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- Jun 2022
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||VladaR|| ||AndrijanaG||||sorina||||Katarina_An|| Here, they use 'diplomacy' only for cybersecurity. they use term cyber diplomacy. Confusion continues.
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The Washington Post Accessibility Statement
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- Dec 2021
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Observers said the implicit message was that the government sees BII as offering an alternative to loans from China, which is estimated to have lent about $1.5tn (£1.1tn) in direct loans and trade credits to more than 150 countries around the globe.
geo-strategic concern
- Nov 2021
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- Sep 2021
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The Least developed countries (LDCs) are the most vulnerable group of countrieseven at the first quarter of the 21stcentury. They should be freed from the dehumanizing conditions of poverty and under development.
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, in building back better, women’s participation in all sectors of society must be at the heart of creating more inclusive, resilient and sustainable communities and societies; with enhanced preparedness to respond to future emergencies
We also recognize that the increasing incidence of violent crime domestically, bedevils our efforts toward achieving sustainable development and the maintenance of the rule of law. Much of this criminal activity derives from the operations of international criminal networks engaged in the illicit trafficking of small arms and increasingly sophisticated weaponry, illegal drugs, money laundering, human trafficking and piracy across our society.
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n recoveringfrom the pandemic, we cannot revert to business as usual. We need to do better, andbuild a greener, bluer,and more equitable and sustainable future.
The goal: build a greener, bluer, more equitable and sustainable future
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Непрекращающиеся попытки отдельных стран навязать суверенным государствам искусственные шаблоны социального и экономического развития, варварская санкционная политика в отношении неугодных правительств, экономический терроризм и возврат мира к элементам блокового противостояния –все это имеет мало общего со справедливым и гармоничным мироустройством, к которому все мы стремимсяуже столько десятилетий.
The incessant attempts of individual countries to impose artificial templates of social and economic development on sovereign states, barbaric sanctions policy against unwanted governments, economic terrorism and the return of the world to elements of bloc confrontation - all this has little to do with a just and harmonious world order, to which we all have been striving for so many decades.
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Mr.President,SaintLuciaiscallingfortheadoptionofaglobalvulnerabilityindexbyinternational institutions.This index should include variables such as vulnerability to adverseweathersystemsandnaturaldisasters,historicaldisadvantagesarisingoutofplunder,colonialismandexploitation,andthevagariesoftheeconomicactivitieswhichsuchstatesdependforsurvival.Such a global vulnerability index would ensure that access to concessional development financeis granted based on criteria that consider the true contexts of our fragile economies, which areconstantlyunderthreatofregression,dueto natural, man-madeorpoliticaldisasters
Interesting proposal by St Lucia, for a global vulnerability index, on the basis of which, countries would have access to development finance.
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Finance against slavery and trafficking, one of Liechtenstein’skey SDGprojects,places a strong emphasis on the social and corporate governance dimensionFASTis a public-private partnership.Embedded in the UNsystem places financial institutions as the heart of the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking in the areas of compliance, responsible investment, and financial innovation.
Mr.president, climate action stands out among the sustainable development goals reflected in the 2030 Agenda, the biggest standard setting agreement of the United Nations in its recent history
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The next step is to take action on these proposals, and Singapore willsupport efforts by the UN to advance our global conversation. So that together, we can make tangible progress on digital transformation for sustainable development.
There are many paths we can take: the Secretary-General’s proposal for a Global Digital Compact, or a new UN convention on digital transformation for sustainable development, or a framework of norms and principles.These options are part of the conversation that we need to have at the global level
There are no ready answers. But we clearly need to have a conversation about a global framework to maximise the opportunities and deal with the challenges posed by digital transformation. 47. The goal is both simple and singular: how can we enhance multilateral cooperation to leverage digital technologies for sustainable development?
To put it differently, if we do not close the digital divide, we will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. That is why digitalisation poses a global challenge that requires a concerted global response.
Digital transformation is not just about new technologies and new hardware.39. Fundamentally, it is about improving livesand empowering people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable.It is about strengthening the resilience of our societies and economies.40. In a nutshell, digital transformation should be about sustainable development.
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it is vitally important not to cease efforts aimed at implementing the 2030 agenda for sustainabledevelopment we reckon that the decisions adopted at the recent un food systems summit will promote the achievement of the sdgs
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The targets under the environment and sustainable development agenda are overdue and can no more be overtaken by events
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Sustainable Development Goals 13, 14 and 15 are of particular significance as they require us, among other things, to improve education and awarenessof-as well as human and institutional capacity on-climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
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The Cuban people are forced to carve out their sustainable development under the burden of the illegal, unilateral economic, commercial and financial embargo.
