661 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
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And we are alarmed and saddened by recent developments in Afghanistan. In the past two decades, Afghans have seen a significant progress in the human rights situation. Health care systems have been improved and millions of children have received an education. These hard-won gainsmust be protected. We are now particularly concerned about the rights of women and girls, and peoplebelonging to religious, ethnic, sexual and gender minorities.
The decline in democracy and respect for human rights should be of concern to us all. We are seeinggrave human rights violations in many parts of the world. In Venezuela. The atrocities and conflict in Tigray. The deteriorating humanitarian and human rights situation in Myanmar, including for the Rohingyas. To mention a few. We count on the Security Council and regional organisations to play aproactive role.
I am mentioning this because orderly transitions cannotbe taken for granted. And because democracy at work can help reduce the mistrust in and between countries. The kind of mistrustthat the Secretary-General points to in ‘Our Common Agenda’.
Without global trade and investments,we cannot solve the challenges we are facing. Thiswill require job creation, openness, rules-based trade and fewer trade barriers. Free trade creates win-win solutions. Protectionism does not
Domestic resource mobilisation is crucial to build back better and to reach the SDGs. Fairand effective tax systems are needed–not only to generate revenue, but also to build trust in government.The agreement reached in the OECD on a new framework for international tax reform is an important step forward.
We have anopportunity to dothings right: We must align our efforts with our roadmap, the 2030 Agenda. We must invest in the green transition. We mustinvest in people, women and girls in particular. And we must fulfil the promiseofthe SDGs, to leave no one behind
Let us all agree: Financing pandemic preparedness is a soundinvestment–and we all benefit fromthe returns.
There is a glaringinequity in vaccine distribution. Some countries have vaccinated their populations, and are on the path to recovery. For others, the lack of vaccines and weak health systems pose a serious problem. In Africa, fewerthan 1 in20 people arefully vaccinated. In Europe, one intwo arefully vaccinated.This inequity is clearly unfair
We need to reform and strengthen theglobal health architecture to prevent, detect, and respond to future threats. And we need a fully financed WHO playinga central, coordinating role.
The Ocean Panel members have made a commitmentto sustainably manage all of their ocean areas by 2025. That isone third of the world ́s exclusive economic zones.This is a bold target. But our ambition is even bolder:We call on all ocean and coastal states to make a similar commitment by2030.
More countries, especially large economies, need to raise theirambition level ahead of COP26. We are doing our part. Norway's new target is to cut emissions by at least 50 %-and towards 55 %-by 2030.
We must invest in renewables and new technology. We must put a price on carbon. Investors and businesses will rise to the challengeonce the right incentives are in place.
Together, we will work to limit temperature increase to 1.5 degrees, in line with the goal of the Paris Agreement.
We knowthe path we need to take–and we have a plan: The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals are the roadmap to the world we want.
- taxes
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- democracy
- Children's rights
- minority rights
- new technology
- Venezuela
- Tigray
- free trade
- education
- COP26
- Myanmar
- Africa
- Afghanistan
- Our Common Agenda
- Ocean diplomacy
- inequality
- SDGs & Sustainable Development
- Vaccines
- women's rights
- renewable energy
- trust
- Agenda 2030
- international taxation
- climate change
- global trade
- human rights
- Glasgow
- UN Security Council
- vaccine diplomacy
- Health diplomacy
- financing
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Therearenoracial,cultural,historical,oranthropologicalgroundsformutilating freedom. And this is why democracy is the only way forward
Without question, democracy is threatened. We must be aware of this. Democracy is not a gift bestowed upon us; but rather the bounty of a hard-won historicalconquest thatwe must cherishand protect.
Iwould like to assert here today that democracy is the only form of government thatguarantees the defense and protection of human rights and of individual freedoms and that it will continueto bethe compass andthe guiding lightofour action
We must place the rights and freedoms of thousands of women and girls at the forefrontof our priorities, because no society that allows only half of its population to move forward,and purposelykeeps the other halfbehind, is sustainable.
And I would also like to call attention to the plight of the almost 10 million Afghanchildren whose survivaldepends on humanitarian aid, as UNICEF has reminded us
Spain will work with a spirit of commitment and determination to ensure that the next NATO Summit, which will take place in Madrid in 2022, will produce a new strategic concept that affords the Organization the instruments and mechanisms it needs to tackle the challenges of the coming decades.
In this context, one of ever-shifting balances in a multipolar world, the European Union must take on its corresponding leadership role, and it must do so with strength and decisiveness. This has very specific implications, beginning with the need to develop greater strategicautonomy, and tostrengthen oursecurity and defense policy
Since then we have been working together to fulfill the commitments undertaken inthe Declaration on the Commemoration of the 75thAnniversary of the United Nations.We are grateful to the Secretary-General for his efforts in presenting his report on “Our Common Agenda”, and we commit to strive for its fulfillment.
he defense of an international order based on rules and institutions is a strategic priorityof the Government of Spain. We demonstrated this a year ago when, together with the Prime Minister of Sweden, I launched an initiative with a group of countries fromdifferent parts of the globe ready to exercise their leadership to support multilateralism, and strengthen it with specific responses
On December 31st 2020, in the context of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from theEuropean Union, Spain and the United Kingdom came to a bilateral understandingregarding Gibraltar. This understanding must serve to lay the foundations for the future relationship of this territory with the European Union, and we trust that an agreementmay soon be reached between the European Union and the United Kingdom regarding Gibraltar. This agreement must fully respect United Nations’ doctrine regarding saidterritory, with which Spain is fully aligned. It must also respect the legal position of my country as regards sovereignty andjurisdictionconcerning Gibraltar
As regards Afghanistan, we will have to learn to work within this new situation—andespecially with its neighboring countries—to address the humanitarian crisis andprevent greater destabilization in the region. We must not lower our guard before thethreat of terrorism, which already struck a harsh blow during the evacuation missions. Afghanistan cannotbe allowedtobecome anew refuge for terrorists
Fourthly, Spain has not forgotten about the frozen conflicts. This autumn is the 30thanniversaryoftheMadridPeaceConferencewhichbroughttheArabnationsandIsraeltogetherforthefirsttime,givingrisetothepeacenegotiationsthatresultedintheOsloAgreements.Peacetalksmustberesumedsothatprogresscanbemadetowardsthetwo-Statesolution
I would like to highlight that Spain has a new policy for Africa, a continentwithimmensepotential.Wewishto supportAfricansintheirownsearchforprosperityand progress,andarefirmlyconvincedthatAfrica’s progresswill alsobe ourown
his year, major steps have been made towards achieving stability in Libya, a process, which must be led by the Libyans themselves, and which Spain fully supports. Holdingelections attheend oftheyear must bethe goal
sestablishedintheSecurityCouncilresolutions,ajust,lasting,andmutuallyacceptable political solution must be found for Western Sahara. Spain continues to championthecentral roleoftheUnited NationsandwesupporttheSecretary-General’s efforts
wearecommittedtotheMediterranean. We share a destiny adestinythat necessarily must be oneofopportunities,prosperity,regionalintegration,andsocial inclusion withits coastalcountries. To this end we must ensure peace and stability and resolveexisting conflicts
Firstly, we are committed to Latin America and the Caribbean, a region with which we have very close ties. This year is the 30thanniversary of the firstIbero-American Summit, an anniversary in which we must consider both the immensechallenges caused bythe pandemic, and the internal displacement of hundreds ofthousands of people.
