuse of cyberspace

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    1. Combating such disinformation that creates serious harm to society, while protecting and strengthening freedom of expressionand data privacy in the digital world, is an extremely complex challenge.The lines between freedom of speech, accountability and censorship are thin and fragile
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    1. Too often we get carried away by short-term thinking and the prospect of rapid gain. We need to rediscover asense of anticipation and the awareness that fate may strike at any moment. What will happen next? Scientists work to identify future threats and alert us to them.They also provide us with information and data as elements of thesolution. The proper management of this data is of paramount importance. This is why Switzerland is proud to be hostingthe next UN World Data Forum in Bern in October

      On anticipating risks; Governance of data is important; Mention of UN World Data Forum.

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    1. Nos données sont également utilisées pour influencer nos perceptions et nos opinions.

      Our data is also used to influence our perceptions and opinions.

    2. 45Telle est la vision de mon Plan d’action de coopération numérique: saisir les promesses du numérique tout en se prémunissant contre ses dangers.L’un des plus grands périls auxquels nous sommes confrontés, c’est le pouvoir croissantdes plateformes numériques et l’utilisation des données à des fins néfastes.

      This is the vision of my Digital Cooperation Action Plan: seize the promises of digital while guarding against its dangers.One of the greatest perils we face is the growing power of digital platforms and the use of data for harmful purposes.

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    1. The new "Your Data, Your Rules" section on ProtonMail's front page directly links to a landing page aggregating information about using Tor to access ProtonMail.

      ||StephanieBP||||Pavlina|| It will be legally challenged because it provides support in breaching the law.

      Not a boring time ahead of us.

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  12. Aug 2021
    1. where our personal devices become a radical new tool for invasive surveillance

      Could this happen? Possibly, if we don't control the LEA which tag sexual abuse content. But with global cooperation against sexual abuse, there are commonly shared databases across countries, and it might be harder to LEA of a single country to insert some political content within. Thus, there is some risk, but I think it is overstretched.

    2. Another notifies a child's parents if iMessage is used to send or receive photos that a machine learning algorithm considers to contain nudity

      I understood this is an option that parents can switch on. Anyhow, from Apple's description it is not really an AI that reads the photos, but rather only crypto-signature which is matched with a known database of sexual abuse photos. This is quite different.

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  13. Jul 2021
  14. Jun 2021
    1. Digital Ministers’ Roadmap for Cooperation on Data Free Flow with Trust.

      Do we have this document?


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  15. Apr 2021
    1. Much of the other work involves setting standards for datasets that are not uniform between different entities and provinces. This would allow them to be more easily used on new data exchanges such as the one recently launched in Beijing that aims to allow companies to trade anonymous proprietary data -- effectively a pilot for a national data trading system

      Rules for the governance of data is a key motivation of the Chinese government crackdown on companies. While proposals to nationalise companies' datasets have met criticism, an idea that is gaining traction is the possibility to establish a trading system for data between companies. ||JovanK||

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  16. Mar 2021
    1. While International Geneva continued to host face-to-face peace talks for war-torn countries like Syria


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  17. Jan 2021