Belize, like other SIDS, is on the frontline of a climate crisis for which we are not responsible. Belize incurs annual losses of close to 4 percent of GDP due to natural disasters. Therefore, we felt an obligation to put forward an ambitious revised Nationally Determined Contribution.
I wish to propose 4 areas for the reform and strengthening of the multilateral system:We call for a genuine commitment to address the systemic issueswhich undermine the achievement of our agreed development goals. The continued in-eli-gi-bility of SIDS from accessing concessional finance, leaves us in a vicious cycle of disaster or crisis recovery-borrowing leading to unsustainable levels of debt
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We reiterate today, that consideration of our developmental level must be linked to our socio-economic and environmental vulnerabilities. This rationale underpins the basis for a multi-dimensional vulnerability index for SIDSand for the ongoing work by the UN on this matter,as endorsed by the General Assemblylast year.
The pandemic has demonstrated how quickly our development gains can be erodedand that much more needsto be done by the international community to secure a resilient future for the most vulnerable. We must retain hope in our ability to meet the targets for the SDGs, even with adjusted timelines
We believe thatcountries should be supported in theirefforts to build robust and resilient digital infrastructure. Public investments of this sort can serve as a force multiplier in narrowing the gaps that result in inequitable developmental outcomes. Universal, secure and affordable digital connectivity is needed to ensure inclusive and sustainable development. We,therefore advocatefor an increased digital alliance within the global community and support the UNSecretary General’s High-Level Panel on the Digital Cooperation Roadmap.
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We are strongly committed to the implementation of the sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. We are committed to global efforts and will continue to work actively to meet our obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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The continuation of the Corona p andemic, and its excessive p lundering of the gains achieved by states, to reach the sustainable develop ment goals, have shown the extent of intermeshing and interconnect between the various dimensions of sustainability, whereby the issue of climate change and the ecological systems associated with it, were not isolated from global imp act waves
Thisis in addition to the exacerbation of the food insecurity crisis due to the disruption in supply lines, which came as an exp ected outcomeof the severe economic downturn and stagnation, which the world has not witnessed in over 90 years, also the decrease in the services p rovided by educational sectors, p articularly in develop ing and least developed countries, in sucha way that it has become more threatening than ever before, tocause regression in the gains achieved, and writing off the recorded achievementsof the sustainable development goals.
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Millions of students in low-income countries did not have the resources and technologies to join remote learning facilities, jeopardizing decades of gains in enrollment, literacy rates, etc. We need a global plan to prioritize education recovery by investing in digital tools and services, access to internet, and capacity building of teachers.We also call the UN system to rally partnership and resources to make that happen.
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Parallèlement à plus de solidarité internationale et à la réforme attendue du Conseil de Sécurité, la revitalisation des travaux de l’Assemblée Générale et de l’ECOSOC, doit également être menée en vue d’impulser une dynamique nouvelle au sein de notre Organisation.Ces réformes sont indispensablestant elles sont à même d’impacter considérablementla réalisation de plusieurs objectifs de développement durable à l’horizon 2030, y compris la réponse aux aspirationslégitimes des peuples africains contenues dans l’Agenda 2063
reform of the UNSC which are also imp. for sdgs and 2030 agenda
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Les principes et les valeurs de l’ONU //sont aujourd’hui rassemblés autour des Objectifs de Développement Durable //dont chaque pays a fait sa priorité. Ils constituent une plateforme idéale //consacrant notre engagement collectif et sur laquelle //nous pouvons nous appuyer pour réaliser nos actions//en faveur du développement. Dans cette démarche, //et comme l’a montré le rapport de l’évaluation nationale volontaire de mon pays, //présenté en 2020 au Forum Politique de Haut Niveau, //l’Union des Comores s’est engagée sur la voie //permettant d’atteindre les Objectifs du Développement Durable //dans tous leurs aspects
sdgs, collective engagement
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Le Tchad lance, une fois de plus, un appel pressant â tous nos partenaires du Nord pour honorer leurs engagements vis—â—vis des pays vulnérables en vue de contribuer de fa on durable â une meilleure reprise économique post—COVID—19, et â une accélération dans I'atteinte des ODD conformément â la noble ambition des Nations Unies de « ne laisser personne derriére » â I'échéance de 2030.
sdgs, rich to respect their engagements and aid the poor
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he 2030 Agendafor Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreementon Climate Change constitute the centrepiece of our joint efforts. The nexus of humanitarian, development and peace activities has proved efficient.