Because ecological transition entails radical changes that will have a very directimpact on people,on their jobs, andon consumer habits. This is why we are not only leading a Just Recovery project to overcome the economic crisis. We are also committed to a just transition. This commitment stems from our absolute conviction that this is the most effective way of achieving new levels ofprogress and wellbeing.
By 2030, 74% of the electricity we generate,and 42% of the total energy we consume, will come from renewable sources. And we have just recently approvedan ambitious ClimateChangeand Energy Transition Act
It is also the time for us to agree on a new world framework for the protection ofbiodiversity that goes beyond the goals set for 2020. In this regard, I would like tomention that this year is the 30thanniversary of the Madrid Protocol on Environmental Protection of the Antarctic Treaty. This Protocol represented a major step forward in protecting the Antarcticenvironment and its dependent ecosystems.
One of the main challenges of COP26 is to step up our ambition in terms of climatefinancing and, in particular, in terms of adaptation. We must honour the commitments adopted on the basis of the Paris Agreement and significantly raise the bar for futurecommitments. Spain will contribute to this goal by allocating 30 million euros tothe Adaptation Fund in 2022, and we will work to ensure the success of the GlasgowCOP26.
I am proud to saythat Spain and the European Union are leading by example, and represent the bloc of countries with the most ambitious Nationally DeterminedContributions.
Let me be clear on this point: The 2030 Agenda continues to guide us in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The pandemic has dealt a harsh blow to our expectations, but it has also strengthened our conviction that, now more than ever, this is anunrelinquishable and necessary goal.
Spain believes that the G20 Common Framework can also benefit middle-incomecountries with liquidity problems, in addition, of course, to the more vulnerable low-income countries.
we applaud significant achievements such as the G20DebtServiceSuspensionInitiativeandtheG20CommonFrameworkforDebtTreatments, as well as the International Monetary Fund’s new allocation of SpecialDrawing Rights
We endeavor to fight poverty and exclusion in all its forms, in Spain and worldwide,reforming our development model tomake it more sustainable. That is why wewelcome the historic agreement on international taxation reached at the beginning ofJuly. I call upon each and every country to join this initiative andimplementthe agreementas soonas possible
We seek to guarantee high-quality, inclusive, and equitable education, in Spain andworldwide, and for this reason my country recently announced a new contribution of20 millioneuros to the GlobalPartnership forEducation
I will say it once again: there is no such thing as a purely national solution. If wechampion equality as the guarantee of progress in our societies, we must also do soin the international sphere, following the same principle I mentioned earlier: that offinding commonsolutions for global problems
he Government of Spain has faced this emergency from a very clear standpoint, that of the welfare state and multilateralism. We have agreed historic measures with our EUpartners, and have favored a just recovery defined by the fundamental premise ofleaving no one behind
I would like to underline that patent rights can never be an obstacle to addressing this global health emergency. Therefore, I reiterate my call to resolve bottlenecksinproductionanddistribution,includingapossibletemporarywaiveronvaccine patents and the elimination of obstacles throughout the valuechain
This is the case ofacountryonwhich alleyesarefocused today:Iamreferring,obviously,toAfghanistan
I would also like to announce that we will contribute 2 million euros to UNITAID,responsible for the ACT-Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar, in addition to the 175 millioneuros that Spain has already devoted
Furthermore, we are going to earmark 7.5 million doses of vaccines forSub-SaharanAfrica, and for the EuropeanUnion’s Southern Neighborhood.
Fulfilling the commitment that I announced during the Ibero-AmericanSummit earlier this year, Spain hasalready sent more than 7.5 million doses of vaccines, both throughCOVAXandbilaterally.Oftheremaining22.5milliondosesofvaccines that Spain will be donating in the coming months, I commit to send another 7.5milliondosesto Latin America andtheCaribbean.Because in tough times like these, Spain must stand shoulder to shoulder with the nations with which weshare so much.
I would now like to announcethat Spain will increase its donation ofvaccinations to third countries by 7.5 million doses: Instead of the 22.5 million we had previously pledged, we will donate 30 million, and we will continue to raise this amount as much aswe possibly can.
AndIcallforthedefenseofinternationalcooperationandmultilateralismastheonly way forward to provide real solutions to the challenges that the world isfacingtoday.
I call for the defense of democracy as the sole alternative in the face of anytotalitarian,exclusionary, andintolerantmovement
I call for the defense of robust States, with resources able to guarantee thewellbeing of their citizens according to the values of justice, progress, andequality. We must promote a just recovery,that is capable of closing the vast gap ofinequality
Wearedoingthishand-in-handwithasuccessful vaccinationcampaign,whichhasnow enabled75%ofourpopulationtobefully vaccinated. This amount is in bitter contrast with countries where the percentage of those protected against COVID-19 barely reaches 1% of the population.