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Italy is committedto continuingto work to promote the universal valuesof peaceand development, and the protection and promotion of human rights.These are not only atthe core of the UN's action, but they are also the basisof the Italian Constitution, the European Union andthe transatlantic bond.
Economic divergencerisks erasing years of progress in the fight against poverty,making it even more difficult to achieve sustainable developmentgoals.
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We regrettably note that some Member States have relegated to the back burner critical issues of development, giving priority instead to security issues. To move in unison, the international community should strive to advance theglobal development, human rights and security agendas simultaneously.
Lesotho intends to unconditionally lower her net greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by 2030 and to further push for an additional 25% greenhouse gas emission reduction, provided that external support including capacity building is made available to us to cover the full cost of implementing the adaptation and mitigation actions.
As we are heading towards the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Development Countries in Doha, Qatar next year, we only remain hopeful for the consensusadoption of an ambitious new Programme of Action that should properly focus on the Least Developed Countries(LDCs)and above allthat will be geared towards ensuring that the severely struggling are not left behind in achieving the SDGs.
The situation now has been exacerbated by the devastating impacts of the pandemic on sustainable development, with the most vulnerable countries, particularly the landlocked least developed countries such as Lesotho being the hardest hit. These countries therefore require sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 agenda.
Now with nearly nine years remaining, the prospects of the world reaching these forward-looking goals remain on the distant horizon. What is even more worrisome is the Secretary General’s Report, covering the period ended in July this year, which reveals that by the beginning of the pandemic the world was already not on track to meet the sustainable development goals and their targets.
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Lack of effective and appropriate global support for SIDS will have systemic consequences on our progress on practically all Sustainable Development Goals
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But such recovery will be painfully elongated and slow unless there is international support in the form of debt rescheduling, debt service moratoriums, provision of soft resources to reboot economies
Covid-19 has stalled progress on SDGs. Countries need debt rescheduling, debt service moratoriums, and soft resources to reboot their economies
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It is widely believed that the sustainable development goal of eradicating poverty by 2030, by which date the global poverty rate is projected to be 7 percent, or around 600 million people, is already seriously compromised.
More than 4.5 million people have diedbecause of the pandemic, which has worsened the living conditions in this planet. Its sequels andimpact on societies today areincalculable, but it is already known that they will not be ephemeral.It has been so pointed out by the “2021 Sustainable Development Goals Report”, while according to the International Labor Organization forecasts, there will be 205 million people unemployed in the world by 2022.
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And that’s why two years ago I committed that the UK would provide £11.6 billion to help the rest of the world to tackle climate changeand in spite of all the pressures on finances caused by Covid, we have kept that promise to the letter.And I am so pleased and encouraged by some of the pledges we have heard here at UNGA,including from Denmark, and now a very substantial commitment from the US that brings us within touching distance of the $100 billion pledge.
Climate and development assistance
is that the way to fix the problem is through science and innovation
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La pandémie du COVID19 continue à avoir un impact dévastateur sur les populations, au premier chef les pauvres et les personnes vulnérables. Elle a fortement affecté les indicateurs sociaux, remis en cause les progrès vers l'atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable et aggravé l'extrême pauvreté.
sdgs, covid-19 and socio-economic implications, inequalities and poverty
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ans mon pays, le Togo, bien que, l’effet de la pandémie de la Covid-19 sur les investissements publics en faveurdes secteurs sociaux de base ralentitfortement nos efforts à promouvoirle développement humain en lien avecles Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD),la sécurité humaine et le bien-être des populations demeure au cœur de la politique générale du Gouvernement. Cette nécessité guide au quotidien les initiatives sectorielles en donnant la priorité aux groupes les plus vulnérables que sont les femmes, les enfants et les jeunes.
SDGs, human security and well-being of pop are a priority for their gov
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The 2030 Agenda will remain unattainable until all countries have the financial capacity to invest in a sustainable and inclusive future.
As the Global Chair of the LLDCs, Kazakhstan appeals to all UN agencies to work together to deliver on the 2024 Roadmap for Accelerated Implementation of the Vienna Program of Action.
mplementation of the 2030 Agenda and SDGshas suffered a considerable setback. Least Developed countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States –some 91 countries in total –are disproportionately affected by the pandemic given their limited means to respond to shocks and vulnerability to a debt crisis
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Domestic resource mobilisation is crucial to build back better and to reach the SDGs. Fairand effective tax systems are needed–not only to generate revenue, but also to build trust in government.The agreement reached in the OECD on a new framework for international tax reform is an important step forward.