But the truth is that, in spite ofappearances, the coronavirus also reinforced inequalities. The poorest regions lacked thehealth infrastructure necessary to stop the spread of the disease, as well as the resources tocreate a social safety netto protect their citizensfroman economic crisi
During the last year and a half, we believed that the whole world was united aroundthese same realities: on the one hand, our fragility in the face of a virus that does notrespect borders, ideologies or social condition; on the other, a spirit of unity andconfidence in science that has led us, among other things, to develop effective vaccinesagainst COVID-19 in an astonishingly short time frame
- terrorism
- Lybia
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- democracy
- economy
- UK
- science
- Post-Brexit
- rule of law
- equality
- two state solution
- Conflict and crisis
- COP26
- Afghanistan
- Our Common Agenda
- Gibraltar
- G20
- Vaccines
- defense
- Western Sahara
- Palestine
- elections
- Medditerranean
- middle income
- international cooperation
- multilateralism
- Israel
- human rights
- conflict resolution
- Antarctic
- Gender equality
- Glasgow
- multilateral diplomacy
- financing
- taxes
- Children's rights
- humanitarian aid
- Covax
- Conflict resolution and mediation
- security
- education
- EU
- Caribbean
- humanitarian crisis
- tolerance
- welfare state
- covid-19
- renewable energy
- SDGs & Sustainable Development
- women's rights
- equity
- inequality
- economic recovery
- Agenda 2030
- international taxation
- climate change
- internal displacement
- Latin America
- Africa
- vaccine diplomacy
- infrastructure
- Patent
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We need far greater engagement and genuine cooperation from international organizations, financial institutions, civil society, business, local and regional authorities, all in service of the common good.
We desperately need ameaningful multilateralismthat gives results to peopleand effective expression to global solidarity.
We place great hope in the regional “C5+” dialogue frameworks with major extra-regional actors. In such partnerships, we emphasize Central Asia’s water-related challenges, including water scarcity, degrading quality and inefficient use. Our region’s water security is inextricably linked with energy, food and environment
In close collaboration with our internationalpartners, we are working hard to eliminate human trafficking, which requires extraordinary globalcooperation.We are a candidate for membership on theUN Human Rights Council for 2022 -2024. If elected, Kazakhstan will strive to make a real contribution to the Council.
For example, I recently proposed applying the recent 30 percent quota for women and youth in electoral party liststo the final parliamentary composition.
Administration has launched four blocks of essential democratic reformsto strengthen human rights, the rule of law, and anti-corruption.
11For example, we have introduced direct election of rural mayorsfor the first time. This will place far more power and control in the hands of more than 40% of Kazakh citizens. We will do the same for district mayors in 2024
At 30 years old, Kazakhstan is alreadya mature and accomplishednation. Over the last few years, we have started shifting from top-down nation-building–which proved extremely efficient during early statehood –to more bottom-up democracy-nurturing. We aim to consolidate our democratic commitment and promote wider citizen engagement in governance
As the Global Chair of the LLDCs, Kazakhstan appeals to all UN agencies to work together to deliver on the 2024 Roadmap for Accelerated Implementation of the Vienna Program of Action.
mplementation of the 2030 Agenda and SDGshas suffered a considerable setback. Least Developed countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States –some 91 countries in total –are disproportionately affected by the pandemic given their limited means to respond to shocks and vulnerability to a debt crisis
Similarly, there is more work to be done against existential biological threats.I proposed last year an International Agency for Biological Safety.
Kazakhstan again urges the nuclear-weapon States to commit themselves to the complete elimination of nuclear weapons by 2045, the Centennial of the United Nations
he acute humanitarian situation should be our first priority. UN agencies and other humanitarian actors must have immediate, safe and unhindered humanitarian access.Kazakhstan has provided a temporary relocation for UNAMA and other UN offices for Afghanistan. We are ready to providea logistical platform for humanitarian aid into Afghanistan, as well as to contribute our fair share.
Afghanistan must continue to adhere to its international obligations and ensure its territory is free of terrorists, drugs, and human traffickers
A consensus-based system must be put in place where groups of different values, or ethnic, religious and gender backgroundcan coexist in the same country.
Turning to Afghanistan, we endorse the UN Security Council’s call for the establishment, through negotiations, of a new Government that is inclusive and representative.
Access to green financing and green technologieswill be critical to this transition, and we look to the upcoming COP26 conference inGlasgowfor clear commitment on these issues.Without ambitious green financing, ambitious climate action is empty
In response, Kazakhstan intends to achievecarbon neutrality by 2060.We are launching a national 2050 low carbon development strategynext month to reduce GDP energy intensity by 50% from 2008 levels
Such a scenario would severely constrain those states who want to trade globally and secure tech-related supplies. Eager to avoid taking sides, they could be forced to form a “Technological Non-Alignment Movement”to mitigate risks at the intersection of technologies and geopolitics
In the meantime, economic recovery is subject to many other “known unknowns”, including technology tensions.
The World Trade Organization is critical to ensuring supply chains for essential medical goods and equitable vaccine access.As the Chair of the 12th WTO Ministerial Conferencethis November, Kazakhstan calls on WTO Members to deliver a meaningful outcome on WTO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.We also need more focused cooperation between governments and the pharmaceutical industry on licenses, technology transfers and technical support
n many ways, the pandemic has exposed our vulnerability and underscored the critical importance of multilateralism and international solidarity. We must “build back”a more equitable, sustainable, and humane world.We must begin with universal and fair access to vaccines.This matter must beresolved as a matter of global ethics and solidarity. The unjust “vaccine gap” is a “gap multiplier”
I will focus today first and foremost on the triple threatwe face together: COVID-19 recovery; the Climate crisis; and the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.
- terrorism
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- Youth
- democracy
- inclusion
- Trade
- rule of law
- equality
- COP26
- Afghanistan
- international obligations
- multistakeholder
- Least developed countries
- green technologies
- digital
- elections
- gender rights
- multilateralism
- human rights
- Glasgow
- Lesser developed countries
- Gender equality
- small island developing states
- UN Human Rights Council
- humanitarian aid
- prohibition of nuclear weapons
- disarmament
- biological threats
- humanitarian crisis
- net-zero carbon
- geopolitics
- water
- covid-19
- technology
- SDGs & Sustainable Development
- Agenda 2030
- landlocked developing states
- biological safety
- climate change
- finance
- equitable recovery
- corruption
- vaccine diplomacy
- Patent
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| would like to reaffirm our country’s commitment to work with our development partners and the international community in general to find innovative, inclusive, and feasible solutions for the current challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
he problem of climate change is an irrefutable reality. While it is felt more frequently and with greater impact in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which include Guinea-Bissau, itisa permanent challenge for all nations. Therefore, our country has developed Climate Change Adaptation plans for the medium and long term and extended our national land and marine protected area system to cover more than 26% of our national territory.
his is the only way for us to work better toward the implementation of the Agenda 2030, the goal of which is to promote human development in all of its aspects, particularly gender equality and respect for Human Rights.
in light of this situation, it is urgent to improve the efficiency of our Organization and to adopt the necessary reforms, in all of its entities, including the Security Council, in order to revitalize the United Nations System in its entirety.