We have anopportunity to dothings right: We must align our efforts with our roadmap, the 2030 Agenda. We must invest in the green transition. We mustinvest in people, women and girls in particular. And we must fulfil the promiseofthe SDGs, to leave no one behind
We knowthe path we need to take–and we have a plan: The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals are the roadmap to the world we want.
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I am proud to saythat Spain and the European Union are leading by example, and represent the bloc of countries with the most ambitious Nationally DeterminedContributions.
Let me be clear on this point: The 2030 Agenda continues to guide us in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The pandemic has dealt a harsh blow to our expectations, but it has also strengthened our conviction that, now more than ever, this is anunrelinquishable and necessary goal.
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his is the only way for us to work better toward the implementation of the Agenda 2030, the goal of which is to promote human development in all of its aspects, particularly gender equality and respect for Human Rights.
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We have a historical responsibility to leave a better world than the one we find, but this is only possible if we take seriously the global transition towards a new ecological, sustainable, inclusive and equitable production model, in line with the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda.
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y country provides leadership to the group of seven plus g7 plus conflict-affected and fragile countries we reiterate the nexus between peace and development and reaffirm our joint court for global ceasefires and the pursuit of peace through national dialogue and reconciliation only then can our nations walk out of fragility into sustainable development why the covet 19 pandemic is universal it has disproportionately affected countries such as ours
the coffee 19 pandemic has disrupted lives and economies constrained development due to repurposing of development finance and the withholding of private capital escalated the threat of climate change food insecurity broaden the inequality inequalities and justice and increased fragilities nations risk not meeting the sustainable development goals and building resilience against future shocks
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Me es grato indicar que durante este primer año de la membresía de Guatemala en el Consejo Económico y Social (ECOSOC), se ha brindado un seguimiento a la agenda de desarrollo sostenible y logrado la articulación de esfuerzos comunes para hacer más efectivo el trabajo de este órgano, bajo nuestro lema: "Desarrollo inclusivo para todos", considerándolo el centro donde convergen los esfuerzos para implementar condiciones que generen el desarrollo que anhelamos.
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i need to emphasize that we needmechanisms for financingso that countries can have accessto and make progress with sustainabledevelopment and protection of theenvironment
How to advance on climate change: financing for countries to make progress on sustainable development and environment protection
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In line with the global development trend and the SustainableDevelopment Agenda 2030,the State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia adopted the “Vision 2050”, Mongolia’s long-term development policy.
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• Nous mettons en place des solutionspour moderniser le réseau de transport en commun de la capitale :le train urbain est en pleinchantier,lestravaux du téléphérique débuterontcette année. • Nousconstruisons également des milliers de logements sociaux pour la population. • La distribution de parcelles de terrain « Titre Vert » pour soutenir l’entreprenariat agricole, ainsi que l’industrialisation de Madagascarà travers l’implantation d’usines de sucreries et de cimenteriessont sur les rails. Notre but est de produire localement tout ce dont les Malagasy ont besoin au quotidien. • Sur le plan social, 2.500.000 personnes soit 500.000 familles ont bénéficié d’un transfert monétaire durant le Coronavirus. • La Première usine de fabrication d’aliments nutritionnels “NutriSud » pour lutter contre la malnutrition infantile sera inaugurée dans une semaine.
National economic development despite COVID-19 pandemic
La Covid19 ne nous a pas empêchée de poursuivre les efforts engagés pour rattraper le retard de développement de Madagascar. • Dans le domaine des infrastructures de santé, notre objectif est d’instauré une santé pour tous. En construisant desHôpitaux et des Centres de Santé de Base dans toutes les régions et districts de Madagascar. • Nous venons de bâtir le plus grand stade de football de l’Océan Indien qui vient d’être inaugurer. Et nous continuons de construire des infrastructures sportives, notamment des stades, des gymnases et une académie nationale de sport de haut niveau. Nous investissons dans le sport, car le sport fédère et unis le peuple. • Nous sommes en train de construire une nouvelle ville : Tana-Masoandro qui sera la vitrine de l’Océan Indien.
National economic development despite COVID-19 pandemic
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the population, has been devastated.This industry, together with small and medium businesses in many other sectors, received Government support through interest moratoriums and other financial sector interventions.Daily wage earners and low-income groups were also supported through grants of cash and dry rations during lockdowns, adding significantly to state expenditure. In addition to their immediate impact, these economic repercussions of the pandemic have limited the fiscal space available to implement our development programmes.