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To this solemn conclave, I declare that the Dominican Republic has shown and will continue to show its due solidarity and collaboration with the Haitian people, but I also reiterate that THERE IS NOT, NOR WILL THERE EVER BE, A DOMINICAN SOLUTION TO THE CRISIS IN HAITI
Part of the text is in capital letters
With the current division among the Haitian leadership, and the dangerous presence of criminal gangs that control a large part of their territory, Haitians alone will not be able to pacify their country, much less guarantee the conditions to establish a minimum of order
Our third and final recommendation for action is on Haiti. Since this government assumed power, we have been making the possibility that the announced Haitian situation could go beyond the borders of that country, influencing as a factor of insecurity in the region. Hence the need for this community of nations to assume with urgency and once and for all, the Haitian crisisas one of the highest priority and permanent monitoring
we are convinced that, at no cost to their governments, multilateral and bilateral financial institutions can grant credit facilities through transparent and accessible, concerted and non-discriminatory mechanisms that help countries in difficulty to quickly regain financial sustainability and access to international financial markets, with preferential rates that are not affected by the country risk index.
The Dominican Republic, as a Small Island Developing State, is one of the countries that emits the least greenhouse gases but is most affected by climate change.Now is the time to promote a global transformation of the economy in line with the levels of development so that the required standards do not impose excessive burdens that result in additional costs detrimental to competitiveness and the production of our goods and services
We are convinced that, in the midst of the current circumstances laden with obstacles, the public continues to demand that we act with courage against corruption and we have been showing this with clear, precise and forceful actions
herefore, for this reasonthe Dominican Republic is a strong advocate of democracy and human rights, which implies strengthening checks and balances to the executive branch, such as an independent judiciary, whose decisions will be widely respected by everyone.
industrialized countries should use these resources to create a mechanism to channel the quotas they have received to middle-and low-income countries, giving them access to concessionary funds.In such a mechanism, multilateral financial organizations would play a keyrole, thus ensuring that these resources reach the countries that really need them
n the interest of maintaining social peace, we are urged to find a solution to the enormous indebtedness that middle-income countries have been forced into to deal with the economic and social ravages generated by the pandemic.There is currently no mechanism for access to concessional financing that allows these countries to solve this liquidity crisis. To overcome this challenge, we are forced to look for new and urgent solutions
In line with our vision of co-responsibility to get out of this pandemic, and having an inventory of vaccines that has allowed it, we have donated in solidarity some 820 thousand doses to countries in our region that need them, convinced that we will only be safe, when we are all vaccinated
This change is only possible from a global and multilateral effort that guarantees the rule of law, human rights and the well-being of all people,leaving no one behind
We have a historical responsibility to leave a better world than the one we find, but this is only possible if we take seriously the global transition towards a new ecological, sustainable, inclusive and equitable production model, in line with the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda.
ndeed, in the face of the pandemic, the climate emergency, the technological revolution and the need to articulate a new paradigm for the welfare state, it is necessary to strengthen unity and cooperation among all nations.
This global community of states faces enormous challenges that can only be effectively addressed through a renewed multilateralism.
- Haiti
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- democracy
- Inclusive finance
- transparency
- security
- developing countries
- covid-19
- technology
- future generations
- SDGs & Sustainable Development
- finance
- climate change
- equitable recovery
- Language and Diplomacy
- multilateralism
- human rights
- corruption
- multilateral diplomacy
- vaccine diplomacy
- small island developing states
- financing
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in the acknowledgement of the wide recognition and broad support by member states for the legitimate aspiration of africa to play its rightful role on the global stage as asserted in the african common position articulated in the erzowini consensus and sad declaration redressing this historical injustice against africa is an urgent priority africa demands no less than two permanent seats with all the rights and prerogatives of permanent members including the rights of veto if retained and two additional assists in the non-permanent category of the security council
we can start to redress these gross imbalances by reaffirming by reforming the security council to make it more broadly representative efficient and transparent and thus to enhance the legitimacy of its decisions syrian recognizes the demonstration of the commitment to instill new life in the discussion on the reform of the security council as the coordinator of the african union committee obtained on the reform of the security council sierra leone is pleased to note progress made
syria notes the remarkable progress made by united nations and member states ondecolonized decolonization we therefore encourage member states to map out fresh approaches for the advancement of the decolonization agenda in line with the mandates contained in resolution 1514.
y country provides leadership to the group of seven plus g7 plus conflict-affected and fragile countries we reiterate the nexus between peace and development and reaffirm our joint court for global ceasefires and the pursuit of peace through national dialogue and reconciliation only then can our nations walk out of fragility into sustainable development why the covet 19 pandemic is universal it has disproportionately affected countries such as ours
in spite of this progress our sub-region in africa are confronted with peace deficit arising from violent extremism piracy and other forces of instability the continental african union and sub-regional ecowas are fully engaged we urge greater collaboration and closer partnerships by the united nations with these bodies and governments to usher in a more success a peaceful sub-region
he climate financing gap remains a key challenge to implementing our mitigation and adaptation measures accordingly syrian joins other least developing countries developed countries in calling for a green climate fund to meet the 100 billion dollars target to support the mitigation and adaptation plans of developing countries
syrian is committed to all global climate action commitments and looks forward to participating in the upcoming un climate change conference in glasgow and in the 15th meeting of the conference of parties of the united nations convention on biological diversity
we will continue to work closely with partners on cyber security digital public good and to call irregular migration of persons
syrian orgies global solidarity on access to justice and remedies for survivors of sexual violence this is building upon our domestic effort against sexual and gender-based violence in that regard i have directed the mission of sridean to the united nations to sponsor a standalone resolution on this issue at the general assembly let this be the year that the united nations we give all survivors of sexual violence the remedy they deserve
international efforts to protect the rights of women get more women workforce ready expand access to resources and promote gender empowerment and equity building resilience and inclusive post-coverage societies involves increasing access to justice in a safe and secure society
throughout the cove 19 period and provided support for vulnerable populations in syria there is greater internet penetration and we are increasing energy access through the country through a mix of sources
urther expand these investments in education technical training higher education and entrepreneurship only then can our young person sees the opportunity to expand the economy innovate and take advantage of four ir technologies and create new possibilities for our nation
hroughout the period of this pandemic our policy of radical inclusion grants tuition-free and safe access to quality education to all learners including pregnant guys parent learners children from poor and rare areas and children living with disabilities coupled with comprehensive school safety measures a revamped curriculum hybrid education technologies credible transition examinations school
throughout the covet period we have promoted the rights to education through creative solutions including nationwide distance learning and hybrid education technologies
mr president we continue to remove threats to democratic freedoms and human rights we have repealed a half a century old seditious libel law no politician or rights activist is imprisoned for expressing his or her beliefs no journalist is imprisoned for the practice of journalism in syria we have abolished the death penalty in our nation
support the most vulnerable of our citizens and communities build strong institutions create more inclusive democratic spaces build infrastructure and ensure public service delivery
we commend global solidarity around the provision of covet 19 vaccines to our nation especially we thank the people's republic of china france the united states of americathe kovacs facility and other multilateral institutions we are ramping up vaccination rates and gaining greater vaccination coverage of our population
mr president in sierra leone through our quick action economic response program we are building fiscal resilience by investing in agriculture human capital development and expanding productivity through economic diversification but we believe our post-covered recovery will be anchored in increased a private sector investments international trade and development financing
the coffee 19 pandemic has disrupted lives and economies constrained development due to repurposing of development finance and the withholding of private capital escalated the threat of climate change food insecurity broaden the inequality inequalities and justice and increased fragilities nations risk not meeting the sustainable development goals and building resilience against future shocks
call among other equally important global matters for prioritizing covet 19 response vaccine access equity tackling poverty and inequality the impact of climate change and promoting gender equality human rights protection and promotion
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- democracy
- digital & energy
- African Union
- Trade
- economy
- Conflict and crisis
- COP26
- rule of law
- Freedom of Expression
- poverty
- digital
- internet
- human rights
- UN revitalisation
- multilateral diplomacy
- Glasgow
- Gender equality
- gender based violence
- connectivity
- digital public good
- Freedom of the Press
- decolonisation
- Children's rights
- education
- Online education
- developing countries
- Violent extremism
- covid-19
- UN Reform
- technology
- inequality
- SDGs & Sustainable Development
- equity
- UN Security Council
- cybersecurity
- finance
- climate change
- Rights of persons with disabilities
- sexual violence
- Africa
- vaccine diplomacy
- infrastructure
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Zambiais implementing various initiatives designed to harmonize the development programming and indeed implementation of economic empowerment efforts targeting women and the youth across the country in doing all of this our aims to eliminate hunger and rural poverty as we know these vices are said to have a face of women and children further Zambiaemphasizes the importance of ensuring that communities have women at every level of decision making as doing so will translate into a discourse that will be inclusive representative and thus more holistic and insightful our government will focus on increasing support for women through a creation of employment opportunities and entrepreneurship programs amongst others we will also focus on increasing access to secondary education for adolescent girls from impoverished households through financial aid and grant schemes
Mrpresident the call for gender equality is now a century-old struggle forwomen to participate equally with men in society as a whole despite realization that women's full and effective participation in all areas of life results in prosperity women are still however involved less in public life and decision making it is important that we continue to demand for the promotion of gender equality while paying particular attention to the rights of women children girls included Indiaand the rights of people living with disabilities for us in Zambiawe will remain committed to the advancement and promotion of women's rights and for the first time
Mr president in the quest for promoting global peace and stability security Zambianotes with satisfaction the entry into force of the treaty on prohibition of nuclear weapons tpnw which became operative on the 22nd January2021. the entry into force of the p of the tpnw is a tangible fit towards advancing the cause of nuclear disarmament on the international stage Zambiaencourages other states that are yet to ratify the tpnw to come on board so that we can continue making advances towards achieving our situations of eradication or eradicating nuclear weapons on our continent
The silencing of guns therefore goes beyond addressing conventional warfare but also in addressing new emerging threats of our century which includes challenges of extremism and international terrorism cyber crime asymmetric warfare prorification of non-conventional weapons and organized crime as an international community we need to continue to work towards or to work together to address the root cause of these global threat through various national regional and global mechanisms
Like many other developing countries,Zambiacalls for closer cooperation and support for capacity to adopt better safer climate changes sensitive and modern methods of increased production and productivity.
Mr president,Zambiais aware of the critical role of the united nations in guiding the world to focus on the sustainable development agenda in particular the 2030 agenda for sustainable development has set the tone and benchmarks for countries to incorporate sustainable sustainability in their development policies our new dawn government in zambia is committed to realizing tangible growth and sustainable development while paying particular attention so that this is not achieved at the expense of future generations.
Mrpresident to complement these efforts Zambiahas embarked on an ambitious economic and social transformation agenda with a view to creating equitable opportunities and poverty reduction for the Zambianpeople especially the youth and the women who actually delivered our election victory in our country.
with this realization our administration will work towards strengthening of oversight governance institutionsand ensure the independence and autonomy of the three arms of government particularly the legislature and the judiciary the fight against corruption will be at the center of our transformation agenda and this shall be expected to be executed with zero tolerance to corruption zero tolerance to corruption we shall also promote free media and an active civil society as they are critical in upholding checks and balances human rights liberties and freedoms
Zambiahas only managed to vaccinate a mere 3 percent of its population. This is again as the country's target of vaccinating 70 percent of the eligible population by the third quarter 2022. This clearly highlights the inequitable access to vaccines developing countries,especially that more than 2 billion vaccines have been administered worldwide
Mr President,the covid-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching social economic impact globally including disturbing trade flows,supply chains,and various economic activities on our continent in the world. In addition to loss of lives,the pandemic increased poverty levels through job losses,stressed health care systems,and we're still the delivery of education to learners. Disruption to the education systems,particularly in developing countries,was in part due to inadequate information communication and technology -ICTfacilities within our countries
he electoral victory of our United Party for National Development, UPND,in the presidential and general elections that were held on the 12August 2021. Iam pleased to inform this august house that the people of Zambiathe republic of the people of Zambiaonce again rose the occasion to usher in a new government through a peaceful election. This has enabled Zambiato further consolidate our democratic credentials,which serve as an inspiration to the Africancontinent, where the outcome of our election was determined by those who vote and not those who count votes.