Sri Lanka also needs financial assistance. COVID-19 wrecked its tourism industry, and state expenditure increased to support this industry
This has placed the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals at considerable risk.It is vital that more initiatives including development financing and debt relief be adopted through international mechanisms to support developing nations and help them emerge from this uncertain situation.
Call for funding to help support developing countries in implementing SDGs
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groups of countries do not have sufficient capacity or resources to make a rapid and equitable transition to green energy sources. That will affect their ability to achieve sustainable development goals in the medium term.
Countries that don't have capacity or resources to make rapid transition to green energy won't be able to achieve SDGs in the medium term.
Climate change and global warming, both visible and scientifically proven through the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, are key issues that also limit the course of sustainable development
Climate change limiting the course of sustainable development.
Under the influence of new circumstances, the SDGs need to be seen in a whole new light.
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Mr president,Zambiais aware of the critical role of the united nations in guiding the world to focus on the sustainable development agenda in particular the 2030 agenda for sustainable development has set the tone and benchmarks for countries to incorporate sustainable sustainability in their development policies our new dawn government in zambia is committed to realizing tangible growth and sustainable development while paying particular attention so that this is not achieved at the expense of future generations.
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It is our responsibility to find answers before we hit the wall. The2030 Agenda already gives us theframework we need to achieve this goal.
We know the risks, we must be prepared for them and invest in prevention. We must provide ourselves with the means to achieve this. Research, education and vocational training, especiallyfor girls and women, must be at the hearttodevelop access to knowledge, promoteinnovation and enableaction. More broadly, access to knowledgeand skillsgives us the keys to anticipate and prepare for our future.
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Mon pays a fait sa modeste part en formulant une Stratégie Nationale de Développement Durable en parallèle à la définition de la Vision RCA 2050, qui s'inscrit dans la filiation de sa Lettre de Politique Environnementale, fondée sur un investissement pédagogique et l'instauration d'une justice environnementale équitable.
car actions on climate change and sdgs
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—Staying committed to innovation-driven development. We need to seize the historic opportunities created by the latest round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, redouble efforts to harness technological achievements to boost productivity, and foster an open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory environment for the development of science and technology. We should foster new growth drivers in the post-COVID era and jointly achieve leapfrog development.—Staying committed to harmony between man and nature. We need to improve global environmental governance, actively respond to climate change and create a community of life for man and nature. We need to accelerate transition to a green and low-carbon economy and achieve green recovery and development China will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This requires tremendous hard work, and we will make every effort to meet these goals. China will step up support for other developing countries in developing green and low-carbon energy, and will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad.
China's Global Development Initiative five points: Staying committed to development as a priority, a people-centered approach, benefits for all, innovation-driven development, harmony between man and nature, results oriented actions
Second, we must revitalize the economy and pursue more robust, greener and more balanced global development Development holds the key to people's well-being. Facing the severe shocks of COVID-19, we need to work together to steer global development toward a new stage of balanced, coordinated and inclusive growth. To this end, I would like to propose a Global Development Initiative.--Staying committed to development as a priority. We need to put development high on the global macro policy agenda, strengthen policy coordination among major economies, and ensure policy continuity, consistency and sustainability. We need to foster global development partnerships that are more equal and balanced, forgegreater synergy among multilateral development cooperation processes, and speed up the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.—Staying committed to a people-centered approach. We should safeguard and improve people's livelihoods and protect and promote human rights through development, and make sure that development is for the people and by the people, and that its fruits are shared among the people. We should continue our work so that the people will have a greater sense of happiness, benefit and security, and achieve well-rounded development.—Staying committed to benefits for all. We should care about the special needs of developing countries. We may employ such means as debt suspension and development aid to help developing countries, particularly vulnerable ones facing exceptional difficulties, with emphasis on addressing unbalanced and inadequate development among and within countries
China's Global Development Initiative, five points: Staying committed to development as a priority, a people-centered approach, benefits for all, innovation-driven development, harmony between man and nature, results oriented actions
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mr president we are convinced thatdevelopment must includea comprehensive framework inclusiveof the necessary rightsfor the development of individuals andthe promotion of a life of dignity forsocieties accordingly egypthas adopteda series of economic reform policiesallowing us to implement ambitioussocial programsfor the benefit of the most vulnerablegroups and we have achieved the sdgs ina number of areas across egypt egypt hasalso managed to reduce disparitiesbetween rural and urban areasas we are convinced that the provisionof basic servicesin allparts of the country will promotepolitical and social inclusionby creatingsuitable conditions for the freedom ofthoughtand innovation to allowinnovation to flourish creating moreimpetus forprogress
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