- terrorism
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- conventional warfare
- prohibition of nuclear weapons
- disarmament
- inclusion
- Cyberconflicts and warfare
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- povery
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- Rights of persons with disabilities
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The Somali Federal government isworking tirelessly to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals with, and for, our people. We are doing thisby successfully confronting international terrorism, investing in basic public services,tackling corruption, and promoting good governance and inclusive politics. We are currently finalising the process of holding free, fair,and inclusive elections with the largest number of Somali electoral participants since the civil war in Somalia. The elections are centred on respecting the rights and wishes of the Somali people including the rights of women and youth to represent themselves within the very political arena that governs them.
The UN remains the foremost multilateral institution for the regular high-leveldialogue and decisions that guide the world’s collective response in today’s most pressing challenges including the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. As a memberstate, Somalia is proud of its contribution to the UN and the strong partnership that exist between the UN agencies and our governmentin Somalia.
n Somaliawe strongly believe in the enduring ability of the international multilateral system to deliver a better world for all. In today’sinterconnected, interdependent,and globalised world, cooperation, strategic collaboration,and good governance are a must. In this brave new world, it is almost impossible for any nation to strive for progress and prosperity alone. It is in this regard that all member states must work closely together to revitalise the United Nation so that it can effectively play its mandated role of connecting us all in navigating the serious global challenges that threaten our common development.
The protection of the environment is an urgent global priority that the Somali government is committed to. Somalia has one of the longest coasts in the world, vast arable land for farming and huge blue economy potential
Recovering from the global impact of COVID-19 is indeed our most crucial single collective priority. There is not one single nation, community or individual which has not been detrimentally impacted. However, we must all understand that this recovery must be anchored oninnovative and sustainable human centred policies and strategiesdelivered in partnership across continents.
It is fundamental to recognise that responding to COVID-19 requires renewed commitment to vaccinations for all. Human safety is the cornerstone of any sustainable recovery from this disastrous health pandemic.
Building resilience through hope, hard work and multi-faceted partnerships is a must for an equitable and holistic recovery from COVID-19.
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In accordance with the fundamental principles of international law, Bulgariacontinues to callfor resolving the crisis in Ukraine on the basis offull and comprehensive implementation of the Minsk Agreements
We condemn the missile attacks on Israel and the unproportioneduse of force in retaliation whilewe fully recognize Israel’s right to self-defense. We are deeply concerned by the violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territorysince the deadly escalation between Israel and the militants in Gaza earlier this year,and the continued loss of life and serious injuriesas reported to the Security Council by the UN Special Coordinator on the Middle East Peace Process.The solution of the conflict between Israel and Palestine through the revival of the Middle East Peace Processhas no alternative. We call on both sides to use maximum restraint, refrain from unilateral acts and provocations,and give a chance to negotiations and dialogueas well as to confidence-building measures. Bulgaria has high appreciation for the work of the United Nations Agency on Palestinian Refugees on the ground,and will continue to support it both politically and financially.
AsanEU Member State Bulgaria supportsEU’s commitment to work with international partners on durable solutions for Afghan refugeesand address the needs of countries hosting large numbers of them.As a sign of solidarity,we took a decision to receive up to 70 Afghan citizens who have worked for Bulgaria, EU orNATO missions,and their families.Bulgaria shares the view that a continued humanitarian engagementin Afghanistan is essential to respond tothe unfolding humanitarian crisis fueled by the conflict, thesevere drought and COVID-19pandemic
We share the grave concern over the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistanafter the Taliban takeover, threatening to jeopardize the political, economic, and social achievements by that country over the past 20 years. The risk to the stability andsecurity extends to the whole region and far beyond. Bulgaria condemned the attacks near the International Airport in Kabul on 26August2021. The attacks, claimed by Islamic State in Khorasan Province, resulted in the death and injuries of over 300 civilians, including women and children, and military personnel. Terrorismin all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.All States must combat terrorism through concerted multilateral efforts, and by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other obligations under international law
severe malicious cyber-attacksexploitingvulnerabilities of our democratic societies.
To maximize our collective response, we must buildresilience. We have to enhance the security of our supply chains, the critical infrastructure, the energy networks, as well as our preparedness for pandemics and natural disasters.
It is vital that we all stand in support and solidarity with the most vulnerable countries and people around the globe, under the guidance of the United Nationsand the World Health Organization. My country, Bulgaria,has joined the efforts to provide vaccines to thosein need by sharing its excess supplies through EU mechanisms and on a bilateral basis
Multilateralismis the key to our future and has no alternative. For Bulgaria,this is a high priority, and wesupport the deepening of EU’s strategic partnerships around the world, as well as its more active engagement with third countries and regional organizations
- terrorism
- Youth
- democracy
- Children's rights
- Ukraine
- Negotiations
- security
- Sovereignty
- humanitarian help
- vaccine diplomacy
- EU
- vulnerabilities
- covid-19
- Israel
- Afghanistan
- Our Common Agenda
- future generations
- refugees
- SDGs & Sustainable Development
- cybersecurity
- Palestine
- climate change
- Rights of persons with disabilities
- CI - Critical infrastructure
- human rights
- hate speech
- multilateral diplomacy
- Gender equality
- Network security
- Security Council
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n order to meet the challenges of the modern age, the UN and its Security Council must show willingnessto changeand implement long overduereforms. As member of the Accountability, Cohesion, Transparency Group, Latvia advocates for greater openness of the UN Security Council.Latviawould stronglysupport the beginning oftext-based negotiationson Security Council reform. The reform should ensure more equitable representation from African, Latin Americanand Eastern Europeancountries
A new generation has grown up in the last thirty years. In Latvia, like elsewhere, youth are deeply concerned aboutthe climate crisis and about disinformation.
Our experience in strengthening statehood, rule of lawand good governance lets us better understand similar efforts elsewhere. 49.Latvia has also madea practical contribution to global peace by sending 158 experts to participate in 8 international missions and operations around the world. We are determined to continue to contribute to peace-building processes by actively participating in the UN Peacebuilding Commission in 2022.50.Latvia has shown that it can effectively contribute to solving global security challenges. Therefore,Latvia aims to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in the term 2026-2027
Meanwhile, Russia's military intimidation campaign against Ukrainecontinues. This confirmsthe need for the international community to support Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. 45.Latvia sees the newly established International Crimean Platformas a valuable format for keeping the issue of Crimean de-occupationon the international agenda. We call for the widest possible engagementof the international community in the Crimean Platform.Furthermore, the frozen conflicts in the Moldovan territory of Transnistria and the Georgian territories of Abkazia and South Ossetia, should be solved in accordance with international law, with full respect for the territorial integrity of Moldova and Georgia.
New tragedies in Afghanistan are now unfolding before our eyes.Taking into account the latest developments, we are especially concerned about the security of Afghan women and girls.38.The rights of women and girlswill be high on our agenda as Latvia serves as the Vice-Chair on theBureau oftheUN Commission on the Status of Women for the next two sessions.
Morethan ever, human rightsneed to be a strategic priority for the UN.36.Over the past year, we have witnessed negative developments inregard tobasic human rights and security issues, for examplein Myanmarand Tigray
Withregardtothe UN Sustainable Development Goals, we are especially committed to promoting peace, justice and good governance. 33.It is good governance that is crucial for respect for all human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law
There is a need to make greater use of innovative technologies for the prudent and sustainable use of natural resources. Latvia continues to expand its experience of sustainable forest management using digital technologies.
There is an urgent need to reach our common goals on the environment, climate change and renewable energy.27.The COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow later this year will be an important milestone.
We must also ensure that the digital transformation is inclusive for all countries and all people, bridging the current digital divide. 23.Another important aspect for Latvia is the preservation of linguistic diversity and the use of small languages in the digital age. Latvian digital technology companies are developingahigh-quality machine translation program for small languages.This will help to safeguard linguistic diversity in the digital age.24.Latvia is alsoproud of the project "RigaTechGirls", which offers better digital skills and opportunities to women. We are happy to share this experiencewith others through the UN system.25.Latvia supportsthe UN Technology Facilitation Mechanismto identify how science, technology and innovation canbestcontribute to deliveringsustainable development goals.
n recent years we see innovationswhich,through global social platforms and increasing use of artificial intelligence,make it possible to influence and manipulate human thoughts and actions more effectively. 19.Thus, human autonomy, the free will of the personality is endangered. The main challenge for the democratic world in the coming decades will be whether artificial intelligenceor humans control decisions.
At the same time, we must bearin mind that digital transformationand artificial intelligenceposes new risks.Also, security threats in cyberspace are increasing.16.Therefore, in parallel with technological developments, we must work actively to define new legal principles. 17.On the one hand these principles should help us make the best use of opportunitiesand, on the other, to avoid risksand damage to human rights and freedoms.
Latvia was one of the first countries in the world to develop several digital solutionsimportant for a sustainable responseto the pandemic.
At the global level, combating disinformation effectively requires even closer understanding and cooperation in international organizations. Latvia was one of the initiators of the UN General Assembly resolution on the promotion ofmedia and information literacy at the global level adopted this year
Combating such disinformation that creates serious harm to society, while protecting and strengthening freedom of expressionand data privacy in the digital world, is an extremely complex challenge.The lines between freedom of speech, accountability and censorship are thin and fragile
This crisis has highlighted the need to continuously strengthen the resilience of countries and societies.COVID-19 highlighted the vulnerability of our societies to all kinds of disinformation. 7.Latvia's response to combating disinformation is based on strengthening public resilience-by raising awarenessof disinformation; strengthening independent and pluralistic media; the involvement of civil society; and teaching media literacy.
Latviaprovidessupport to increase the availability of vaccines worldwide. Latvia has sent vaccines to its closest neighbours, as well as friends in Africa andAsia, and we plan to continue to share vaccines,including through the COVAX mechanism
- Youth
- international law
- inclusion
- AI
- rule of law
- COP26
- Afghanistan
- Freedom of Expression
- Environmental diplomacy
- digital
- Georgia
- language
- gender rights
- Russia
- human rights
- good governance
- Glasgow
- Privacy and data protection
- Gender equality
- Science Diplomacy
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- ethics
- civil society
- AI regulation
- Digital & climate
- legal principles
- disinformation
- peacebuilding
- Ukraine
- security
- Tigray
- Sovereignty
- covid-19
- UN Reform
- Moldova
- digital transformation
- territorial integrity
- SDGs & Sustainable Development
- digital literacy
- myanmar
- climate change
- Digital & environment
- media
- vaccine diplomacy
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- democracy
- international law
- Ukraine
- Lithuania
- cyberattack
- immigration
- humanitarian crisis
- Sovereignty
- Latvia
- rule of law
- COP26
- human rights activists
- two state solution
- covid-19
- Israel
- Security council
- Belarus
- renewable energy
- UN forum
- Palestine
- climate change
- Nord Stream 2
- elections
- self-determination
- Russia
- human rights
- Human Rights Council
- vaccine diplomacy
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his new Global Contract has a name,and it views development as something circular, something to share, invest and fund, not to accumulate. The New Global Contract makes welfare a circular good. That route designed by Humankindto achieve this new Global Contract is called the 17 Sustainable Development GoalsAgenda. I hope that history will remember this time, its people, and its leaders, especially the most powerful and hence most responsibleones, such as those who took this route and gave Earth a new opportunity
New global contract
We cannot fail to honor our international commitments to the women and girls of Afghanistan.We cannot remain silent when the new regime does not allow girls to have an education. Educating girls today isthe key to empowering the leaders of tomorrow.
We reiterate, as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, did a few days ago, our deep concern about the human rights situation in Nicaragua. We are concerned about the imprisonment of political opponents, journalists, and students. We call for democratic institutions, respect and promotion of human rights, freedom of expression, and the press to have the proper conditions in that brother country
nterdependence makes us advocate for peace and reiterate our desire for a world without nuclear weapons. Therefore, we call on countries to join the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which has already reached 55 ratifications (86 signatories).
The Bicentennialcelebrationof Costa Rica ́s Independence has reminded us of that reality of interdependence. An interdependence that makes us look back and support Haiti in these challenging times as the first country in the Americas to end slavery .41.That same perspective makes us raise our voices to stop unilateral measures contrary to international law which affect the Cuban people and demand that the exercise of the fundamental rights of every Cuban citizen be respected
new Global Contract into practice
Calling for new global contract
We also make a call to stop oil exploitation and exploration, and for this reason, together with Denmark, we are launching the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance, BOGAfor its acronym in English
For this reason, the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, led by Costa Rica, France, and the United Kingdom as co-leader for the Ocean, is a nature-based solution that aims,by 2030, to protect 30% of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems of the planet. It also aims to avoid exceeding a global temperature increase of 1.5º Celsius and promote the protection of the Ocean. More than 70 countries have joined this initiative, and I invite other States to do soas well.
We must be ambitious in the objectives to be achievedin the next COP,and it is imperative for the survival of Humankind.
We must have positive ambition towardsthe planet ́s future. The three United Nations Conventionson Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Desertification are still one reality of a planet that must stop its warming, preserve life and ecosystems, and protect and restore the lands where food is grown
I dream of an agreement between the United States and China, an agreement facing the world, not focusing on competing but cooperating to pushthe world forward. A world that largely depends on the determination of the leaders, particularly the G-20, which I call to action so that we can understand the interdependence between self-interest and solidaritywhich are,as of today, two sides of the same coin
These would be long-term loans -40 years-at fixed rates to provide extraordinary funds to countries with economic limitations and allow them to respond to the crisis and stay on track to meet the 2030 Development Agenda and the Goals of Sustainable Development (ODS).
In the context of its Pro-Tempore Presidency of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Costa Rica has proposed the creation of the Fund to Alleviate the COVID-19 Economy (FACE). This is an extraordinarysupport fund of nearly half a trillion dollars, funded by 0.7% of the Gross Domestic Product of the largest and most robust economies in the world -those representing80% of world GDP -, to be intermediated by multilateral development banks, as concessional loans to developing countries
Creating a $650 billion fund in Special Drawing Rights is a step in the right direction, but it is not enough. More than 40% of this amount is allocated toalreadyrich countries, andonly 1%of those resources have been allocated for the people of developing countries.
Costa Rica, the World Health Organization and dozens of countries, proposed the C-TAP,
The pandemic is also an opportunity to build a better worldandpromote economic and social recovery that generates sustainable, green, inclusive, and resilient societies adapted to technological and digital transformations.
However, to go beyond that and fight for our future and the future of our youth and children, the human will must set a course of action,not mere wordsor callsto action, but concrete commitments, with responsibilities and quantifiable changes in their impact, and qualitative ones intheir ethics
Ironically, the countries that have low-carbon emissions, such as the island states or myownregion, Central America, are most affected by climate emergencies. The extreme weather effects result in migrations andcause the developing countries to borrow so as to cope with adaptation and reconstruction
We have reviewed the recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In the worst-case scenario, if noimmediateaction is taken, and emissions continue to grow at the current rate, by the end of this century, the planet's temperature would increase by 4.4 degrees Celsius, and consequently, the strength and frequency of extreme events
The inequality is abysmal and tragic. The solidary idea which resulted in COVAX has nothad the necessary impact, and the access to vaccines is absolutely unequal. 6.Costa Rica advocates for the COVID-19 vaccines to be available to all the world population as a global public good. The COVAX promise must be fulfilled anddeveloped countries can make it happen.
Leaving no one behind: this moral and action compass exists in relation to the most vulnerableonesand to everyone ́s interest, because we are a single interconnected and interdependent macrosystem.
We will only be strong and prosperous aslong as the world's most vulnerable ones are as well. 2.This concept is not a romantic vision of multilateralism. On the contrary, it is a reality that we see, over and over again, in the face of challenges. We are safe as long as the most vulnerable ones are safe
- international relations
- prohibition of nuclear weapons
- slavery
- Nicaragua
- Human rights
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- China
- social contract
- UK
- vaccine diplomacy
- developing countries
- equality
- covid-19
- digital transformation
- G20
- US-China
- future generations
- France
- renewable energy
- SDGs & Sustainable Development
- development
- cop26
- finance
- climate change
- Aghanistan
- Gender equality
- human rights
- Glasgow
- Interdependence
- Denmark
- ethics
- nuclear proliferation
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First topic: Covid 19
Instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past,
Reference to Afghanistan
I know this: As we look ahead, we will lead. We will lead on all the greatest challenges of our time — from COVID to climate, peace and security, human dignity and human rights. But we will not go it alone. We will lead together with our Allies and partners and in cooperation with all those who believe, as we do, that this is within our power to meet these challenges, to build a future that lifts all of our people and preserves this planet.
Repeating one more time at the end of the speech that US sees itself as a leader, working with allies
We must choose to do more than we think we can do alone so that we accomplish what we must, together: ending this pandemic and making sure we’re better prepared for the next one; staving off climactic climate change and increasing our resilience to the impacts we already are seeing; ensuring a future where technologies are a vital tool to solving human challenges and empowering human potential, not a source of greater strife and repression.
Strong inspiring language at the end of the speech, again reiterating the three topics - covid, climate, emerging technology
The founding ethos of the United Nations places the rights of individuals at the center of our system, and that clarity and vision must not be ignored or misinterpreted. The United States will do our part, but we will be more successful and more impactful if all of our nations are working toward the full mission to which we are called. That’s why more than 100 nations united agai- — around a shared statement and the Security Council adopted a resolution outlining how we’ll support the people of Afghanistan moving forward, laying out the expectations to which we will hold the Taliban when it comes to respecting universal human rights.
US positioning itself as the leader in human rights, especially in relation to Afghanistan. May be language to support US rejoining HRC, especially with the text following running through human right abuses, need for equality, etc.
As we pursue diplomacy across the board, the United States will champion the democratic values that go to the very heart of who we are as a nation and a people: freedom, equality, opportunity, and a belief in the universal rights of all people.
US positioning itself as a leader in the global discourse
- international relations
- Emerging technologies
- climate change
- language
- human rights
- vaccine diplomacy
- covid-19